espexially · 7 years
Hiatus Notice
We are sorry to inform that ESpeXially will be going on a hiatus till further notice. 😣
Our admins are currently busy with school and work and it’s getting harder for us to constantly update and translate. We hope you guys will understand and thank you for your support. ❤ 我們很抱歉的通知ESpeXially將會進入休息狀態。😣
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espexially · 7 years
170526 Win 風田
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170526 Win 風田 Facebook/Weibo/Instagram [Eng Trans]
好久不見~哈哈 矯正啊~拍戲啊~什麼都順順利利~ #sov數位隱形矯正
Long time no see~haha Correction~ filming ~ everything is going smoothly~
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espexially · 7 years
170526 Teddy
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170526 Teddy Facebook/Weibo/Instagram [Eng Trans]
真的好久沒有這麼吵了😬 雖然被嘴翻😂但真的很愛你們
It really been a long time since it was so noisy😬 Even though we were bickering 😂 but I really love you guys
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espexially · 7 years
170526 Riley 以綸 Twitter
170526 Riley 以綸 @rileyxking Twitter [Eng Trans]
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8:35 PM 在房間裡的樂視電視上重溫一下總裁的生活 😎
Reliving my CEO life in my room’s tv 😎
7:47 PM 我睡覺的時候很高冷!
I’m very cold when I sleep!
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espexially · 7 years
170526 Riley 以綸
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170526 Riley 以綸 Facebook/Weibo/Instagram [Eng Trans]
... 結果我發現原來我根本就不是一個高冷又話少的偶像. 好難過! 😭 #電視劇私立蜀山學園
… I realized that I’m not a cold and quiet idol. Had such a hard time! 😭 #DramaRelicsOfLich
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espexially · 7 years
170526 Simon 晨翔
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170526 Simon 晨翔 Facebook/Weibo/Instagram [Eng Trans]
為小林眼鏡新一季的廣告配音!這幾天也完成了廣告片的拍攝,是很不一樣的我,我自己也很期待看到完成品!端午連假要展開了,大家有準備好肚子吃粽子了嗎?~我 準 備 好 了!(咦這句怎麼很耳熟😂)
Did voiceover for the new season of Kobayashi advertisement! Also completed the filming these few days, is a very different side of me, I’m really looking forward to the final product! The long holidays of Dragon Boat Festival is about to start, are you guys getting your stomach ready for dumplings? ~ I Am Ready! (Eh, why is this sentence so familiar😂)
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espexially · 7 years
170526 Brent 明杰
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170526 Brent 明杰 Facebook/Weibo/Instagram [Eng Trans]
可能還不夠完美 但就是因爲不完美 所以才更努力 想因為你變得更完美 超完美情人 即將上線。 #超完美情人
Maybe I’m not perfect enough But because of the imperfect I will work harder Want to be more perfect for you 超完美情人 (Extremely perfect lover) Will be released soon. #超完美情人
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espexially · 7 years
170525 Evan
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170525 Evan Facebook/Weibo/Instagram [Eng Trans]
睡飽心情就好~ 今天再怎麼累都難不倒我!
Feeling great after sleeping well~ I won’t be defeated irregardless of how tired I am!
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espexially · 7 years
170525 Sam 子閎
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170525 Sam 子閎 Facebook/Weibo/Instagram [Eng Trans]
最近受好多傷 希望不要留疤 請問在家過敏 打噴嚏很嚴重 打到肚子會酸 該如何是好?
Got a lot of injuries recently Hope that they won’t leave scars Can I ask, if I have allergies at home Sneezing a lot Sneezing till my stomach is sore What can I do?
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espexially · 7 years
170525 Simon 晨翔
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170525 Simon 晨翔 Facebook/Weibo/Instagram [Eng Trans]
我的好朋友主理的Sugar005第二季將在5月26日星期五下午5:00正式上線,設計跟版型加入了我喜歡元素,所有配件跟衣服超重街頭感的,超容易搭配出很有個性的感覺。而重點是男生女生都可以穿 (光憑這一點就完勝了啊✌) By the way這次主題是obsessed!obsessed是一種態度,讓自己擺脱世人的眼光,沉醉在自己想做的自已。 #sugar005 #season2 #obsessed 大家快去看看: http://www.sugar005.com/
The second season of Sugar005, which is supervised by my good friend, will go online on 26th May, Friday, at 5pm, the design and style have my favorite elements in them, all the accessories and style feels very street, can be easily matched to bring out one’s personality. And the main point is that both female and male can wear it (It’s a win just based on this point✌) By the way, the theme is obsessed!obsessed is a kind of attitude, allowing one to escape the eyes of the world, be immersed in who you want to be. #sugar005 #season2 #obsessed Quickly go watch everyone: http://www.sugar005.com/
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espexially · 7 years
170525 Riley 以綸 Twitter
170525 Riley 以綸 @rileyxking Twitter [Eng Trans]
2:40 PM 今天好熱 有一種莫名睏
It’s so hot today, don’t know why I’m so sleepy
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espexially · 7 years
170525 Wayne 偉晉
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170525 Wayne 偉晉 Facebook/Weibo [Eng Trans]
今日大滿貫 玩得好開心啊今天 現在回到家立刻大虛脫欸 但真的太愛跟大家一起耍ㄎㄧㄤ了啦 直播MVP我直接頒給 SpeXial-Teddy 太好笑了天啊 由於太久不見所以真的是瘋狂嘴他 太愛嘴他了啦 我是愛他的okay~~~~~ 他今天真的不舒服還一直弄他哈哈哈 快給他拍拍手 你看我跟他合照他氣色多差 威~~~~~~~~~ Ok睡
Such a grand slam today Had such a good time today Immediately collapsed after reaching home today But I really love being crazy with everyone I’m going to give the MVP of the live broadcast to Teddy So funny, oh my I kept messing with him like crazy because I haven’t seen him for a long time Really like to mess with him I love him okay~~~~~ I kept messing with him even though he is not feeling well today hahaha Quickly give him a round of applause Look at how pale he looks in our photo together Wei (Hey)~~~~~~~~~ Ok, sleep
170525 Wayne 偉晉 Instagram [Eng Trans]
娛百大概錄了一百集 到時候一點要鎖定啊!!!!
May have recorded around 100 episodes for 100% Entertainment Do stay tune when it’s shown!!!!
170525 Wayne 偉晉 Instagram [Eng Trans]
KO3AnGuo promotion group
170525 Wayne 偉晉 Instagram [Eng Trans]
謝謝te哥宇宙姐 直播超吵哈哈哈哈哈哈
Thank you Brother Te and Sister Cosmo So noisy during broadcast hahahahahaha
170525 Wayne 偉晉 Instagram [Eng Trans]
@bear821015 I love u te😘 氣色不好還是愛
I love you te 😘 I still love you even though you are pale
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espexially · 7 years
170525 Sam 子閎
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170525 Sam 子閎 Facebook/Weibo/Instagram [Eng Trans]
有沒有看今天的直播呀!! 好晚了唷 趕快回家睡覺~~~ 😇😇😇😇😇😇
Did you watch the live broadcast today!! It’s late Quickly go home and sleep~~~ 😇😇😇😇😇😇
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espexially · 7 years
170524 Teddy
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170524 Teddy Instagram [Eng Trans]
全新男子團體😆 最潮的新造型😏引領時尚潮流😂 #綜藝三國智
Brand new boy group 😆 Most trendy new style 😏Leading the fashion trends 😂 #ZhongYi3GuoZhi
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espexially · 7 years
170524 Teddy
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170524 Teddy Facebook/Weibo [Eng Trans]
最潮新造型😂 張立東半尷尬Fans Club #綜藝三國智
Most trendy new style 😂 Leo #ZhongYi3GuoZhi
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espexially · 7 years
170524 Riley 以綸
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170524 Riley 以綸 Facebook/Weibo/Instagram [Eng Trans]
早收工藏不住的開心像是見到暗戀對象在你面前的笑容一樣 ... 真的藏都藏不住 😁 快告訴我你們今天做了什麼! 我想要關心關心你們~
The happiness from ending work early that I’m trying to hide is like the smile when you see your crush in front of you … really really can’t hide it 😁 Quickly tell me what you guys did today! I want to show concern for you guys~
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espexially · 7 years
170524 Simon 晨翔
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170524 Simon 晨翔 Facebook/Weibo/Instagram [Eng Trans]
Filmed Kobayashi new series of advertisement today. Really happy to meet the hairstylist who previously did my hair (She accompanied me to Macau, Thailand for work before), it has been a long time since we worked together, need to have a big meal together after work!
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