Seeing The Light: Evaluation
In conclusion, I enjoyed the Seeing The Light.
Something I was very aware of was waiting till the last minute to blog and publish my work. I had it created and saved but in order to ensure I was fully happy with it, I held back on posting till closer to the deadline. Consequently one of my weaknesses from this brief was holding back instead of trusting my judgement and instincts. I know now it would have been more practical to publish my work when it was finished rather than keeping it in my drafts as this would have helped me to keep my Tumblr more organised and concise as well as knowing it was finished and I could move on.  I enjoyed creating the posts however; collating images and writing up my findings from either research or from practicing and gathering practical evidence. It helped to have somewhere to put everything I was working on including side projects, briefs and mini tasks that made me think and that I needed to analyse. I found the inspiration hour to be very useful as it helped open my mind to the different possibilities while introducing me to a number of influential photographers. Some I had heard of already like Annie Liebovitz whereas we were also able to investigate photographers of our own choosing as we delved deeper into the sub genres of portraiture and met with the chance to meet a Glasgow photographer named Simon Murphy who is still actively shooting within local communities. Overall I found the research component to be very useful, especially before beginning the practical side of the project, it really helped to find real world examples and information that supported the requirements of the brief and what had been said during lectures. 
Prior to beginning the practical side of the project I was rather inexperienced in portrait photography. In my previous experiences in photography, I had captured people before for things like newspapers and within school briefs and even gigs/music but looking back on my work from then compared to now, I can see how different my standard of work is. From getting to know my camera and lenses, to learning how to use a new piece of kit, to working on a closer more formal and professional level with real people. Therefore this Seeing The Light brief really allowed me the opportunity to experiment, grow and progress in knowledge and skill. I found that there was plenty of opportunity to put what I was learning in class into practice like light metering for example. Furthermore I had the opportunity to build on my understanding of depth of field which had a positive knock on affect on my understanding of focal length and my camera lenses. Not only was this my first experience shooting portraits for a few years, this was my first time using and working with light modifiers. After looking at the different DIY options and the resources on mycity, I decided to invest in a 5 in 1 reflector. I found this to be a really interesting experience as I learned how to work with the five different components in different situations and how to manipulate light. I also found this gave me insight into past photographic experiences and how using a modifier would have made the lighting easier to work with or where I could have improved my images. Out of all of my different options the 5 in 1 gave me, I used the gold and white side most often, whereas I struggled to work with the silver and didn't like the light it was adding to my portraits and found more opportunity to use flagging, diffusion and the white or gold reflector. I noticed that the gold reflector was good at adding in or enhancing warmth to my portraiture while the white and silver I found useful when the sky was more overcast or the lighting was less than ideal. Whereas the diffuser I used at night time and while I didn't use the photoshoot, this was another helpful experience that I was able to learn from and where the piece of equipment made things easier. 
In total I did 6 photoshoots for the Seeing The Light brief, excluding two reshoots. I found that as I got to understand the brief better and learn from my experimentation and improve on my work as I got more chances to shoot and new places to go or new ideas I wanted to try. Therefore I know one of my strengths was learning from my work and always moving forward allowing me to see my progress from start to finish during the Seeing The Light brief. This was something that also gave me a sense of accomplishment, and showed me that while working on this project I had a lot of personal growth in the field of photography. 
However when on photoshoots I often found myself stuck on how to direct my model and because I was using my flatmates they were dependant on me to guide them. Therefore this created a few pauses during my shoots while I looked at my research and for inspiration even though I had looked at various resources prior to meeting my model. There were two photoshoots that I did that I chose not to use for different reasons. The second photoshoot I did for this project featured strong and dynamic shadows and I found them to be a good set of portraits. However I found that as I got to understand the brief more, the images I had taken did not fit the requirements. There was not enough focus on the eyes and the catchlights Whereas one of the other photoshoots I did took place at night and focused the reflections of the river combined with streetlights and the artificial light found in the city. I did this shoot on two different occasions and each time it got easier but I knew when to step back and move on to try out one of the other concepts I had in mind for Seeing The Light. 
Another strength was taking feedback on board, experimenting and embracing the different things being asked of me rather than holding back because I was nervous and in new territory. Overall by doing this first project I saw an improvement in my confidence in my skill and initiative. Not only was I able to expand on my previous skill but I also took a number of new skills and pieces of knowledge forwards into the next briefs with me. 
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Seeing The Light: Final 4
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After realising I could not longer use a couple of shoots I decided got change location and use the entrance way to the Glasgow Green. I wanted to experiment shooting somewhere less secluded and isolated, where there was more going on. I wanted to incorporate both the autumn leaves and the busy atmosphere around them and so I thought looking at different focal lengths would help to do this.
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Seeing The Light: Final Aperture
These are my final 4 optimised images for my Seeing The Light photoshoot where I focused on Aperture. 
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Seeing The Light: Framing
These are the results from my Seeing The Light photoshoot where I focused on different framing options. I decided to replace the initial shoot I did at this location after realising there wasn't enough focus on the eyes and catchlights. For this shoot I used a tripod and Nikon d3300, alternating between a 18-55mm and 55-300mm to give myself the best the best chance on this overcast day when I was shooting. I also experimented with the white and gold parts of my reflector to see what worked best. 
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These are my 16 chosen images. I chose these because I like the side profiles and positioning that bring the light onto the sitter’s face and into her eyes. I also like how her black jacket compliments her hair fiery hair colour and without washing her out against the lighter background. 
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Seeing The Light: Final Framing
These are my final 4 optimised images from my framing focused Seeing The Light photoshoot
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Seeing The Light: Final Focal Lengths
These are my final 4 optimised images from the Seeing The Light photoshoot where I focused on different focal length options. 
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Seeing The Light: Aperture
These are the results of my reshoot from the dappled light inspired photoshoot. Using my Nikon d3300, I was able to use the feedback and going into the shoot with things to work on but still with the opportunity to experiment. I’m really happy with these images because I can see improvement from the first shoot I did and took on board where I needed to persevere further. One of the first things I did was to experiment with my 55-300mm zoom lens to work with the leaves in my chosen location and enhance the potential bokeh affect that had been illustrated in my previous images. Additionally, I also wanted to focus on bringing more light into her eyes, making the most of the morning sunlight. 
These are my final 16 images, I decided to incorporate two from the first take of this shoot as I feel they fit the brief and are strong portraits. I chose these 16 because there is a different selection of dappled light affects with bokeh in the background where possible. I also like the different array of catchlights in her eyes, some more artificial from the reflector and others from the blue sky and green foliage she is looking at. 
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Seeing The Light: Final Viewpoint
These are my final 4 optimised images from my photoshoot at Carlton Place. I chose these images because I like the blend of nature and architecture illustrated by the different viewpoints I was able to work with. I also really like the overall tonality with the scene and my sitter that remains neutral with a few drops of colour in the trees and her red top. 
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Seeing The Light: Focal Length
This is my next Seeing The Light photoshoot and for this I focused on framing. I used my Nikon d3300, again alternating between my 18-55mm and 55-300mm to give myself the best chance. I wanted to incorporate the autumn leaves in the background that compliment her dark eyes and so I thought experimenting with different framing would help to achieve this. However it was very overcast when I was shooting so I decided to use this opportunity to work with the white part of my reflector which proved to be more successful than the gold which I started with initially. Overall I am happy with this photoshoot because it was more challenging than some of my others as I battled with the clouds and busy flow of people going on around behind my sitter and I was able to achieve what I had hoped for despite. 
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One of our tasks was to research the different photographic compositions ranging from simplification to leading lines. Composition plays an important role in photography, referring to how we line up a shot with placement and attention to detail but can be either the main thing we focus on when taking photos or something that comes to us naturally and will guide our eyes to the focal point of a photograph. 
Leading lines can be found in roads and pathways  and allow for either a more regimented or fluid approach to take the eye from the foreground to the background.
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Simplification is all about honing in on one particular object or subject within a scene, this blends well with depth of field. By taking a more minimalist approach to composition, we are able to reduce the amount of distraction in an image and lay a clearer pathway to guide the eye to our chosen detail and focal point. 
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Depth of Field is about how much of the image is in focus and how much is blurred.  While working with a small depth of field, the majority of the photograph will be blurred whereas a larger depth of field creates a more crisp image overall. By focusing on this aspect of composition, it is also possible to create a Bokeh affect or link in with Simplification.  
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Framing is about being resourceful, bringing in objects that are around us to frame something particular with our images. This can be anything from foliage to people and most often the frame of our focal point is out of focus so that the eye is more drawn to what is being framed, rather than the frame itself. 
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Negative space, often referred to as space, is a way to compositionally add depth and mood or atmosphere to an image. This is all about how we line up our images and by drawing on the space can accentuate and draw focus something particular within a scene. 
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Pattern in photography draws focus on repetition found within both nature and the man made world and can be regular or irregular. By using or making a feature of pattern that is abundant within everyday life, we can add tone and texture. 
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Shape is another element to composition that is a way to describe the objects within a scene but as with pattern, requires proper execution to properly illustrate the shapes and in order to make a feature of them. Shape can either right in front of us or require a more subtle approach.
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Even and Odd, sometimes referred to as the rule of odds is the concept of placing or featuring something within an image of a specific number to change the overall feel of an image. By composing an image made up of two people or objects for example, we can create a more mirrored and regimented feel whereas by introducing a third party, the dynamic changes and allows for a more relaxed approach to viewing a photograph. 
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Seeing The Light: Laura
This is my 4th Seeing The Light photoshoot which taken at Carlton Place. Using my Nikon d3300, I chose this location because I knew it would compliment my sitter’s style and features. I also felt that it would give me the opportunity to experiment with different viewpoints. I used my gold reflector for the majority of these images and primarily used my 55-300mm lens while shooting at golden hour. Overall I am happy with these images because there is a good quality of light and catchlight in her eyes and I have been able to capture my sitter from a different variety/range of viewpoints. 
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For my final contact sheet I selected these 16 images because they demonstrate a variety of different viewpoints including high and low. I also felt they have strong depth of field and catchlights from the reflector and bright skies. 
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The 1960′s and 1970′s
Colour photography began to increase in popularity with the assistance of colour slides. Therefore in the 60's, the manufactures of cameras began encouraging designs focused on colour photography rather than black and white. As a result, portraiture at this time gave life to the capturing of the rising fashion world in a more detailed way with the addition of colour film.
Another one of the movements that portraiture in the 60's and 70's was able to capture was the progression of female careers as there was a noticeable progression from staying at home to going out into the world and working. This tied in with the development of the fashion world and fashion photography. Furthermore, portraiture captured protest movement, the self expression within music and how people began to move forwards in the post war movement.
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After receiving his first camera at the age of 14 Robert Blomfield, had a clear eye for framing and detail. Blomfield was actively shooting from the 1950′s to 70′s in London, Edinburgh and Glasgow, taking on a street photography based approach capturing people going about their daily lives from students to children playing, daily commutes and gatherings, even the post war movement. His style was unintrusive and candid but captured the changing times, connecting people with places, continuing working to work in the field as the colour photography movement began before retiring his Nikon in 1999. 
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Seeing The Light: Jenna
 This is my second Seeing The Light portraiture photoshoot. I wanted to experiment with the modern architecture and clean cut shadows that fell with the sun. I also wanted to try using a different light modifier and used my silver reflector however I found in some of the close up shots, I didn't like the results and felt it took away some of the authenticity and made the model look too fake but I am glad that I took the oppurtunity to learn and experiment with something new. I know that I will continue persevering and working with the silver reflector. In addition to experimenting with the silver reflector, I decided to focus on focal length for this shoot, using a tripod for my positioning and then switching between my two lenses of 18-55mm and 55-300mm. Overall I’m happy with these images because they illustrate the different ways I was able to capture the light. 
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Seeing The Night Light
This is my third Seeing The Light photoshoot which took place at night in the rain. I wanted to capture the reflection of the city on the water but this required a lot of kit and perseverance. With streetlights, nearby traffic and the reflected light to think about, I really had to push myself to create the images I wanted. I had my two lenses, tripod and silver reflector with me so that I gave myself the best chance at capturing something good. As a result of finding different viewpoints, I alternated between my two lenses with the help of my tripod to ensure that the camera was steady and once I had the right momentum I incorporated the reflector however I noticed the impact this had was very subtle. I took over 100 images in total as I battled with the exposure triangle and the difficulties that come with shooting at night. I knew this would be challenging and I have never done a portraiture shoot at night before but I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and focused on the idea I had in my mind. This photoshoot is not my strongest but I know that I will be doing retakes with the experience and knowledge that this initial session gave me. I have included a few photos below from the shoot. 
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Seeing The Light: My Favourite Photographer
Ernst Haas
He never sought to be a photographer, he only wanted to experience the world, see new things and explore. His camera was means for him to do that but with his pioneering in the world of capturing colour, I have found his work to be eye opening about street photography and it gave me a new perspective on how it can be approached. Starting his photographic journey during the post war movement as he captured the prisoners of war coming home to Austria which caught the eye of Life magazine however favouring his independence he declined their offer of a job placement. But then upon receiving an invite from Robert Cappa, he joined Magnum in 1949.  Born in Vienna in 1921, Haas has quickly earned a reputation as one of the pioneers of colour photography, travelling across the world in the name of photography with a collection of his images being shown at the New York Museum of Art. After earning the Hasselblad Award the same year of his death, his legacy still continues to this day, the Ernst Haas estate is still active within the photographic community. His work has inspired me when shooting in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Inverness and Glasgow as I have explored his works as it has shown me that capturing photographs in the streets doesn't have to mean black and white conversions but can be full of colour and tonality. I have included one of my favourite images of his and one of my own that was inspired by it.
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Seeing The Light: Lily
For this photoshoot, I knew I wanted to experiment with dappled light and also take the opportunity to try my 5 in 1 reflector for the first time and the light metering on my camera. Overall I am happy with this photoshoot because I was able to create what I had envisioned. But it was also a learning experience as I was trying to teach myself about the reflector and metering. As a result, there are a few images that are over exposed and where the gold reflector is present in the shot. However I used the opportunity to experiment with the different requirements for the portrait briefs including focal length, viewpoint and composition in order to make the most of the experience. I took 79 photos in total as seen in the first screenshot and then from there, narrowed it down to my final 16 as seen in the second contact sheet. Furthermore I shot at sunrise, using a gold reflector to complement the warm tones of the sky and my subject’s hair. 
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