robynchill · 5 years
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👑THE QUEEN’S JOURNEY RADIO SHOW👑 *** TUNE-IN TONIGHT AT 7:30PM EST *** Topic Tonight: “MY FIRST TOXIC RELATIONSHIP: MOMMY & ME” BLESSED to have my King Correspondent, the phenomenal Mr. Eric King, MA, MEd, LPCC a three-time graduate of Cleveland State University with Master’s Degrees in Clinical Psychology and Counseling as my experts on the show today @talk2eking. I appreciate the positive, relaxing, relatable approach King has to uncovering and healing the needs of his adolescent, adult, and family clients. Eric utilizes an integrated strength-based cognitive behavioral approach to working with clients. Sunday, October 20, 2019 at 7:30PM EST— Follow on FB @thequeensjourneyradioshow ElevationsRadio.com & LIVE from the Elevations Radio Page @ElevationsRadio; Listen to @elevations247 on @TuneIn. #NowPlaying - http://tun.in/sfxsy The Queen’s Journey Radio Show Host, Shadae Carlisa @Shadae_Speaks on IG aka #SexyMagician - We’d love to hear from you during the LIVE show!!! Call-in at 440-252-0518 to join the conversation during the live show. . . #CounselingHelps #EKing #Talk2Eking #BlackTherapyMatters #TheQueensJourney #MommyandMe #BreakingCyclings #IloveTherapy #HealingStartswithYou #Toxicity #HealingFamilyWounds #RelationshipConversation #ElevationsRadio #ElevatedConversation #ConsciousConvo #BlackExcellence #ToxicMother #ToxicLover #MendingInc #LoveMeRight #Selfcare #ChooseTherapy #ClevelandsOwn https://www.instagram.com/p/B32gqvJhrZH/?igshid=1m9m2iicsc9px
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I share the deepest parts of my journey and healing in my book. Definitely a life changer! Get your copy today on Amazon! Link in my bio! #WomenUntangled #HealBeforeYouDeal #healingstartswithyou #healingstartswithin #snippet #avaiableonamazon #bestsellingauthor #bestseller #fivestars
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Giving In...
Wow! I have needed to blog for awhile now, but just haven’t had the words or inspiration.  Last week, I made the decision to drop the civil lawsuit against my abuser. For those of you that aren’t aware; I was robbed of my phone (I own two businesses - so this was debilitating), my personal belongings were held hostage for more than 2 months (I slept on the floor), my soaring medical bills were unbearable and I hopped from one place to the next fearing my abuser would find me.  Nearly three years later, I’m living nearly 300 miles away - but I still don’t feel safe. You see, I offered to drop the civil suit with one condition.. that my abuser agree to a life-time no contact order. He refused. For the life of me, I cannot understand and it’s very concerning to me. He stated in open court he wants nothing to do with me.... so why wouldn’t he agree to a court order of no contact? After the initial shock, I’ve come to understand that this is just another way to continue his cycle of abuse by using power and control. It’s a very narcissistic man that insists on controlling his victims. Yep! I’m not the only victim. There are at least a half a dozen women that have suffered at his hands. I’m just the only one that’s stood up to him, spread the word of his violent tendencies to warn others, or at least educate them about the red flags of abuse. It’s my hope that the red flags will empower a woman, or man, to escape the abuse they’re enduring and save themselves from the hell I’ve been through. 
Shortly, I will update my website with my court-filed documents. I think you’ll read them and understand the anger and fear I harbor. 
Narcissism... what is it?   “Extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration, as characterizing a personality type;  self-centeredness arising from failure to distinguish the self from external objects, either in very young babies or as a feature of mental disorder.”  This narcissistic man refuses to financially support his college-age children through school. He refuses to harbor any kind of meaningful relationship with his children. Instead, he buys Corvettes and spends his money on alcohol; which will eventually end with another victim because he cannot control his anger, especially when he’s intoxicated. In my experience, the alcoholism was daily. 
Any psychological professional will tell you that narcissism cannot be treated. No amount of medication and/or therapeutic intervention can cure a narcissistic human being. A victim’s only hope is the power I give you with knowledge.  A friend recently posted: 
“It's okay to have bad days. It's okay to get mad or feel bad. The important thing is that you don't let these days overshadow or outnumber the good days. They are far more important. Take your bad day, pick the lessons out of it, and then put it away. Don't drag it into tomorrow. Tomorrow is brand new, and it doesn't deserve the shadow of yesterday looming over it.”
If only it were that easy...  As a victim of abuse, our bodies won’t allow us to forget. Three years later, I can still barely tell my story without breaking down. The pain is real, people....  The lasting effects are real. We can’t just forget it. Abuse will forever be embedded in our souls. 
If you or someone you love are being abused, visit the website to learn all about power and control, the red flags of abuse and the resources to get you to safety. You are not alone. 
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Hitting rock bottom simply means that your at the point when enough is enough! That you simply don't want to stay where you are. When you get to this point, making some changes and moving forward should be your main goal. Are you ready to move forward? I am opening up my calendar next week for discovery sessions. Schedule your free 15 min. discovery session with me at bit.ly/15DiscoverySession #WomenUntangled #enoughisenough #areyouready #itstimetoheal #healingstartswithyou
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Will you share the parts that don't feel so good? Sharing my story helped in my healing process. I know my story will help so many other women across the globe! Remember, your story doesn't belong to you, it belongs to others that may need to hear that there is purpose on the other side of pain. Share your story! Someone out there needs it! Pre-Order your copy of my book, Heal Before You Deal TODAY! Link in bio! #WomenUntangled #shareyourstory #transparency #healingstartswithyou #HealBeforeYouDeal #transparencytuesday #transformationcoach
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