equiusponyboyzahhak · 7 hours
"contract grading" "only 4 absences or you drop to an F" "in this class we will be teaching about disabilities. attendance is mandatory and i do not accept late work" "please respond to at least two of your peers in this discussion post" "people with autism need time to decompress in a classroom environment. your class is four hours long with a 7 minute break." "we like to let students learn the way THEY want to learn. please buy our 150 dollar textbook."
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humanising a machinegirl by treating her like a person: based
"humanising" a machinegirl by turning her into a generically pretty waify anime girl: killing you with a hammer until you are dead
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some people think writers are so eloquent and good with words, but the reality is that we can sit there with our fingers on the keyboard going, “what’s the word for non-sunlight lighting? Like, fake lighting?” and for ten minutes, all our brain will supply is “unofficial”, and we know that’s not the right word, but it’s the only word we can come up with…until finally it’s like our face got smashed into a brick wall and we remember the word we want is “artificial”.
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Today i was told an 18 year old came in for an interview and "she just straight up asked how many sick days she could take in a row! You cant just ask that!" And all i thought was wow. Based. Please keep shaming interviewers like this kids, it rules
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hey want to see something that will make you yearn for the grave
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incredibly terrifying that iof defense minister released a statement just a few minutes ago saying that the iof is going to switch strategies and turn their "resources and forces" up north. a second wave of pager explosions happened just a few hours ago, with at least 3 dead.
within Palestine, North Gaza has always been the area affected most by iof's siege that blocked access to food, clean water, and medical supplies (such as fuel, electricity, and operating equipment). there has been an airstrike at least once every 3 days for the past 11 months. iof in recent months have taken to targeting densely populated refugee camps and family homes that are still standing, specifically targeting civilians.
I dread to think what will happen to North Gaza now that iof made clear they will be redirecting most of their forces into the region. The road to relocate to central parts of Gaza or even the southern parts are extremely dangerous and transportation has become extremely expensive.
now more than ever North Gazan families need your support. I ask you all to donate what you can spare for Hazem's family (vetted), who's only received €200 in the past 12 hours. Please help, there are 5 young children in this family who still haven't received the polio vaccine and at high risk of infection.
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Stickers seen around NYC in the days after cops opened fire in the NYC subway, shooting a fellow officer, two bystanders, and an alleged "fair evader" they were attempting to apprehend.
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oh no im wearing a skirt and i stepped over this vent in the sidewalk thats blowing air and my skirt billowed out and lifted me up into the air and i glided over the city and everyone saw my hoo hoo
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equiusponyboyzahhak · 11 days
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equiusponyboyzahhak · 11 days
a few years ago, i made a flowchart for my partner in order to convince them to leave a pathfinder group that was actively making their life worse. today i revised my original chart to convince a friend to leave her d&d group that is actively making her life worse.
here is the chart. i promise its utility is not only with tabletop RPGs but it does have a high hit rate for those
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equiusponyboyzahhak · 11 days
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equiusponyboyzahhak · 11 days
the one experience that unites all 90s and early 2000s kids is experiencing at least one work of fiction with a deceptively adorable illustration of cute animals on the cover who live in societies with an established political system, hierarchy of leadership and culture and are driven from their homes by human activity and/or engage in violent conflicts with other animals in similar communities that lead to many of the characters’ brutal deaths, which are described in graphic detail and which left you briefly emotionally traumatized by being confronted with the concept of your own fragile mortality before you were 10
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equiusponyboyzahhak · 11 days
the death of dvds is so fucked. what about bonus features
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equiusponyboyzahhak · 11 days
after 2 years working outdoors all day i finally got stung by an onion for the first time yesterday and i wasnt even doing anything there wasnt even a nest nearby
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