esc-imagines · 3 years
Imagine: Duncan being with someone else
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Word count: 854
Request: Sad story based on Someone else by Duncan Laurence
Warning: Sad, Twin Flame Separation
AN: Please let me know what you think of the change in writing style in this imagine and the previous one! I’m experimenting.
“I don't think about you. 'Til I'm alone, 'til I'm alone. And thinking about you with someone else.” Y/N sings along to the song playing on their phone. It was about to happen sooner or later. The energy between Y/N and Duncan had changed. But Y/N didn’t know what was worse, the pain of being separated or him moving on so fast. When Duncan left Y/N was devastated and it felt like everything around them had collapsed.
Duncan always thought that he and Y/N had something special, with them Duncan always felt like he was home. Everything else felt meaningless, but they started to trigger each other and deep cuts were made. This feeling overwhelmed Duncan and he needed space to breathe and think. Duncan steps under the stream of the shower and lets out a big breath.
Y/N only liked to be around others instead of being alone. When they were alone their thoughts would overwhelm Y/N. Y/N couldn’t stop thinking about him. As Y/N steps inside the coffee shop they see him. They ducked down, they was sure Duncan didn’t see them. When Y/N thinks about that moment it still feels like their heart was being pulled out of their chest. Duncan was with another person, they were having coffee and giggling together. All the moments they had shared together were flashing through Y/N head. They grimace as Duncan leans over to put his arm around the unknown person he was with. They smiled at each other, Duncan hadn’t smiled like that in a while. Y/N felt themselves become numb, it became harder to breathe. They quickly exit the coffee shop. How could he move on so quickly, how could he betray them? Y/N gasps for air trying to keep a panic attack away. Y/N now realizes what the change in energy must have been. Deceit. Duncan had been less and less open to Y/N and kept quiet more. But what scares Y/N the most is that they still want and miss Duncan more than ever. It might destroy them but without him, Y/N might not be able to move on.
Duncan was having fun but in his gut was a different feeling. It was that same overwhelming feeling he was having with Y/N. He really loves them and he always will but telling them is too hard. Duncan doesn’t want to hurt Y/N but what if he’s not their person? He is still thinking about Y/N every morning he wakes up and every night before he falls asleep. But he can’t tell Y/N it would risk too much.
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esc-imagines · 3 years
Imagine: Gjon’s Tears partying with Daði Freyr in Amsterdam
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Set-up: Gjon’s Tears and Daði Freyr in third person view
Word count: 441 (Short)
Request: Gjon partying the night away with Dadi og Gagnamagnið
Warning: NO CORONA
The music was thumping loudly through the toilet stalls and Gjon could feel the world spinning ever so slightly. He had a few cocktails and not that much food tonight. This was a rare feeling he wasn’t used to. Gjon always had to be focused and fit to perform at his best, but tonight was a special night. Eurovision was OVER! He had 3 more days in the Netherlands. Gjon and some of the other participants had decided it was time to enjoy themselves after all of their hard work for the past few weeks and go into Amsterdam. He stumbled to the sink and washed his hands, also splashing a little in his face. Gjon looked up to see his own tired looking face in the mirror. His bags were even more noticeable without the makeup they wore everyday for Eurovision. Gjon never thought he would miss the makeup, he chuckled to himself and pushed his way out of the toilet. The music grew louder and he looked around to find his friends. A tap on his shoulder made him turn around. Dadi smiled down at Gjon who looked like a lost puppy. “C’mon, the rest is over at the bar!” 
At the bar Sigrún, Hulda, Stefán, Jóhann were busting out their best dance moves and laughing at themselves. Árný had stayed at the hotel because she was pregnant. “Look who I found!” Dadi said whilst wiggling his eyebrows. They cheered as Gjon appeared from behind Dadi. Gjon smiled at his friends, he had gotten to know so many amazing people during his time in Rotterdam. This is what Eurovision was about to him showing his art, but also meeting new artists from all over the world to share this experience with. He started busting out some moves and hollered as Every Time We Touch by Cascada started playing. Dadi smiled at the sight from the bar whilst he ordered some drinks. He handed Gjon some water, he could tell he needed a break from the alcohol or he would have to carry him back to the hotel tonight which luckily was not far from the bar that they were at. “You are the best.”  Gjon laughed as he gratefully took the water from Dadi. 
It must have been hours that they danced because all of a sudden the music stopped and the lights turned on. Gjon violently blinked his eyes trying to get used to the bright light. “I think that’s our cue to go.” Dadi chuckled. Gjon nodded and followed the group outside. He could already hear birds chirping and saw the sun was coming up already. They had completely lost all sense of time but it also was the most fun time. 
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esc-imagines · 4 years
Imagine: Becoming Miki’s new best friend
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Pairing: Miki Nunez x Reader
Word count: 541
Request: Participating in Eurovision & becoming Miki’s new best friend (For my girl @sabienofficial​)
Warnings: Friendship, fun times
“Here we are!” Our PA Tara smiles as she opens the door to our green room. This is all so surreal, it’s all so overwhelming, but so fun! I let out a little squeal of excitement. “We should decorate it so everyone knows we are here!” Kevin, one of my backing vocals, smiles as he holds put some flags and markers. “Let’s go!” I yell excited and start decorating.
I hang up some flags and write my name and my countries name on them. I take a step back to look at our work of art. Suddenly I trip over my own feet and I feel myself going to the ground. I brace for impact but it never comes. Instead, I feel two arms around me, lifting me back up. I look up to see a dark-haired boy smiling at me. A small smile creeps on my face.
“Thanks,” I say as he helps me up. “No problem, what are neighbours for?!” He grins as he points to the green room next to ours. “So nice to meet you! My name is Y/N, how are you?” I smile as I try and shake his hand. He chuckles and pulls me in for a hug instead. “My name is Miki, from Spain. Nice to meet you too Y/N.” He grins as he lets me go.
I exclaim loudly as I hear him say his name. “I love your song! It’s such a bop.” I start singing it. Miki laughs and quickly joins in. We start dancing around the room and some other people join us in our little party. I see some people filming us and clapping along. As the chorus ends I let out a big sigh. “I have to take a nap later.” Miki chuckles at my comment. “Meet up later?” I smile at him. “Sure, text me when you are done napping.” He smiles. I hand him my phone and he types in his number. We say goodbye and go our separate ways.
“HOLY F*CK!” I scream as I shoot up from the couch. I can hear laughter from behind me. I turn around to see Miki in stitches, laughing his ass off. “You scared me,” I exclaim as I hit him in de stomach. He plops down next to me on the couch as he continuous laughing. “I’m sorry I had to.” I pout at him which makes him laugh even more. “I hate you,” I mumble under my breath. “No, you don’t.” He grins as he pokes me in the side teasingly.
“Shut up,” I mutter. He takes the bottom of my blanket and pulls it to himself. “Nooo, Miki, don’t please,” I whine. He laughs again. “Fine.” I stand up and go to the chair across the room. He smiles triumphantly as he slides down a bit more. “Are you really going to nap here?” I chuckle slightly. He nods as he turns to his side so he doesn’t face me anymore. I quietly grab a water bottle from the table and tiptoe over to Miki. I open de cap and drop some water on his head.
“Dude!” Miki exclaims as he jumps up from the couch. “Oh, you want a prank war? Then you will get one!” He laughs manically and runs out of the room.
What have I done…(part 2 maybe?)
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esc-imagines · 4 years
Hey, r' u still alive? We need more esc imaginessss
I FEEL ALIVEEEEEE (thanks Imri for that intro) Hiya, I’m back?! (I’m trying) So get ready! I have a long list with ideas to write about, but if you have new requests, maybe like 2020 artists (?) feel free to hit me up! Also thank you to everyone who has sent me sweet messages, I really apricate it and it really motivates me to write again! :)
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esc-imagines · 5 years
Imagine: Being the singer for the UK and coming in last place
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Pairing: Duncan Laurence x Reader 
Word count: 749
Request: Reader is a singer from the UK and comes last, and is upset about last night but happy for Dunc. 
Warnings: Angsty, fluff, romance
Tears roll down my face as hear the final results. I can’t believe we only got 11 points, and only 3 of those were televote points. I really thought that we did well and we were up there more but it seems like the UK is still stuck in the bottom like always. Maybe I was flat or they didn’t like me in the interviews enough. I should have prepared more and given more energy during the performance. They will all hate me when I get back home. Thoughts race through my mind. I can't breathe. Everything is spinning and it feels as if the ground is melting under my feet. I collapse onto my hands and knees, my breathing shallow and quick. I gag at the thought of a calloused hand tugging on my chin. My body is shaking uncontrollably. I feel a pair of hands gently rest on my shoulders but I shrug them off. “I’m here, it’s alright.” I faintly hear someone calling to me. 
The voice sounds familiar and warm. I feel someone wrap their arms around me and pulling me into their chest. My body stops shaking and I feel my breath calming down little by little. I keep my eyes closed and snuggle myself into the chest of voice. “We are going back to the hotel, you want to walk to the bus?” The voice softly asks. I nod and let the voice guide me. As I sit down in the bus I lay my head against the window and drift of into a dreamless nap.
I gasp as I wake up, I steady myself as I sit upright in bed. I smile when I notice my brother next to me. He comforted me when I used to get panic attacks when I was younger. He would always fall asleep with me and nothing would feel more secure. “Morning Sleepy.” I smile as I hear my nickname. Our mum was so obsessed with Snow White she gave us nicknames after the Seven Dwarfs, I was Sleepy and my brother was Grumpy. “Morning Grumpy.” I chuckle as I stretch out my arms. “Feeling better, huh?!” I nod as a reply and reach to my nightstand for my phone. 
I see multiple messages from other participants asking if I’m alright and what happened. I smile at their kindness and quickly reply to their messages. ‘I was really worried about you, are you feeling better?’ Duncan is such a sweetheart. We have been becoming good friends these past few weeks. ‘Yes I’m feeling a lot better, thank you for asking. Congratulations on the big win, you deserve it so much!’ I reply to him. I get up and start getting dressed. “You want to get breakfast?” I shout at my brother who has occupied the bathroom. “Yes, I’m starving.” He shouts back. “Alright Grumpy, hurry up then.” I chuckle.
As we walk to the elevator, one of the doors near the end of the hallway opens and Duncan appears. I smile and run towards him. He opens his arms and smiles down at me as he wraps his arms tightly around me. “Goodmorning Y/N, I missed you at the party yesterday. But I’m glad you are feeling better.” He smiles and plants a soft kiss on my head. “Yeah, I feel bummed that I couldn’t be there.” I pout. We walk to the elevator, Grumpy tapping his feet as he holds the door for us. “Hurry up you two.” He mutters. I laugh at him and quicken the pace. “Wait, you go. We will see you at the restaurant.” Duncan shouts as he pulls me to a stop. My brother rolls his eyes and groans as he lets the doors close. “What’s wrong?” I ask butterflies flutter around my stomach as he pulls me to him. “Nothing I just wanted to have a moment alone with you. I was feeling a little upset I wasn’t able to be there for you yesterday.” He sighs softly. “You are being silly, you won so I wanted you to celebrate and not ruin the evening by worrying about me.” He smiles. “I know it sounds silly, but I really care about you Y/N. I hope we can see each other after we have gone home again.” He strokes my cheek softly. I put my hand on his hand and look him in the eyes. “I would love that.” I smile and place a kiss on his scruffy cheek.
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esc-imagines · 5 years
What do you think of 'Our choice' (Iceland 2018)?
I like Heim better than Our Choice to be honest. I love Ari so much he is a piece of sunshine, and he is my son. Ari's vocal range is just out of this fcking world tbh with ya.
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esc-imagines · 5 years
You let me walk alone or She got me? And why?
This is a hard one again! Because Michael is such a nice man and has such a touching song. But then again I love a good banger I can party too.. She Got Me wins this one for now!
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esc-imagines · 5 years
Non mi avete fatto niente or Too late for love? And why?
Non mi avete fatto niente was robbed, and I love (almost) everything Italy sends to Eurovision!
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esc-imagines · 5 years
Dance you off or Proud? And why?
Dance dance you off! It's a banger! And whilst I love Tamara, the song doesn't do it for me tbh
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esc-imagines · 5 years
La forza or Truth? And why?
I hate both to be honest with you😅
But if I had to choose I would go for La Forza, because I can listen to that song till the end and I never made it that far with Truth.
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esc-imagines · 5 years
My lucky day or Hatrid mun sigra? And why?
Mmmm I like My Lucky Day but I prefer the Russian version of it, so that's why I would go with Hatrid Mun Sigra, and it's also a nice one to 'sing' a long!
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esc-imagines · 5 years
Higher ground or Zero gravity? And why?
Higher Ground! I love Jonas so much he is such a sweetheart! It's a jam too so this got to be the one for me❤
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esc-imagines · 5 years
Lie to me or Spirit in the sky? And why?
This one is just mean.. How do you expect someone to choose between these bops??1! 😭
I'm just going with which one I have been playing the most recently and that would be Spirit in The Sky
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esc-imagines · 5 years
Nobody but you or Scream? And why?
SCREAM! I love to literally scream this one along and Sergey is an absolute icon tbh
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esc-imagines · 5 years
Fuego or Soldi? And why?
Gotta be Soldi! I can listen to this on repeat for daaaaaays
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esc-imagines · 5 years
Toy or Arcade? And why?
That's an easy one for me, Arcade! I love this song so much and I'm from the Netherlands as well and I'm seeing him live 3 times on the tour bc I support this boy so much❤❤
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esc-imagines · 5 years
Imagine: Celebrating the Televote win with Alexandra
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Pairing: Alexandra Rotan x Reader 
Word count: 520
Warnings: friendship/romance fluff
I still can't believe we actually won the televote! Who would have thought?! We all jump up and down and scream in excitement celebrating our televote win and our good friend Duncan’s win. We all had been really close with the Dutch delegation and have been hanging out quite a bit. On the screen, I can see the camera zooming in on Duncan as he gets up to go and sing on the stage on more time. Alexandra throws herself to me and holds me tight. “I’m so proud of you!” I smile against her neck. I feel her wipe away tears from her cheeks. “Awh, don’t cry.” I chuckle as I pull away and wipe the tears from her face. “I’m just so happy, I can’t even talk anymore.” She laughs between the tears. I chuckle and hug her once again. 
The first notes of Arcade start playing and the whole green room goes quiet again, all the delegations are hugging each other, or holding hands. We all hold each other and sing along with Duncan. “I don't need your games, game over! Get me off this roller-coaster.” We sing as loud as we can and with the biggest smiles on our faces. ”Ooh, ooh. All I know, all I know, loving you is a losing game.” As the song comes to an end everyone starts cheering and clapping. I look over at Alexandra and see her hugging Fred and Tom. I smile as I quickly pull out my phone to take a photo of them. I want to remember this moment forever, this feeling right now is the best I ever felt. Time feels like it is passing by slowly and the whole atmosphere is filled with love and happiness. Even to the people who didn’t do too well, everyone was happy for eachother and grateful to have had this experience with all these lovely people.  
I sigh in relief as we walk into the hotel, I can’t wait to sleep. “So I will see you guys after I have woken up from my coma in the morning.” I laugh as I start giving everyone from the delegation a hug. “Are you going to bed already?” Alexandra pouts. “We were going to hang out for a little bit upstairs.” I rub the back of my neck thinking about my options. “Alright, you got me. I’m in.” I grin as I press the elevator button. Alexandra shrieks in excitement and places a kiss on my cheek. “This is gonna be so much fun.” She smiles. Fred and Tom are in a serious conversation not paying attention to us. “I really want to thank you for coming along with us on this crazy ride, I would’ve gone crazy without you.” She smiles and intertwines her fingers with mine. I blush and smile shyly at her. “No problem, I loved every second of it and I’m thankful I got to be here with you guys.” I smile and I softly squeeze her hand.
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