// hey all! i’m gonna go on hiatus until the semester is over because grad school is kicking my ass
if you wanna talk, hmu @descartesthinksnot​ or on discord at hnak#7399
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        Vanessa chewed at her bottom lip as she thought about his answer. He was right. The only way she could answer that was to search herself. Ever since she became a slayer she felt driftless; fighting evil because it was her duty, but not committing herself fully to it. She was just doing what was expected of her, as she had with everything in her life so far. She nodded. “Thanks. Your answer was surprisingly reassuring, like I’m on the right track or something.”
      Lorne smiles just a touch. “You’re welcome.” He rests his chin on his hand, then adds, “Right track to where? Do you have a destination in mind?””
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      “I can imagine.” In his day, the music was quite enjoyable but not exactly as catchy as the music of today. Though he often found himself revisiting the music he knew as a child, even though he knew they would never sound the same as they did then. 
      “I… know very little about Dungeons and Dragons,” he tries to avoid things like that for fear of diving in too deep to correct inaccuracies humans made. “I do spend more time with humans, with my kind being practically nonexistent. I find humanity fascinating… it keeps me connected to what I’ve lost. I used to be like them… lost, fumbling my way through life, dealing with loss. I try not to forget what that is like.”
      “It’s a game where you pretend to be fantasy things and roll dice a lot.” Lorne shrugs. “Most of the rules don’t make sense, though and there’s too much math involved.”
      Lorne tilts his his head, a somewhat sympathetic expression. “Makes sense,” he says. “It’s good to have something that keeps you grounded. Especially when you’re a rarity.” He takes a sip of his drink, looking at Raphael over the brim of the glass. “There’s not many of my kind around either.”
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// i’m still laughing at the concept of “ethically sourced blood”
“100% fair trade organic blood”
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      “I should be fine, thank you. I have my own supply.” Ethically sourced as well, or at least as ethically sourced as having a contact at the hospital can be. It was certainly better than attacking people and getting caught or the world discovering what he was. He couldn’t risk the general public knowing.
     “Adapt or die. Especially when I can pass among the humans, it is best to play their game. Besides, I find it terribly fascinating. Why get caught up in the past?”
      Lorne doesn’t ask where Raphael gets his blood. He doesn’t need to know and doesn’t want to know, if it’s something unsavory. That sort of thing is best left outside of Caritas.
      “Preaching to the choir.” Lorne gestures at the stage. “Man, did it take some folks a while to catch on to the concept of karaoke. Had to describe it to someone as an electronic bard once, like a weird Dungeons and Dragons game.” Lorne shakes his head a little. “Being able to go between human society and demon society, though, that opens up a lot of possibilities. Could have a best of both worlds scenario, though I’m kinda getting the impression you spend more time with humans than not.”
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// like this and i’ll go through your memes tag and send you stuffs
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what a piece of work is a man! in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world. the paragon of animals. and yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?
man delights not me.
whedonverse multimuse featuring hnak’s loathing for joss.
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     “Ah yes, it’s all the virgin blood.” He pauses, a sly smile wearing on his features, “I’m only kidding. It doesn’t have to be virgin.” Sometimes Raphael could make a joke. Though usually, they were dark, or dry and incredibly sarcastic. Rarer still were the dad jokes that only came out in very specific company, but that was a style of humor he developed in later years, never when he was actively a father. 
      “Seeing as I was once human, yes.” He shrugs, taking the Manhatten that the bartender hands him and taking a sip. “I like to keep up with things. Current events. The world never stops changing. I went from seeing Shakespearan plays when they were new to watching medical dramas on my phone. The world has advanced in such strange ways.” He says, a tinge of dramatics and whimsey in his voice.
      “Oh, good, because we do need you to call ahead to request virgin blood,” Lorne says and he’s actually not joking. The blood at Caritas is ethically sourced, which makes getting specific types a bit of a hassle. But they do serve blood here; can’t really have a demon bar without it.
      “Well, kudos to you for keeping up with the times. Lots of older demons are stuck in the medieval period. Get really offended if you have tech more advanced than a printing press.”
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@estauctormortis liked for a lyric starter
(( I Am the Fire – Halestorm ))
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        “Am I brave enough? Am I strong enough? To follow the desire that burns from within? To push away my fear?”
      “Only you can answer those questions for yourself, hon.” Lorne knows full well that that’s not the answer anyone really wants to hear, but it’s the truest one he can give. “But usually, when you’re asking that kind of question, the answer will end up being yes.”
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      He pauses a beat, weighing whether he should say his age or not. They’re all weird there, he may not even be the oldest in the room… a rare occasion for him for sure. “Considering I stopped aging in the late 1500′s…” and he leaves it at that.
      The host, Lorne, seems intent to get Raphael up on stage for at least one song… or a more one on one reading judging from his prior behavior. Regardless, the immortal is intrigued. “A Manhatten, please.” He tells the bartender, his gaze returning once more to the green demon. “No,” he smiles, realizing Lorne isn’t making the same mistake others do by calling him a vampire, “not human, not a vampire. Something far rarer. My kind doesn’t really exist outside of a very small few of us these days.”
      “See, what’d I say. Looking great for your age.” Lorne doesn’t show it, but 500 seems old even to him. In Pylea, many races have longevity, but that doesn’t mean they live that long since everyone’s trying to kill each other to prove they’re tough. There are older demons, to be sure, but 500 is certainly respectable. Indicates a significant amount of power.
      “Intriguing.” Lorne takes a sip of his own drink and doesn’t mention anything about being from another dimension. You could count on one hand the number of Pyleans who’d ever been in this dimension, but Lorne has a policy of not ever bringing up Pylea unless he absolutely has to. “I’m guessing you’ve been living in human society most of the time, though.”
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    “It usually amuses me. No one ever guesses mine.” Which isn’t exactly surprising; most people didn’t suspect that they were talking to a man in his mid 400s. Most people don’t even guess the age he was when he stopped aging. “I am here, aren’t I?”
     Raphael hummed in amusement at the idea. “And it requires someone to sing for it to work? Or can you read without that? I’m just curious, I’ve encountered many different powers in my centuries, I know someone with the power of divination… but this sounds like it works differently than hers.” Viola’s powers seemed less straight forward. 
      “Whatever age you are, you’re looking fantastic for it.” Maybe a bit on the straightforward side, but Lorne doesn’t see any reason not to be direct. Raphael doesn’t seem put off by it so far.
      “Singing, whistling, humming, anything musical makes it a lot easier and gives me a much clearer picture. Depending on the person and what they’ve got going on in their life, I can read a bit without the help.” He takes a sip, thinking how much more to say, then, “I can tell a bit about you just from your aura without trying. Vampires have a certain aura, humans have a certain aura, you’re not really either...” He trails off, seeing if Raphael will be forthcoming or if Lorne’s just gonna have to be curious for a while.
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    “When you’ve lived as long as I have…” he says, uncertain of the host’s age. Raphael knows he probably isn’t the oldest in the establishment. Most demons could run the gamut of ages, some being quite old. Raphael wasn’t young by any means, even among other immortals, but he certainly wasn’t the oldest. Not even among his circle who survived the original ordeal with the swords. 
     “Karaoke?” Admittedly, that was new for him. While he doesn’t think he could win awards for singing, he wasn’t bad. He used to sing to Amy all the time, and he liked to sing to himself when tending his garden. The idea of his destiny being read to him certainly held an interesting appeal and was not mentioned to him when he was told about this place. “I have no plans to start any fights while here. How does the reading work? You’ve caught my interest,” he asks, fully aware Lorne is flirting with him.
      “Now, now, it’s not polite to make assumptions about ages.” Lorne flashes a coy grin, though Raphael is right--Lorne is pretty young, especially compared to demons where a hundred is considered young. But he’s hardly one to advertise details about himself; he likes a certain amount of mystique. “But there’s always new things to try if you’re looking for them.”
      Lorne takes a sip of his drink. “It’s a gift that I have. Reading auras, destinies. Always been able to. And I found a way to put that gift to good use, helping folks out. Makes it worth amateurs butchering Take On Me.”
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    “I don’t have a lot of firsts these days,” Raphael says, giving the green demon an inquisitive look. But Raphael is never one to turn down a host’s gesture of welcoming and he takes the proffered hand. “Raphael… though I’m usually the one who does the biting.” It feels safe enough here to reveal that, considering the man he was talking to now was green and had horns.
    Curiosity bites at his heels as he follows the charming Lorne towards the bar. “Just that all kinds are welcomed here. There are so few places I can let down my guise and actually be myself. I wanted to see if it was true.”
      “Now that’s a shame. Running out of new things to do sounds really drab.” He shakes his head a little, but the smile hasn’t faded. Most newcomers aren’t particularly unique or interested at this point--the usual varieties of demons, a handful of curious (and/or freaky) humans. And he’s not sure what Raphael is yet, but he is sure that he’s French and pretty and that’s certainly enough to warrant interest.
      His usual sea breeze is waiting for him at the bar and Lorne gestures towards Raphael. “His first drink’s on the house, then open up a tab.” He leans on the bar, turning his attention back to Raphael. “All kinds are welcome.” He gives a nod. “There’s a strictly enforced no-violence policy within these walls, which allows for having all kinds in them. There’s also karaoke, which some do just for fun, but mostly to get guidance from me; singing allows me to read into people’s destinies, put them on the right path.” He rests a his chin in one hand and adds, “Though I’m perfectly happy just to hear you talk.”
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like/reply if you’d like your character to be mains w/ topher
I put you on the relationships page so I don’t forget
I try to send you memes and stuff regularly
I prioritize you for plots
I’ll try to still do threads with you while I’m in school and mostly ignoring tumblr
mutuals only
duplicates will be considered but might be turned down
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     Raphael realizes his first mistake was keeping his human guise up. His malfested state could still pass most of the time if people ignored his discoloration in his right arm or the way his eyes had a soft red glow about them in darker rooms, how they always seemed to catch what little light there was just so. The way the bruising red and purple framed his eyes and the pallor of his skin. He certainly looked off in his malfested state but could pass by well enough in a crowd. Here… here he stands out, looks lost. His eyes scan the room, looking at the other assorted inhuman things. He recognizes some species of demon… others…
       What he fails to notice is that the green demon on the stage had finished his song and was now in front of him, asking him a question. His head shakes briefly, shaking off the thoughts he was previously lost in as he regards the green host before him. He’s never encountered a demon breed that looked like this… and that was without getting into the loud clothing. He almost smirks.
       “Passing through. I’ve been to L.A. many times before, but this is the first I’ve heard of this place.” 
     “Oh, a first timer~” Lorne smiles, though he’d known that immediately. He keeps track of who comes to his club well. He offers a hand. “I’m the host here, you can call me Lorne. Make yourself at home, no one bites. Unless you’re into that.”
      He makes a sweeping gesture towards the bar and starts to mosey in that direction, though slowly enough in case Raphael heads elsewhere. “So tell me, what have you heard? I’ve found Caritas isn’t always what folks expect of a ‘demon bar’.” Air quotes; Lorne isn’t a fan of the label, quite honestly.
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like/reply if you’d like your character to be mains w/ lorne
I put you on the relationships page so I don’t forget
I try to send you memes and stuff regularly
I prioritize you for plots
I’ll try to still do threads with you while I’m in school and mostly ignoring tumblr
mutuals only
duplicates will be considered but might be turned down
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𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨 (𝟙𝟡𝟠𝟠) | 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕄𝕖𝕞𝕖
The last thing he/she’s gonna want is a hairy chest!
Absolutely, under no condition whatsoever, is anyone in this family to fall in love with that baby!
You’re a great warrior, and a swordsman. And you’re ten times bigger than I am, stupid!
If you really are a prince/princess, take care of him/her
Well my mother raised me on blackroot. It’s good for you. It puts hair on your chest!
Give me a sword, I’ll win this war for you.
Get your hair out of my face or I’ll chop it off.Ooh,
 I don’t love her, she kicked me in the face! I hate her!…. don’t I?
Magic is the bloodstream of the universe. 
I didn’t ask you to bring me a dead nursemaid. 
You will do as I say, child.
Traitor child. I must despise you now.
You’re mother was a lizard!
You never, ever drive that fast with an infant!
Three drops of your blood must be put in the potion.
You started spouting poetry. ‘I love you _! I worship you _!’ You almost got us killed!
She/He is kinda cute… When he/she’s quiet.
I don’t know, I expected something more grand, less… Fuzzy.
Even if we find them, they’ll catch us, stick us in cages, torture us and finally devour us!
Wanna breed?
All this expedition needs is a leader. And according to the bones, that leader is… you.
I’ll be around long after you’re dead! When I get out of here, I’m gonna cut your head off and stick it on a pig pole!
Wake from this hateful sleep, it deprives me of your beauty, beauty of your eyes.
You are my sun, my moon, my starlit sky, without you, dwell in darkness. I love you.
Your power has enchanted me, I stand helpless against it. Come to me now, tonight let me worship you in my arms.
Your touch is worth a hundred thousand deaths.
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