eucanyon ยท 4 years
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย * ย  ย  ย  โ—žย ย  ย  ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ :ย  ย @eumaikenโ€‹ !
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  *ย  lunch at the kabob palace with maiken was something canyon truly anticipated with excitement each day , and though he knows sheโ€™d never say so out loud , the fact she mets him each time is some indication that she shares the sentiment ( even if he does bully her for her veganism relentlessly . ) his nose wrinkles playfully at his companion , brows arching ever so slightly as he eyes her meal choice in distaste .ย  ย  โ€œ itโ€™s fucking tragic youโ€™ll never know the beauty of a true authentic chicago hot dog , but i guess iโ€™d stop eating meat too if my country made a habit of pickling every fish they find . โ€ย 
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eucanyon ยท 4 years
๐’๐“๐€๐‘๐“๐„๐‘ ๐…๐Ž๐‘: @eucanyonโ€‹
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  saltwater freezes at a lower temperature than freshwater โ€” at least if jasonโ€™s high school chemistry class is to be believed ; heโ€™s never found it to be harder to turn the ocean into ice, if anything, sea water seemed far more eager to cave to his desires than its freshwater cousin. that makes sense too though, in the same way as ions and lowering freezing points. itโ€™s not surprising either to find jason like this, ankle deep in the receding tide of the aegean sea with the sun already slunk over the edge of the horizon. the cove is secluded enough for mortals not to notice, especially at the dim hour ( but not yet lateย enough for him to start worrying about curfew yet ). truth is heโ€™s not accustomed being far from water ; even in the remote reaches of rouyn-noranda the lake had been practically at his doorstep, and the view from the poseidon house made it difficult to not cave into temptations like this.
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  his psych textbook heโ€™d been reading along with his shoes and shirt had been abandoned higher on the sand after sunset, with the falling darkness of night came the time for different kinds of studying โ€” and though the pool and rink on campus offer adequate settings, thereโ€™s nothing quite like the unfettered power of the ocean ( and thereโ€™s less chance of him accidentally freezing the pipes and breaking a mainline โ€” it was oneย time, okayย ). besides, he needs to clearย his head and thereโ€™s nothing like freezing waves to wear him out physically and emotionally. heโ€™s only done a few small ones, freezing and letting them recede back with the overall pull of the tide before he senses another presence, an icy wave falling back into nothing as he turns to set eyes on his company. it doesnโ€™t take much for a warm smile to flicker into place,ย  ย  ย โ€œย  โ€”come for a swimย ?? โ€
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย canyon allowed little to intimidate him : after all , fear was the bane of progress , and for him to allow his own growth to stunt would be a treachery of the highest tier in his mind . and yet , it was the water that he held a reverence most akin to trepidation , perhaps in irony considering it made up a vast majority of the planet he lived on . thereโ€™s a comfort he feels in sticky chicago summer afternoons , humidity and temperature the perfect predecessor to a thunderstorm , but even the rain that accompanied it was something to canyonโ€™s displeasure . more so , and to his great chagrin , he canโ€™t swim ( though he can credit the frosted chicago winters to a natural right of passage , learning how to ice skate . )
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  โ€œ funny . โ€ย  ย  ย ย  he nods though his affect is humorless , teetering on his trademark edge of almost - sarcasm .ย  ย  โ€œ if you didnโ€™t have such a dull sense of humor , iโ€™d think you were fucking with me . โ€ย  ย  ย part of him feels relieved to have encountered jason here โ€” to spot a lone figure by the waves as the night approach brought out the protective side of canyon , curious as to whatever these motives could be . he offers a half - smile โ€” middle ground .ย  ย  โ€œ i kid . iโ€™m sure both our guys would call sacrilege if they saw us interacting without bashing the other . captains canโ€™t coexist peacefully , our egos are too big . โ€ย  ย  ย  his focus veers towards the murky waves beneath them , leading him to take a tentative step back from the edge . his nose wrinkles to emphasize his distaste for the water and all its unknowns .ย  ย  ย โ€œ i think itโ€™d really take a kid of poseidon to teach me how to swim . i sink like a rock each time i try . must be a sign . โ€ canyon huffs , offering jason a lop-sided smile before his gaze turns to note the discarded articles of clothing and the textbook .ย  ย  ย  ย โ€œ you always make it a habit to hide out here like a stereotype ? or thatโ€™s just a goldhirsch - exclusive trait ? โ€
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eucanyon ยท 4 years
ย *ย  ย withย  @euhandeโ€‹ !
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eucanyon ยท 4 years
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ยท๏พŸโ˜€ย  i am so hype to be here nobody gets it and even MORE hype to be bringing my baby boy canyon ....... i already can feel that everyone is absolute chefโ€™s kiss and i cant WAIT to plot w u all ! my name is ๐ญ๐ž๐๐๐ฒ , utilizing she / her pronouns and knowing nothing about percy jackson but trying my absolute best . i do prefer dis.cord for plotting so if youโ€™d like to swap users thatโ€™d be grand , without further delay ( i googled if it was ado or adieu but apparently itโ€™s all wrong throw the whole phrase away ) below the cut you can read a bit about canyon !ย 
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย โŸจ MASON GOODING. CIS MAN. HE / HIM. โŸฉ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, ๐‚๐€๐๐˜๐Ž๐ ๐„๐‹๐‹๐ˆ๐’ is actually a descendent of ZEUS. itโ€™s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY - TWO year old PRE-LAW from CHICAGO, USA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite ๐…๐Ž๐‘๐Œ๐ˆ๐ƒ๐€๐๐‹๐„ย & ๐’๐„๐•๐„๐‘๐„ย .
ย โ€” ๐๐ˆ๐Ž .
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  โ€˜ you gotta work twice as hard to be half as good .ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย you gotta be twice as good to get half the recognition . โ€™
itโ€™s the earliest phrase he remembers hearing . his grandparents , a duo running the local church services just a block away from their chicago inner city apartment , fill the shoes left by a mother who left her wedlock-born son in the hands of people more capable than she and a father nobody had ever met . his clothes come from the church donation bin and his toys are hand-me-downs from neighborhood kids outgrowing their phases . he pays for football like most of the boys on his team , camped out in front of grocery stores and shopping malls with a bell and a collection bucket with a nervous spiel of โ€œ please help us earn new pads for our football team โ€ spewing from each child the moment they make eye contact with anyone sympathetic enough to turn their way .
canyonโ€™s held to a higher standard than the neighborhood kids . he comes home before it even starts to turn dark , he has a closet full of perfectly ironed shirts that he tucks neatly into his waistline every sunday morning , he calls anyone that even looks a few years older than him sir or maโ€™am . he spends afternoons in a rigid schedule : help grandma cook and clean , football practice , homework , and a half hour of television before bed . he gets a choice , if he wants to invite the neighborโ€™s kids over for that sliver of free time , or keep it to himself . it was a source of embarrassment for him at first , to have a bedtime matching that of his elderly caretakers , but after a certain point , it becomes a source of pride for canyon โ€” heโ€™s lauded by teachers and coaches alike as the best behaved and most respectful ( albeit , also the quietest ) boy of any group he inhabits .ย ย 
he struggles in school at first , and not simply in the social element . his teachers express concern by his absolute silence , but given that he answers questions and doesnโ€™t cause any issues for them , concerns are brushed off . his handwriting leaves much to be desired and his literacy skills are behind his grade expectations , but he excels when offered oral options for responses and follows logic like a champ . though his grandparents canโ€™t quiet afford a formal tutor , but his teachers offer a bit of informal help in the often time that his grandparents run late to pick him up . they note to his grandmother that canyon is a workhorse , putting in much more work than what is asked for and seeing a steady improvement in his grades due to this . sheโ€™ll smile , and canyon will repeat their mantra in his head on the way home .
his mom appears every few months over major holidays , bag of trinkets in tow . canyon quickly learns that ignoring the toys means sheโ€™ll talk more to him than about him to his grandparents as if heโ€™s not there , curling up in her lap like a cat vying for her attention . he shoves straight - a report cards and mvp trophies into her hands as long as he can remember , one thanksgiving she comments on his hair getting too long and by christmas heโ€™s gotten it shaved clean . every comment she makes he squeezes for some semblance of recognition , a baby bird screaming out to a blinded parent :ย  ย  โ€˜ see me , iโ€™m here . see me , if only this once . โ€™
his father is a forbidden topic in the house and his mother skirts around conversations of him , which bothers canyon , but his community is that of a village - raising mindset . older brothers become mentor figures , uncles become surrogate fathers , grandfathers pass down tokens of wisdom . it seems no household is truly ever without the nurture of a parent figure , and canyon grows up acutely aware of how lucky he has it in his little apartment complex telling the story to himself every night : a mother who loved him enough to give him the life he deserved , a father clearly not worthy of being in the picture . canyon , a boy with the bare minimum , sees it as more than enough .
a pudgy , quiet child following a robotic schedule doesnโ€™t quite inspire the vision of a progeny to the king of the gods . canyonโ€™s only friends are the ones heโ€™s grown up with and the cousins subbing in as the siblings he was never given , his grandmother being perhaps the first person he tells anything to . but he canโ€™t bring himself to open up when his mother begrudgingly confides a secret in him , taking him out for ice cream as an early birthday gift . he has half a mind to let his grandma know she showed up to her visit under the influence , high off whatever would make her deranged enough to tell canyon his father is a shapeshifting greek god who will be reaching out to him to hone his powers in a few days โ€” but he quickly realizes that snitching would mean even less time spent with a mother who already only sees him in minimal increments . as with everything in life , he keeps it to himself , a move that would pay off when heโ€™s approached by perhaps the most terrifyingly imposing man heโ€™s seen in his life at a church service the day before his birthday .
his father is , despite all the obvious flaws , perhaps everything canyon has dreamed of becoming . they talk briefly during the service and make official introductions before he escapes into the day , promising to return and explain more in time . and he does . canyonโ€™s sure to keep to himself who heโ€™s quietly chatting with in the back pews every sunday , but he and his father talk at length in the relative secrecy of hushed voices in a boisterous sermon . the man doesnโ€™t explain much about how he met canyonโ€™s mother , nor what he does in general , but fills in all the gaps left by his motherโ€™s erratic attempt at a conversation . the man buys canyon a new set of cleats for his birthday and notes to him that he can continue to fill in the gaps if he considers spending his summers away . heโ€™ll make it happen , canyon simply has to agree .
and he does . his grandparents are less than thrilled to think that heโ€™ll be away from them for three months and the fact that heโ€™s making a lot of these details up as he goes nearly gets him caught , but his father helps him conceive a ruse so convincing , theyโ€™ll be able to leave his grandparents out of the whole demigod conversation .
and it seems almost as soon as he had found something resembling the parents he so longed for , they leave him perhaps more alone than before . his mother is jailed for a sequence of bad decisions and zeus makes himself a figure less and less , eventually becoming clear to canyon that he too will skirt along with the bare minimum , claiming him at 13 and tapering off the effort he exerts as canyon begins to make a name for himself throughout the american demigod scene . his camp friends ask if heโ€™s planning to attend eonia and canyon makes it clear that he refuses , a full ride scholarship to howard university the only thing in his sights for the future . he wants to detach himself from the culture being force down his throat by these demigod hypocrites , he wants to be adamant in his pride over being a black american fighting for change .
a change of heart comes perhaps on a whim . his father makes an offhand comment about โ€œ what a shame โ€ it is that canyon doesnโ€™t see himself as cut out for demigod school . the boy , now every bit a young man after his growth spurts leave him at an imposing 6โ€™3 and football shapes his body into a vessel of solid muscle , commands the energy of every group heโ€™s thrust into , a pillar of his community and recognized as the one who will bring their neighborhood into greatness . driven , intelligent , and powerful , canyon grows into his role as the champion , and it becomes apparent that his father wants to push the vision of his own contribution forward where it counts , and canyon โ€” the one born into nothing , wants to grow into something .
eonia welcomes him with open arms and before he even opens his mouth , itโ€™s apparent that he carries himself like the son of a king : though he is quick to distance himself from his father who he had once so - idolized . in his head , he sets out to become something notable without the need to precede himself with his fatherโ€™s name ; canyon is a force of nature all by his own creation , and he refuses to credit his own well - earned accomplishments to a father who was hardly that . he plans to use eonia to close the demigod chapter in his life , hoping he can hone his powers enough to then never use them , hoping to remain solely involved in the mortal world with no mind given to the demigodsโ€™ drama . he plans to attend law school directly upon graduating and become the next spearhead of a political movement with the goal of true justice for all disenfranchised people in mind .
ย โ€” ๐๐„๐‘๐’๐Ž๐๐€๐‹๐ˆ๐“๐˜ .
ย canyon ellis has made a name for himself despite his relative silence , a reputation preceding him even without the influence of his godly fatherโ€™s name behind him . if anything , canyon represents what the ancient greeks perhaps idolized zeus to be โ€” minus the hedonism that brought upon so much of the chaos plaguing his tales . a boy brought into the bare minimum becomes a man making due with the bare minimum , and canyon is known for a rhetoric that can prove a point out of anything . heโ€™s an introvert in extrovertโ€™s shoes , often spotted around teammates or other members of his clubs though heโ€™s oft the last to say a word , choosing instead to observe in silence with those intense stares heโ€™s become so well - known for . intimidating is perhaps an understatement when you pair his stature with his energy , the strength in his reservation and the discipline in his blood , standing tall and unwavering in his beliefs . he speaks with intention and though heโ€™s most known for his serious side , he carries himself with a humble confidence that allows him to speak his truth with ease and stand up for what he believes in most , unafraid to call out those on the other end of his remarks . though heโ€™s stern and admittedly reserved , heโ€™s not shy , and pushes himself to reach beyond his areas of comfort in order to truly live up to the expectations he places on himself : expectations that are perhaps too high for him to realistically achieve in this lifetime .
though intense , canyon has a soft spot for those closest to him and though he wonโ€™t be the one stirring up the entertainment , heโ€™s often biting back a smile at the antics of his loved ones , one of his catch phrases being โ€œ i get the joke , iโ€™m just not laughing because itโ€™s not funny , โ€ followed by a pat on the head . heโ€™s stern but not entirely humorless , kind but no - nonsense , and tends to hold himself to a certain standard of seriousness in most circumstances . heโ€™ll let loose on the occasional night out , but thereโ€™s a sense of tension to him that seems clearly prepared to leap back into his leader shoes and fix whatever disaster may present itself . a projection of strength , poise , and dignity , canyonโ€™s aptitude for leadership is equally his greatest strength and his biggest weakness , imbuing him with a moral compass and a sense of empathy that sometimes makes the world too black and white for him , refusing to see any circumstances that may complicate or excuse something .
his views on loyalty are severe and have left him with a handful of people heโ€™s all but erased from his life , burning bridges without second thought though many in his circle advise him to reconsider . thereโ€™s right , and thereโ€™s wrong in his world , with nothing in between despite the fact that sometimes , there isnโ€™t as clear cut of an answer as he claims there to be .
pair this with the trauma of his abandonments during the upbringing he faced and it comes together to result in a boy walking in a manโ€™s shoes , fingernails digging into palms with the fever of all the words he bites back , fueled by a crusade for justice to give him some sense of worth โ€” perhaps the only thing holding him together at this point .
โ€” ๐Œ๐ˆ๐’๐‚ .
AESTHETIC : uphill runs fueled by answer by tyler the creator blaring through your headphones , the perfectionism of a virgo and tenacity of a taurus , falling asleep to the swan by camille saint saens , vision obscured by hot tears , the flex of your jaw as you bite back a comment , the unsettling rumble in the air just before the strike of thunder , kendrick lamar blasting from your classic mustang , picking up the pieces of a shattered porcelain bust , the primal sense of connection in a team huddle , thunderous pounding of your pulse in your ears , being voted โ€œ most likely to become president , โ€ a wide stance with arms crossed over your chest , power drawn from unity , never division .
my inspos for him were chiron / black from moonlight , erik killmonger from black panther , and batman lmao . i guess maybe some steve rogers ?ย 
heโ€™s the captain of the rugby team !
grew up playing football but the moment he casually played a rugby match at camp and interlocked into a scrum was the moment he was forever converted and has loved the sport ever since . he plays as a lock .
as a pre - law student , heโ€™s in mock trial , as well as in the social justice collective . he is vice president of the black student collective and is an active and passionate member who is outspoken about black identity on campus
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eucanyon ยท 4 years
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Marble Bust of Zeus, British Museum in London 2019
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eucanyon ยท 4 years
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MOONLIGHT 2016 | dir. Barry Jenkins
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eucanyon ยท 4 years
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eucanyon ยท 4 years
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eucanyon ยท 4 years
I tried to write your name in the rain But the rain never came So I made with the sun
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eucanyon ยท 4 years
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Faith by The Weeknd
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eucanyon ยท 4 years
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eucanyon ยท 4 years
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