escapelabgame · 6 years
Updated Questionnaires for August 13th
Pre-Game Questionnaire (without the demographics)
Post-Game Questionnaire
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escapelabgame · 6 years
Jim Hewitt
- Liked the idea of the game.
- Found the boxes which explain that the equation is incorrect very helpful. 
- Liked the idea of creating fake molecules.
- Suggested we should incorporate the learning technique of repetition more.
Leanne Ma
- Suggested we should emphasize the names of the products
- Highly encouraged us to emphasize on the fact that this game is an escape room game, and give more instructions and tutorials
- Suggested that the fake molecules idea should be implemented.
Paul Alexander - Curriculum, Teaching and Learning PhD, OISE
-  Suggested that we should turn it into a story of a chemist and make the cursor a gadget.
- Suggested we should add more animations make the background related to the game
- Felt like our game would benefit from more tutorials and a timer.
Rachael Lee - High school science teacher, Crestwood Prep
- Pointed out that this game wasn’t teaching the process of balancing chemical equations from the basics.
- Suggested that it could instead be used as a means of exam review and practice rather than a tool to learn the concepts of balancing chemical equations for the first time.
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escapelabgame · 6 years
Overall Reports on the Game
Positive aspects of the game
- The idea of synchronizing an escape room game with balancing chemical equations was widely liked by our playtesters.
- The additional feature where participants have to navigate through the fake molecules to find the real ones received positive feedback.
- The design of the molecule sprites was well liked.
Things that can be improved upon
- There were comments on how the graphics of the scene could be made similar to the intuitive properties of the chemicals involved in the balancing of the chemical equation.
- There could be more emphasis on the names of the chemical equations involved in each level.
- The fact that it’s an escape room game could be made more clear.
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escapelabgame · 6 years
level 1 about balancing eqn, 
level 3 about more molecules
Typos for sprites*
Make all tutorial boxes black and white
Make level 5 puzzle-based
2 options for reactants and one product
Update blog: feedbacks from last 3 weeks*
Change the molecule numbers*
Change into Linux format.
Change plus sign*
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escapelabgame · 6 years
Make the equation box prominent - bigger *
Edit script to make the glowy door appear only after they solve the equation *
Change the molecule’s colour when clicked (Add Button script) *
Change cursor from a pointer to a hand when hovered over clickable objects*
Change plus sign
Find 3 more rooms and edit them
Repeat eqn for all levels in diff order
Add 3 more levels *
Work on more molecules option? (12 for now)
More tutorials *
Add script to the loading scene *
Starting scene
Add sound (if time permits)
Edit script to make other glowy stuff disappear when sth is clicked
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escapelabgame · 6 years
Completed tasks
Solved NullRefrenceExceptionError
Tutorial bug fixed
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escapelabgame · 6 years
Plan for this week
To-do list
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escapelabgame · 6 years
Changes to be made before playtesting
Change animated stars to glowy stuff
Edit background to add a door
Change mechanism for completing the equation (i.e. players have to click both molecule and the slot to move molecule into the slot)
Add 2 more levels
Change background for pop up text
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escapelabgame · 6 years
Playtesting reports!
We asked 6 playtesters of various backgrounds to test our game.
The result of the post-game questionnaire is given in the google docs linked below
In essence, the results suggested that:
- A lot of people loved the idea of this game and loved the aesthetics.
- The objective of this game is more clear now than it was in the previous playtesting sessions. However, it’s still not very clear to some.
- The majority of people wanted this game to be a little bit more complicated, with more variety and more types of chemical reactions.
- The majority loved this game-based approach to teaching and would prefer this to traditional classroom methods. 100% of our playtesters reported that they would love to be notified after it’s completed. 
- Although the majority of playtesters postulated that this game is about chemical reactions, only 30% of them correctly pointed out that it is about balancing chemical equations.
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escapelabgame · 6 years
Game Design Plan
Primary to-do list (Coding aspect) 
Work on how to make a clicky backpack thingy where the player can find the things that they have collected over the levels.
(not urgent) -work on how to make things glow once you hover your pointer over them
Improve on the combining aspects of molecules
Primary to - do list (Visual aspect)
Find a transparent golden bird cage
(don’t worry about background for now)
Find a nice key
Find a nice glowy gif to indicate where things are (for now)
Find boxes
Primary to-do list (Educational aspect)
Test different strategies to learn which one works the best (try and make it more intuitive and maths based, instead of memorization based)
Make sure the first two levels work perfectly, and that the player is guided through it seamlessly so that later on they will be more focused on the educational aspects rather than the game dynamics 
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escapelabgame · 6 years
Pre-game Questionnaire
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escapelabgame · 6 years
Recurring peer critiques
This game will benefit from having clear instructions on where to click
The graphics need some improvement
A more intuitive idea on where to click would be beneficial 
The stars should be consistent, and maybe more vibrant
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escapelabgame · 6 years
Changes made to the game
Removed wall2 and wall3
Now we only have one room
Removed right and left arrow and return arrow
Removed inventory system
Added pop-up text
Made welcome text shorter
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escapelabgame · 6 years
We asked some of our upper year Computer Science friends to playtest our first level, and here are some of the constructive criticism which we collected, which we think will help us improve our game. 
- Some insight on where to click on the picture would definitely help, for example a mouse pointer which changes its appearance when you hover over a certain object which contains clues, or making an object glow when you hover your cursor over it (Daniel C) 
- The graphics need some work, and the objective of this game is not clear (Daniel C)
- This game would benefit from having a tutorial (Sayan F)
- This level did not reach its goal of teaching how to balance a chemical equation, because the mechanics of this game were a bit too confusing (Thomas L)
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escapelabgame · 6 years
Learning Objectives
What do you want the player to learn?
- To understand the process of balancing chemical equations
What should the player be able to do, after learning take place?
- Know that there are different types of chemical reactions, namely decomposition, displacement, and combination reactions.
- Know that the reactants and the products should have the same number of molecules
How can you measure that ability?
- Giving them many unbalanced equations, from easiest to hardest
- Filling in one gap, for example _Mg + _ O2 -> _MgO
How would that look in your game?
- Making fun puzzles to balance chemical equations
- Synthesizing end products by reacting certain molecules
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escapelabgame · 6 years
Peer Feedback
Here is some feedback which was given to us by our peers:
- Make the graphics more relevant to the theme of the game
- Design it so that you have to arrange the molecules in a certain order in order to unlock the door, as opposed to just clicking on the product (Thomas)
- In order to find the key, it would be better if you would have to find the compounds which made the product up first (Stewart)
- The instructions were not clear, and it would be better if we had pointers on where to click. Also, the aesthetics didn’t create an escape-room vibe (Charmaine)
- It would be better if we had more of an indication of which spots can be clicked, like a hover sprite (Charmaine)
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escapelabgame · 6 years
Level 1 + Menu 
Change molecules background for level 1(add VSEPR shapes/pictures ?)
Change starting text
Add text in level 1 to make it a tutorial
Change background for menu scene
Level 2 
Find + change sprites
Add a puzzle
Change welcome text
Level 3 
Same as Level2 
new puzzle
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