espermeadows · 6 years
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Ok so there’s something I need to get out that has to do with the whole Anime x Art edit wave that has happened for the last few years. If you have noticed the biggest name in the ANiMExREAL edit game and founder is someone going my the moniker of O D I O. I am sure some of you have seen this guy around. Well, I’m on a jurney to defame his claim of being the original pioneer in to the huge wave of this art style. Yes I know these are pretty much stolen and pasted images from shows, mangas and photography art found on the internet. The problem here is that he is claiming shamelessly on the headlines of his media accounts featuring that he is the first guy to create this format of paste art while not acknowledging where he blaintaly took the idea from, copy paste to a t of the format dosens of edit artist are using around media sites. I am the original, and I have a folder with my original edits with dates proving I am infact the original Anime x Reality founder. I have let this slip for years whiout a peep, while seeing how my influence has reached so far and inspired many to take a new passion from their favorite animes and adding a new element to the easthetic scene by merging anime with photography. This might sound ridiculous to some, since we are taking stolen art infact, and to be claiming originality. Okay, so I began making these edit on my Facebook account while we where friends and he would comment on my post regularly and thought I have found a genuine friend that I could relate to some time around 2015-2016, he saw what I was doing and he decided to make his own name and own edits, Wich I was amazed at that time that someone liked my art that much and I felt good about being able to share a passion with, so I let him go on his jurney and did not bother him since it was something that made me happy to see. The using of these images as mediums in a recognisable easaly eye catching and recognisable format that has been hit. The reason I’m coming out of the dark after years now, is simply because @Odioart failed to recognize me while promoting others. So I reached out asked for some credit on on his art page on FB and he blocked me. Now I’m sure he will claim he doesn’t know me effectively suppressing me so he can claim and retain this self proposed and ironic tittle of “the original”.And even more, since his featured post on his FB art page says that he is all about helping people and sharing the love of it all. I was going to let it slip again but now he claims to be taking recognition of art magazines and physical galleries. It’s gone too far. I will no sit in the dark. So I ask you my fellow art lovers to please support my quest to claim his self given tittle of “The Original Anime x Reality” and if anyone needs proof I will happy to consider adding you to my FB page with my original moniker to show the art and recorded dates. We can’t let him run off and be shameless! ODIO if you read this, you know we all respect you. the amazing work you have put in and the name you have made for your self, you truely deserve all the recognition you get. don’t get me wrong. You have played the main part of this all and I am forever grateful.
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espermeadows · 6 years
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By Sukja https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=4889903&ref=profile-illust-more&p=1
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espermeadows · 6 years
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Kim Nguyen
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espermeadows · 7 years
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espermeadows · 7 years
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espermeadows · 7 years
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espermeadows · 7 years
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espermeadows · 7 years
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espermeadows · 7 years
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Made some Majora’s Mask Link glow in the dark charms! I’ll put up where to order them soon
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espermeadows · 7 years
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espermeadows · 7 years
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espermeadows · 7 years
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Artist: U-Jin
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espermeadows · 7 years
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espermeadows · 7 years
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espermeadows · 7 years
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espermeadows · 7 years
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espermeadows · 8 years
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