eray1118-blog · 7 years
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People often ask Kyle and I how we lost a combined amount of over 250 pounds. Well this is one of our staple meals. Seasoned black beans, hummus, tomatoes, avocado, and fermented onions. We lost most of our weight by eating like this. 😊
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eray1118-blog · 7 years
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He’s about to do it y’all!!! 😬😮😘
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eray1118-blog · 7 years
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Had a ch a great weekend with the Meredith’s!! It was a short trip but we made the best of it. 😏😊
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eray1118-blog · 7 years
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Often times, my mother and I exchange Sunday morning pics. This was from last Sunday. We lookin a lot alike in these days! 😘😏❤️
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eray1118-blog · 7 years
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eray1118-blog · 7 years
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When your dad gets really into painting furniture and other items and his wife starts making him give stuff away. Score!! 😂
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eray1118-blog · 7 years
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I cannot begin to express how blessed I feel today. Today, I am 35. I have been dreading this for so long that I never really owned 34. 😂 But even still, I am blessed and feel better than I have in over 10 years. Our trip to Kansas was so amazing. I got to see my dad, whom I hadn’t seen since our son’s memorial 2 1/2 years ago. It was so sweet to just sit and talk with him and take in the wisdom the Lord has given him. I got to see and hug my kind, gentle, yet hilarious step momma and meet all 4 of my new nephews and spend time with my mom, sisters, nieces and nephews. We got to play and sing our version of a hymn my great grandmother wrote for my aunt, whom I hadn’t seen in 5 years! I am sad that we didn’t have much time to see everyone. But we hope to come back in the spring for a few days more. God is so good and my heart is full. And, I am happy to be home with our Colorado family. Thank you all for the birthday wishes, and cards today. And a special thanks to my Pastor’s wife and her 3 beautiful girls for singing Happy Birthday to me and taking pictures with me. Now, this old lady needs a nap!! 💙
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eray1118-blog · 7 years
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We feel so blessed to have been able to go to Texas and play with our family band Ain’t No Grave at the Barn Sale. This was Friday night. Though it was very warm and super humid, we had so much fun!!
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eray1118-blog · 7 years
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Had a wonderfully blessed time in Texas this weekend, but I sure am glad to see this little thing. ❤️🐶
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eray1118-blog · 7 years
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The Schroeder clan together again! (at City of Gonzales, Texas)
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eray1118-blog · 7 years
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Feeling blessed 🙌🏻😊😌
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eray1118-blog · 7 years
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I'm pretty sure I have the best husband.
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eray1118-blog · 7 years
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eray1118-blog · 7 years
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We decided to go vegan for dinner tonight. Didn't even miss the meat. We made black bean potato lettuce wraps.
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eray1118-blog · 7 years
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Love this goofy man. And the sunshine coming through our window! ☀️
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eray1118-blog · 7 years
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While on our run, I saw this tree. And I asked Kyle to take a picture for me. (Thanks babe) This is this first time I have noticed a real change in colors and I am so excited! I haven't experienced a midwestern fall in over 6 years. I'm seriously so happy about this y'all. 😍💛☺️🤗👢#fallishere #myfavoritetimeoftheyear #bootweather #godscreation #freshcrispair #ilovetrees #autumn🍁 #sweaterweather #brr
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eray1118-blog · 7 years
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Alright y'all! This is quite embarrassing to be honest but I can see such a change in Kyle and didn't feel that I had changed all that much yet. I guess I was wrong.. 70 lbs lost so far.
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