eshiromura Ā· 10 years
Hey everybody, my name is Athena. Iā€™m currently unemployed due to a back and neck injury. Iā€™m trying to get a new job, but right now, I have to pay off my remaining tuition from last semester in order to enroll in classes this semester. My recent medical expenses keep my parents from being able to help me on this front, and I donā€™t have an option other than going to school this semester. Itā€™s very important to me that I be able to continue studying so that I can get my degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management, and if there is any way you could help me out, it would be so very much appreciated.
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eshiromura Ā· 10 years
to those of u following me on this blog: don't
i'm over at maricolousmaiden most days, i happen to be here because it's emiko's birthday but otherwise not normally lmao!! thank you though it is much appreciated :')
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eshiromura Ā· 10 years
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"Don't make me file for divorce."
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"Itā€™s my birthday, not Jesusā€™s."
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eshiromura Ā· 10 years
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Happy holidays everyone!
Much love from K mun and the Boys <3
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eshiromura Ā· 10 years
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"It's my birthday, not Jesus's."
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eshiromura Ā· 10 years
MY HEART.......
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haha what do u mean??? iā€™m supposed 2 make a fancy banner featuring my ocs???? um??? coughs anyway iā€™m super lame and iā€™ve been ā€¦ in this community for awhile and through it all iā€™ve met a lot of really great people!! really, i couldnā€™t be more grateful for the people iā€™ve met here and??? gosh.. this list doesnā€™t even comeĀ close to everyone i wanted to add but itā€™s pretty lengthy anyway so iā€™m sticking it under a cut?? niceā€ž! this is in no particular order andā€ž again thereā€™s no way iā€™ve got everyone but..!! nonetheless i do think itā€™s about time i posted this dang thingā€ž!!!Ā 
Read More
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eshiromura Ā· 10 years
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Ichiro and Emiko are the cutest best friends okay like emiko mun and i have like extenSIVE CONVERSATIONS ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP
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eshiromura Ā· 10 years
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Eugenia Tkachenka and Yuri Gulitskiā€™s free dance costumes at the 2012 Junior Grand Prix in Chemnitz.
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eshiromura Ā· 10 years
The spark that traveled from her body to Ichiro's and vice versa in the moment they hugged again was not a simple application of static electricity in daily life. It was the simple side effect of two people who hadn't seen each other in a long, long time, coming together once more after being desperate to do so for...well, a long, long time.
"Don't I know it,"
The eighteen-year-old sighed, staring down at her rather extended tummy in a mix of love and displeasure.
"It's as if I'm having a whole litter of them, and not just one. Look out for me on reality television networks, Hiro. I feel like the next Octomom."
All of a sudden, however, Emiko stiffened beneath him and almost appeared to freeze out of fear. This skittish nature was unlike her - or rather, it was unlike who she had become. Various personalities she had previously adopted would have reacted this way to the slightest stimuli, but for the slightly older, more grown figure skater to behave in such a manner was a startling change.
"E-Emmet...! I told you, th-that dog, it...please don't let it jump on me..."
In all honesty, she was just being an enormous worrywart. Dodger had followed his owner into the room, and was now happily jumping on EMMET and trying to lick his face from its far smaller height. However, with the way his wife's face had fallen ashen from fear, it was probably a good idea to calm her worries a little.
"I-I'm just...I only want to be a good mother, okay? I want to do a good job of this. I might be going overboard, but...this is terrifying. This whole thing is terrifying, and..."
At the very least, a smile had returned to her face.
"And I kind of love it. But not as much as I love YOU. What have you been up to lately? How are the boys? Koichi, and Haruya, and the others? I miss them, too!"
Idk what to title this yeah
Ichiro was about to run towards the sound of his best friendā€™s voice, so excited to see her again it was insane. But when a blur of fur come running around a corner right at himā€¦orā€¦at the Irish man behind him, he yelped and almost jumped out of his skin.Ā 
Thankfully for the frightened street rat, the mass of fur went right past him and started to jump up on Emmet, barking and licking at his hands happily.Ā 
"Aw thatā€™s a good boy, Dodgerā€¦Did you scare Ichiro over here..? Aw yes you didā€¦Yes you didā€¦!!"
Emmet picked up the small collie dog, still a puppy despite itā€™s size and let it happily lick his face.
"After I graduated I got a dogā€¦could never have one cause I moved so much with mā€™dad soā€¦figured now that mā€™settlinā€™ down, I could get one. Had to swear to Emiko itā€™d be a tiny oneā€¦ā€™course heā€™s only tiny right nowā€¦"
Ichiro furrowed his eyebrows.
"ā€¦Just donā€™t let it hurt the kidā€¦"
Ichiro returned his attention to the real matter at hand and raced off through the large and immaculately cleaned beach house, finding Emiko immediately; his face lighting up in a way that was so rare you would think this wasnā€™t even the same person.Ā 
He tossed his bag to the ground and eagerly went to her arms, wrapping his own around her now bigger frame and burrowing his head into her shoulder, letting out a completely overwhelmed but so incredibly happy laugh.Ā 
"I missed youā€¦..!!!"
He breathed out, pulling away to beam at her, eyes trailing down to her belly, recalling the day so long ago when he had been the one who realized there was something wrongā€¦Well not wrong but somethingā€¦off.
"ā€¦Omgā€¦Thereā€™s likeā€¦an almost formed human in thereā€¦Thatā€™s so weirdā€¦Can I touch itā€¦??"
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eshiromura Ā· 10 years
This was nice.
Emiko had to admit - this was nice. Being far away from the stress of the media that had plagued her for so long was a welcome change in any environment, and the fact that she was actively keeping a secret from the public almost made her (more) sick to her stomach than her mother. When her mother found out, she was going to be shocked, appalled, and furious. She was going to demand that Andrew Kane Do Something About This, and when it's told to her that there is nothing that can be done, she'll deflate like a little balloon of anger and, eventually, grow to accept it. Seeing the baby would, no doubt, help.
The public?
Emiko had no idea what they would do. All she knew was that her old journalist 'pals' would smear her name across every tabloid in existence available for human consumption. They were going to, quite happily, ruin her life, and her reputation. And her reputation was all she had ever had. However...
One of the framed photographs of herself and Emmet from their wedding caught her eye, and she smiled almost without realizing. Perhaps now, she had something more important than a reputation. something more worth a sacrifice.
As the door to their for-now home swung open, a mess of red hair even MORE familiar to her than to his friend appeared and the figure skater's heart leapt straight into her throat and for a long, long moment, she couldn't think of a single thing, because he had stolen her mind as much as he'd stolen her heart and nothing had changed and nothing ever would.
Her heart leapt straight out of her body when she heard the other voice. Because though Emmet was her husband, and she adored him fully, there were some people who just couldn't be overwritten.
Like herĀ best friend.
Emiko shrieked, half-tempted to stand up from her desk chair. One glance down at her seven-months-swollen stomach, however, was enough to convince her otherwise. She did smile so big her face nearly cracked, though, and by the time he'd bolted through the door to the entertainment room there were tears pouring down her cheeks as she lifted her arms like a toddler begging to be held.
God, she'd missed him.
Idk what to title this yeah
Ichiro had never traveled outside of Japan before. He had never traveled regardless unless it had been by foot. And even then, he had never left Tokyo. He had been there since the day he was born.Ā 
So being told that a private jet was going to pick him up and fly him to St. Maarten was not a familiar experienceā€¦
He felt horribly out of place in the small but still rather luxurious jet that Emmetā€™s family apparently ownedā€¦Damn, Emmet was richā€¦
The street rat tugged at the strap of his messenger bag filled with articles of clothing Emiko had given him previously, a little wary of the weird looks the crew were giving their passenger.
But why wouldnā€™t they? He was a small kid wearing clothes two times too big for himā€¦But once he explained he was with Emmet Kane, they understood and welcomed him aboard like they would anyone else. That was niceā€¦getting treated like a person.
He had hesitantly took a seat on one of the plush chairs, strapping himself in and fiddling with his phone, curled up in the blanket one of the crew gave him as they prepared to take off.
He swore he had almost shit his pants when they did. He had never been up in the air before, and he peered out the window with wide eyes, feeling even more small than he ever did way up in the air. He felt his eyes actually start to get droopy, and for once, allowed himself to fall asleep.Ā 
When he woke up, they were on the ground and there was a familiar figure with a very familiar crop of ginger hair rubbing their hand in Ichiroā€™s own mess of hair.Ā 
"Rise and shine, mate."
Emmetā€¦He had missed Emmet.
Thankfully they had a lot of time to catch up from the time Emmet was gone here on the island, what with Emmet having to drive Ichiro to theĀ beachĀ house he and Emiko were living in to keep her out of the publicā€™s eye. They talked and chatted like normal. How each other were doing. How married life was for Emmet. How school was. What bullshit Emmet had been missing out on back at school since he had graduated early to be with Emiko and their soon to be born kid. This was niceā€¦Ichiro had missed his friend.Ā 
And once they arrived at theĀ huge ass beachĀ  house, he missed hisĀ best friendĀ even more.Ā 
He bounced on his toes as Emmet unlocked the door and let him inside, pushing past him and calling out with a rare but genuine smile.
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eshiromura Ā· 10 years
emiko IS back....
Emiko is back
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eshiromura Ā· 10 years
[text to :: hirokoko puffs]
}} sweetie! i'm sure you look very, very cute!
}} oh god, i already sound like a mom. oh no. don't tell emmet, he will never stop making fun of me.
}} speaking of emmet, guess what he's making for dinner? french onion soup! with italian bread on the side!
}} go to emmet's...place. pics, and it definitely did happen!
}} i love emmet. you know? i mean, obviously you know, we're kind of married, so hopefully love would be a thing that was going on here. but, i really, really do. and i love you JUST AS MUCH. so please hurry and come see us because we both miss you, so much, but i miss you the most out of anyone in the whole world.
[text :: hirokoko puffs] hey, hiro. are you busy tonight? i miss you, quite a lot. do you want to come spend the night with me?
[text to: emikOoOoOoO]
Ā»Omg hello
Ā» if by busy you mean sitting in my dorm room with nothing to doā€¦then. Yes totally booked
Ā» Iā€™m kidding when can I come over
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eshiromura Ā· 10 years
[text :: hirokoko puffs]
}} that depends, honestly.
}} do you already have a passport? if so, i can have you on the next flight over. we can have you here in ten hours. long flight, i know, but that is the absolute shortest i can do.
}} besides, it's only 8 am. we can have you here by 7 pm if you pack super quick and get to the airport!
}} i know it's short notice, but...please, hiro? please?
[text :: hirokoko puffs] hey, hiro. are you busy tonight? i miss you, quite a lot. do you want to come spend the night with me?
[text to: emikOoOoOoO]
Ā»Omg hello
Ā» if by busy you mean sitting in my dorm room with nothing to doā€¦then. Yes totally booked
Ā» Iā€™m kidding when can I come over
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eshiromura Ā· 10 years
The deadline for this group is in four days - I am a mod, and trust me, it'll be incredibly fun.
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Are you afraid?
fear - /fi(ə)r/ - (n):Ā an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
"Fear cuts deeper than swords." - George R.R. Martin
Congratulations on your enrollment to the prestigious Hope's Peak Academy in the cultural and industrial center of ever-progressing modern-day Japan. Upon your acceptance to this school, you have joined the ranks of prodigies across the nation, and your future is sure to be bright. A good thing, too - what's that? You're not afraid of the dark, of the unknown?
...We'll see about that, won't we?
Perhaps your little friendship ritual at Akarui Shuujin Elementary will change your mind.
Project Innocence is a closed, submission-based Dangan Ronpa OC roleplaying group. It will take place in an abandoned elementary school, and features a unique item collection system, a variety of puzzles, and a ghostly game mechanic. The deadline for applications is Halloween, October 31st, at 11:59 p.m. Please message the main blog if you wish to be added to the hopefuls chat.
aboutĀ ā€ rulesĀ ā€ must readĀ ā€ faqĀ ā€ application
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eshiromura Ā· 10 years
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Are you afraid?
fear - /fi(ə)r/ - (n):Ā an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
"Fear cuts deeper than swords." - George R.R. Martin
Congratulations on your enrollment to the prestigious Hope's Peak Academy in the cultural and industrial center of ever-progressing modern-day Japan. Upon your acceptance to this school, you have joined the ranks of prodigies across the nation, and your future is sure to be bright. A good thing, too - what's that? You're not afraid of the dark, of the unknown?
...We'll see about that, won't we?
Perhaps your little friendship ritual at Akarui Shuujin Elementary will change your mind.
Project Innocence is a closed, submission-based Dangan Ronpa OC roleplaying group. It will take place in an abandoned elementary school, and features a unique item collection system, a variety of puzzles, and a ghostly game mechanic. The deadline for applications is Halloween, October 31st, at 11:59 p.m. Please message the main blog if you wish to be added to the hopefuls chat.
aboutĀ ā€ rulesĀ ā€ must readĀ ā€ faqĀ ā€ application
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eshiromura Ā· 10 years
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My sprites for P.K. were done by this person - look how cute this is! Please commission Maho!
Hello everybody, today I come to you asking to find it in your hearts to possibly commission me but not for me, for my boyfriend. He is currently being kicked out of his current home and forced to move just because he is trans and beginning to transition. Weā€™re only trying to raise around 200 dollars to pay for him to relocate himself to a new house, and you can read more over at his tumblr. He is also going to bet taking commissions himself so you can always commission him directly if you donā€™t want any of my art.
This being said, ANY AND ALL OF MY COMMISSIONS ARE OPEN! Including Dangan Ronpa Sprites.
You can find all the info and examples on my commissions over here.
If you donā€™t mind signal boosting this as well thatā€™d be really rad of you!
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eshiromura Ā· 10 years
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"Emmet won't text me back..."
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"I bet he's scared I'll beat him at Mario Kart 8. I'm on a roll."
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