euan-boyd · 6 years
This is my final animatic production for this assignment. My tutors feedback from the last attempt was that I need to show that I am able to the scale and position functions in Premiere. I have also added basic colour to the monster ‘Brutus’ and the man whose mouth is the location of this story. Due to my artistic styling choice the foreground and background merged together and became hard follow especially because I have used so many panels in such a short commercial.
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euan-boyd · 6 years
Third attempt. I cleaned up the timing to fit all of the shots into the 30sec assignment parameter. I then showed this version to my tutor for feedback.
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euan-boyd · 6 years
Second attempt. I created all the sound effects and voice overs on my smart phone and sourced a version of ‘dance of the sugar plum fairies’ off youtube (this is just used to test timing, rights will be needed for finished publication). I have just uploaded all of my storyboard panels and still have to work on timing of each shot and fitting them into the 30sec commercial parameter. In this attempt all shots are exactly the same length.
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euan-boyd · 6 years
This is my first test animatic. I will be using Adobe Premiere Pro to piece this project together as it is the program that I have available to use outside of the university labs. This test was just so I could list the sound effects needed.
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euan-boyd · 6 years
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The second piece of storyboard feedback that I was given was that I had created almost a keyframe story board, featuring over 80 panels. I have created a stripped back basic colour Commercial storyboard version using only 16 of the most important shots needed to convey the story so that it is easier to understand the flow.
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euan-boyd · 6 years
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Revised storyboard introduction. The feedback I got from assignment 1 was that even know my script takes place inside a mouth I should somehow try and incorporate a wider variety of shots. To accommodate this I have added a establishing LS to start the commercial. I went for a high angle dark cloudy depressing suburban shot to set the scene.
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euan-boyd · 6 years
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This is the script provided to work with for this assignment. Please scroll down to see my storyboard I created based on this in assignment 1.
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euan-boyd · 6 years
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Here is some of my in-class storyboard exercise work from the last few weeks. I worked predominantly in Sketch Book pro using a Wacon tablet.
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euan-boyd · 6 years
Assignment 2: Production Development
2 Overview
Production, development and pre-visualization of a short 30-second sequence and the designs: you will produce a storyboard and an animatic that illustrates the narrative arc of a specified scene, by employing conventions of cinematic devices and visual language for animation and live action productions.
The entire development process, from thumbnails to roughs, has to be documented on your blog with brief reflections on the evolving vision and overall result. (Formative and summative).
2.2 Explanation of the Exercise
1.2.1 Summary
Demonstrating a good comprehension of cinematic conventions you will reveal the drama that is ‘locked’ inside the text of the script you are tasked to storyboard.
This exercise demonstrates an emerging command of visual language for the purpose of helping directors ‘see’ movies before the commencement of production. While the production of detailed artwork is not the objective of this exercise, well-executed work that shows meticulous planning will be viewed more favourably.
1.2.2 Considerations and Practicalities
 Is good camera language demonstrated in this exercise?
 Does the story flow well?
 Does the music or audio track support your images well enough to enhance the narrative?]
 Blog [Is this updated frequently to reflect your growing practice?]
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euan-boyd · 6 years
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euan-boyd · 6 years
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euan-boyd · 6 years
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euan-boyd · 6 years
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euan-boyd · 6 years
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euan-boyd · 6 years
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euan-boyd · 6 years
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euan-boyd · 6 years
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