neoglowratz · 3 days
just a kind reminder to please be kind to the people you know with gastrointestinal disorders/conditions! they're embarassing, often very painful - sometimes debilitating - and very hard to talk about without oversharing a lot more than most are comfortable with.
if someone you know:
- spends a lot/long time in the restroom
- has a colostomy bag
- requires diapers or similar implements
- experiences a lot of gas and/or bloating
- requires tube feeding or other alternative methods of nutrition
- has food restrictions (e.g. cannot handle a lot of spices, certain proteins, etc.)
- eats a lot, or only a little
or other similar factors of their life...
please be patient and understanding, it's hard having guts that really like disagreeing with you!
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neoglowratz · 11 days
sometimes i forget we have cult trauma
and then i have a ptsd nightmare and go oh yea that shit happened
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neoglowratz · 12 days
are people with NPD really abusers or are you projecting your trauma onto mentally ill people?
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neoglowratz · 14 days
NPD crash + BPD splitting culture is Turbulent by Waterparks
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neoglowratz · 14 days
I don't understand how USAmericans don't appreciate possums more, what do you MEAN "vermin" what do you MEAN you run them over on purpose. What the fuck is wrong with you
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neoglowratz · 15 days
personally lying to everyone sounds exhausting but i can definitely go look in the mirror, thats like one of my favorite past times
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neoglowratz · 15 days
Lets talk about how easy it is to abuse a narcissist.
Someone who's sense of worth is so fragile and dependant on the external is incredibly easy to manipulate and have power over. Someone who experiences being wrong as a threat to their entire being is less willing to admit they are being abused and leave. DARVOing is so much easier when society has decided your victim is the monster and inherently abusive themselves. The reactions of a narcissist to being abused can be of the kind that makes it easy to be labelled as "mutually abusive" (which is a myth, by the way, it is self defense)
There is no reason to think "mentally ill people are more likely to be abused than abuse others)" does not also apply to narcissists.
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neoglowratz · 15 days
reblog to kiss a narcissist on the mouth (with passion)
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neoglowratz · 15 days
personally id rather not have control over perceived reality
idk that just seems like a lot more work than most people are worth
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Remember, a narcissist's ultimate goal is total control over your perception of reality. Being around someone who has a vested interest in making you feel crazy will never be good for your mental health. Gaslighting is part of the abuse. Chronic gaslighting can cause psychosis.
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neoglowratz · 15 days
man when i see all those posts about how to manipulate and hurt narcissists and such all i can think of is:
yall need to stop abusing your narcissists, if theyre actual narcs they just want attention, go give them a kiss instead duh
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neoglowratz · 15 days
im a narc and im recovering from the abuse i lived through so im gonna use the gosh diddly darn narc abuse recovery tag for shits and giggles
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neoglowratz · 15 days
dear people who believe in ‘narcissistic abuse’,
count your days.
this is a threat.
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neoglowratz · 15 days
I got a pumpkin muffin, incidentally that's what the bitches call me because I'm such a fucking sweetie.
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neoglowratz · 17 days
new headcanon
evan rosier is a lesboy
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neoglowratz · 17 days
the peak of my art career
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neoglowratz · 21 days
sick of egotypicals i think we should just kill them
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neoglowratz · 21 days
NPD culture is 'nobody has payed attention to me in an hour, I will go insane'
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