eternaletain · 2 months
Why can't we ever use bullshit bioessentialism for fun things
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eternaletain · 2 months
I’m a strong proponent of lying to get the help you need. I always try the truthful route first but if that gets me nowhere? Lying it is.
I think it’s important to respect other people’s time, wellbeing and money so I don’t do it in situations where I know I’m in the wrong, like if I want to get into a place just for fun and someone could get in trouble for letting me in wrongfully I’d rather not.
But sometimes people just don’t understand why something is important in your situation so you have to turn it into something they understand. When I lived in England I constantly lied about being pregnant so gas station employees would let me use their bathroom because for some reason they didn’t have public bathrooms.
Or when my doctor’s secretary couldn’t get it into her head that my stomach pains were very serious and concerning and insisted I couldn’t get an appointment this month so that evening I “found” a lump that I was pretty sure was nothing but it meant I had a reason to call her the next day and get a new appointment immediately and when the doctor told me the lump was harmless I could tell her what my real problem was and she immediately scheduled ALL the tests and examinations because she understood how concerning it was. I just had to get past the fucking secretary with a lie.
Fuck I even support that elderly man who lied about having four children who were stuck in a house during a flood but when the rescue team got there in a dinghy they realized it was four dogs. The guy knew he had to lie because he was too sick to help them himself (able bodied people in the area were able to save their own pets) and they wouldn’t have helped him if they knew it was “just dogs”. In the video the rescue team can be seen choking up and padding him on the back while he cries with his scared dogs in his arms. The team is clearly not mad because they can see how important the dogs are to him but I have no doubt he was right in thinking they wouldn’t have helped if he had told them the truth.
So do what ya gotta do and lie lie lie.
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eternaletain · 2 months
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[image description: a tweet by user @indigenousAI saying
“fun fact: as a DV survivor i cannot register to vote because doing so makes my address public. anyone who is fleeing or hiding from an abuser is automatically disenfranchised from the political process and this is a feature, not a bug”]
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eternaletain · 2 months
As always, if you participate, please reblog! 💜
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eternaletain · 2 months
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eternaletain · 2 months
AFTER VOTING, click here to see what genre you've landed in.
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eternaletain · 2 months
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eternaletain · 2 months
want people remember life shortening disorders n diseases n disabilities & terminal illnesses (including genetic ones) & etc when talk about disability
like ones that. once symptoms start, typically have 1 or 3 or 5 years to live types. (like ALS)
ones that. slowly rob you of mobility & bodily functions & die in childhood or teens type. (like sanfillipo)
genetic death sentences
not to be like. pity or anything but to remember there more to disability than like. the common “suck ass impact life lots maybe chronic maybe life long but still able be relative independent & not life shortening or terminal” type online disability community most talk about.
n maybe these people. may have different relationship & feeling about their disability than you.
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eternaletain · 2 months
hey if you died right now whats your ghost outfit you cant change it be honest
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eternaletain · 2 months
"I live in a red state my vote doesn't ma-"
If your vote didn't matter they wouldn't try so hard to make it harder to vote in red states. Voting in red states can turn them into swing states like Georgia, Ohio, and Arizona. And voting in blue states can keep them from becoming swing states.
California used to be Red. Texas was Blue long ago. Florida was once a swing state. Obama took Indiana but it's gone redder since. Ten years ago Arizona and Georgia going blue was unthinkable.
Things change and we can make them change.
And that's before getting into more local elections. Turning cities blue, the state legislature.
Red states have flipped blue in recent years at those levels too.
Because people vote, and if we vote in high enough numbers we can turn a tight election into a walk in the park. If we vote in high enough numbers, we can turn a loss into a win. So many good things have happened in states where someone won by like 100 votes. (arizona is one)
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eternaletain · 2 months
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U.S. soldiers in Korea found that Tootsie Rolls were the only food they could thaw during temperatures of -30 degrees below zero. In 1950, the radio code word for 60 MM mortar ammunition was, “Tootsie Roll.” To prevent the enemy from learning that ammunition was running low, American troops battling in the Chosin Reservoir in North Korea would radio, “We need more Tootsie Rolls.” One such transmission was translated verbatim by the radioman at the airstrip. When the next airdrop was made, parachute packs floated down with - Tootsie Rolls. The besieged Marines, their rations frozen solid, made the best of the situation. They tucked away Tootsie Rolls in their clothes, where they remained soft enough to eat.
Tootsie Roll Industries has received numerous testimonials of how Tootsie Rolls have actually helped save the lives of service personnel who were near starvation. 
One Marine wrote,
“By large, Tootsie Rolls were our main diet while fighting our way out of the Reservoir. You can bet there were literally thousands of Tootsie Roll wrappers scattered over North Korea. No doubt it made a nice change from Spam.”
- Edward M. Szymciak
(Fact Source) Follow Ultrafacts for more facts
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eternaletain · 2 months
1. Listen To and Call Other White Settlers to Listen to Indigenous Truth Telling
2. Support and Donate Money or Land to Indigenous Land Return Efforts
3. Abdicate Time and Space to Indigenous People and Issues in Your Intersectional Social Justice Work
4. Stop Treating Indigenous Genocide and Settler Violence as Things of the Past
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eternaletain · 2 months
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Here are two 19th Century “cross written” letters. Cross writing was a technique to save paper when paper was scarce.  Every scrap mattered at one time (one of these is dated 1823) so the writer, upon reaching the end of the page, would turn the paper 90 degrees and add a second layer of text.  Once it becomes familiar, the mind adapts easily and cross written letters are surprisingly legible.  Charles Darwin famously used the technique.    
(Fact Source) Follow Ultrafacts for more facts
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eternaletain · 2 months
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eternaletain · 2 months
If you don't own your own house just pick the room that you would want to change the most if you did.
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eternaletain · 2 months
we’ve been curious for a while. reblog or don’t, we don’t care
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eternaletain · 2 months
even if you're resigned that trump is going to win, 1/3 of the country lives in states with competitive senate elections. if democrats win the senate, there is very little that trump can do (can't even appoint supreme court nominees)
the following states all have competitive senate elections:
even if you don't think your state is competitive at all, THESE SENATE RACES STILL ARE, SO IF YOU LIVE IN ONE OF THESE STATES, MAKE SURE TO VOTE
and even if you don't live in one of those states, you could live in a competitive house seat. if democrats win the house, then trump can't pass any bills
and even if you don't live in a competitive state or district, your local elections matter even more than federal ones because they have a much more direct impact on your life
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