euskaltzalea-blog · 9 years
Basque poetry: Bilintx
Bilintx was born in Donostia in 1831 and had a really painful life: being just a child, he suffered a terrible accident that disfigured his face, and being a young man he became lame after an accident with a bull during a fair. During the II Carlist War, a grenade exploded near him and Bilintx had his 2 legs amputated. He died just 6 months later, in 1876.
But despite his dreadful life, Bilintx devoted most of his poems to love, becoming the best romantic poet in Euskara. Here’s one of his most well known works:
Triste bizi naiz eta                    I live sad and hilko banintz hobe                    I’d rather die badaukat bihotzian                   I have in my heart hainbat atsekabe.                     several sorrows. Maite bat maitatzen det            I love a love baina haren jabe                       but without the hope sekulan izateko                         of ever being esperantzik gabe.                     her owner. Bihotz baten lekuan                  If I had 1000 hearts mila banituzke,                         instead of one, zuretzako, maitia,                     they all would be izango lirazke.                          for you, my love. Baina milan lekuan                   But since instead of 1000 bat besterik ez det                    I just have one hartzazu ba, maitia,                  take this one, my love, bat hau mila bider.                    and multiply it by 1000.   Nere maite polita,                     My beautiful darling, nola zera bizi?                          how are you doing? Zortzi egun hauetan                 In these last 8 days ez zaitut ikusi.                          I haven’t seen you. Badakit zabiltzala                     I know you are nigandik ihesi,                          hiding from me, ez didazu ematen                    you don’t usually give me atsekabe gutxi.                         little sorrows.
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euskaltzalea-blog · 9 years
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Administrative divisions of France with their flags.
Map by michal812. Check his shutterstock page for more maps >>
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euskaltzalea-blog · 9 years
Euskara is fun!!: nor-nori-nork
Here’s a tough one. This paradigm is used when there’s a transitive verb and an indirect object. The order to decipher (and create) the verb in present and future tense will be: nor (direct object: singular / plural) + nori (indirect object) + nork (subject).
Let’s see:
- I’ll give you my number. – Nire zenbakia emango dizut. —–> D (present & future tense) + I (singular “my number”) + ZU (”you”) + T (”I”).
- My mother always shows some photos to my friends. – Amak nire lagunei beti erakusten dizkie argazkiak. —–> D (present & future tense) + IZKI (plural “some photos”) + E (”my friends”) + ø (”my mother”).
- You (pl.) will send me very nice postcards, as usual. – Postal eder-ederrak bidaliko dizkidazue, beti bezala. —–> D (present & future tense) + IZKI (plural “postcards”) + DA (”me”) + ZUE (”you (pl.)”.
- They will write us a letter from Baiona. – Eskutitza idatziko digute Baionatik. —–> D (present & future tense) + I (singular “a letter”) + GU (”us”) + TE (”they”).
Too much?
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euskaltzalea-blog · 9 years
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euskaltzalea-blog · 9 years
Old Basque Calendar
See how many names the months have in the different Basque dialects! Their names come from nature instead of gods (as the Roman calendar) and their meanings are so beautiful, you have no idea. Enjoy!!
PS. Fantasy writers of Tumblr, these may inspire you… We won’t tell anyone ^_~.
January: Urtarrila (the acuatic month) Ilbeltza / Beltzila (the black month) Izotzila (the month of ice) February: Otsaila (the month of wolves) Zezeila (the month of bulls) Barantaila March: Martxoa - Martia (Latin origin) Ostaroa (the season of lulls) Epaila (the month of prunings) April: Apirila / Apiribila (Latin origin) Opaila / Opea (the month of offerings) Jorraila (the month of hoeing) May: Maiatza (Latin origin) Loraila (the month of flowers) Ostoila / Orrila (the month of leaves) June: Ekaina (the sun on top) Bagila (the lazy month) Garagarrila (the month of barley) Arramaiatza (May again) Errearoa (the season of fires) July: Uztaila (the month of harvest) Garagarrila (the month of barley) Garila (the month of reeds) August: Abuztua / Aguztua (Latin origin) Agorrila (the dry month) Dagonila September: Iraila (the month of ferns) Agorra (drought) Setemere (Latin origin) Buruila (the month of ears) Garoila (the month of dew) October: Urria / Urrieta (the month of water) Lastaila (the month of hay) Bildila (the month of harvest) November: Azaroa / Azila (the season of cabbages) Zemendia Gorotzila (the month of manure) December: Abendua (Advent) Gabonila (the month of Christmas) Negila (the month of winter) Lotazila (the month of hibernation)
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euskaltzalea-blog · 9 years
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Fun Fact: many bars and restaurants keep this old ortography to denote tradition, experience and Basque authenticity, just like in several English-speaking countries there are bar names like “Ye olde tavern”.
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euskaltzalea-blog · 9 years
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How consonants are pronounced in various European Languages.
Album here
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euskaltzalea-blog · 9 years
Gauza batzuk hobe da ez edukitzea. Dauzkazunean amets egitea uzten duzulako. Gustatzen zaizun bizikleta hori, ez daukazunean harekin amets egiten duzu. Edukitzeko ilusioz bizi zara eta horrek zoriontsu egiten zaitu, baina erosten duzun egunetik inoiz ez duzu harekin amets egingo.
Gure helburuak lortzea ona da, baina ez ezazu presarik eduki. Nahiak bizirik mantentzen gaitu.
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euskaltzalea-blog · 9 years
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Pink clouds in Lekeitio.
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euskaltzalea-blog · 9 years
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Percentage of Basque speakers in the Basque Country.
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euskaltzalea-blog · 9 years
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Viking raids and political division of Europe, 800-1000.
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euskaltzalea-blog · 9 years
We love this song! Our Italian is a bit rusty, so bear with us ^_^
Esne beltza - Gogoak                                
It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day it’s swiftly gone by you know how I feel Errepika:                                                    Chorus: Emaidazu berriro                                       Welcome me ongietorria                                                  again zu zara nire poz                                         you are the source guztien iturria.                                             of my happiness. Emaidazu berriro                                        Welcome me ongietorria                                                    again gelditzeko nator eta!                                 because I come to stay! Tren batean gurutzatzen diren                   Eyes that cross begiradak,                                                   in a train, barra ertzean ematen diren                        kisses given near muxuak,                                                      a counter end, lo aurreko uneak amesten,                         days go by dreaming, dreaming amesten, egunak joaten dira…                   moments just before sleep. Hondartza horian                                        The castles built in egindako gazteluak                                     a yellow beach ez dituzte olatuek eraitsiko,                       won’t be demolished by the waves, gure eskuekin                                              the flowers we painted marraztutako loreak                                    with our hands ez ditu denborak ebakiko                             won’t be reaped by time. Errepika                                                       Chorus Le notti arrivano veloci                                The nights come fast I giorni scappano dalle mie mani.                the days run away from my hands. Ricordi il treno nella nostra stazione           Remember the train in our station e invece qui la gente                                   and however here people no ci parlate mai.                                          never speak to each other. Loak hartu baino lehen                                 Before falling asleep esnatu nahi nuke.                                         I’d want to wake up. Loak hartu baino lehen                                 Before falling asleep amestu nahi nuke.                                        I’d want to dream. E sogni…                                                      And dreams… Aspaldiko garaien                                         Lost in a road bidean galdurik                                             from old times gogoratzen zaitudan                                     I see you bezala ikusi.                                                 as I remember you. Immagini, immagini, immagini…                  Images, images, images… Errepika                                                        Chorus Immagini e sogni di quella vita…                  Images and dreams of that life… Racogliemi di nuovo                                      Hold me again fra le tue braccia                                          in your arms perché sei tu la fonte                                   because you are the source della mia felicità.                                          of my happiness. Racogliemi di nuovo                                      Hold me again fra le tue braccia                                          in your arms perchè ritorno per restare.                         because I come back to stay. Errepika                                                        Chorus
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euskaltzalea-blog · 9 years
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El Pais Vasco. Euskadi. Vitoria y Bilbao. 
No es una pinxos de verde!
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euskaltzalea-blog · 9 years
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Cardinal directions in Euskara.
Update: Didn’t any one of those Euskara lovers out there notice that East in Euskara means “the side of the sun”? (ek(h)i - sun + alde - side).
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euskaltzalea-blog · 9 years
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Basque Country, Bizkaia, Bilbao, Guggenheim Museum
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euskaltzalea-blog · 9 years
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The word for “Basque language” in different Basque dialects
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euskaltzalea-blog · 9 years
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Evolution of Basque-speaking areas from the 1st Century to current times
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