eriklake1987 · 6 years
JETT: Chapter 1, Rest of part 2
Ozpin: You four will be apart of a team together for the rest of the 4 years of this academy, Your leader is Jay cloud, you will be known as team JETT from now on, welcome to beacon team JETT, we hope you will be a good team like the others here in beacon, now please everyone head out and look for your dorms to rest for the night and your classes will begin next week as you rest now from the initiation.
Everyone starts to leave the auditorium with their brand new teammates and goes to find their dorms, soon enough the halls slowly become empty and it was just Jay and his team to get their dorms. They find the last dorm that was available and they enter inside.The dorm was a complete mess, the beds were piled up, everything was dusty and it looked like it wasn’t used for years. Team JETT started to clean the dorm, it was gonna be a long night for them to be able to rest.
End of Chapter 1
To be Continued
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eriklake1987 · 6 years
JETT:Chapter 1, Part 2 and a half
Jay: Wow that’s a lot of things that your trying to prove, i don’t know if there is really anything for me to prove of but i’m sure there is….. I just don’t know it yet but soon I will find something to prove to myself and others.
Tom: Right but I think it’s time for us to rest now, it’s getting pretty late anyway and i’m tired from getting here so goodnight.
Everyone lays down and goes to sleep and morning starts to come after many hours passed and Elise was the first one to wake up before anyone and stands up and goes to the cafeteria and get some breakfast, Jay starts to wake up and look around and sits up and stretches and walks to the cafetiera very tired and gets something to eat and gets some coffee to help him wake up a bit and he sits down next to elise and looks at her”
Jay: morning
Elise: morning friend are you ready for today initiation of whatever that we are doing?
Jay: Yea I think i’m ready for this big test, i hope it’s interesting to do.
Elise: Well i heard about that the new year students have to go onto a cliff where these jump pads are at and we have to stand on them and then we get launched far away.
Jay: That’s a little bit extreme for first year students, don’t you think?
Elise: So what if it is extreme that’s suppose to be our challenge to see if we are battle ready to fight the grimm and whatever else comes at us and I also heard that there are teams and i can wait for that to happen, it’s going to be very exciting for me, are you excited, I know I am.
Jay: Well i’m not that excited, I mean this whole thing is very new to me and it’s kinda weird to experience it but I’ll try to be happy about it because this is why I came here, it’s not be by myself anymore, not live in an area where i’m lonely and this is the place to do that because i got this letter about being enrolled here which I don’t know why these people wanted me to come here but i’m here now and ready for this academy.
Elise: well uhh try not to worry so much about it ok, I’m sure everything will be fine for you at beacon just got to give it a shot is all.
Jay: Yeah I guess you’re right about that, i’ll try my best here in beacon, just hoping that no one will think I’m some kind of weird freak here.
The Speakers turn on around the academy and the people that were awake looks up -
Speaker: Everyone please attend to the cliffs to get ready for Today’s initiation now, wake up the following new students that are sleeping in the main hall.
The students start to walk out of beacon and head to the cliff, Elise decided to go wake up Tom and Tina and after she did that the 3 walks to the cliff and had met with jay there and he waves at them. -
Tom: So this is the place that were gonna do initiation at. Kinda thought we be doing it somewhere else that isn’t lame.
Jay: Well Elise said that we will get launched by these weird looking jump pads that will lead us to somewhere in the forest.
Tom: Now that seems fun to do right there, killing a bunch of grimm and whatever else were made to do there.
Tina: Well we're gonna have to wait for now, there are still other students getting here so as of now we just relax still other students come to get this initiation started.
The four start to wait for other students to arrive, they waited for about 10 minutes and soon after all the students finally arrived and goes near the jump-pads, The headmaster was there in front of the students -
Ozpin: Welcome First year students, today is initiation, everyone step on the jump-pads and we can begins the initiation while i talk through what you all are about to go through.
The students go onto the jump-pads and look at Ozpin after -
Ozpin: Good now we can start with the Initiation, but before you do, there is a few things you must know first, There are going to be grimm roaming around the forest and they will attack you without hesitation and you will die.
Tom: He makes it sound like were weak or something.
Tina: Just shut up and prepare, were about to go into the woods soon.
The launch pads activate and launches everyone into the forest,everyone that had gotten launched had gotten split up into different areas of the forest, Jay was far from everyone and looks around for a safe way to land down, he pulls his weapon out and kept looking around, he gets lower and his weapon hits a tree and gets stuck and jay loses his grip and falls down, he gets back up holding his head a bit after hitting his head abit hard from the falls, he notices he doesn’t have his weapon no more and looks around for it and notices it is stuck on the tree. Jay sighed abit and climbs the tree knowing that he is gonna fall again when he gets it unstuck, he kept climbing on the tree till he got to the top of it. Jay saw his sword and kept climbing the tree and grabs his weapon and tries to pull it out, luckily he succeeds but after pulling it out he falls back down on the ground and someone unexpectedly caught him -
Elise: hey there new teammate, your savior is here.
Jay: uh thanks for the save, can you uhhh let me down now please.
- Elise puts jay down -
Jay: thanks for that, so I guess that means were teammates huh?
Elise: Yeah we are teammates now, but we still gotta find our last two teammates to make a full team.
Jay: But where are we going to find other people around here? This forest is really big, I mean I can try to look around but it’ll take awhile, I suggest we just find our way out of here.
Elise and Jay start walking around, meanwhile Tom was already on the ground after getting launched, he had his weapon ready just in case any grimm came around to attack him, he played a bit on his axe guitar weapon, he lured out a few grimm and three beowolves and two ursa’s came out gets ready to pounce, Tom gets ready and grips on his weapon. The two ursa’s charge at Tom and the three beowolves started to pounce at him, Tom quickly moves out of the way making the beowolves pounce at the ursa’s, Tom slices at one of the usra’s heads off and jumps back after, the headless ursa turns to black ashes after, Tom pulls out a pack of cigarettes, but the box said special cigarettes, he takes one out that had a symbol of ice and lights the cigarette and blows out ice at the grimm which only made the remaining ursa and two of the beowolves, he breaks the ice which killed the 3 grimm, the last beowolf pounces at tom which got him down and his weapon away from him, the beowolf was about to bite him until a gunshot hits the beowolfs head and turns into black ashes, Tom gets up and wipes off the ashes off him and looks around to see where that gunshot was from and sees Tina with her weapon and goes to him while putting her weapon away -
Tom: Well looks like you found me and thanks for the save, I didn’t react in time for that last beowolf to kill it.
Tina: Hey just be lucky enough that we didn’t encounter a deathstalker, that would’ve been a nightmare.
Tom: Don’t try to jinx us already, then we will really be in a nightmare of handling a deathstalker and the good thing is that we are still together and now we are teammates, I hope that we meet those two guys from yesterday and earlier. I like them better to become in our team then anyone else.
Tina and Tom starts to make their way to the ruins where they would meet up with Jay and Elise. Several minutes had passed and the four meet each other back at the ruins where the relics that were around them was just a bunch of chess pieces”
Tom: Are these…. Chess pieces? Wow this school can’t even put any cool artifacts to take and instead makes us risk are lives to just get chess pieces as our relic. This disappoints me in so many levels right now, if we were just gonna go receive their chess pieces so they can continue to play their game then i’m gonna go take a smoke break.
Jay: A smoke break? Right now? This isn’t the time to be doing that, we need to hurry up and get a random piece and get out of here, besides I don’t want to be here much longer, who knows what grimm will come up on us next?
Tom: Oh man up already, of course there’s grimm here, there’s always been grimm in the emerald forest, you make it sound like it’s the most surprising thing to ever see.
Elise: Jay is right though tom, there are a lot of big and dangerous grimm that could lurk at us at any moment.
Tom: Ok Fine! Let’s take these little castle pieces and let’s get going now.
Everyone starts to take the rook pieces and quickly heads back to the cliff. They all make it back in one piece and notices that they were the first ones to make it back”
Tina: Wait…. Were first? Already? How the hell Did we come back first already, I thought we would have some other students beat us already.
Tom: Tina just be quiet already, just be glad were here and no other students have came back from the forest yet, I’m sure they’re gonna be here soon enough, let’s just head back to beacon and get some more food while we wait for the other first year students to come back, I think it’ll be funny to see how injured they will end up when they come back.
Tina: Hey that’s not funny, seeing those students injured is not right, I hope all the students make it back here safe.
Jay: Hey don’t try to worry about it too much it Tina, i’m sure that the other students here are fine, I know of it, all we have to do is just wait patiently and hope for the best the others have made it back here, let’s just go to the cafeteria and get something to eat alright?
Tina starts to sigh a bit and she slowly nods and walks into the cafeteria with the three and they begin to eat their food as they wait for the rest of the students to arrive back at beacon. Almost a half hour passes and the students started coming back inside the building and goes into the auditorium and the 4 follows the students to get ready for the teams to be chosen, Ozpin was standing there waiting for the rest of the students to attend. Soon afterwards everyone has finally made it to the auditorium and began to get ready as the headmaster begins to announce the team names. There was a lot of team names going on, Jay didn’t pay to much attention names the ones he did hear was team JNPR, CRDL, CFVY, and then team RWBY, soon after ozpin started to call out the last team”
Ozpin: This is the last and final team for me to call, Please stand up and walk to the stage when I call your names, Jay cloud…….Elise Spiris…...Tom Vincent…. And Tina Zircon.
The 4 starts to head onto the stage, each of them stepped onto the stage and it shows the name in order and color. The first letter was J for Jay as his face was shown in the screen with a dark blue color background, the next letter was E for Elise as her background color was this aqua light blue color. T for Tom was next as his background color was black, the second T was for Tina as the last letter for the team and her background color was dark red”
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eriklake1987 · 6 years
My story
So this story for the first chapter will obviously go to Fiction.com soon but that’s until the rest are finish. I hope a lot of people will like the stories.
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eriklake1987 · 6 years
JETT: chapter 1, teammate part 1
Chapter 1 Teammates
First day of Beacon
-Wolf Faunus talks to himself in mind-
I still don't get it, why would this Beacon place want me to join them? Actually, the main question is how did they find me?
-He looks at the envelope that says; You’re enrolled to Beacon Academy-
I'm still confused, but I shouldn’t question myself about this too much, heck, maybe I’ll make some actual friends in this place.
-He looks at the people around him in the airship-
There's a lot of people here, well I can't be too surprised, but I still can't believe that I was assigned to here automatically. Did I do something to get to Beacon? I really need answers as to why I'm here.
-The airship landed about an hour later. As soon as the doors opened, everyone there started to leave the airship. The wolf Faunus was the last to exit there. He smelled something like it was a bit fire and it got him to cough. He looks around to see why he was coughing already, he saw a fox Faunus that was smoking, he had black hair and so were his ears and tail, he was wearing gray pants with a scar on his left cheek, he had this fancy shirt on like he was in some tuxedo. There was a bit of red in the middle of the shirt, his eyes were purple-
-Some girl was next to him yelling at him, she also had black hair, wearing a red shirt and some dark blue pants, her eyes were light blue-
-Another girl came out of the airship, she seemed to be very excited seeing beacon, she had this light blue hair with some little white lines and some cat ear wiggling around -
-The wolf Faunus starts to follow the people that are going inside to the auditorium, soon after the other 3 people were doing the same thing and followed, the Faunus enters the auditorium and sees a lot of first year students talking to each other, he kept himself quiet since he didn’t know anyone here. Some people were coughing from the fox Faunus that was smoking the cigarette, the girl that was beside him was yelling at him again to not smoke where everyone was at, the wolf Faunus didn’t see the cat Faunus anywhere, he thought that she is probably in the front of the crowd or is lost, he shrugs it off and looks at the stage waiting for someone to come and say something. Finally someone came up to the stage and the students went silent and looks at the headmaster -
Ozpin: I'll...keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge--to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose and direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.
Fox Faunus: Huh, what a weird grayed hair man.
Ozpin: Everyone please go to the main hall to rest for tomorrow’s initiation.
- The students head to the main hall,to rest, most head to the cafeteria to get something to eat, The wolf Faunus pulls out a chocolate bar and begins to eat it, he always thought it was bad for him since he’s a wolf, but when he first tried it, it didn’t really have any effect to him at all so he started to like the chocolate when he was small and thus eats a lot of it nearly everyday, The fox Faunus walks with the black haired girl that was yelling at him earlier, the cat Faunus walks up to the wolf Faunus from behind and taps on his shoulder and he jumps a bit and looks behind as the cat Faunus giggles a bit. -
Cat Faunus: Hehe sorry, didn’t mean to scare you like that, if you are wondering why I'm right here to you is because I want to meet everyone here in beacon, I'm just really excited to meet new faces around me, I bet you are too right?
Wolf Faunus: Oh um I don’t know about being that excited about meeting new people here, I'm not really use to meeting people as I use to, I haven’t really talked to anyone yet except you now, is that a bad thing I only talked to one person?
Cat Faunus: No no no it’s not bad that you only met one person here, it just means you are very shy, but don’t worry stranger I will help you not be shy to other people here because you’re gonna have to get use to it eventually anyway so why not we start now.
Wolf Faunus: Well I guess we can do that, but shouldn’t we both greet each other so we don’t just call each other stranger’s and stuff?
Cat Faunus: Yeah we should say our names now, I'll go first, my name is Elise Spiris, as you already know, you can see me as a cat Faunus and you are?
Wolf Faunus: Um nice to meet you Elise, I am Jay…… Jay Cloud,I’m a human
Elise: You don’t have to hide yourself from me, I can tell that you are a Faunus too but I know you don’t want to show it around anyone else so it’s fine but at least show it to me if we become teamies ok?
- Jay nods at Elise and she smiles and grabs his hand and goes to help him by talking to other people. He was still quiet in the conversations. He did talk, but not as much as the other students did. Elise introduced him to a lot of students, but the last students she introduced him to where the fox Faunus that was smoking and the black haired girl -
Elise: Hey you love birds, how are you guys doing?
Girl: H-hey we're not lovebirds, don’t call us that again.
Elise: Hehe ok I was just joking at you guys. But, I have someone here to introduce you to.
Fox Faunus: Oh, you mean the wolf boy that is using a beanie to hide his ears?
Jay: Wait how did you know I'm a Faunus? Damnit, can everyone tell I'm a Faunus?!
Fox Faunus: Well I’m a fox and I can sense anything really quick just like how wolf can sense better than foxes or foxes have better senses than wolf, I don’t really know anymore but all I know is that foxes and wolves have great senses.
Jay: Right…. But anyway I guess I’ll introduce myself to you guys, I’m Jay Cloud.
Fox Faunus: Well nice to meet you, I’m Tom Vincent, don’t get confused on my full name, a lot of people thought my actual name was Vincent but that’s my last name and this girl here is my best friend Tina Zircon, you might want to watch out though, she can be a bit bitchy sometimes, so yea.
Tina: Hey wise guy, I’m not always like that you know, at least I don’t have a smoking problem like you do.
Tom: What’s wrong with smoking a lot? And besides I can get those things that can hurt your skin and stuff, so I’m immune so that means I can do this forever so leave me alone will ya?
Jay: Um, guys? Shouldn’t we head back inside the main hall now, I mean it is getting kinda late and all, and we should rest for tomorrow’s initiation so we can get into team’s and stuff, so let’s go rest and stuff.
Elise: It’s too bad we all can’t talk in one group, since the girls and guys have to split up in the main hall so nothing bad happens, but me and Tina can talk for awhile while Jay and Tom can know each other.
- Everyone starts to head to the main hall, the boy and girls split up, both on other half of the main hall, Tom takes his shirt off and leaves his muscle shirt on,. Jay just took his jacket off and lies down on the floor and Tom looks at Jay a bit confused”
Tom: Hey, where’s your sleeping bag at? Didn’t you get one before you came to beacon, you should’ve already known that we aren’t gonna be in dorms yet.
Jay: I….. just forgot about it, but it’s far off from home now so it’s already too late for me to get my sleeping bag.
Tom: oh so you did, well you can have mine then, it would be best to sleep on one to feel comfortable or something like that.
Jay: Wait are you sure about that Tom, you don’t have to give me your sleeping bag because i don’t have one it’s yours after all and i don’t want to trouble you to not have one.
Tom: Look I don’t care about not me having a sleeping bag, just take it already, i’m perfectly fine sleeping on the floor so don’t worry about it too much.
Jay: Well um alright, I guess? But are you sure you don’t need the sleeping bag?
Tom: Yes i’m sure just take the damn sleeping bag already before I change my mind and sleep comfortably.
Jay: Ok, ok I’ll take the sleeping bag
“Tom goes to Jay and passes him the sleeping bag and jay lays the sleeping bag down and starts to lay down on top of it”
Jay: Wow this is pretty comfortable to lay on.
Tom goes and lays down on the ground”
Tom: Yep enjoy it till tomorrow….. After the morning comes we’re gonna have the initiation starting for whatever we will do but I hope it’s really challenging and not so wimpy like some challenges i’ve participated when I was a bit younger but now i’m here to handle a big challenge to show that i can show my strength to this academy and the people around me.
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