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I share the deepest parts of my journey and healing in my book. Definitely a life changer! Get your copy today on Amazon! Link in my bio! #WomenUntangled #HealBeforeYouDeal #healingstartswithyou #healingstartswithin #snippet #avaiableonamazon #bestsellingauthor #bestseller #fivestars
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Hitting rock bottom simply means that your at the point when enough is enough! That you simply don't want to stay where you are. When you get to this point, making some changes and moving forward should be your main goal. Are you ready to move forward? I am opening up my calendar next week for discovery sessions. Schedule your free 15 min. discovery session with me at bit.ly/15DiscoverySession #WomenUntangled #enoughisenough #areyouready #itstimetoheal #healingstartswithyou
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The longer you hold on, the longer you remain stuck. Let it go! #WomenUntangled #holdingon #letgoofthepain #entanglement #transparencytuesdays #transformationcoach
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Will you share the parts that don't feel so good? Sharing my story helped in my healing process. I know my story will help so many other women across the globe! Remember, your story doesn't belong to you, it belongs to others that may need to hear that there is purpose on the other side of pain. Share your story! Someone out there needs it! Pre-Order your copy of my book, Heal Before You Deal TODAY! Link in bio! #WomenUntangled #shareyourstory #transparency #healingstartswithyou #HealBeforeYouDeal #transparencytuesday #transformationcoach
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GET UP AND MAKE IT HAPPEN! IT WON'T HAPPEN IF YOUR LAYING AROUND ALL DAY! TIRED IS NOT AN EXCUSE! #WomenUntangled #itsmonday #noexcusesperiod #getup #makeithappen #pointblankperiod #yourpurposematters #slaytheday #shiftyourmindset #transparency #transformationcoach
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Are you gonna be ready when life changes? #WomenUntangled #levelstothisshit #newyou #newlevels #lifechanges #purpose #healing #transparency #transformationcoach
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New challenges to conquer! Today write down where you would like to see your business and personal life in the next 90 days. #WomenUntangled #newmonth #newgoals #hellojune #90days #challengeyourself #businesslife #personallife #transformationcoach
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In this very moment you are being tested. The closer you get to your breakthrough you will be tested. Be mindful of your self talk, thoughts and actions! Remain positive through the hard moments. #WomenUntangled #youwillbetested #remainpositive #bemindful #itgetsworsebeforeitgetsbetter #yourbreakthroughiscoming
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Mental check-in ✔ #WomenUntangled #tomorrowisanotherday #begentlewithyourself #dobetterbebetter #healing #transparency #transformationcoach
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You are responsible for your own happiness, no one else. Once you depend on someone else to make you happy, you lose your self worth. Never give someone that power over you! Pre-order the kindle version to my book, Heal Before You Deal today! Paperback available before release date, June 16th! (Link in bio) Available on Amazon! #WomenUntangled #happinessstartswithin #healing #transparency #transformationcoach #HealBeforeYouDeal #yourhappinessmatters
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Sharing my story knowing that it's bigger than me and that someone needs it. Click on the link to pre-order the kindle version of my book, Heal Before You Deal now on Amazon! Paperback available before release date, June 16th! #WomenUntangled #mypurposeisgreater #healing #transparency #HealBeforeYouDeal #transformationcoach #releasingthepain #releasing #embracingtheprocess #lovingthejourney
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My goal everyday is to help women become free from entanglement 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 Click on the link to order the kindle version of my book, Heal Before You Deal and also visit my website at, www.womenuntangled.com for more information about me and my coaching services. #WomenUntangled #HealBeforeYouDeal #transformationcoach #entanglement
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You will get thrown all types of situations to see if you are strong enough for the assignment. If you fail, that means you're not equipped to operate in your purpose. You will cry, you will want to give up. DON'T! This is your test. So you must pass it. Your breakthrough is coming! It will get worse before it gets better! #WomenUntangled #yourpurposematters #yourbreakthroughiscoming #remainstrong #itgetsworsebeforeitgetsbetter #yourtimeiscoming #transparency #transformationcoach
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Getting out of your comfort zone is the only way you'll see change. #WomenUntangled #comfortzone #healing #transparency #transformationcoach #youareentirelyuptoyou #bethechangeyouwishtosee
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We can be our own worst enemy sometimes by being in our own way. Some ways are: 1. Speaking negatively to/about ourselves or our situation 2. Thinking that it can't happen for you 3. Not believing in yourself (low self esteem, lack of confidence, etc.) And the list goes on, but I believe those are the top 3 ways of limiting yourself in life. If this sounds like you, we need to talk! Book your FREE 15 MINUTE DISCOVERY SESSION WITH ME TODAY! At womenuntangled.acuityscheduling.com and become limitless TODAY! You want change? Change starts with a healthy mindset. #WomenUntangled #looseyourself #getoutofyourway #confidence #selfesteem #fear #doubt #believe #consultation #letmehelpyou #transformationcoach
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We ignore the red flags all the time. I know I did many times. Stop ignoring that intuition you were born with. If it doesn't feel right, 90% of time it isn't. You don't have to settle or stay where your heart is not being taken care of. It's time to walk away! If you haven't already, Pre-Order the kindle version of my book, Heal Before You Deal TODAY! Available on Amazon! Paperback available before release date June 16th! #WomenUntangled #HealBeforeYouDeal #transparency #transformationcoach #itstimetoheal #redflags #warningsigns
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Make the day count! #WomenUntangled #makethedaycount #wakeupwithpurpose #youhaveapurpose #transformationcoach
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