equiverse · 1 year
End of September Updates
We have a bunch of updates for you today!
Art Updates Colorful splint boots are here! You can now dye splint boots using cloth dyes from the General Store. The default color of splint boots is silver. Please note that breeds with leg feathering (Friesian, GV, Clydesdale) have never been able to wear splint boots, so this update will not impact them.
Roan files for some breeds have been updated, to better match the roan that exists on other breeds - these include Appaloosas, Chincoteagues, Minis, Mustangs, Shetlands, and Tennessee Walking Horses.
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Tennessee Walking Horse showing updated roan and wearing green splint boots
Moreno (the on-site files are called brownperlino) has been updated to be visually different from perlino, so you can easily tell the coats apart. Additionally, moreno dun art (files are called brownperlinodun) has been added, so this color will no longer display perlino dun art. Most of you voted for visually different moreno, so we have made this change, while keeping the moreno color name since it's familiar.
A new halter and flysheet color will be showing up in the upcoming Halloween event, so keep an eye out and enjoy!
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Moreno Appaloosa wearing purple flysheet and halter
(If you don't see updated images for these art updates, please try hard refreshing your browser and/or clearing its cache to make the updated images show up)
Conformation in Showing Conformation has been added to showing, which means all of that hard work breeding horses for conformation will pay off! Conformation traits now influence stats based on a horse's discipline.
If a conformation trait tied to a horse's specialty is better than the good conformation rating, that horse will receive a slight boost to the stat tied to that trait for showing. If the trait is worse than good, the horse will receive a slight disadvantage on the stat tied to that trait. There will be no advantage or disadvantage on good conformation traits; good is treated as neutral. The table below illustrates the details, with the exact percent in the range given being randomized:
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The advantage/disadvantage is applied for each conformation trait tied to a discipline, so each of the four individual traits count. Which traits match each discipline was decided based on a combination of research into how each trait contributes to a horse's performance and a distribution based on using each trait a roughly equal number of times. Below are tables showing which discipline stats are tied to which traits.
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So for example, a dressage horse with a good head and knees will receive no changes to its intelligence stat, but if its neck is excellent its agility stat will receive a 1-2% boost for showing, and if its hooves are perfect it will receive a 3-5% boost to its agility stat.
Updates Changes have been made to prevent foals being born with stats in excess of 5665 (the upper stat limit of the International 5 grade level); foals that would have stats higher than this previously will have their stats randomized in the 5000-5665 stat range, meaning they will still be born into the International 4 or 5 showing grade. This should help prevent continual snowballing of horse stats.
New seasonal leisure riding texts are here! These flavor texts will appear depending on the on-site season, so you will see some new possibilities show up, including some options for all seasons. Please note that there are no new item discovery/stat encounters, these texts are simply to add variety and fun to leisure riding.
We've increased earnings from showing, by adding increased sponsorship, which adds up to a 50% increase in the prize pool. The exact increase depends upon the number of entrants and the show fees. This should help shows produce more income for players showing their horses, rather than having them simply break even.
Bug Fixes *Fixed a bug where riding school earnings for group rides were listed as giving $20/hour, but were actually giving $25/hour in earnings - this was corrected to $20/hour in earnings to match the information given *Fixed 'horsename's energy seems boundless' typo in leisure riding *Fixed forum search showing boards players shouldn't see *Fixed 'Any' selection in the horse search for rescue center horses excluding rescue horses by default *Fixed no option being present for searching flaxen gene by Ff or ff in horse search *Fixed purple looking charcoal endurance bridle on Thoroughbreds *Fixed a Grade Horse gene problem with A+At *Fixed splint boots not showing in the wardrobe
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equiverse · 1 year
Summer Stargazing!
Summer Stargazing The Summer Stargazing event is back! If you are new to the event, it features a character named after the constellation Pegasus, a findable item (Stardust), and a unique event currency called Stars.
Pegasus will request your help in collecting Stardust, and will trade you 2-4 Stars in exchange for a given number of Stardusts you have collected. You can find Stardust exclusively in Leisure Riding encounters, and not anywhere else on the site, so saddle up your horses!
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Head on over to the Event page, under the News dropdown or linked in the sidebar, to visit Pegasus.
Leisure Riding locations will display the backgrounds for this event, in place of their routine art, but will still display their usual encounter text. This means you will still see beach encounter events when you choose the beach locale, but you’ll see a different event-only background in place of the beach.
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The event shop is scheduled to open on August 7th, and will have a variety of items that you can purchase using the Stars you get from exchanging Stardusts with Pegasus. The event will run until midnight (EV Time) on the 15th, so be sure to make your event shop purchases before then. Any event currency you have left over after the event has ended will remain in your account and will be usable next year. :)
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equiverse · 1 year
July Updates!
Updates *A maximum of 5665 stats will now be counted for horses participating in shows. This will impact only horses with in excess of 5665 stats (the upper limit of the International 5 level), and make showing at this level more competitive and random. The actual number of stats a horse has will not be impacted, their stats will simply be proportionally reduced to a maximum of 5665 for the showing calculations. *Credit sales now have a maximum enforced EVD price, which is the average of all listings plus 5%, and each player may now only list credits three times per time. The average plus 5% was a previous amount that was enforced, so we have returned to this to balance out credit sale prices. *New and improved options for transfers - you can now select from no, yes to all, yes from friends only, and yes but no horses for your transfer settings. Selecting the no option previously didn't always block transfers, but now it will successfully do so.
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*Removal options for tack are now in the Tack Room, including removing all tack from a horse and removing one item from a horse (simply click an equipped tack item to see the options).
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*Horse selection will now stick in the dropdown for manual showing. *There is now a 'return to search' button when searching for then selecting a riding school, so you can go back to your previous search results easily. *New findable backgrounds! You may find the flowering fields background while leisure riding in spring (on-site season) and the swampy fields background while leisure riding in the autumn.
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(flowering fields shown) Bug Fixes *Removed warning in the General Store about endurance tack not being dyeable *Changed Clydesdale preview image in the Equine Center to not show the incorrect sabino art *Fixed marking combinations not showing correctly in the wardrobe and custom horse creator *Updated some markings that were slightly incorrect, missing pink skin, or showing grey art instead of white, including Appaloosa (frame sabino, fewspot, leopard, snowcap, blanket), Mustang (white, frame sabino), Paint (white), TWH (white), foal 1 (fewspot, leopard), foals 2, 3, 4 (fewspot) New Poll There is a new poll on how we should handle the color currently called 'moreno', which is in reality a brown perlino. The moreno name was made up for the sake of the game, to make the color distinguishable from perlino, as in real life the two colors look the same. Please vote in the poll to let us know how you would like brown perlino/moreno handled in-game.
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equiverse · 1 year
Water Balloon Fight!
Water Balloon Fight! It's back! The Water Balloon Fight has arrived! Join your team and head for the top of the leaderboard! This event starts July 1st and runs through the 15th. You will be randomly placed onto one of three teams (red, green, and blue) to compete for highest number of water balloons thrown (among other categories)! Throw water balloons at other members to drive your team to victory! You will be able to fill water balloons randomly around the site, so be sure to click the button to fill a balloon when you see the notice that you've found a running hose! The currency for this event is Shimmering Raindrops! This currency can be found randomly throughout the event and is what you will use to purchase new items at the event shop! The shop will automatically unlock once we've filled the meter for water balloons thrown, which you can see on the Event page. You might see something new in the shop this year. ;)
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You can find the Event page either by clicking the Water Balloon Fight link in the sidebar, under your current stats, or in the dropdown under News. You can see your current status on water balloons collected, thrown, and more in the sidebar, beneath your team's banner. The event starts today and will run until midnight EV server time on the 15th. Any leftover Shimmering Raindrops you haven't spent by the end of the event will remain credited to your account, so they will still be around to spend next year. Please note, if you're a deluxe member with a full layout page, you can add [snowballbox] (the same as with the Snowball Fight) to your page to display the box beneath your layout so that members will be able to throw water balloons at you! :) Happy battling! 
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equiverse · 1 year
Grade Level Changes, Endurance Tack, and more!
Grade Level Changes *Stat limits for grade levels have been changed to provide more meaningful progression *These now use a percent increase model rather than a fixed number of stats per level *Progression through grade levels should be slowed in particular through the local and regional grades, so a horse's progress through these grade levels has more importance *The Novice 1 grade has not changed at all, and acts as a baseline *Novice level stat ranges increase 10% over the previous grade level's number of stats, local increase by 11%, regional by 12%, national by 11%, and international by 10% The table below illustrates the new stat ranges for each grade level, and shows the size of the stat range for each grade:
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*Based on these changes, most horses will have to have their grade level downgraded (a red downwards arrow icon will show next to their name in Your Horses list), some may not change level, and a few may require having their grade level improved
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*The downgrade button is located in the same place as the improve button on a horse's page
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*Deluxe members can use the Improve Horse Grades button to handle downgrading en masse *Grades will have to be updated for each horse before it can enter shows (the same message you receive about grade improvement will pop up if you try to show a horse without its grade updated), which will help ensure horses get their grades updated and will be on the same page competitively *Each horse will only have to have its grade level updated to this new system once, then will be on the new system and only need the usual grade improvements for increasing a level *Everyone may update their horse’s grade level at different times, due to frequency of play, etc, but since the change is required for showing the changeover period in terms of horses on the old system competing with horses on the new one should be small Endurance Tack Colors Endurance tack colors are here! The default color for endurance bridles is purple, and the default saddle color is brown leather with red cloth.
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(Background image coming soon!) You may notice that this tack has an accent color on the saddle, which is a shade different from the pad color underneath the saddle. This combination (red pad and orange accent) was present on the original art, so we have carried this color variation style on to the rest of the added tack colors. When selecting your desired endurance tack colors, be sure to look at the pad color to be sure you're choosing the color you want! The accent color cannot be dyed or changed separately and is tied directly to the pad color, so it may be a deciding factor in which dye color you like best. If you want a sophisticated look with less color, the ecru, charcoal, and silver colors are the best bet! The last item in the colorful tack update is splint boots, so that will be up next! Once splint boots are done, our colorful tack update will be complete! Other Updates *Blocking has been expanded to include horse transfers, item transfers, public/private horse sales, the item market (both buying and offers), auction house bids, breeding requests, and credit sales *Added conformation to the My Horses page listing of all horses
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*Ticket notifications have been changed, so they are distinguished from normal site or message notifications - this will enhance ticket reports and make them easier to remember *Tickets can also be opened by mods with members, for ease of communication, so you might see this feature used too! Bug Fixes *Fixed bridle on deceased horse *Fixed auction house allowing double submissions of a horse *Removed phantom backgrounds from horses *Fixed text entered in the address bar showing on horse page *Fixed splash art file dominances being swapped on Grade Horses *Fixed incorrect layering with sooty in the custom horse creator and wardrobe *Fixed incorrect marking descriptions showing for horses with multiple markings
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Upcoming Updates This a preview of two planned coming updates (other updates are also coming, but we want to notify you of these changes in particular): *Add a cap to the International 5 grade level on how many stats are counted when a horse with more than 5665 stats (the upper limit of the International 5 grade level) competes - this would limit the stats counted for showing to 5665 for any horse with over 5665 stats; those horses would still be the top competitors in the grade level, but their additional stats would not allow them to always be guaranteed a win (wins for those horses would become essentially more random) *Scale down stats at breeding - if a foal has more than 5665 calculated birth stats at breeding, its stats will be scaled down in order to prevent continued snowballing of inflated stats on very high-stat horses: this rescale would result in a foal who would still be born at a high grade level, but whose stats would be nerfed down to prevent self-perpetuating of stat monsters (these nerfed foals could still manage to exceed the 5665 stats from gained stats throughout their lifetime; only the stats they are born with would be impacted; the goal is to ensure over time that horse stats stay scaled to the new grade levels, preventing a need to add more grade levels or change their stat ranges regularly)
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equiverse · 2 years
Marking Updates!
We've updated some markings for you all! These will now be more consistent with the breed markings in-game! Art Updates *New, more accurate overo, tovero, and tovero splash markings on Chincoteagues, Mustangs, Shetland Ponies, and Tennessee Walking Horses
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Tovero Splash on a Tennessee Walking Horse
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Tovero on a Mustang
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Overo on a Chincoteague *Replaced grey art with grey skin used for white on Mustangs, Grade Horses, and foals with new white art with pink skin
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New white on the Grade Horse If you don't see these art updates right away, please try a hard refresh on your browser or clear your browser cache. Bug Fixes *Fixed giant club badge stretching player homepages *Fixed various leisure riding typos *Fixed 'you have remove' typo in the item market *Fixed dyeing tack not checking for enough money on hand to pay, resulting in negative money We have received several artist applications, so we'll be looking into seeing if we can pick someone from among those to contribute art to the site! We're also working on reconfiguring possible grade stat limit levels and stats from breeding behind the scenes, so we hope to have those available in our next update. Please keep reporting any bugs you find in the Bug Zapper too, as we are continually checking on those as well. :)
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equiverse · 2 years
Valentine’s Event!
Valentine's Event! You may have noticed some hearts and shards around the site, cause it's time to spread some love on Equiverse with the Valentines event! For this special event we have a currency known as Ruby Hearts, which can be crafted from the Ruby Shards you will find both in random events around the site, as well as in Leisure Riding. Saddle up those pixel ponies! Each Ruby Heart is composed from five Ruby Shards - you can convert your shards into hearts on the Event page. Once you have enough Ruby Hearts accumulated you will be able to make purchases from the event shop, which is already available to you. :)
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If you were here for the event previously, any Ruby Shards left on your account will be credited to you, so you can start using them to create Ruby Hearts right away! Now go out there and collect those shards! :) LoveHearts! Along with shard collecting and the event shop, LoveHearts are back! LoveHearts are a cute little heart candy image that have a message, and you can give them freely to any member by visiting their home page. The only limit is that you can only give one to any given member, so be sure to choose the message you want! Collecting and sending them has no benefit, but they're a fun way to express your love and appreciation for fellow players. We are currently working on getting LoveHearts sent last year cleared from the system, so hearts sent earlier today may need to be resent after this.
Note: This event will end on the 15th February at 11:59pm game time, event shop included, so be sure to spend your Ruby Hearts before then! If you forget, any remaining event currency will stay credited to your account as in previous years, so you'll be able to spend it later too.
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equiverse · 2 years
Snowball Fight!!
Snowball Fight!! Our December Snowball Fight event is back! Starting the 15th and running through the 31st, join your team and lob snowballs at opposing members for a place on top of the leaderboard! Collect snow you will find randomly around the site and add to your pile of available snowballs! Teams - red, green, or blue - are assigned randomly, so don't forget to check who your new allies are! You can only have maximum ten snowballs on hand at any time, so you won't be able to collect further snowballs until you throw some. Keep your count below 10 to keep finding more! Throughout the event you will see a message randomly popping up at the top of the page, indicating that you have found a pile of snow. By clicking the button that is displayed, you can create your very own snowball to add to your arsenal. You can see your current status as relates to snowballs collected, thrown, and more in the sidebar, beneath your team banner, whose color indicates your team. You will also run across Crystallized Snowflakes in this event! This currency can be found at random and can be used at the event shop, which will unlock once we've reached the goal for snowballs thrown. You can find on the Event page either by clicking the Snowball Fight link in the sidebar, under your current stats, or in the dropdown under News. The shop requires snowball throws to open, so get out there and start collecting snow! Some fun winter-themed items await you in the shop, and maybe even something new too!
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The event starts on the 15th and will run until midnight EV server time on the 31st. Any leftover Crystallized Snowflakes you haven't spent by the end of the event will remain credited to your account, so they will be around for you next year. Please note, if you're a deluxe member with a full layout page, you can add [snowballbox] to your page to display the box beneath your layout (it may be covered up otherwise) so that members will be able to throw snowballs at you! :) Happy battling! Bug Fixes We have some bug fixes to throw onto the end of this post too: *Removed inactive stables from search (if a player’s deluxe has expired their stable will no longer be listed) *Fixed issues with Grade Horse grey genes passing incorrectly; the fix will prevent incorrect genes from being passed in breeding but changes to Gg genes may cause some horses to show as grey when they previously didn’t *Fixed horse stuck in riding school (manual fix for horse reported) *Fixed club member list sorting not sticking past the first page *Fixed inbreeding highlighting not checking beyond the first page *Not a bug: slow show results (this is due to how the system processes shows, fullest ones get processed fastest) *Fixed inconsistent marketplace navigation
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equiverse · 2 years
Various Fixes
Art Fixes Hey EV! We have quick art updates for you today! *Fixed art errors on Gypsy Vanner racing tack (missing girth, mane covering too much saddle) *Updated sabino on Clydesdales to better reflect real-life expression of the marking
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New Sbsb sabino shown
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New SbSb sabino shown *Updated tobiano on Chincoteagues, Mustangs, Shetland Ponies, and Tennessee Walking Horses to be consistent with tobiano markings on in-game breeds
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T+ shown on Shetland Pony
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TT shown on Tennessee Walking Horse Other *Fixed incorrect GDPR link in the Privacy Policy *Fixed typo in young horse training The Snowball Fight returns on the 15th, so get your throwing arms ready!
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equiverse · 2 years
Fall Leaves is back!
Fall Leaves The Fall Leaves event is back! As you move around the site you will discover Pristine Leaves, which are the special currency for this event! When you see the notice pop up at the top of the site, be sure to click the button to collect your leaf! It won't automatically be collected for you, so be sure to pick it up. :) Also, every so often when you visit a player's page you will see a prompt to help clean up their yard by sweeping up all of the fallen leaves. In doing so, you may discover 2-4 additional Pristine Leaves as a reward for your good work! The event shop is available throughout the event, so feel free to purchase items whenever you like!
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The event page where Fall Leaves is listed can be found by hovering over News, just under Polls in the dropdown menu. Go forth and collect some leaves! The event will end at 11:59pm site time on November 30th, so be sure to spend all the leaves you wish to by then! Any Pristine Leaves left in your account will remain available for next year.
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equiverse · 2 years
Auto Show Creator and more!
Heyo EV! We've some new updates for you! Updates *To help with show availability, we have increased the number of shows each deluxe player can make - the previous allocation was based on 20 arenas which could each host 10 shows, allowing for 200 shows each. We have upped the total shows a player can make to 300 instead. *Added Auto Show Creator: this feature makes show creation even easier by using all of your remaining shows up in batches of 10-12 shows, prioritizing shows levels that are the lowest. It's located under the Create Shows tab on the Showing page. You can choose to create shows across all specialities, or choose a specific speciality to create shows for. The caveat with this feature is that using it takes a 10% fee off of the profits from the shows you create with it, which is the cost of creating shows so easily.
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*Added more flavor texts to Leisure Riding: there are new flavor texts that will show up based on the training level of the horse you are riding. Horses with a lower training level are more likely to show events such as throwing you or disobeying, and horses with a higher training level will be less phased by random events and will be much better behaved. *Updated the default max show fee for show search to be $100; this was polled on a while ago and the majority supported it, and it is to help find all shows more readily, rather than automatically limiting the show search to a lower price bracket. Bug Fixes *Fixed Fall Tree Garland not showing *Fixed Grade Horse breed info page not working properly *Young horse training typo fixed *Fixed Local 1 selection for show search for Driving shows automatically changing to Local 5 New Poll! There's a new poll available! Share your thoughts on how you'd like to see Farmsteads change! Official Showing Discussion Topic We have a discussion topic available about how to improve your experience with showing in-game - check it out and share your thoughts!
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equiverse · 2 years
New Event Shop Items!
New decor items have hit the Halloween event shop! Ground fog and upper and lower spiderwebs are now available!
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Additionally, some backgrounds have received some tweaks to improve their perspective. These include Forest, River - Spring, River - Summer, River - Autumn, and River - Winter. :)
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equiverse · 2 years
Halloween Event!
Get spooky, the new Halloween Event has returned! You can get to the event from the dropdown menu under the news!
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We have Halloween NPC for this event: the Headless Horseman, who may require your assistance and give you tasks or request items in exchange for rewards! He will even give you a very special quest to venture on (if you dare). Additionally, we have a currency for this event known as Pumpkin Seeds. These magical seeds are exclusive to the event. You can find them throughout both the site itself and in leisure riding, so be sure to explore both!
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For added atmosphere leisure riding features ghastly versions of the existing riding location backgrounds, along with new spooky explore encounters, and a chance to happen upon carve-able pumpkins! Carving a pumpkin will result in a random design, with four possible looks - these carved pumpkins are collectible so you can add them to your display cabinet if you wish! With luck, you may find some other unexpected collectibles on your ventures too, if you keep an eye out! Keep riding to see what you'll find. :) The Halloween event shop features spooky decors and items that are exclusive to this event! The event shop is the place to purchase items using the Pumpkin Seeds you will collect from around the site and through Leisure Riding. This event will run the 15th through the 31st and end at midnight Equiverse server time on the 31st. Any event currency you have left over after the event has ended will remain in your account and will be usable next year. :) We have more updates in the works which we hope to be ready to release soon, so keep an eye out! In the meantime please enjoy the Halloween fun! :D
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equiverse · 2 years
Summer Stargazing!
Summer Stargazing The Summer Stargazing event is back! If you are new to the event, it features a character named after the constellation Pegasus, a findable item (Stardust), and a unique event currency called Stars. Pegasus will request your help in collecting Stardust, and will trade you 2-4 Stars in exchange for a given number of Stardusts you have collected. You can find Stardust exclusively in Leisure Riding encounters, and not anywhere else on the site, so saddle up your horses!
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Head on over to the Event page, under the News dropdown or linked in the sidebar, to visit Pegasus. Leisure Riding locations will display the backgrounds for this event, in place of their routine art, but will still display their usual encounter text. This means you will still see beach encounter events when you choose the beach locale, but you’ll see a different event-only background in place of the beach.
The event shop is scheduled to open on August 7th, and will have a variety of items that you can purchase using the Stars you get from exchanging Stardusts with Pegasus. The event will run until midnight (EV Time) on the 15th, so be sure to make your event shop purchases before then. Any event currency you have left over after the event has ended will remain in your account and will be usable next year. :)
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equiverse · 2 years
Big Fixes!
Bug Fix Time! We've been smushing some bugs behind the scenes for you all! *Fixed incorrect 'this user has not been active' message when trying to breed with a player's stud/brood *Fixed horse search option for not including horses with inactive members not working *Fixed club mascot displaying as too small *Fixed mixed up hind leg socks on Grade Horses in wardrobe (if you don't see a change please clear your cache/refresh your browser) *Fixed older pages in Your Posts forum history not working *Fixed empty trade offers issue *Fixed money being taken for breeding but resulting in no foal; this was caused by the division the foal would go into being full (now the breeding will be prevented if there is no room) *Fixed disparity in display between Gypsy Vanner horse with tobiano sabino and overo markings in the custom horse creator versus the in-game horse art *Fixed bank log saying farrier instead of vet for vet tasks *Fixed error in blocking that showed a 'this is a mod/admin' message incorrectly *Fixed mixup in display between item uses and tack repair state in item listings *Fixed artifacts on some Grade Horse leopard gene files (please clear cache/refresh browser if you see no change) *Fixed errors in racing tack on Quarter Horses that had missing pixels and/or incorrect colors (please clear cache/refresh browser if you see no change) *Fixed Fall Tree Garland layering on top of horse art and overlapping some horses' faces That's all we have for now! More exciting things are to come - we have some other updates on the way, and colorful endurance tack will be the next tack update coming your way.
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equiverse · 2 years
Water Balloon Fight!
Water Balloon Fight! The Water Balloon Fight is back!
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This event starts July 1st and runs through the 15th. You will be randomly placed onto one of three teams (red, green, and blue) to compete for the top place on the leaderboard for water balloons thrown! Throw water balloons at other members to drive your team to victory! You will be able to fill water balloons randomly around the site, so be sure to click the button to fill a balloon when you see the notice that you've found a running hose!
The currency for this event is Shimmering Raindrops! This currency can be found randomly throughout the event and is what you will use to purchase new items at the event shop! The shop will automatically unlock once we've filled the meter for water balloons thrown, which you can see on the Event page. You can find the Event page either by clicking the Water Balloon Fight link in the sidebar, under your current stats, or in the dropdown under News. You can see your current status on water balloons collected, thrown, and more in the sidebar, beneath your team's banner.
The event starts today and will run until midnight EV server time on the 15th. Any leftover Shimmering Raindrops you haven't spent by the end of the event will remain credited to your account, so they will still be around to spend next year. Please note, if you're a deluxe member with a full layout page, you can add [snowballbox] (the same as with the Snowball Fight) to your page to display the box beneath your layout so that members will be able to throw water balloons at you! :) Happy battling!
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equiverse · 2 years
Colorful Racing Tack is here!
Colorful Racing Tack Colorful racing tack is here! This tack is a little different from the others so far, as you can apply the cloth dye colors to the bridles in addition to the saddles!
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As the default racing tack comes in a unique color, each color for the racing tack is unique to it! Have fun mixing and matching the different color combos between the bridles and saddles for new looks! You can dye racing tack now at the Tack Workshop, under the Dye tab now, using dyes purchased from the General Store. The default color for this tack is brown and blue. Colorful endurance tack is on the slate next, and lastly we will add in colorful splint boots too for an additional splash of color. We’re working on some other improvements behind the scenes so keep a lookout for more updates to come!
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