errorlovespi · 28 days
Do any avid readers #bookblr hate looking for new reads? I always want to read more but honestly hate trying to find something that I'd be into. Constant struggle which always leads me to not reading anything at all. Also open to suggestions... (except Sarah J. Maas) #help
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errorlovespi · 28 days
I hate when artists name their songs "L i k e T h i s" or in all lowercase and in all uppercase. Stop trying to be edgy and use proper spelling, grammar and lowercase / uppercase. Contrary to belief spelling YOUR ALBUM IN ALL CAPS will not get me to buy it faster
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errorlovespi · 28 days
This Black Panther game can either be 100% awesome or 100% missed opportunity
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errorlovespi · 1 month
Gonna force my bf to watch the Nasty music video later will keep y'all updated
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errorlovespi · 1 month
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errorlovespi · 2 months
I've been spending a lot of time off of the computer recently and I'm starting to feel an immense overtaking of sadness slash bittersweet feelings for my family (and the bf and his family) and emotions in general. I have no idea why but everything is hitting me all at once. It's hard to explain but I'm feeling a lot of regret and unhappiness but it's followed by feelings that I am on the right path for some reason. My life can be heckin' stressful and I'm a heckin' oddball when it comes to things I have and have not accomplished for a man of my age but I'm starting to wonder if I am supposed to be this way? The roads I have followed are roads less traveled but I feel as if I will appreciate it better later on and the only thing I can think of to why is because of my family. They tick me off so much sometimes but I'm so glad the road I've followed has been with each and every one of them. I feel sorry I am such a brat sometimes but I hope every one of them appreciates me for the things I do and forgives me for the hard times. I need to work on my stresses, life isn't so bad especially when I am not alone... I am truly one of the richest men alive and I am blessed to have experienced these roads with all of them. But the question still remains... how long have these emotions been building up and how long have they been "pushed away" from the distraction of my computer. Do yourself a favor and put down the phone the next time you see your family and/or get away from the distractions of technology/life's routines to visit your loved ones or give them a phone call (not text)... future you will thank you.
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errorlovespi · 2 months
2025 will be my year
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errorlovespi · 2 months
Why do they want us to watch the boring eclipse so bad?
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errorlovespi · 2 months
Had a dream last night I broke Oscar night dressed like a tomato with a big butt... had to walk down the aisle while Beyoncé judged everyone's looks and I almost died of embarrassment. In a world full of romaine lettuces, be a tomato with a big butt... I guess
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errorlovespi · 2 months
How can people play video games with their couches and chairs like a mile away from the TV screen? I'm blind. I need the TV at a maximum of a yard away... and I have a pretty big screen too
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errorlovespi · 3 months
I failed miserably at finding the secrets and pickups for 40 Fathoms
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errorlovespi · 3 months
I think Monster is my fave Paramore song
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errorlovespi · 3 months
Watching Tinashe live on Twitch and they literally had the audacity to interrupt us with a 1:30 second ad break? Um
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errorlovespi · 3 months
I feel like you just HAVE to play Tomb Raider 2 with the sunglasses on. It just feels... right
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errorlovespi · 3 months
Listening to Babymetal makes me imagine a Sucker Punch scenario with badass Japanese girls teaming up to kick ass
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errorlovespi · 3 months
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Final Statistics from Tomb Raider 1. Also took about 131 saves. How did I do?
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errorlovespi · 3 months
I really miss the days when I collected dolls and things for them. The excitement of new releases and the thrill of the hunt as well as crafting things in miniature. But I just can't say that I'm a fan of g3 Monster High (it's ok if you are, I'm not hating... I personally just don't want to collect them) or of any doll series that is out currently. A part of me died a long time ago once I stopped collecting something. I love "the hunt" from collecting things. Since dolls are out of the question at the moment, there's really nothing else that sparks my interest that I could *collect*
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