estefaniavellana · 2 years
… ‿ℒℴνℯ⁀
139 notes · View notes
estefaniavellana · 2 years
214 notes · View notes
estefaniavellana · 2 years
It wasn’t exactly love at first sight, but it was deeper than that. A sense of belonging to a place I never knew I wanted but somehow always needed. It was a home that carried a heartbeat.
- Nikki Rowe
305 notes · View notes
estefaniavellana · 2 years
with ℒℴѵℯ
198 notes · View notes
estefaniavellana · 2 years
no one asked but here’s the video of me painting the battinson
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estefaniavellana · 2 years
Rutina de Ejercicios 🏃
✅ Los ejercicios con el propio peso sin material son un componente del entrenamiento funcional!! Trabajamos varios grupos musculares con cada ejercicio con el fin de estimular la musculatura y acelerar nuestro metabolismo!! 💪🏾
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estefaniavellana · 2 years
with ℒℴѵℯ  
191 notes · View notes
estefaniavellana · 2 years
Bye… till tomorrow
When you’re all alone, and you look at the stars at night, what do you thinking about?
… ‿ℒℴνℯ⁀❤️  
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estefaniavellana · 2 years
with ℒℴѵℯ    
106 notes · View notes
estefaniavellana · 2 years
with ℒℴѵℯ    
151 notes · View notes
estefaniavellana · 2 years
Si no palpita,
si no vibra,
si no hierve…
no respira.
No vive.
Y para escribir se necesita estar vivo.
Realmente vivo.
¿Lo estás?
Tumblr media
If it doesn’t pulsate,
if it doesn’t vibrate,
if it doesn’t boil...
it doesn’t breathe.
It doesn’t live.
And to write you need to be alive.
Really alive.
Are you?
— Esu Emmanuel©
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estefaniavellana · 2 years
Aun mi soledad suspira tu nombre, recuerda tu esencia y pinta el cielo con tus colores.
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estefaniavellana · 2 years
For you, friends...🌹❤️
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estefaniavellana · 2 years
💙 Buenos días 💙
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estefaniavellana · 2 years
A veces pareciera que no voy a volver a escribir, que el amor se me ha ido, que las palabras desaparecerán de mi memoria, que acabaré enterrado en la tumba del silencio y nadie, ni siquiera yo, será capaz de devolverme el significado de la vida.
— Esu Emmanuel©, Sometimes it seems that I will never write again, that love has left me, that words will disappear from my memory, that I will end up buried in the tomb of silence and no one, not even me, will be able to give me back the meaning of life.
76 notes · View notes
estefaniavellana · 2 years
Beautiful evening 💫🍷🎶😘
103 notes · View notes
estefaniavellana · 2 years
114 notes · View notes