As you probably know by now I did a thing! I will not be doing replies on this blog anymore but I will keep it up as I flesh out this one. That being said I still have my thread tracker up so if there is a thread you’d like me to carry over a particular thread I’d be more than happy to!
Here are the threads!
 There are new muses to play with too and currently everyone is open and ready to interact. Come have a look if you want to!
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As you probably know by now I did a thing! I will not be doing replies on this blog anymore but I will keep it up as I flesh out this one. That being said I still have my thread tracker up so if there is a thread you’d like me to carry over a particular thread I’d be more than happy to!
Here are the threads!
 There are new muses to play with too and currently everyone is open and ready to interact. Come have a look if you want to!
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◦ Indie RP Blog ◦ Multi-Muse ◦ Mun & Muses 21+
Today I had an epiphany and set myself on a project that I think will help clear up the blah I have been exhibiting and make up for my absences over the past few weeks. I’m moving all of my boys onto one account - the theory being that I can trick my brain into not being overwhelmed if they are all in one place xD
I will keep the individual blogs up until everything is squared away which will probably be a few weeks or even months >.> That way I can reference information and threads that will need to be brought over. Please let me know if you’d like to keep a thread and I’ll do my damnedest to put it on the new blog so we can continue (god bless you threadtracker, amen)! Otherwise I’m thinking it will be a fresh start.
I’m very excited to get underway! The blog is very rough right now but I have the muses up! There are even 3 ‘new’ ones that I haven’t gotten a chance to play in a bit and am curious to see their interactions here :)
Please excuse the mess, my flakiness, and general lack of control :’) And have a look if you like!
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◦ Indie RP Blog ◦ Multi-Muse ◦ Mun & Muses 21+
Today I had an epiphany and set myself on a project that I think will help clear up the blah I have been exhibiting and make up for my absences over the past few weeks. I’m moving all of my boys onto one account - the theory being that I can trick my brain into not being overwhelmed if they are all in one place xD
I will keep the individual blogs up until everything is squared away which will probably be a few weeks or even months >.> That way I can reference information and threads that will need to be brought over. Please let me know if you’d like to keep a thread and I’ll do my damnedest to put it on the new blog so we can continue (god bless you threadtracker, amen)! Otherwise I’m thinking it will be a fresh start.
I’m very excited to get underway! The blog is very rough right now but I have the muses up! There are even 3 ‘new’ ones that I haven’t gotten a chance to play in a bit and am curious to see their interactions here :)
Please excuse the mess, my flakiness, and general lack of control :’) And have a look if you like!
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The younger vampire respectively fell quiet as Nicky's story began, trailing his fingers through his hair as the other hand worked on wiping away the soot and grime. He couldn't ignore the excitement he felt as he listened to his lover's plight, never knowing how to properly ask without being completely invasive. It was apparent Nicky liked talking about his turning and past just as much as Brant himself. In the face of Nicky's upset Brant kept a tight rein on his positive emotions, lowering his eyes as Nicky mentioned 
Brant was quiet "It is not fair," he finally piped up with, wiping Nicky's face free of ash. "For someone to impose their will so forcefully. But it is heartening to know that you have been given something not many have. I am sad for you. That you have to keep running. That you cannot be stationary and enjoy what has been thrust upon you. To see its true potential." 
He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss into the other's hair, cupping his face in his hands. "And I will do what I can to help you. That goes without question."
Send me "Hello?" and my character will phone yours because...15. They need a place to hide. 
The way the older vampire’s voice trembled, the breathlessness alone, it was clear that something was horribly, horribly wrong. “Brant, darling, please tell me this is you, I can’t get this fucking phone to work just right—”
He cut himself off with what started as an attempt at a calming breath, one that soon turned into a ragged gasp, fingers tugging through his own hair as he fought to get the words out of his mouth. When he spoke up again, his words were thick with the threat of tears, ones of emotion or fear very much debatable.
"I need somewhere to hide, and you’re the only one I trust. I hate to ask something like this, but I need somewhere to stay until… until he leaves.”
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Greg Nawrat by Michał Kar & Maciej Piórko || Fashion Magazine
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a masterlist of prompts and sentence starters
☂: our muses get caught in the rain outside without an umbrella
★: our muses stargaze together
✈: your muse is going away for a time and says goodbye to my muse or vice versa
❤: one of our muses says the first "i love you" to the other
✿: your muse asks my muse to dance with them or vice versa
☤: my muse visits your muse at the hospital
☢: your muse tells my muse that they need to break up
☯: our muses have their first kiss
❅: our muses have a snowball fight
☠: my muse visits your muse's grave
▲: how our muses first met
➳: how one of our muses asked the other on a first date
✌: our muses' wedding
⌚: my muse proposes to your muse or vice versa
"Please don't leave me."
"I don't want to lose you, okay?"
"Because I love you!"
"And I thought I could trust you."
"I can't believe you forgot."
"What did you do this time?"
"We're going to get caught!"
"Kiss me."
"I'm sorry, I screwed up."
"I might be drunk."
"You look beautiful."
"That smirk is annoyingly hard to ignore."
"Stop staring at me!"
"Please go away, you can't see me like this."
"Come on, dance with me."
"I need you. I need us."
"You can't just lead me on like that!"
"I can't do this anymore."
"Oh, I'm nothing special."
"Just don't forget me, okay?"
"You have to let me go."
"We'll get through this together."
"You're not alone, you know."
"Shut up! I hate you!"
"I wish this could last forever."
"Maybe I was right in thinking that I should never have even fallen in love with you."
"What would the world be like without you?"
"Why do you like me so much?"
"Are you okay?"
"Shit, what did I do?"
[text]: Fuck you.
[text]: Where are you?
[text]: I'm sick.
[text]: I love you.
[text]: I wish I could be with you right now.
[text]: I'm at your door.
[text]: Is that all you care about?
[text]: Please stop talking about her/him.
[text]: Just come over, watch a movie, and cuddle with me.
[text]: Don't even start.
[text]: Is that all I am to you?
[text]: Help me.
[text]: Wait, what happened?
[text]: I can't go to sleep because you're on my mind.
[text]: I miss you.
[text]: Good night.
[text]: Stop leaving me voicemails, I'm not going to forgive you.
[text]: Tell me you didn't forget.
[text]: I've had such a bad day.
[text]: Don't talk to me ever again.
[text]: I have nothing if I don't have you.
[text]: After all we've been through, you can't leave me... please.
[text]: Breaking up over a text? You've stooped that low?
[text]: Can you stop ignoring me for a second?
[text]: Sometimes I worry that you won't know how much I love you.
17K notes · View notes
I might be annoying but atleast my lock screen isn’t a selfie
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"You should learn to take notes better then." He was tempted to find a pen and scratch out the offending name but there were Mouse's notes. He gave the folder a teasing flap, sitting back on the investigator's desk.
The vampire tutted, shaking his head. "It's offensively light. You do not have more to say about me? Let me help you." He did find a pen then and flipped a page over that didn't have too much writing on it, clicking the tip into place. "Brant Duval. Good qualities: extraordinarily handsome. Exceptionally kind and charming. Wonderful sense of style. What else..." He tapped the pen to his lips, furrowing his brow. "Ah! Very good sense of humor. Flaws..." 
The vampire paused and once again gnawed at the pen, lower tier briefly pulled down as he lowered the implement. "Far too sensitive. Prone to dreaming. Does not stay rooted in reality." 
His smile was a touch sad as he clicked the pen once again and returned the file to the investigator, shrugging a shoulder. "Perhaps I should leave the investigating to you. I do not think I have the heart for it. 
Mouse’s expression broke into a smirk when Brant recoiled, raising an eyebrow at the older man. “Well, now I know that seeing your own name makes you react like an old Hollywood vampire. Interesting.” A chuckle, before he shook his head. “Not trying to be hateful. They’re my notes. That is the name I was given first when I went looking for you, that is the name I know first and foremost in my head.”
The objection at the photo had him snorting, shaking his head again. “If you insist, then.” He glanced at Brant from time to time, unable to help but fidget. His nails were picked at as the vampire read, a soft sound leaving him as he clicked his tongue. Truthfully, Brant was the first to read his own file. For all that Mouse said he was adding to the file, it was remarkably thin, containing only the most basic of notes, including the little piece of notepad paper detailing his first impression of the man. Not a lot had been added, merely basic details and a few photographs that had apparently been taken on the sly.
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Strange Meeting Starter Sentences
"Why are you in my seat?"
"Excuse me? There's a bug on your back."
"Don't get that. It sucks."
"Is this your cat?"
"Help, I'm stuck on the kiddie slide."
"I would not suggest sitting there."
"I got a phone alert telling me that the bus system is stopped due to bad weather."
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Gucci pre-fall 2012
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"Mmm." The Frenchman purred in appreciation, halflidding his eyes."Hold me and more. To my promises and everything in between." A yawn was stifled eyes falling shut as he snuggled further into the Irishman's lap. A hum filled his quaint little room, spurned from Nicky's touches and close proximity. 
"It isn't sad," he answered distractedly, tracing patterns into the other's cool flesh. "Nothing could be sad about you." He shifted his position when Nicky leaned back, giving a soft chuckle when the bed frame creaked. "Might as well keep it, hm? Doubt another bed would hold up." An arm was wrapped protectively around Nicky's slender frame, eyes shutting completely as he pulled him closer, surrendering them both to sleep."
Nicky could’ve sworn he felt his heart skip a nonexistent beat. His smile grew, spine curving as he leaned over his lover, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to his forehead. “Forever,” he murmured, one hand twining into the dark locks top Brant’s head. “I’m holding you to that, darling,” he murmured, another kiss pressed against skin.
The offer was met with a rare grin, soft chuckle easing past now-aching lips. “That sounds absolutely lovely." A pause, before he glanced up at the thick curtains over the windows. "…we should probably get some sleep, hm? I don’t know about you, but I’ve not stayed awake through a whole day, and I’m not keen on seeing just what happens if I do." A small shrug, grin turning embarrassed. "Sad, isn’t it? Almost two hundred years of living, and I still don’t know what’ll happen if I stay awake too long."
A wave of his hand to dismiss his words, leaning back against the thoroughly broken bed frame with a soft sound of discomfort. “…this is going to take some getting used to.” Laughter followed his words, though it grew weaker and quieter, until Nicky’s eyes fell shut, a sure sign that sleep was not very far away.
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"No, her!" He once again pointed to Kristen Wiig, his grin even wider and more pleased with the dragon in this moment than ever before. It was oddly domestic and relaxing to be with Oliver in such away. 
"I think it's all of the time. You just get... distracted." A teasing pat was given to the dragon's crotch before he affectionately traced patterns into the strong thigh just below. "We should watch more movies together." 
✈ you know Oliver flies first class
~ Want to RP? Send some to start! x ~
✈ Our muses on a plane
Brant’s seat shifted forward and back as he tried to get comfortable, undoubtedly giving and denying the person behind them their glass of water as the attached tray was also affected. Longer trips were out of the question for Brant and it bothered him to no end, only able to travel so far on red-eye flights. If he ever wanted to get out of the country ever again it would be quite a feat.
He glanced over at his traveling companion, taking a moment to quietly map out the profile of his face before unceremoniously tugging the earbuds from his ears. “I cannot relax. Usually I am awake and active right now. It feels… strange to be so stationary.”
"What are you listening to?" The headphone was suddenly shoved into his own ear, searching Oliver’s lap for an iPod or a tablet. "Or watching?"
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The mortal frowned but didn't say anything, buttoning his lips instead. "Good then you do not mind sharing it." His voice had hardened somewhat with wariness though his gaze was still curious especially as the other man rose. Beryl eyes watched curiously as the other limped over, immediately looking down at the injured leg. "What happened to you?" There was a tinge of concern in his voice, his innate ability to care overriding his better judgement. It promptly dried up as his friendliness and origin was called out, brow furrowing so severely it cleaved his forehead in two. 
"Well I am not so sure now." The younger man gave a scoff and tilted his chin up, turning on his heel as he sauntered over to the other side of the freight. "You're quite rude. But I suppose I can forgive you because you have just woken up." Brant tossed his hat over into the far corner and pulled his loot from his pockets. The wine was brought out with a teasing flourish, briefly extended towards his traveling companion before he sat cross legged on the dusty cargo floor. 
"Traveling by train is so exciting, no," he asked absently as he started in on opening the bottle, struggling to get at the cork. "Everything is one big blur. You only know where you end up." 
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I didn’t answer my mom so she called me ugly
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