ericsriddle · 6 years
side B christian discord!!
hey tumblr nerds, if you’re a Christian with same-sex attraction, you believe it’s unbiblical, and you want some help turning that struggle over to the Lord, we’ve got a discord server for you!
myself and @gods-little-punk are currently moderating this support group server and we’re excited to help you grow in your faith!! we’ve both struggled with this particular temptation and we’d love to have you join us for some fellowship and scripture study! currently we’re planning on doing focused Bible studies on occasion, when there’s a need, desire, or opportunity for it, so bring your open hearts and open Bibles and we’ll all reach into His Word together!
Due to the risk of trolls causing trouble, I’m not going to put an invite link in this post - please message myself or @gods-little-punk for a temporary invite. As time progresses, other people will probably be able to give you links as well, especially if the volume of people asking gets high. when that comes around, i’ll edit this post with their names.
on that note, please understand - this is a support group, not a debate club. we’re looking to help people who hold a narrow view of biblical marriage become more informed and build a community of believers who can support one another. we’re not overly strict about other doctrinal issues, but rest assured we’re not going to host debates as to whether Jesus was the Christ or other obviously heretical things, for instance.
If you’re not dealing with this particular difficulty but still want to reach people who do, feel free to pass this invitation on to your followers.
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ericsriddle · 6 years
In today’s world, we see the rapid increase of the rebellion and hatred towards the Word of God.
Pastor John MacArthur talks about a very important issue, which is transgenderism.
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ericsriddle · 6 years
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Acts 3:6 (ESV) But Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!”
2 Timothy 4:3 (ESV) For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,
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ericsriddle · 6 years
In our day and age, feelings are facts. THAT’S. NOT. TRUE. Feelings are not facts. Feelings must be brought into line with Truth. To feel something doesn’t mean it’s true. And if you want to argue that, think about how much must be true about you. Your truth is always all over the map. Your truth one day is, “life is awesome” and the next day, “life is terrible”… Aren’t you exhausted? I’m a feely guy; I’m like a human golden retriever. But my feelings constantly betray me, so I have to bring them in line with the Word of God and submit to the truth of God’s Word, not the impulse of my feelings.
-Pastor Matt Chandler
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ericsriddle · 6 years
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ericsriddle · 6 years
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ericsriddle · 7 years
Pretty sure God calls us to love everyone. We are all children of God, no matter our sexuality, gender, religion, etc. He loves a gay person as much as He loves you.
Pretty sure God calls us to love everyone: Yes we are called us to love everyone including gays and murders.  And the most loving thing we can do is to call them to repentance and share the gospel with them. Ultimate love is following after Christ and helping others do the same. Love is not accepting the sins that Christ died for. 
We are all children of God, no matter our sexuality, gender, religion, etc. No, we are not all children of God. The Bible is clear that all people are God’s creation (Colossians 1:16), but only those who are born again are children of God (John 1:12; 11:52; Romans 8:16; 1 John 3:1-10). In Scripture, the lost are never referred to as God’s children. We become God’s children when we are saved because we are adopted into God’s family through our relationship with Jesus Christ (Galatians 4:5-6; Ephesians 1:5).  The fact that those who are not saved are not children of God is best seen in 1 John 3:10: “This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother.” 
He loves a gay person as much as He loves you. Yes, we both have God’s merciful love. However, God’s love for everyone does not mean that everyone will be saved (Matthew 25:46). God will not ignore sin, for He is a God of justice (2 Thessalonians 1:6). Sin cannot go unpunished forever. If God simply disregarded sin and allowed it to continue to wreak havoc in creation forever, then He would not be love. To ignore God’s merciful love, to reject Christ, or to deny the Savior who bought us (2 Peter 2:1) is to subject ourselves to God’s wrath for eternity (Romans 1:18), not His love.
Gay, murders, liers and all unrepented sinners have God’s merciful love right now but will they have it in eternity? No, unless they repented of their sins and put their faith in Jesus Christ.
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ericsriddle · 7 years
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ericsriddle · 7 years
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ericsriddle · 7 years
Response to your argument on Morals, Numbers 5:11-31, Hosea 9:14-16, 2 Samuel 12:14-18. Also, in accordance to Gods holy scripture, slavery is morally acceptable.
Yep, the Bible absolutely approves slavery.
However, what you also notice is that the Bible never approves…- the involuntary captivity of an innocent person- abuse, torture, or cruel treatment- demanding labor without giving proper wages or food/shelter in return- considering yourself better than another human being
So, your reply absolutely backs my original post that morals MUST be determined by an unchanging, impartial, all-knowing God rather than society. Because at one point society deemed it was acceptable to take people captive by no will of their own and force them into inhuman working conditions with no compensation. That is, in every way, the exact opposite of everything the Bible says. (Largely outlined in Exodus 21)
The Bible says that…- slavery as God allows must be a voluntary servitude- the slave must be allowed to go free after seven year or can choose to stay for life- slaves must be paid for their work either by wages, working off a debt, or a food/shelter agreement- masters must be kind, compassionate, fair, and just
Biblical slavery as approved by God is in no way antebellum slavery. “He who kidnaps a man and sells him, or if he is found in his hand, shall surely be put to death.” Exodus 21:16
As far as the verses you cited, I’m not sure the point you’re trying to make but yes, those are all biblical verses illustrating God’s judgement upon those who have sinned and how our sin can affect others. Therefore is is not to be regarded with flippancy. Life is God’s to give and God to take away as He, in his perfect justice, sees fit. Furthermore, David, despite God taking his child away, had faith that he would be reunited with him in heaven, as 2 Samuel 12:23 is argued to suggest.
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ericsriddle · 7 years
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ericsriddle · 7 years
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ericsriddle · 7 years
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ericsriddle · 7 years
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ericsriddle · 7 years
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I hate the sin that I commit. When I lie, I am not proud to be a liar. If I steal, I am not proud to be a thief. When I cheat, the feeling is horrible and I do not boast in my cheating.
Christ came for sinners like you and I and until we change, REPENT of our sins with a sincere heart. A reprobate mind and unrepentant heart thinks that they will reap the benefits of Christ’s love. It doesn’t work that way. You can’t submit to Jesus when you’re fully submitted to the devil and proud of your sin. Pride in sin is death both physically and spiritually. There is no such thing as a gay Christian, does not exist. Neither in this lifetime or the next.
But there are ex-homosexuals who became Christians, just like there are ex-liars, fornicators, cheaters, thieves, murderers… “EX” is the key because when you come to Christ, you don’t stay in your sin. Jesus changes us. So do not buy into the lie that you will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven because Jesus died for your sins and you can live any way that you choose. Jesus conquered death/sin, not so you can hold onto it.
Repent and truly know Him…Repentance was Christ’s message for the world. Christ is love but He calls all men and women everywhere to repent. There will come a time where you won’t have the opportunity to change. There are no second chances once you die. Repent and He will wipe all your sins clean. 
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ericsriddle · 7 years
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ericsriddle · 7 years
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We all need a Savior!
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