My Literacies History to its Present
I believe literacy is hard to master, never been to good at it.
I will be focusing on one event that affected me.Long ago, I experience rage and embarrassment due to it. My teacher projected my essay in front of the entire class asking for “help” to improve it. The humiliation. I thought I was upset with my teacher at first but I realized that I was upset with MYSELF. 
I was upset with myself because, I never really practice my literacy. I know I shouldn’t use it as an excuse but at home no one could help because my family just didn’t understand the language. 
The lack of practice I had with literacy lead to having trouble creating a little movie in my head of what I was reading. 
Because my first language was Spanish understanding things was difficult. I felt as I had an accent in my writing. As I was trying to write in English, inside my mind I felt as I was writing Spanish if that makes any sense. 
I’m not sure if you guys can relate to my past struggles, but from those I learned to improve.
In order to write you need to know how to read. Use critical thinking skills to understand what you are reading/writing. At times I believe that every person comprehends what they are reading differently. Having a different perspective from yours.
My literacy today has evolved, day by day I learn new things to improve my literacy. How it has improved is I take my time with the passage I’m reading and take the time to ask teachers or my classmates for advice on something I’m having trouble on understanding.Everyday I try and participate into reading and writing. For those who are struggling with literacy and are in the stage they want to give up. Don’t. 
Yes, its hard but with your literacy it can create many things. The way you explain things or read them will be the form of your communication with others. Establishing new ideas and perspectives.Literacy will follow you wherever you go.From reading billboard ads to writing an email to your colleague. 
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