ecoviewater · 10 months
Promote sustainable living with greywater treatment!!!
In the pursuit of sustainable living and responsible water management, Ecovie stands as a pioneer, advocating for and implementing innovative solutions such as greywater recycling, greywater treatment, and rainwater harvesting. The importance of these practices extends beyond individual households to contribute significantly to water conservation efforts, environmental stewardship, and the creation of resilient communities.
Greywater recycling, a cornerstone of Ecovie's initiatives, involves the collection and treatment of gently used water from sources like showers, sinks, and laundry machines. Instead of allowing this water to flow down the drain, greywater systems capture and filter it for reuse in irrigation and toilet flushing. The significance lies in mitigating the strain on freshwater resources by repurposing water that is still suitable for non-potable purposes. The commitment to greywater recycling aligns with the ethos of sustainable living, where every drop of water is treated as a valuable resource rather than a disposable commodity.
Greywater treatment, another vital component of mission, elevates the practice of recycling by ensuring that reclaimed water meets high-quality standards. Through advanced treatment technologies, company addresses concerns related to contaminants and pathogens, making the recycled greywater safe for use in various applications. This dual focus on recycling and treatment not only conserves water but also enhances the overall efficiency and safety of the process, establishing a model for responsible water reuse.
Rainwater harvesting complements greywater recycling by tapping into an additional source of untapped water – rain. This practice involves capturing rainwater from roofs and surfaces, directing it through a filtration system, and storing it for later use. The importance of rainwater harvesting lies in its ability to reduce reliance on traditional water sources, especially during periods of drought or water scarcity. It empowers individuals, businesses, and communities to harness the power of nature, turning rainfall into a sustainable water supply for landscaping, flushing toilets, and other non-potable uses.
Ecovie's integrated approach to water sustainability underscores the interconnectedness of these practices, forming a holistic water management solution that benefits both individual users and the environment at large. By promoting the adoption of greywater recycling, it contributes to water conservation efforts, reduces the carbon footprint associated with water treatment and distribution, and fosters resilience in the face of changing climate conditions.
Beyond the immediate environmental impact, the importance of initiatives also extends to the financial and social realms. As communities face the challenges of water scarcity and rising utility costs, the adoption of sustainable water practices becomes a financially prudent and socially responsible choice. The solutions empower individuals and organizations to take control of their water usage, reducing dependence on centralized water infrastructure and fostering a sense of self-sufficiency. The dedication to greywater recycling exemplifies a commitment to a more sustainable and resilient future. By embracing these innovative water management practices, individuals and communities can contribute to a world where water is revered, reused, and respected as a finite resource. The initiatives not only reflect a progressive approach to water sustainability but also serve as a beacon, inspiring others to join the movement towards responsible and conscientious water stewardship.
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ecoviewater · 1 year
Pioneer Sustainable Water Management through Greywater Treatment at Ecovie!!!
In an era where sustainable water management is becoming increasingly critical, companies like Ecovie are leading the way with innovative solutions such as greywater recycling and rain harvesting. The commitment to conserve precious water resources and minimizing environmental impact has made them a trailblazer in the field of water sustainability.
Greywater Treatment:
Greywater is wastewater generated from non-toilet plumbing fixtures, such as sinks, showers, and laundry machines. Rather than allowing this water to go to waste, Ecovie employs advanced greywater treatment systems that clean and purify it for reuse in various non-potable applications. This includes landscape irrigation, toilet flushing, and cooling systems, among others.
The solutions include cutting-edge technology with environmentally responsible practices. They employ a multi-step process that involves filtration, biological treatment and sometimes chemical disinfection to ensure that the treated water meets high-quality standards. By treating greywater onsite, Ecovie helps reduce the demand on freshwater sources, minimize energy consumption for wastewater treatment, and lower water bills for users.
Rain Harvesting:
Rainwater harvesting is another pillar of Ecovie's sustainable water management approach. The company specializes in capturing rainwater from rooftops, storing it in tanks or cisterns, and repurposing it for various non-potable uses. It helps mitigate the impact of droughts and reduces the strain on municipal water supplies during dry seasons.
These systems are designed for efficiency and sustainability. They feature state-of-the-art filtration to ensure that collected rainwater is of high quality and free from contaminants. This harvested rainwater can be used for landscape irrigation, flushing toilets, and more, making it an excellent resource for conserving freshwater and reducing water bills.
The Ecovie Difference:
Ecovie stands out in the sustainable water management industry due to its commitment to innovation, environmental responsibility, and customer satisfaction. The company's holistic approach to water sustainability addresses the growing concerns of water scarcity, pollution, and the need for efficient resource utilization.
By adopting solutions, individuals, businesses, and communities can make a significant contribution to water conservation and environmental stewardship. These practices not only reduce water wastage and lower utility costs but also help reduce the carbon footprint associated with traditional water treatment and distribution.
The dedication to sustainable water management through greywater treatment and rain harvesting sets a shining example for businesses and individuals seeking to make a positive impact on the environment and reduce their water footprint. As water scarcity becomes an increasingly pressing issue, companies like Ecovie play a crucial role in fostering responsible water use and ensuring a more sustainable and resilient future for all. With expertise and commitment to sustainability, the path to efficient water management is clear and promising. To extract more details, you can check the information given as follows:
Name: Ecovie
Website: https://www.ecoviewater.com/
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ecoviewater · 1 year
Why to adopt Sustainable Approach for greywater treatment?
In an increasingly water-scarce world, adopting sustainable water management practices has become crucial. Two innovative solutions, recycling greywater and rainwater harvesting, offer significant potential for conserving precious water resources. By treating and reusing greywater alongside collecting rainwater, we can substantially reduce water waste, mitigate the strain on freshwater sources, and promote a more sustainable future.
Greywater Recycling
Greywater refers to domestic wastewater generated from activities such as washing dishes, laundry, and bathing. Although not suitable for consumption, greywater typically contains lower levels of contaminants compared to blackwater (sewage). Implementing greywater recycling systems allows us to harness this resource for non-potable purposes such as toilet flushing, irrigation, and cleaning.
Greywater treatment involves several stages, including filtration, sedimentation, and disinfection. Modern technologies, such as membrane bioreactors and aerobic treatment units, have made greywater recycling more efficient and cost-effective. By recycling greywater, households and communities can significantly reduce their freshwater consumption, easing the burden on municipal water supplies and wastewater treatment facilities.
Rainwater Harvesting
Harvesting of rainwater is an ancient practice that has gained renewed interest due to its sustainable benefits. The process involves collecting rainwater from rooftops, pavements, and other surfaces, channeling it through a filtration system, and storing it for various uses. Captured rainwater can supplement domestic water needs, support landscaping and agriculture, and replenish groundwater reserves.
One of the key advantages of rainwater harvesting is that it reduces stormwater runoff, which can carry pollutants into natural water bodies. By capturing rainwater at the source, we can prevent pollution and improve water quality in rivers, lakes, and oceans.
Combining Greywater Recycling and Rainwater Harvesting
To maximize water conservation efforts, combining greywater recycling with rainwater harvesting proves highly effective. Integrating these two systems creates a closed-loop water management approach, where water is continuously reused and replenished.
The collected rainwater can be used to supplement greywater recycling systems, thereby reducing the demand for freshwater. On the other hand, treated greywater can be used for irrigation purposes, saving precious potable water that would otherwise be used for gardening and landscaping.
Challenges and Solutions
While the concept of recycling greywater and harvesting rainwater holds immense promise, its widespread adoption faces some challenges. Public awareness and acceptance of these practices need to be improved, as some individuals might be hesitant due to perceived hygiene concerns.
Proper maintenance and regular monitoring of the systems are also crucial to ensure the water quality remains high. Adequate filtration and disinfection processes are essential to prevent the buildup of contaminants in recycled greywater.
Among all, Ecovie is a reliable name in the category of on-site water management solutions for commercial grey water recycling and rainwater harvesting.
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ecoviewater · 1 year
5 Reasons You Should Practice Greywater Treatment
Greywater refers to any household wastewater. Itsorganic loading level is the key element that sets the water apart from blackwater - the wastewater from flush toilets. If you have water scarcity issues in your area, you may take advantage of greywater treatment to create alternative water sources. Below are the benefits that you may enjoy.
1.      There is reduced freshwater usage
With greywater recycling and treatment, the amount of freshwater that people use in an entity can reduce significantly. Since water is an essential asset for everyone, preserving most of it for later days or for other crucial uses is advisable. Therefore, by recycling and treating the waste one, the fresh one gets to stay in reservoirs for later use.
2.      It saves money
If you get your water from the city supplier, then you musthave a budget for it every month. However, as you would save that money through rainwater harvesting, recycling and treating greywater can help with that too. After all, you would reduce your consumption of municipal water, which translates into reduced spending.
On a large scale, when more people choose this option, municipal or city water suppliers can reduce the amount of money that goes into treating water too. As the demand reduces, the supply will have to go down, which then translates into reduced volumes of treated water. In the end, the money that would have been used for such processes can go towards improving other water supply infrastructures.
3.      Reduced effluent to sewage facilities
Greywater recycling and treatment means tapping into household wastewater instead of channeling it to the city or municipal sewage water facilities. In this regard, it would be easier to avoid the sewage entering conduit altogether. This not only has a long-term impact on the environment but also reduces an overload on the sewerage system. After all, every council government would want to maintain the capacity of their sewerage systems by not overloading them.
4.      Supplements reclamation
Recycled greywater has crucial supplements that favor the growth of plants naturally. In this case, saving that water instead of letting it run to the sewer system will have been a good move for your farming needs.
5.      Preserve more water
Lastly, it helps to preserve more water for differentapplications. If you need more water for irrigation, your domestic animals, or light industrial use, this plan will come in handy.
 Visit https://www.ecoviewater.com/ to learn more.
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ecoviewater · 1 year
Why Invest in a Rainwater Harvesting System
Water sustainability is a global issue that is not going away any time soon. Since there is always a need to create alternative sources of water, the growth in popularity of rainwater harvesting has always been on the rise. If you have been giving it a thought, too, below are some of the top reasons why you should have a rainwater collection system.
1.      Rainwater harvesting and water conservation
The main reason for harvesting rainwater, , and greywater treatment is to conserve the available clean one. However, the demand for the crucial commodity is always higher than the supply, which makes it important to have systems that can collect and store rainwater. With an efficient system at your place, you greywater treatment can conserve more for domestic uses, including cooking, drinking, farming, and for your domestic animals.
2.      Collecting rainwater helps to manage water overflow
Whenever there is a storm, there will probably be strong currents of water that has to drain away. Unfortunately, this water may be forced to drain through driveways and lawns, which is definitely not good for your well-maintained landscaping. If you want to avoid flooding on your property or the storm overflow damaging your property, having a rainwater collection system that can save the water in a reservoir for later use would come in handy.
3.      Economic benefits of rainwater harvesting
There are several economic benefits of rainwater harvesting, including:
·         A reduction of water bills as you can collect rainwater, which is essentially free
·         Collecting rainwater reduces the amount of water that the municipal councils have to pump to their customers, reducing the overall water costs to the municipality.
·         A larger adoption of this idea would see the municipal's water development needs reducing in the long run, further reducing any relevant expenses.
 4.      Water conservation benefits
There are further water conservation benefits of collecting rainwater. These include:
·         Rainwater is essentially free, and all it takes is getting a system for it
·         It provides a learning environment for further adoption of similar systems
·         It will help to reduce utility demands during summer months when it is at peak
·         Rainwater can also be a primary source of clean water for different uses and situations, including emergencies
 5.      Environmental benefits
The environmental benefits of harvesting rainwater include:
·         Reducing stormwater runoff, which can reduce environmental contamination
·         Reducing the runoff may also prevent streambank erosion
·         You also create alternative water sources for irrigation
Visit https://www.ecoviewater.com/
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ecoviewater · 2 years
4 Benefits of a Greywater Recycling System
Greywater is any household wastewater that usually goes to the sewer line. Normally, people would channel the water out to the public sewer line as it is already waste. However, unlike blackwater, it is possible to start greywater recycling and use it again as it is free of toxic chemicals and excrements.
Below are some of the top benefits of greywater treatment and recycling.
1.      It helps to reduce water wastage
If you have a greywater recycling and treatment system, you can use it for other non-drinking needs at home. This will see you reduce clean water use and wastage. Since water is an essential asset that you ought to save as much as you can, recycling greywater will be a great idea to helpreduce your water use. After all, you would want to save water for your household and generations to come.
2.      It will help you to save cash
As mentioned above, recycling and treating waste water at home may see you bring down your water usage by half. This would then translate into less consumption of your municipal water supply. In the end, it should then be easier to cut your water bills, which should directly translate to massive cash savings.
3.      Less water goes to sewage treatment facilities
As more households keep cropping up in urban and rural areas, water consumption continues growing by the day. This also translates into more waste water production from households as well as business and commercial entities. When more consumers opt for waste water recycling, it would then mean that less water goes to the municipal sewage treatment facilities, thereby reducing the demand and overuse of the systems.
4.      Reclamation of supplements
Greywater has different supplements. Therefore, it becomes essential for plants if you decide to use it for watering them. In this case, it will help to reclaim supplements that plants need to flourish.
What Can Greywater Be Used For?
As long as you treat this wastewater properly, you can use it in a variety of applications. You can either channel the water to your irrigation areas for farming or use it for general cleaning and washing. Most importantly, the water may contain essential elements such as nitrogen and phosphorous, both of which are crucial for the sustenance of plants. Therefore, you can collect, treat, and re-use your household wastewater and enjoy its full benefits.
 Visit https://www.ecoviewater.com/ to learn more or for online inquiries.
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ecoviewater · 2 years
Discover Reliable Water Management Solutions with Ecovie
The demand for alternative water sources will always be high since the availability of the commodity is scarce. There is always a need to have proper water management solutions to keep the need well met for various applications. At Ecovie, you can get advanced water management solutions for both commercial as well as select residential applications.
About Ecovie
Ecovie is here to offer you the best options for your onsite water management needs. As a specialized company, we understand the best solutions to help you meet your needs. You can speak to us today about rainwater harvesting or greywater collection and treatment and get alternative water sources for different applications.
What We Get You
At Ecovie, we know the importance of decentralized water management and why it is the right solution to most water problems. We have tried different approaches that we know work for such problems, and we would be glad to get you the impact of our solutions. You can always talk to our experts about your issues with water scarcity, storm water runoff, water discharge, and water quality issues, and we will advise you accordingly.
We do all that by advising you on the best practices that you can adopt and implement. We also design and deliver on-site solutions for storm water management as well as commercial greywater recycling and treatment. With the only commercial greywater recycling system that has been tested and has a certification from NSF International, you can be sure of getting the right results.
Key Projects
We have several key projects that we have completed. These include at:
·         Uber Head Offices, San Fransisco
·         Clarke Middle School, GA
·         Gulf State Park, Alabama
·         NCR Head Offices, Atlanta
·         World Bank Offices, Kabul
·         Interface HQ, Atlanta
·         Eataly, Los Angeles
Talk to us for On-Site Water Management
You can talk to Ecovie executives about any water management solution that you need. Talk to us about rainwater harvesting or greywater treatment too. We are on standby for a quick consultation. Call us at +1-833-326-8433 or visit https://www.ecoviewater.com/ for online inquiries.
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ecoviewater · 2 years
Get Expert Solutions for Greywater Recycling and Treatment
If you have been looking for a solution to clean water scarcity, you must explore all possible alternatives. You could start with greywater recycling and treatment and find yourself an alternative source of water. With the technical and professional input of Ecovie, you can have the ultimate on-site water management solutions.
About Ecovie
Ecovie is the solution to your water management problems and is here to get you a long-lasting solution. As a specialized company, we have been at the helm of creating and implementing advanced water technology that sees our clients having proper on-site water management solutions for commercial and residential applications. You may talk to us, too, and get yourself ideas and technical support for greywater collection and Greywater treatment.
The Ecovie Water Management Difference
For a long time, we have been implementing new ideas at every instance for what our clients need. It is our belief that decentralized water management options are the solutions for today's and tomorrow's water problems. With our highly skilled and experienced experts, the latest techniques and equipment, and advanced technology, we are your premier and go-to experts.
Our team is highly trained and experienced in designing on-site water management solutions for storm water management, rainwater collection, and grey water recycling. We have been able to deliver more than our clients’ expectations for years, making us a reliable solutions provider with expert results.
If you ask around, our clients are witnesses to our knowledge of the industry. We have also made it to become the only commercial greywater recycling system supplier. This is the International and Universal plumbing code authorities recognized standard, and we are proud to offer it.
Our Major Clients
Our major clients include:
·         Uber Head Offices in San Fransisco
·         Interface HQ in Atlanta
·         World Bank Offices in Kabul
·         Gulf State Park in Alabama
Contact us for Greywater Recycling Solutions
For a quick consultation about Greywater recycling, we are a call away. Call us today to know what we can do for you. Call us now at +1-833-326-8433 and speak to our experts.
Visit https://www.ecoviewater.com/ to learn more.
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ecoviewater · 2 years
Greywater Treatment and Recycling:Get Decentralized Water Management Solutions from Ecovie
A decentralized water management solution would be a dream come true for most households, businesses, and commercial entities. This is also what Ecovie focuses on with its different approaches, including greywater treatment as a solution to the long overdue clean water shortage issue. If you have been thinking of waste water collection and treatment for other domestic uses, you can talk to the Ecovie team for professional solutions.
About Ecovie
Ecovie is an industry leader when it comes to on-site management solutions. For decades, it has been offering the best solutions for rainwater harvesting, greywater recycling, and greywater treatment. Whether you want to add an extra source of domestic use to your household or commercial property or for irrigation purposes, this is the company to engage with for that.
The Water Management Difference at Ecovie
At Ecovie, the belief is that a well-planned and executed on-site water management project is the solution to most water problems. As the competition for clean water continues to grow and the supply dwindles, it is crucial that different stake holders take up the mantle too. You can be a part of the revolution, too, by adopting the Ecovie solutions to deal with water scarcity, stormwater runoff, water discharge, and poor water quality.
Due to the expertise and experience that the Ecovie team brings, the company has become a go-to one in the industry. It has also made bigger strides in the industry, including:
·         Being the exclusive distributor of INTEWA products in the US
·         Designing and implementing commercial-scale on-site water systems
·         Designing applications for any source water and any end use
·         Implementing full system integrations
It has served a number of high-ranking clients, including the World Bank Offices in Kabul, Uber Head Offices in San Francisco, and NCR head offices in Atlanta, among others.
Contact Ecovie
For the right on-site water management approaches, talk to Ecovie. Get in touch with an executive for a quick consultation. Call +1-833-326-8433 to book a consultation appointment.
Visit https://www.ecoviewater.com/ to learn more or for online inquiries.
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ecoviewater · 2 years
5 Reasons You Should Practice Greywater Treatment
Greywater refers to any household wastewater. Itsorganic loading level is the key element that sets the water apart from blackwater - the wastewater from flush toilets. If you have water scarcity issues in your area, you may take advantage of greywater treatment to create alternative water sources. Below are the benefits that you may enjoy.
1.      There is reduced freshwater usage
With greywater recycling and treatment, the amount of freshwater that people use in an entity can reduce significantly. Since water is an essential asset for everyone, preserving most of it for later days or for other crucial uses is advisable. Therefore, by recycling and treating the waste one, the fresh one gets to stay in reservoirs for later use.
2.      It saves money
If you get your water from the city supplier, then you musthave a budget for it every month. However, as you would save that money through rainwater harvesting, recycling and treating greywater can help with that too. After all, you would reduce your consumption of municipal water, which translates into reduced spending.
On a large scale, when more people choose this option, municipal or city water suppliers can reduce the amount of money that goes into treating water too. As the demand reduces, the supply will have to go down, which then translates into reduced volumes of treated water. In the end, the money that would have been used for such processes can go towards improving other water supply infrastructures.
3.      Reduced effluent to sewage facilities
Greywater recycling and treatment means tapping into household wastewater instead of channeling it to the city or municipal sewage water facilities. In this regard, it would be easier to avoid the sewage entering conduit altogether. This not only has a long-term impact on the environment but also reduces an overload on the sewerage system. After all, every council government would want to maintain the capacity of their sewerage systems by not overloading them.
4.      Supplements reclamation
Recycled greywater has crucial supplements that favor the growth of plants naturally. In this case, saving that water instead of letting it run to the sewer system will have been a good move for your farming needs.
5.      Preserve more water
Lastly, it helps to preserve more water for differentapplications. If you need more water for irrigation, your domestic animals, or light industrial use, this plan will come in handy.
 Visit https://www.ecoviewater.com/ to learn more.
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ecoviewater · 3 years
Get  Reliable Rainwater Harvesting Solutions from Ecovie
When it comes to water, the unique commodity is never enough for household or even economic uses. There is always a need for an extra source of water, be it for household and commercial use, animals, or irrigation purposes. However, with the right rainwater harvesting approach and system, it should be easier to find an extra water source for other residential and commercial uses. Talk to Ecovie, and they will advise on or deliver the best on-site water management solutions.
About Ecovie
Ecovie is a full-service and specialized water management company with the requisite industry expertise and personnel for different project types. For years, the company has been serving different clients such as the World Bank and Uber, learning institutions, public parks, and individual clients. With a long list of successful projects, its record speaks for it, making it a trusted and reliable service provider.
On-Site Water Management Solutions
In this era, advanced technologies rule every facet of living and doing business. As its clients have experienced, Ecovie has been ensuring that everyone can benefit from advanced water technology and solutions. You can talk to them too about rainwater collection as well as greywater recycling solutions too.
The Ecovie Difference
Ecovie works on ensuring that decentralized water management solutions are easy to achieve. Because such a plan is everyone’s solution to many water issues, Ecovie steps in to provide reliable solutions. Therefore, as a client, you can be sure of a lasting solution to storm water runoff, water discharge, water scarcity, as well as water quality problems.
Invest in Reliable Water Management Solutions
Talk to the professionals at Ecovie and have the best way forward for your water problem. They will be on standby to advise you accordingly while also suggesting the best options to take. Better yet, they can also help with your issues with black water recycling, storm water management, and greywater treatment.
Be among the happy customers from commercial and residential communities. Talk to the experts. Call Ecovie today.
Visit https://www.ecoviewater.com/ to learn more
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ecoviewater · 3 years
Get Expert Rainwater Harvesting and On-Site Water Management Solutions from Ecovie
Water management solutions are essential for ensuring that entities and homeowners have alternative water sources. Whether the need is for irrigation water or extra water for large-scale cleaning and laundry, proper rainwater harvesting, as well as greywater collection and treatment, can help. You can talk to Ecovie today and invest in the best on-site water management solutions.
About Ecovie
Ecovie is a name that you can trust with all your needs for water management. Whether you need to invest in a greywater recycling system or buy products for rainwater collection, this is your go-to company. You can invest in the best solutions today by talking to the experts at Ecovie.
The Ecovie Difference
The company that has invested in the latest techniques and technologies leads the pack of some of the top industry leaders. It invests its service delivery through innovations, quality, and expertise that you will not find elsewhere. The goal is to be a leading industry player in on-site management solutions, a practice that the company has mastered.
Leading Ecovie Projects
Some of the company’s leading projects include:
·         NCT Head Offices, Atlanta
·         Uber Head Offices, San Francisco
·         World Bank Offices, Kabul
·         Gulf State Park, Alabama
·         Eataly, Los Angeles
·         Clarke Middle School, GA
·         Interface HQ, Atlanta
Products at Ecovie
At Ecovie, you can choose a variety of products depending on your project requirements. Some of the products include:
·         PLURAFIT, is a modular system designed for aiding residential rainwater collection applications. You can use it outdoors and underground
·         DRAINMAX, which is a stormwater management solution. It aids with low life cycle cost infiltration, guarantees high drainage density even in space-constrained sites, and promises easy installation
·         RAINMASTER, including pumps, controls, and accessories
·         PURAIN rainwater pre-filters for maximum water catchment
·         AQUALOOP, a greywater recycling system
Invest Today
Invest in on-site water management solutions that you can trust. Get talking to the company’s experts for a quick consultation. Get a free quotation too.
Visit https://www.ecoviewater.com/ to learn more.
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ecoviewater · 3 years
Ecovie Revolutionizes Rainwater Harvesting
The ever-rising costs of water have seen many households look for better options that are both easier and cheaper. Such options include rainwater harvesting as well as recycling and treating greywater. With properly installed and maintained rainwater collection systems, households can have better, alternative, and cheaper water supply options. You can talk to Ecovie today about similar water management solutions.
About Ecovie
Ecovie is your premier and go-to company when it comes to rainwater collection, grey water recycling, and greywater treatment. For years, the company has positioned itself as a go-to one with different solutions for on-site water management using advanced technology and an assortment of equipment. Commercial and select residential applications are among the specialties that Ecovie has been working on, helping to solve the increasing water scarcity problems.
Ecovie Water Management Solutions
At Ecovie, decentralized water management solutions are the best solutions to most water problems. The solutions are the best placed to help against such issues as storm water runoff, water discharge, water scarcity, and water quality problems in different areas. As these are some of the real issues that most communities face, Ecovie believes in setting the records right by providing the best solutions in this regard through rainwater collection.
The company specializes in designing and delivering the best on-site water management solutions. These can help both commercial and select residential applications, in the process dealing with water scarcity issues. In the end, the clients in question are able to use readily available water collecting into their reservoirs, reducing downtime that may be because of water issues while also reducing the costs of water supply.
Experts in Water Management
If you are looking for the right experts in water management, then you have Ecovie at your disposal. Below is why it is the best placed:
·         Ecovie offers commercial-scale on-site water system designs
·         Applications for any source water and any use
·         Full system integration from start to finish
Talk to the experts now and get the right water harvesting systems. visit https://www.ecoviewater.com/ to learn more.
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ecoviewater · 3 years
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ecoviewater · 3 years
Miami Can Potentially Run Out of Water
Every city has water supply challenges, no matter how much water surrounds them. While the challenges of a city like Phoenix, Arizona are much different than that of one like Miami, Florida, the challenges still exist. In fact, part of the problem that Miami is facing is due to rising sea levels and the capacity of the city to handle the large rain events that have been happening.
Additionally, Miami pulls its drinking water from the Biscayne Aquifer which is extremely close to the surface. This makes the water in the aquifer easily accessible, but it also means there are shorter and more direct pathways for contamination to get into the water source.
Here, we explore the increasing issues in Miami with water supply and quality and ways in which on-site water management helps solve these issues.  Miami is often considered an area with abundant water and thus immune to water supply challenges.  We more often think of an excess of water causing flooding and runoff exacerbated by sea level rise.  In fact, both are concerns and both can be helped by better on-site water management.
Surface Water Contamination
The challenges facing Miami in terms of surface water contamination have been escalating, and most water issues in the Miami area are surface water related phenomena.  Each of the contamination risks is a problem on its own, but when all of them are considered together, the situation may grow to a crisis point.
Visit https://www.ecoviewater.com/ to learn more and contact us online.
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ecoviewater · 3 years
Discover Your Premier Rainwater Harvesting Experts
Decentralized water management is a crucial step that people and different stakeholders need to take to curb water issues. With the ever-rising water shortage issues, stormwater runoff problems, and water discharge menaces, there is always a need to come up with better approaches to deal with the issues and still allow people to have enough water for different uses. In the push for decentralized water management solutions is Ecovie, the one industry leader that you can engage to help you with rainwater harvesting, greywater collection, and treatment. Talk to Ecovie today and get the difference.
About Ecovie
Ecovie is your premier and go-to advanced water technology partner. For a long time now, we have been at the forefront of helping our clients with on-site water management solutions, including rainwater collection and greywater recycling. With the need to create alternative water sources for commercial and select residential uses, we stand strong to help come up with and implement the best solutions.
At Ecovie, our position is that decentralized water management technology is the best solution to most water problems across the divide. Whether it is for commercial, industrial, or residential clients, we position ourselves as the go-to experts for designing and implementing these water management solutions to create sustenance for every client who comes our way. With our practices, they no longer have to deal with water scarcity, stormwater issues, and water discharge problems.
What We Do
To meet our goals, we design and get the best on-site water management solutions per our clients’ needs. This includes systems for greywater recycling and treatment as well as rainwater collection. In addition, we tackle stormwater management and black water recycling with the best of the industry's equipment and systems to help with that.
Our Clients
Our major clients include:
·         Uber
·         The World Bank
·         Eataly
·         NCR
·         Gulf State Park
·         Clarke Middle School
·         Interface HQ
Get Started
To tap into our solutions, talk to us today. Call +1-833-326-8433 and let us know what we can do for you. Visit https://www.ecoviewater.com/ to learn more and contact us online.
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ecoviewater · 3 years
Why Rainwater Harvesting Should be  in Your Water Management Toolkit
Harvesting rainwater may not solve all of the world’s water problems, but what it can do when combined with a complete water supply strategy is provide an alternative source of freshwater for daily consumption while also relieving some of the demand pressure on municipal water systems. Harvesting rainwater helps preserve valuable groundwater supplies and reduces the impacts of the storm water flows that continue to plague cities around the world.
Although rainwater harvesting can and should be an important piece of a water supply strategy, it represents only a part of an overall plan. A comprehensive water supply strategy should be a three-pronged approach that in addition to rainwater harvesting, includes harvesting and reuse of wastewater and site-generated storm water at grade surfaces, such as parking and driving areas and sidewalks.
In the current water supply paradigm, we pay to bring water in, often from far away or deep places, and pay to get rid of this water once it is used just once. In addition, we pay to get rid of the rain and storm water that comes to us from the skies through our storm water system.
This is the paradox of our complex but unsustainable urban environments. Too often, water supply strategies are built on two misguided principles: water is cheap and infinite, and water must be supplied to users through a one-way system. Both principles represent an outdated vision that must be changed to meet the realities of the modern world we live in.
Like it or not, we have now arrived at a new paradigm, and it is a seismic departure from old, wasteful methodologies. To better manage the earth’s most valuable natural resource – water – we must take deliberate strides away from supplying water through one-way centralized municipal sources. These should be replaced with systems that are supplemented with site-collected and generated water.
Give us a call today and speak to an expert. Call +1-833-326-8433. Visit https://www.ecoviewater.com/ for more details.
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