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This Is What Lunar Eclipses Can Teach Us About The Universe
“By looking at the sky alone, we can see the apparent, angular sizes of the Sun and Moon. But when the Sun, Earth, and Moon all align to produce a total eclipse, it teach us how far astronomical distances truly are. During a lunar eclipse, the Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon…”
If you wanted to learn the distances to the stars, you have to start closer: with distances and length scales you can measure before reaching for the heavens. During a total lunar eclipse, we can get there! We can not only determine the shape of the Earth, but also the Earth-Moon distance and the size of the Moon. With a little bit of care in our measurements, we can know the Earth-Sun distance and the size of the Sun, too, and this gives us a calibration point to reach for the stars. Simply by looking at relative brightness or, for more accurate results, a parallax measurement, we can learn the distance to astronomical objects beyond our Solar System.
All from measurements you can make during an eclipse, with no special equipment like a laser reflector on the Moon. Come get the scoop today!
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Its weird. Ya know. Life. Its just crazy how you can meet someone, and not even know how much they'll eventually mean to you. Real connections are so gard to come by, and it really sucks when the timing of it is off.
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 I didn't find the perfect moment, because I think today was about just having today. And I think we are one of those couples with a long story when people ask how we found each other. I will see her every now and then, and maybe one year, she'll be with somebody, and the next year, I'll be with somebody and it's gonna take a long time. And then it's perfect. I'm in no rush.
Michael Scott, The Office
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Also what if you think you met the person you were supposed to end up with but you live in the timeline where tjat didn't end up happening?
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What does it mean if you can't get over someone and its been a year?
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Kind of crazy how long feelings can linger...
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Crazy how a text can completely ruin your mood.
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The Greatest Cosmic Puzzle: Astronomers Find Stars That Appear Older Than The Universe
“Now, it’s always possible that there’s something fishy that happened in the star’s past that we can’t know about today. It’s possible that it was born as a higher-mass star and something stripped the outer layers off, reducing the star’s lifetime precipitously. It’s possible that the star absorbed some material later-in-life that changed its heavy element content, skewing our perceptions today. Or it’s possible that we’ve got a misunderstanding in the subgiant phase of the stellar evolution of these old, low-metallicity stars. These unknowns (and in some cases, unknowables) are possible sources of errors when we try and compute the ages of the oldest stars.
But if we’ve got these ages right, there might potentially be a problem. You can’t have a star that exists in our Universe that’s older than the Universe itself. Either something’s wrong with our estimates for the ages of some of these stars, something’s wrong with our estimates for the age of the Universe, or something else, that we’re not even considering, is off.”
Age may be just a number, but in cosmic terms, there are some rules it’s pretty important to obey. It should be impossible to have a complex creature that’s older than the planets; a rocky planet that predates the stars; or a star that’s older than the Universe itself. With a figure of 13.8 billion years, we’ve arrived at an incredibly accurate estimate for the age of the Universe since the Big Bang from a slew of different sources, and so nothing should be older than that. When we survey the stars in the Milky Way, however, we find not only many that are older than 12 billion years, but a few that may predate the galaxy itself, hailing from just 300 million years after the Big Bang. In one alarming find, though, there’s a particular star, HD 140283, that appears to be 14.5 billion years old. A star older than the Universe itself is impossible, of course, but there’s got to be a reason for this discrepancy.
Is the age of the star wrong? Our estimate for the age of the Universe? Or is something else afoot? Regardless, there��s more to learn, and a compelling cosmic puzzle to investigate here.
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one of the most amazing sunrises I have seen // more on my instagram @annikabansal
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Milky Way Over the Two Cyclapse External Camera Systems at Savannah Skies Observatory - Aug 24, 2017 by Joseph Brimacombe on Flickr.
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More by the Artist Here
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Frustrated because this girl is perfect in everyway but someone destroyed her way of thinking on how genuine humans can be and pushes people away when they show even the slightest bit of interest in her and her well being.
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