estellekeire-blog · 7 years
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For this week I chose this bottle of olive oil that is Kirkland Signature brand. The reason that I chose this image is because of the fact that Kirkland Brand sells so many different types of things from clothing to food and its brand is the same through all of the items. I think this shows how a logo is a part of a larger system which is the brand as a whole and how the logo is the same from each item shows their brand loyalty throughout all of their products. 
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estellekeire-blog · 7 years
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For this week I have chosen a data visualization from CIS. The reason that I chose this is because of the fact that is shows both how the model works, and the same time it also shows the data that goes along with the research that they have collected on how case management should work through CIS. I think that this image is a good example of data visualization because it clearly shows how the data that is being collected and uses clean and clear visuals in a circular shape so show how the cycle continues.  
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estellekeire-blog · 7 years
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The last image that I chose was from Google Home. The reason that I chose this ad is because of the fact that the system, in this case, would be Google Home and how useful it is with everyday questions. The sub-system would be the use of Vogue in this ad to show how useful the item can be for creating the ideal closet settings. I think that this ad is the perfect example of how both systems and sub-systems work together to create a successful design.   
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estellekeire-blog · 7 years
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The next image that I chose for the week’s scavenger hunt was from Stella McCartney’s new line of clothing. The reason that I chose this image is because in the ad the model is seen laying in a pile of trash wearing one of her new outfits. The reason that this shows a system to me is because the ad shows both her new line of clothing and what the clothing line was inspired by. Stella McCartney is one of the biggest advocates in the clothing industry for recycling clothing and cutting down on material waste in the fashion industry. Her clothing line is made of recycled pieces of clothing thus showing her commitment the cause.  
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estellekeire-blog · 7 years
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The first image that I chose for this week is from the Vogue 125th anniversary magazine. The reason that I chose this image is because it shows the cover from the past 125 years of the magazine and how even though it has different people on it the magazine still retains its integrity. This magazine shows how different people through time have come together to keep this magazine going both through fashion and through current events. This system of photos shows this through the placement of month and date at the bottom of each photo and how the photos are cleverly pieced together. 
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estellekeire-blog · 7 years
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This is an example of postmodern design. The image is a yearbook that was made for this year, yet there is no clear indication that this book is a yearbook if you did not do further research on the book. This image is different from the modern piece because it has no clear function or purpose like the graphics on the Apple product did and it doesn’t tell you what the purpose of the book is for, but rather you have the find out for yourself.
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estellekeire-blog · 7 years
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This piece is an example of a modern graphic design. The reason that this is a modern graphic design is because of the fact that it is straight to the point with no embellishments to it. The image on the packaging is the image that is featured in the box and it tells you exactly what the item that you are buying is called. It doesn’t give overzealous descriptions or make wild claims it just tells you what you are getting in the simplest way possible.  
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estellekeire-blog · 7 years
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I chose this image for indexical because of the fact that it shows exactly what the item that you are getting rather than you having to determine what the items are. The imagery is clear and concise and shows an exact description of the item that is going to be consumed.   
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estellekeire-blog · 7 years
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The picture that I chose for this post is how past style is being in a new way. This image is trying to signify the fact that designs are timeless and that you buying this particular bag you can be timeless too. This ad is trying to show how you can have style and elegance by buying their products because in olden days people took more pride in their appearance. 
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estellekeire-blog · 7 years
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I chose this photo to represent an indexical sign, the reason that this is an indexical image is because of the fact that the image has a signal and a signifier. The image on the front is of bees buzzing around a hive and the item that is being sold is made from bees in a hive. The two images work together to create a cohesive piece that shows both the product and where it comes from. 
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estellekeire-blog · 7 years
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The picture that I chose for the symbolic function was the pair of Adidas pants. The reason that they are symbolic is that when you put three white lines on a pair of pants you immediately assume that it is the Adidas brand even though they are just three lines that could be randomly placed on an article of clothing.      
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estellekeire-blog · 7 years
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The denotative meaning of this piece of paper is solely to give direction to the customer of Blue Apron how they can make the meal that they ordered. It outlines all of the items that have been provided in the package along with items that will be needed and a description of the meal that will be prepared. The connotative meaning of this piece is that it provides an outline for the meal that you are about to prepare and shows pictures along with it that make you excited to make the meal and hungry for the final result. The sleek imagery of the items along with the continuity of the blue and white along the whole page make the viewer feel at ease.     
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estellekeire-blog · 7 years
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The last image that I chose for this week is this interview that was done with Natalie Portman. The reason that I chose this image is because it conveys more than just what the interview entailed. The interview is talking about what she does on an average day from start to finish. The type creates a clock with is fitting because of the fact that she is trying to tell what happens in her day. 
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estellekeire-blog · 7 years
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The seventh image that I chose for this week comes from Harper’s Bazar. The reason that I chose this image is because it shows the use of large x-heights in font design. The reason that the x-height is small in this ad is because of the extended height of the H and the P which makes the height of the letters seem smaller. 
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estellekeire-blog · 7 years
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The sixth image that I chose for this week is from one of my photography magazines that were laying around my apartment. The reason that I chose this image is because it is a great example of a font that has relatively large x-height when compared to other of its kind. The part that I am mainly focusing in on is the bolded “Photographer’s” at the top of the page. Much of the type is very similar in height when it comes to this piece. 
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estellekeire-blog · 7 years
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The fifth image that I chose for this week is from an ad my Buccellati. The reason that I chose this ad is because the typeface that makes up the logo for the brand shows a perfect example of a crossbar being used in the letter “B” at the beginning of the brand’s name. 
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estellekeire-blog · 7 years
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The fourth image that I chose for this week shows a perfect example of a counter. The counter in this example consists of the “O’s” that are present in the beginning and end of Moschino’s logo. 
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