ever-yours-nancy · 9 months
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postcards from Treasure in the Royal Tower
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ever-yours-nancy · 9 months
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she has a vibe of a mother who is expecting a child from school.
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ever-yours-nancy · 10 months
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Helena looked suspicious from the moment i saw her picture.
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ever-yours-nancy · 10 months
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oh no, i'm stuck.
there's a bomb waiting for me, but i forgot to take the pliers. the code doesn't work. i can't do anything at all.
i've been turning this game on for two weeks now, exploding, trying to enter the code and turning the game off. i feel like Nancy when she says «it's closed» over and over again.
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ever-yours-nancy · 10 months
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i love this house for such a contrast. creepy on the outside, cozy on the inside. the whole game i was waiting for it to rain outside or a thunderstorm to start, then the game will become even more cozy.
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ever-yours-nancy · 11 months
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do you think i'm going to cry? yes, i will cry.
i've been through this game three times, and Fiona's story doesn't interest me every time until i see these drawings.
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ever-yours-nancy · 11 months
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Nancy Drew's aesthetics: video game characters + quotes from russian songs (3/?)
Grigor Karakinos (from Labyrinth of Lies) + Помни Имя Свое — В комнате тихо
it's probably stupid to write revelations on white paper that neither gods, nor people, nor time, nor memory will not forgive me, will not forget: they will reward me with a crown of thorns and let me go, and then they will pierce me with a bullet.
наверное, глупо писать откровенья на белой бумаге, которые мне не простят, не забудут ни боги, ни люди, ни время, ни память: терновым венцом наградят и отпустят, и пулею вслед перекрестят.
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ever-yours-nancy · 11 months
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postcards from Danger on Deception Island
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ever-yours-nancy · 11 months
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postcard from Message in a Haunted Mansion
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ever-yours-nancy · 11 months
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Helena, when she witnesses a robbery
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ever-yours-nancy · 11 months
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i hate this game. there's nothing really scary here, but the music makes me constantly nervous.
but there is also something good: i experienced a wonderful nostalgia for the times when i studied at the faculty of geology. ah, laboratories.
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ever-yours-nancy · 1 year
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i have a theory!
what if Nancy's wardrobe, which is described as "terrible and old fashioned" in many games, consists of Kate's clothes? Carson is not trying to find a new wife, perhaps he is still not ready to part with the things that belonged to Kate. in this case, if Nancy and Kate have the same clothing size, Nancy can wear her mother's clothes. there are two explanations for this. firstly, it serves as a reminder of Kate. secondly, Nancy has never positioned herself as a fashionista, in all games she does not pay much attention to her appearance. and i can easily imagine that she takes her mother's clothes instead of going to the store, because it's easier and cheaper.
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ever-yours-nancy · 1 year
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Nancy Drew's aesthetics: video game characters + quotes from russian songs (2/?)
Henrik Van Der Hune (from Secret of the Scarlet Hand) + Весна в Сан-Бликко — Голоса
the sleeves are empty in the middle of the desert — it's me wandering and taking my time. wait outside the door, i don't believe you, i don't know you, i'm afraid of you.
рукава пустые посреди пустыни — это я скитаюсь и не тороплюсь. подожди за дверью, я тебе не верю, я тебя не знаю, я тебя боюсь.
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ever-yours-nancy · 1 year
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in the russian version, this man has such an amazing voice that i spend all my playing time coloring reproductions. undercover work is canceled. i'm flirting.
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ever-yours-nancy · 1 year
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how old the hell is this woman? she acts like she's thirteen!
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ever-yours-nancy · 1 year
hey, clue crew!
are Nancy and Ace postcards sold in America? can i arrange an exchange of postcards with any of you? i don't have any postcards on this topic, but i will show you my collection, and you can choose any postcard to your taste!
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ever-yours-nancy · 1 year
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Nancy Drew's aesthetics: video game characters + quotes from russian songs (1/?)
Sonny Joon (before The Shattered Medallion) + Ночные Снайперы — Секунду назад
i fall from the sky like a burnt-out comet, i press my forehead against the glass until dawn, your laughter repeats in my dictaphone and there's something important that you just didn't understand. why do i need beauty now? i'm an orphan without you… and the smell of sandal, and the smell of scandal, empty highway, five minutes to the train station, we divided all the countries equally among ourselves, but i'm not interested in them without you. why do i need beauty now? i'm an orphan without you…
я падаю с неба сгоревшей кометой, я лбом прижимаюсь к стеклу до рассвета, твой смех на повторе в моем диктофоне и важное что-то ты просто не понял. зачем мне теперь красота? я без тебя сирота… и запах сандала, и запах скандала, пустое шоссе, пять минут до вокзала, мы страны делили все поровну вместе, но в них без тебя мне не интересно. зачем мне теперь красота? я без тебя сирота…
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