europeanvirtues · 2 years
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My book is primarily about efficiency or the Führer’s Hi-Low efficiency. The Führer’s Hi-Low Efficiency is as simple as explaining a flag or the symbols on a flag to an infant. The Führer’s Hi-Low Efficiency is so simple it is as simple as the difference of the colours of hair. The Führer’s Hi-Low Efficiency is blonde and brunette etc. There are two types of efficiency, hi/low, top/bottom, large/small and macro/micro etc. To distinguish the two types of efficiency (E) I use the terms “Hi-Efficiency (HE)” and “Low-Efficiency (LE)”. I also use various other terms to refer to hi/top/large/macro efficiency, such as German Efficiency (GE), Spiritual Efficiency (SE), Eternal Efficiency (EE), Infinite Efficiency (IE) but most importantly, the Führer’s Hi-Low efficiency (E) is “Ismlesser Efficiency (IE)”. Hence, my book is primarily about the Führer’s Hi-Efficiency (HE) which is governmental and religious, the absolute top and concerns Yahweh, God and monotheism etc. As opposed to Low-Efficiency (LE) which is science, the absolute bottom and concerns such things as manufacturing, production, recycling, cells, particles and microchips etc. Most people including the working class and scientists only work with Low-Efficiency (LE); however, simply know that the Führer’s Hi-Efficiency (HE) is racism and it is (supposed to be) for governments.
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europeanvirtues · 2 years
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WORLD DIRECTION. The Führer’s eternal efficiency (EE) is something like what the United States of America possesses but for Europe; like anti-monarchism, republicanism, intellect, power, influence, importance, the voice, a say and direct input into the international ways and norms. Because the USA defeated Great Britain in the 18th century, the USA can directly enlighten, teach and educate Asia and the world about anti-monarchism and republicanism etc. The Führer’s eternal efficiency (EE) is a similar scheme but for Germany.
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europeanvirtues · 2 years
With the Führer’s Hi-Efficiency (HE) the Star of David is excellent in Scandinavia, Lapland, Svalbard even the North Pole etc. The Old Testament and the Bible are Mesopotamian monotheistic male misogynistic mathematics (MMMMM). Theory of the Holocaust. The Western Asian and European Union is Jesus Christ’s Kingdom of Heaven. An efficient Führer’s Ismlesser (EFI) is an individual racist, gives a brunette sieg heil and is the bravest, most loyal and most virtuous. Use the Führer’s eternal symbol with your own religious, occultist or mystical symbols. Racists welcome. No anti-Semites. No haters.
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europeanvirtues · 2 years
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europeanvirtues · 2 years
Education of the Jews.
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I believe that the fear that the Jews feel about racism or about Adolf Hitler being right is that if the Holocaust was right in the first place, then why not do it again? Adolf Hitler was right about many things perhaps even all things, because the Jews were first with God, religion, spirituality, heaven and divinity etc; and hence, the Jews are a very powerful people considering that their is only 15 million Jews. For example, when you finish a piece of work do not say “A man on an airplane would not see that!” (as in that will do), but instead say “That should satisfy the Jews!” We can all say this about any type or piece of work such as carpentry or writing because because the Jews were first with God, religion, spirituality, heaven and divinity etc, and hence, they have a monopoly on all such things. Therefore, the Jews are our spiritual paymasters etc, and so when we finish some work or doing something like sweeping, it is right to say “That should satisfy the Jews!” The Jews are all things and Adolf Hitler knew this and He simply took the Jews on about all things and about everything! Therefore, there is absolutely nothing racially wrong with the Jews, they are just first with God, religion, spirituality, heaven and divinity etc, and because they have a monopoly on all such things, there is simply a spiritual problem regarding whether the Jews and Yahweh or God will make white peoples miscegenate forever and eternity with their (according to Friedrich Nietzsche) inversion of valuations, slave morality and anti-racist inefficiency (AIE) etc. Therefore, the problem is spiritual and never racial and therefore, this determines that there is absolutely nothing wrong with racism and that the British and American governments do not understand the Führer’s eternal efficiency (EE), German efficiency or spiritual efficiency etc, which is absolute, total and cowardly ignorance. Therefore, considering the tyranny, oppression and repression of anti-racism and political correctness that all white peoples have endured and suffered since World War Two, this is total ignorance and hence, everything that you have been ‘taught’ regarding Adolf Hitler is an ignorant cover up and it is never the truth about Adolf Hitler. This document will ‘teach’ you about the Führer’s eternal efficiency (EE) and the truth about Adolf Hitler. For example, because Judaism and Roman Catholicism were first with God, religion, spirituality, heaven and divinity etc, and because they have a monopoly on such things, we do not say the Führer’s religion, the Führer’s spirituality or the Führer’s divinity etc, we say the Führer’s efficiency. The Führer’s efficiency is religious and spiritual etc. The Führer’s eternal efficiency (EE) is government and like God it is the absolute top of the universe etc, as opposed to infinitesimal efficiency such as cells, particles and microchips which are science and the absolute bottom of the universe etc. Therefore, efficient eternity is the Northern European Gods’ religion, spirituality, heaven and divinity etc. Therefore, the swastika and the Holocaust were eternal efficiency or efficient eternity. Therefore, this document is an infinitely better and spiritual way to sort out and ‘educate’ the Jews about Yahweh and the Führer’s eternal efficiency (EE) in order to prevent miscegenation without a racial Holocaust etc. Therefore, to the Jews can I say please relax and chill as there will never ever be a repeat of the Holocaust and please allow us white people to investigate racism and Nazism to find the solution etc.
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europeanvirtues · 2 years
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Judaism and Roman Catholicism were first with religion, spirituality, heaven and divinity etc, and they have a monopoly on such things. Efficient eternity is Northern European religion, spirituality, heaven and divinity etc. 卐 is eternal efficiency.
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europeanvirtues · 2 years
Get down Europe!
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Race is forever! To be a real racist you have to get up forever and eternity with the Führer’s efficiency (EE) etc. Britain and America stopped Germany getting up forever and eternity with race and the Führer’s eternal efficiency (EE) TWICE. Britain and America are continuing to stop white people getting up with race forever and eternity by oppressing racists and Nazis. Anti-racism stops white people getting up forever and eternity with race and the Führer’s eternal efficiency (EE). Anti-racism forces white people to get down and stay down (while Britain and America get black people to miscegenate with us forever and eternity). The anti-racist British police are stopping white people getting up forever and eternity with race and the Führer’s eternal efficiency (EE). The anti-racist British police are forcing white people to get down and stay down (while they get black people to miscegenate with us forever and eternity). For example, I have been insulted on and banned from social media apps so many times (including Facebook), I have been booed, heckled, berated for giving presentations at university, mentally attacked, followed around by the police on motorcycles (just let me know they are watching me), harassed, manhandled and arrested all just for getting up forever and eternity with race and the Führer’s efficiency (EE). If you cannot get up then you are getting down. Without the slightest understanding of the Führer’s eternal efficiency (EE), Britain and America are ignorantly and arrogantly forcing Europeans to get down and stay down (while they get black people to miscegenate with us forever and eternity). However, as an alternative I am getting Yahweh, God and Allah the misogynistic Mesopotamian God down by transferring Him from Israel to Europe as the gender friendly and reformed acronym Plural and Literally Universal Deities (PLUDS); in order to make Him never one and in order to request PLUDS to forgive Adolf Hitler and the Nazis for the Holocaust etc. I sincerely hope that you are 100% certain of yourselves, have clear consciences and mathematically and scientifically know what you are doing forever and eternity and on both sides of life etc, regarding race and the Führer’s eternal efficiency (EE) etc. Good luck!
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europeanvirtues · 2 years
I am a British white Gold Coastese, Goldian or Geldian from Ghana (the Gold Coast) of the Gulf of Guinea of West Africa. For example, I am like a white Ivorian, a white person raised from infancy in the Ivory Coast etc. West and Central Africa such as the Gold Coast (Ghana), the Ivory Coast and the Congo are abnormal and arboreal, as in chimpanzees and gorillas, as opposed to East and South Africa which are normal and bipedal, as in Australopithecus australis etc. I mean the only parts of Africa that you will see on television documentaries will be the normal and bipedal Serengeti and Kalahari game reserves, but never abnormal and arboreal West and Central Africa for example. There is nothing more Keeenya, Darjeeling, Hindi, Maharaja, colonial or exotic than a white Ivoraian etc. In Germany and West Africa we do not say the Führer’s religion, the Führer’s spirituality or the Führer’s divinity etc, we say the Führer’s efficiency. The Führer’s efficiency is religious and spiritual etc. The Führer’s Ismlesser efficiency (IE) is time in that the earlier that you are implanted with IE the more efficient you will be later in life. Therefore, if we efficiently implant the Führer’s Ismlesser efficiency (IE) in children as early as possible they will turn out extremely efficient and they will efficiently attain discoveries and inventions beyond our wildest dreams. Racism is efficiency for white people and without the Führer at the top and governing Europeans, and without efficient education (EE) many cool children inefficiently drop out, like myself at about 9 or 10 years old. Therefore, we must implant the Führer’s Ismlesser efficiency (IE) in children as early as possible etc. She is nothing. Nothing is efficient. She is efficient. European Goddesses are efficient. European Goddesses are evolutionarily extremely fit. Heil Hitler! Seig heil!
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europeanvirtues · 2 years
To be honest the first acronym of God that I discovered was Literally Universal God (LUG) and I discovered LUG at the very end or culmination of my one year of extremely devout Roman Catholic worship by spiritually head-butting the Pope and falling beneath the literally universal (sarcasm) city-state of Rome - and subsequently making a second class citizen. At this time I discovered that the term universal is not enough on its own and that we have to emphatically use the word literally, as in literally universal etc (something the Jews and Roman Catholics did not think of). What Europeans and westerners have to understand is that LUG is real and He is not the Son or Jesus Christ, and it was the Jews who first discovered LUG and who hence, have a total monopoly over LUG and His powers etc - which is a cause of the Adolf Hitler’s Holocaust etc. However, I am hoping that the Jews and Moses would like acronyms of Goddesses and Gods such as Literally Universal God (LUG), Plural and Literally Nothing Goddesses (PLNGS), Plural and Literally Infinite Gods (PLIGS) and Plural and Literally Universal Deities (PLUDS) etc. An acronym such as LUG is smaller and less of a misogynistic and vain prehistoric hubris of a primate than God. God is vain because He is misogynistic etc. God makes us not a Goddess or a God, whereas LUG does not. LUGGY is an alien. So would the Jews and Moses like LUGGY? Would the Jews and Moses be interested in calling or dialling up LUG with acronyms of Goddesses and Gods using their writing (which is their invention) to ask for help like the Kabbalah? Dialling PLUDS is easy, it is just an essay and it is how we attained the forgiveness of Adolf Hitler, the Nazis and the Holocaust etc. Perhaps the Jews could help the Europeans reform and transfer Yahweh as PLUDS from Israel to Europe (which is the forgiveness of the Holocaust)? Jews, please forgive us Europeans for the Holocaust. We didn’t mean it and we did not know what we were doing with LUG. No wonder Judaism required a Saviour.
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. Luke 23:34.
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europeanvirtues · 2 years
Never one or Friedrich Nietzsche’s 3 in 2 limitless trinity is republicanism because there is never one as in one king or one queen. Like the Führer, the President of the United States of America is never one and this is totally right, in that we are all Goddesses and Gods. However, I do believe in Friedrich Nietzsche’s elitism and aristocracy etc and monarchs do exemplify the Führer’s European virtues, such as honour, loyalty, chivalry, trust, respect, pride and valiance etc of the virtuous ism (racism). The king of England is sometimes known as one and refers to himself as one, however the President of the United States of America and the Führer are never one and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has been defeated by both United States of America and Germany. Therefore, Britain being a very old country has something wrong with its monotheistic monarchical system. Britain needs to revolutionise or reform its monarchical system by instituting Friedrich Nietzsche’s fundamental 3 in 2 trinity and 0 and ∞ etc. If Jesus Christ, the king of kings is never one, then surely European kings and queens can also be never one? Therefore, the solution is that married kings and queens are Plural and Literally Universal Deities (PLUDS), they are two monarchs, they reign jointly, equally, without bias and there is never one monarch etc.
There is no need to depose monarchs and revolutionise into republicanism or communism (never mind commit regicide like how the French guillotined Louis XVI of France in 1793 AD during the French Revolution or like how the Bolsheviks executed the Russian Imperial Romanov family in 1918 AD during the Russian Revolution) - just because they are currently one or monotheistic monarchies. Monarchies simply need to implement Friedrich Nietzsche’s fundamental 3 in 2 trinity and 0 and ∞ and have equal, opposite and joint co-reigns of both queens and kings whom will be married Plural and Literally Universal Deities (PLUDS). If monarchies did institute Friedrich Nietzsche’s fundamental 3 in 2 trinity and 0 and ∞ this would make all members of the immediate royal family divine and equal, not just one monarch, because Friedrich Nietzsche’s fundamental 3 in 2 trinity is a family. If Friedrich Nietzsche’s fundamental 3 in 2 trinity and 0 and ∞ solution to monotheistic monarchism had been instituted in European royal and imperial families before World War ONE, World War ONE might have been averted. It’s just one and the Jewish monotheism that is the eternal problem etc. World War ONE was about one God or Yahweh, but it is never the Jews’ fault and Jesus Christ understood this, it’s just non-fundamental monotheism. Ismlessism efficiency gives us all those pre-Holocaust isms which were masculine, discriminatory, prejudiced, oppressive and abusive arising from the belief that such as anti-racists, liberals, communists, socialists and people of Abrahamic faith were inferior to efficient Ismlessers or those with Adolf Hitler's European virtues of the virtuous ism (racism) etc. The pre-Holocaust isms included such as racism, fascism, communism, socialism, nationalism, imperialism, colonialism, chauvinism, xenophobia and homophobia etc; and Ismlessism efficiency gives us these isms again by making one of them intellectually (not politically) correct again, that is, thee ism or Adolf Hitler's European virtues of the virtuous ism (racism). Peace.
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europeanvirtues · 2 years
Jesus Christ’s non-fundamental 3 in 1 trinity is flawed because it only makes one single deity or one single monarch, however, it is the perfect symbol of Ismlesser efficiency or German efficiency. It is the perfect symbol of Ismlesser efficiency or German efficiency because of the 2000 or so years of time and history of Christianity and because of what Jesus Christ’s non-fundamental trinity means, which is the following:
1. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Yahweh, God and Allah are all misogynistic and non-fundamental because 1 male deity is only half of religion because there is the neglected Goddess(es).
2. Concerning the Jews, Adolf Hitler, Nazism and the Holocaust had a logical reason and Adolf Hitler, Nazism and the Holocaust are not only about race and hate, in that they are spiritual and religious etc, which means that Adolf Hitler, Nazism and the Holocaust were intellectually correct in a way. Therefore, Ismlesser efficiency is intellectual correctness which is the demise of political correctness.
Inversely, Friedrich Nietzsche’s fundamental 3 in 2 trinity or 0 and ∞ is flawless, in that it is mathematically perfect and gives everyone their Goddess and God status and because it is scientifically perfect, it highlights and identifies the mathematical flaw in Jesus Christ’s non-fundamental 3 in 1 trinity and thus it make Ismlesser efficiency, German efficiency and Jesus Christ’s non-fundamental trinity work properly. Therefore, Friedrich Nietzsche’s fundamental 3 in 2 trinity or 0 and ∞ should make all non-fundamental religions work such as Christianity and European paganism etc. However, Friedrich Nietzsche’s fundamental 3 in 2 trinity or 0 and ∞ has no time or history of its own, it is just fundamental mathematicalism or scientificism etc.
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europeanvirtues · 2 years
A message for neo-Nazis is that you are wrong about the obliviously misogynistic Jews and that you have got to learn how to handle the unwittingly misogynistic Jews delicately with care, admiration, love, friendship, humour, respect, peace and calm etc (like I have with Ismlesser efficiency) and absolutely never by using any ignorant and dumb hate, violence or aggression etc. The difference between Jews and Europeans is that the Jews follow Moses only and not Jesus Christ. It would therefore, be helpful to call the Jews Mosesians or Mosesites for example and obviously the Europeans are Christians. However, as a solution for the Jews perhaps Moses would like Friedrich Nietzsche’s compromised and amended, three in two trinity which is inverse? Moses might like Friedrich Nietzsche’s three in two trinity because it is like republicanism and makes everyone Goddesses and Gods instead of just one single individual entity or king. The choice is either one single individual being (monotheism, God or Jesus Christ) or everyone (three in two trinity). The three in two trinity is an entire family with both parents and their children and because there is never one (who would just be the Father) the family is therefore, limitless and so all female and male sentient beings throughout this existence and beyond etc can have their Goddess and God status respectively. Friedrich Nietzsche’s three in two trinity is fundamental, it works and it is a solution to the imbalanced and misogynistic strictly one monotheism and Jesus Christ’s non-fundamental three in one Trinity (which produces one single individual God, king or Jesus Christ). Therefore, Moses might like Friedrich Nietzsche’s three in two trinity because it is never nirvana or Christ, that is, unless all creatures and beings throughout this existence and beyond etc possess nirvana or attain Christhood etc.
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europeanvirtues · 2 years
British psychiatry tests your patience.
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europeanvirtues · 2 years
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Apart from the Holocaust, the mistake the Nazis made is that they did not have the Georges Lemaître religion of the Big Bang (Ismlessism) which is scientificism or mathematicalism and this is because they did not have the internet and smart technology such as Apple products etc, hence, they did not know that you have to transfer the Singular Ultimate God (SUG) or The General God from Israel to Europe by reforming Him with a fundamental acronym such as Plural and Literally Universal Deities (PLUDS) (instead of extinguishing people). However, because Israel is a small country and because the Jews are only 15 million people compared to the continent of Europe and the 1 billion white people of the world, the Holocaust was a huge collective effort or a culmination of Germany’s or the Volk’s desires to remove Yahweh, the Singular Ultimate God (SUG) or The General God from Israel and transfer Him to Europe as reformed PLUDS etc. I do not mean that the Nazis specifically tried to remove The General God and transfer Him and His powers to Europe as reformed Plural and Literally Universal Deities (PLUDS), but that this is what they would have wanted and what they would have done if they had had technology back in the 1930s or 1940s. Considering that there are 15 million Jews, can you not see that The General God is so very tiny compared to Europe? This is ridiculous! Why not share the misogynistic God with Europe? Why not share the misogynistic God with females? This is very suspicious! It is as if misogynistic Middle Eastern (Jewish) and Arabian (Muslim) sentient male beings and all non-white sentient male beings in fact are seeking northern European Goddesses for miscegenation with the non-European God. Therefore, the Holocaust involved the whole country of Germany not just Adolf Hitler. I had no idea that the Volk and Nazism actually had very religious and spiritual foundations related to their aspirations, goals and causes, in their attempts to remove The General God from Israel and transfer Him to Europe as a reformed acronym such as PLUDS for example. To go in for the Holocaust in order to discover Adolf Hitler's European virtues of the virtuous ism (racism) and the Georges Lemaître zero inverse religion of the Big Bang (Ismlessism) and to remove the the Singular Ultimate God (SUG) or The General God from Israel and transfer Him to Europe as reformed PLUDS without technology is extremely brave. The reformation and transfer of Yahweh, the one male General God from Israel to Europe in the forms of Plural and Literally Nothing Goddesses (PLNGS) and Plural and Literally Infinite Gods (PLIGS) is the solution to the forgiveness of Adolf Hitler, Nazism and the Holocaust etc. The transfer of God from Israel to Europe was accomplished by reforming Yahweh, The General God of Israel with the fundamental and mathematical acronyms LUDS or PLUDS etc. I then called or dialled up PLUDS with writing to request the forgiveness of Adolf Hitler, Nazism and the Holocaust etc.
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europeanvirtues · 2 years
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I hate three in one as much as strictly one monotheism. Three in one does not allow or permit the other half of the Trinity or of the three in two hierarchy namely, Goddesses. Three in one is 100% masculine misogyny and it only produces one male God. Three in two is a relief because it gives us the daughters of Goddesses however. There are three reasons why we have the hated three in one Holy Trinity. Firstly, like medieval Roman Catholicism, ancient Judaism was lethal with its heresy and blasphemy laws and punishments etc. For example, if Jesus Christ had said that there are is never one but three deities in two, both female and male, He likely would have been tortured or mutilated etc. And for example, Giordano Bruno was burned alive at the stake by the Roman Catholic Church in 1600 AD for suggesting cosmic pluralism etc. Secondly, having said that I hate three in one, it is genius for the ancient period without technology such as the internet, Apple products and word processors etc; and it is a break from fundamental monotheism. Therefore, the reason we did not receive the never one and three in two Holy Trinity is because Jesus Christ did not have technology in the first century AD. Thirdly, Jesus Christ could not do absolutely everything for us and wipe our backsides at the same time. Therefore, it is our responsibility as men or Gods to follow up Jesus Christ and amend, update and clarify His laws and teachings etc. Like the Jewish Yahweh, the one in three in one needs decapitating or cutting off, which is the Father. As you will see regarding the Holocaust, it was actually the Father who needed crucifying instead of the Son of Man and it was actually Yahweh who need exterminating during the Holocaust, not the Jews and it is actually Allah who needs beheading by Islamic terrorists, not western hostages etc. We always miss the target and kill the wrong person or persons.
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europeanvirtues · 2 years
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You know it is begging! Rock, pop and indie stars play the guitar live and a guitar is empire, rock stars have freedom (but so do I). However, there is no point in playing the guitar live in front of an audience and there is no point in empire if you are anti-racist because there will never be an empire. Keep it yourselves then? We should take empire off guitarists. Musicians should control the guitar like they are controlling empire. I am empire. I am last of empire or first of no empire. First and last. Alpha and omega. 0 and ∞.
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europeanvirtues · 2 years
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Darwin added that by applying his survival of the fittest theory, the eventual result of the differences between the races was that “the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace throughout the world the savage races.”
Regarding the above quotation of Charles Darwin, don’t you think that it is entirely ironic that as a result of the Mesopotamian monotheistic male misogyny (MMMM), it is actually and (in a 180° diametrically opposite way) inversely the ‘civilised’ European races that are certainly being exterminated and replaced throughout the world by the so called ‘savage’ races? This is inverse and it is an obvious consequence of Mesopotamian monotheistic male misogyny (MMMM). This inverse is obvious to Europeans and we should all admit it whether we want to or not. Violence (such as Nazism) is evolution and Charles Darwin knew this.
Darwin “clung to the idea that the human races were distinctly different and basically unchangeable.” Furthermore, “according to Charles Darwin, the ‘strong’ were bound to be victorious, and the ‘weak’ to perish.”
This is Friedrich Nietzsche’s inversion of valuations and master-slave morality.
Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview, by Jerry Bergman, location 388.
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