paeansung · 7 years
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paeansung · 7 years
Send ❂ for a like headcanon.
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paeansung · 7 years
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    ah! she was surprised to see it fly up into the air. time seems to slow down around her, at least for her personally, and using her tiny stubby legs she pounces off the ground and opens her jaws, the piece of bread in her sights. however, she was unable to catch it, and ended up falling onto her back. she thrashed her paws like a rolley polley, helpless on its back. “ help!! “ she cried, blue eyes staring at the other, pleading.
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oh god, he shouldn’t want to laugh. he shouldn’t want to laugh. Eli covers his mouth with his free hand, trying to cover the ill-timed grin, before coruching down to turn the poor little thing over, off onto her feet. (she kind of looks like an upended turtle) “Better?” He asks, and holds a chunk of the break out for her to eat on her own. Better not leave it up to fate - or stubby dog legs. 
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paeansung · 7 years
tumblr keeps recommending me otto’s blogs 
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paeansung · 7 years
there must be sunshine in your veins, for how else could your smile burn so bright?
a.c (via mhythology)
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paeansung · 7 years
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written by prez.
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paeansung · 7 years
               NYA  ,     SUP   ?         ♡               phoenix   here   with   a        new         independent      highly         selective  +   private         jack   frost    from      rotg        ♡              this    blog    is    mutual    exclusive  ,            headcanon    influenced        and         canon    divergent .              please      support       a    guardian        &         spread    the    word .          like   +    reblogs    are    highly    appreciated    !        i’ll    check    y’all   out   !     MWAH  !     ♡  ♡  ♡     
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paeansung · 7 years
all i want in life are dedicated rp partners who i can also be friends with u kno? like damn, u got drama w ur friends?? i wanna kno all about it. u cant sleep??? hmu!! ur bored & wanna pick up 15 more charas? im down let’s make a mumu of everyone u’ve ever wanted to play! idk i just need this so,, hmu ig. im just tired of ppl ghosting after one reply or deleting without saying anything. like yall,,,, let’s just be friends & have some courtesy 
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paeansung · 7 years
aka the ‘verse breakdown. 
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prince apollo elias karahalios of phobeus (eli, please) is one of many, many princes in line for olympia’s throne. though technically the provincial lord of the region phobeus, it has since been proven to him that phobeus’ government is best left as it is: a democratic republic, untouched by the ruling family, and generally better off without the touch of meddling royalty. 
of course, tragedy strikes at the worst time. as the son of one of the emperor’s many concubines  — particularly, the son of leto, a priestess from the province of delos  — that leaves him, his sister and his mother open to attack from the empress, queen hera, formerly of the province argos. hera, quick to anger, and vindicated by her husband’s taking of so many concubines, struck out at all of the emperor’s favored illegitimate children and concubines at once, banishing them from olympian lands. 
formerly prince apollo, now eli karahalios, eli wanders olympia and her surrounding territories. it’s a bit of a relief and a shock, to have lost his lands and his crown, but the biggest loss comes from that of his mother and sister. scattered to the winds, eli searches for his mother and sister, who hera has hidden from his sight, and hopes to see them again. 
 class: olympian prince/phobean lord  — light lord
a cleric skilled in both bow and light magic. draws power from the sun. 
a sage noble with expertise in both bow and light magic. draws power from the sun and stars. 
inventory: sun festal, aureola, shine, steel bow, elixir, strange amulet 
sun festal  — a healing rod meant to embody the season of summer. aureola  — light magic tome. one of the eight legendary weapons of elibe. used to belong to leto, eli’s mother. now belongs to him, though he cannot wield it yet.  shine  — light magic tome. intermediate level. eli’s main tome. steel bow  — a sturdy bow.  elixir  — healing potions brewed over a moon cycle, and imbued with lunar and solar energies. intermediate healing.  strange amulet  — an amulet once belonging to leto, a priestess of the divine dragon’s faith. passed on to eli when he began his training as a cleric. perhaps it possesses unknown powers. 
fc: titus alexandrius, magi. 
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paeansung · 7 years
“ I love the sound of trains, don’t you? ” //michio
people are pretty nice!! 
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“Huh?” Eli stops rocking back and forth on his feet, turning to look, half-smiling at the man next to him. “Oh — oh, trains!” He says, recognition dawning across his face as the words register. Eli smiles at the man again, wider and more true. He looks only a few more years “older” than Eli appears to be, if not a little more exhausted than Eli himself. 
“Yeah,” Eli says, nodding to himself. “They’re pretty cool, unless they’re waking me up in the middle of the night.” 
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paeansung · 7 years
“ Let me help you with that —”
people are pretty nice!! 
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“Ah, geez — ” Eli fumbles for a moment with the eggs, before soft hands catch them as they begin to slip from his grip. First time actually shopping for groceries in what, two weeks?, and he’d nearly managed to make a first-class disaster out of the refrigerated isle and a carton of on-sale eggs. 
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“Thanks for that!” He smiles sheepishly, gently tucking the hard-earned carton into his shopping basket. “I seriously owe you one. Dunno what I’d have done if I’d dropped those eggs.” Died of embarrassment, probably.  
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paeansung · 7 years
the kindness of strangers.
something to toy around with for those sweet, sweet first interactions ! neat and awkward ice breakers all around!
public transport
“ Is it okay if i — sit here? ”
“ Excuse me? Could you scoot over?
“ Hey — do you need to sit? You can have my seat”
“ You shouldn’t be forced to stand, I’ll move over for you ”
“ Are you traveling far ?”
“ Where are you heading? ”
“ I love the sound of trains, don’t you? ”
“ Oh, sorry…. My name is _____ ”
“ I have only see the sea from a window… ”
“ I’m fetching a snack, would you like me to bring you anything? ”
“ That baby is really annoying, isn’t it? ”
“ I’ve been here for… two – three hours? A few more to go. ”
“ Nothing beats the bus, trust me. ”
“ Did we — pass — Oh fuck. ”
“ Hey? We are at a stop now — are you getting off? ”
“ Hah… yeah you — fell asleep. ”
coffee house
“ I think we — switched orders ”
“ I’ll pay for you — don’t worry, I’ve forgotten my wallet too. ”
“ I’ve had coffee here… would you recommend something? ”
“ Do you need help with your tray? ”
“ Wow, hold — let me clean the table for you! ”
“ Is your name always spelt like KittyKittyNya or is Starbucks out to get you?”
grocery store
“ Let me help you with that —”
“ Could you help me for a second? ”
“ Sorry, did you want this? ”
“ Pardon, could you show me where the ____ is? ”
“ Quite tragic isn’t it? I mean — The news… ”
“ Do you ever wonder if out vegetables truly are organic? ”
“ Is it just me or have the prices gone up lately? ”
“ Sorry but… you wouldn’t happen to know how to cook ____ ?”
“ No way… you like those too? ”
“ Oh no — No no no, I am so — so sorry!”
“ You took my cart my accident! ”
“ Wait — this isn’t my cart is it —- Oh my god, I am so sorry!”
the gym
“Woah there — are you going to lift that on your own?”
“Would you like some help with that?”
“Hey, my partner is out — could you be my support?”
“How long have you been working out?”
“Want to work out together? I could use some company.”
“You are doing it wrong — let me show you.”
“Shit — are you okay? That looked painful!”
“Wow, this is… really awkward, but could I borrow some soap?”
“Is this your bag? I found it last week?”
“Did I just — ? Oh shit, I thought it was my water bottle; sorry!”
stood up date
“Hey… are you okay?”
“What? They stood you up?”
“I can’t let you sit on your own; let me wait with you?”
“Wanna ditch this place and take a walk with me?”
“Would you like me to call you a cab? or call… someone?”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to — pity me.”
“Hey… are you — crying? What happened?”
“It’s fine, I’m… waiting for someone.”
“I’m still waiting — they are just… a little late!”
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paeansung · 7 years
psa. I want a passionate ship — a ship that has heart stopping angst, that allows your muse to pin mine against a wall and make out with them if they have the desire to, that makes me make the most inhuman noises when they are even close to one another, that let’s the muses just let their development fly and soar to new levels everyday, that will make me yell at you forever and ever for making me ship them more and more. I want that type of ship.
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paeansung · 7 years
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paeansung · 7 years
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pls give eli friends && like this for a starter?
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paeansung · 7 years
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quick doodled eli
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paeansung · 7 years
My arms wrapped around you, our legs tangled in a blanket, and my head resting on your chest, listening to your heart beat.
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