This blog is now archived to preserve what’s left of my mental health. ✌
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Hello  and  welcome  to  the  RESIDENT  EVIL  RP  VERSE master  list.  This  blog  exists  to  catalogue  and  bring  together  writers  in  the  RESIDENT  EVIL  rp  fandom.  Please  reblog  this  post  with  your  character  and  blog  type  ( eg: Chris Redfield / Single muse / Canon )  to  be  added  to  the  list.  This  list  is  100%  friendly  to  multis,  side  blogs,  OCs  and  characters  with  crossover  verses. 
CONDITIONS:  Before  interacting  with  this  post  please  be  aware  that  as  a  public  and  safe  space  for  all  resident  evil  writers.  As  such,  any  writers  who  participate  in  and  promote  the  production  of  sexual  roleplays  which  contain  rape,  incest  and  pedophilia, due  to  the  highly  triggering  nature  of  this  content,  are  strictly  prohibited  from  interacting  with  this  master  list.  This  extents  further  to  users  who  are  shown  to  be  abusive,  bigotry  and  predatory  for  the  safety  and  fairness  of  all  writers. 
DISCORD:  https://discord.gg/Jb4hcWjg6B  18 + ONLY.   
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Reblog this post if you are part of the Resident Evil RPC. Please list whether you are canon, oc or verse as well as if you are single muse or multi muse and you will be added to the list! If you do not follow the instructions listed, you will not be added to the list.
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“ can’t say i didn’t warn you. ” | @yngai​ sent
Resident Evil 2 Starters – currently not accepting
     Of course she was right--when wasn’t she? There would have to come a time, one of these days, when he swallowed his pride and actually just listened to her without needing confirmation. Just what was there left to prove after all these years? Being right and proving himself was hardly the issue at such an age, he knew that much. And it definitely wasn’t that he didn’t trust her; his faith in Ada Wong was not particularly misplaced, despite such intensity. She was a survivor, a confidant, a friend, if he could allow such optimism. Very few people remained by his side, but Ada was a constant presence, albeit a distant one. She had saved his ass more times than he could count.
     So why the hell didn’t he stop and think instead of rushing headlong into danger? 
    “Maybe I just wanted to see for myself. Can’t blame a guy for being curious, can you?” Something of a smirk graced his lips, a vain attempt to mask the unmistakable wince of pain that followed simple actions like moving and breathing. Nothing broken, at least, as far as he could tell--just a hell of a bruise from a bad landing on a heap of broken scaffolding. “Y’know...for a second there I really thought it was gonna hold my weight...”
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“ we gotta stop meeting like this. ” ( jake ) | @bettercffdead​ sent
Resident Evil 2 Starters – currently not accepting
    Faint laughter rumbled in his throat, lips curling into a wry smile--defiant in the face of encroaching danger. How many times had such thoughts passed through his mind? How many people had crossed his path only when the chips were down and survival seemed impossible? Jake was just another name on a lengthy list, but he, at least, had the grace to try and keep things amusing. 
     Stepping back, Leon felt his shoulder brush against Jake’s, a reminder of their fight in China flashing before him. Side to side, backed into a proverbial corner with no choice but to claw their way out. The creature standing in the distance at least wasn’t the same ghoulish abomination, but rather a tyrant--a menace and a serious threat, but something he understood and something that could die. Small favors.
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     “Yeah, well--maybe next time we'll just skip past this whole mess and go straight to a bar for a drink. If you’re old enough to even get in.”
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“ i think i can open it from the other side ! ” ( sherry ) | @bettercffdead​ sent
Resident Evil 2 Starters – currently not accepting
     “--I don’t think that’s a good idea. Just...just wait a minute, let me think. There’s gotta be another way around.”
     Even his own voice felt somehow distorted, a pulsing mess of sound that his throbbing head could barely parse. Everything hurt; his head, his neck, his shoulder worst of all. Blood loss and bruises made it hard to focus, and his exhaustion was quickly catching up to him. A bottle of water and a nap would do him a world of good--if the apocalypse would give him just ten minutes to rest.
     “I don’t like sending you in alone when we don’t even know what’s over there. What if there’s a zombie? Or one of those...tongue things?” The scrawled, bloody note he had found named them Lickers, but Leon didn’t really care about labeling such monsters; as creepy as they were even they could be deceptively quiet.
     “It isn’t safe. Let’s go back and keep looking, okay?”
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“ i knew you’d make it. ” ( sherry ) | @bettercffdead​ sent
Resident Evil 2 Starters – currently not accepting
     Years of nightmares, of loss, pain, suffering--and yet her positivity still stunned him, each and every time. Her warmth and optimism, the brightness in eyes that still saw hope for the world: at times it’s almost too much for a man like him. Almost. Once upon a time Leon had been hopeful too, a young rookie cop eager to serve and protect. How had his heart become so hardened so quickly? Old and cynical--that’s all he was, now. That, and something of an alcoholic.
    But Sherry--every single time their paths cross Leon feels the ice around his heart begin to melt; a proud father watching a daughter’s achievements, no matter how big or small. He really should have been there for her more. 
     “--Careful. You keep talkin’ like that and I’m gonna start thinking you’re worried about me. I’m not that old yet; I still got a few moves left in me.”
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“ what the fuck were you thinking ? ” ( chris ) | @bettercffdead​ sent
Resident Evil 2 Starters -- currently not accepting 
     An easy question--almost comical in its simplicity: he hadn’t been thinking. A single moment in time shut off from everything else, a vacuum wherein logic no longer existed. The danger was clear, obvious, a very real threat not only to Chris, but to them both, and the moment it lunged was the very same moment something clicked inside Leon’s head. There wasn’t time to stun it, not with the nine-millimeter in his hands. Hunters weren’t wont to go down easy, and it was already in motion--and, surprisingly enough, so was Leon.
    Before he knew what he was doing, Leon had shoved Chris out of the way, felt something tear through the leather of his jacket, through his flesh. Blood trickled thickly from the wound, but the pain didn’t even seem to register. Even as he hit the ground he was reacting, pulling the .50 from the holster at his side, firing a single round into the reptilian skull of the screaming creature between the two of them. And just as quickly as it had appeared, the Hunter collapsed, wailing its death throes before finally going still.
     A groan escaped his lips as he carefully sat up, fingers gingerly touching the tattered leather at his side. Not as bad as it looked, thankfully, although his jacket was ruined--and that was the real crime. “I guess I was thinking you were just too old and slow to get out of the way. Someone had to save your ass. You’re welcome, by the way.”
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“ power must be out. ” ( piers ) | @bettercffdead​ sent
Resident Evil 2 Starters -- currently not accepting
     Didn’t anyone ever use back up generators? The building they were in was big enough to warrant one, so why did people watch the world go to hell time and time again only to think it wouldn’t happen to them? Somewhere in the back of his mind Leon understood that it was unfair to expect so much, but Christ--he was tired of wandering through dark hallways filled to the brim with undead nightmares.
     At least it wasn’t flooding, too.
     “Of course it is.” And why not? Why give him a break after all these years? “Let’s hope we can find a way to get it turned back on--unless you feel like stumbling around all night.”
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   ❝ Hey hey- you alright ??❞
   They come and go quicker than he’d like.  The survivors, the lab rats; he’s one of them but unlike most Tyrone is a more permeant fixture in this experiment.  He, like the elite few his captors keep alive, remains here.  His willpower or their mercy, who could say.  He’d pick the former- they the latter.
   He’s been here for months, and allies come and go quick but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t give all that he is to hope.  One day the exit will be real, those iron doors will slide open and he, along with whichever chosen three, will laugh till their ribs split because one day they WILL make it.  
   For those that don’t?  He’ll come back.  An oath sworn up and down day one that he’ll see each of them home safe.  One step at a time, one foot in front of the other.   The man he shakes awake at his side is one among dozens; a start is a start.
   The white light of the cell was blinding his first time.  God that felt so long ago.  
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   ❝  RPD ??  RFD.  I hope you’ve got some fight left, officer. ❞
     A true nightmare never ends, bleeding from one reality to the next, claws sinking deep into the soft flesh of those unlucky few. The path before has been laid bare--a path Leon had found himself unwittingly traveling from the moment he dared to step foot into Raccoon City. The door to safety slammed firmly behind him, and though he believed himself in charge of his fate he knew it was just wishful thinking: Umbrella would never let him escape. Each decision he made was simply survival, a single step closer to the cage at the end of the maze. 
     Like a lamb to the slaughter.
     The memories of their frenzied escape blurred together, the hours of the hellish night stretching into both days and mere seconds all the same. Adrenaline pumped through his body as they fought tooth and nail to drag themselves out, pure terror fading into euphoric relief when they finally stepped into the warmth of the sunlight once again. Freedom short-lived, the taste of escape still lingering on his lips as a new fear settled deep into his bones. Voices called out, angry and afraid, a sudden pain somewhere in the back of his head, the final thought that he hoped Claire and Sherry had at least gotten away--
    And then darkness. Disjointed flashes of unfamiliar faces, of lights and the sterile surroundings of something medical. Surgical. Pain and numbness swirling together until finally something warm, a calming voice floating just above him, calling him back to reality. 
    For one, agonizing moment Leon wondered if he had actually gone blind, the harsh brightness of the light above him seeming to reflect off every surface. Pain shot through his body as he struggled to sit up, the aches of Raccoon still with him, but he was at the very least still alive--and by the sounds of it, not alone, either. Not a bad start.
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     “--FD...fire department? Wait; are we still in the city?”
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                                         *off handily*                                                      “THAT’S DISGUSTING.”
CANNON DIVERGENT REGINA FROM DINO CRISIS 1999                                                          & DINO CRISIS 2 2000 ADORED BY SAVVVY
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*  @eversurviving​
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the    pursuer        stalks  the  halls  of  the  police  station.  its  search  solely  on  the  stars  office,  anything  else  is  largely  ignored.  heavy  steps  give  away  its  position,  with  the  echo  in  the  hallways.  head  turns  to  each  room  along  the  way  as  it  passes,  shadows  of  undead  brought  to  life  with  minimal  lighting  in  each  room.  though,  there’s  a  form  that  does  not  move  quite  like  the  rest.        too    human.        he  doesn’t  know  if  they  are  a  mere  survivor,  or  a  target.  but  he’ll  find  out.  he  ducks  as  he  enters  the  room,  form  tensed  as  he  moves  rather  swiftly  through  darkened  room.        “        s━tars…!        ”          he  bellows.  if  the  footsteps  didn’t  give  him  away,  the  voice  damn  well  will.
     Not long ago the thought of the apocalypse sent people deep underground, quaking in fear not of the dark and things that went bump in the night, but from destruction brought about by human hands. In such modern times it felt laughable to think that mass destruction could befall them, that surely anything truly evil would be stopped in its tracks. And yet the end of the world had so readily arrived, swallowing Raccoon City not in flames, but in something more sinister, more grotesque. Zombies and monsters clawing their way from hell itself to feast upon the living, to tear those who dared to survive limb from limb.
     Didn’t they ever get tired?
     Heavy footfalls echoed throughout the station, the thundering sound barely audible over the hammering of his heart. The thing was slow at least; a giant, mockery of a man, a literal killing machine made of something organic. Bullets had done nothing, and so rather than fight Leon had fled further into the station. If he was quiet, perhaps, he could slip away unnoticed, escape through the tunnel Marvin had told him about--
     Movement to the right of him caught his eye and without stopping to think, Leon drew his gun on the creature, eyes widening at the impossible sight before him. Not the same creature that had been chasing him, not by a long shot--the thing was even more horrific, Leon’s gaze searching its face desperately for some familiar sign of humanity, brain struggling to accept the whole picture.
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     Run, run, RUN--don’t bother figuring it out, just get moving...!
     Finally he turned and ran on legs he no longer felt, brain kicking into high gear as adrenaline pulsed through his body. Even if he wanted a fight he had probably twenty bullets left at best, and going up against the monster with a knife didn’t sound like much of a plan. No, he would have to escape, find somewhere to hide, pray the creature lost his scent and left. As long as it was just as slow as the other one, Leon would be golden.
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@domiitor​ | semi-plotted starter for Daniel the rat man
     Every step felt like a chore in and of itself, each breath one more labor to overcome. Mere hours had passed since arriving in Raccoon City and yet somehow it felt like days, the exhaustion settling into his bones like heavy weights dragging him backward. But still he kept going, the human necessity for survival spurring him on, adrenaline coursing through his veins with every new terror that leapt from the shadows. But as his gun clicked empty, just as a lone zombie in the room crumpled to the ground, Leon began to wonder when it would be his turn to join the countless corpses littering the laboratory.
     Just a few seconds to rest...gotta block the door...
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     The room was mercifully small, some sort of rest area with small beds and a sofa that would hardly look out of place in a cheap waiting room. Some sort of monitor was set into the side nearest the door, but Leon was in no state to give it his full attention. Besides, it was covered in blood and something that smelled suspiciously like kerosene. If it had been of any use in the past, it was no longer of any use to him now.
     Steeling himself, Leon leaned down to pull the pleather-coated couch toward the door, only to stop short with a small, almost startled cry. Pain flared up through his wounded shoulder, a white hot fire spreading across his entire body, reminding him of every injury he’d sustained throughout the night, no matter how big or small. At least one rib was broken, he suspected, or at best simply cracked, and one of his ankles felt as though it was probably sprained. But then falling off a ladder and getting slammed into a metal floor would do that to a guy. At least he was still walking.
     For now. 
     Abandoning his makeshift barricade, Leon let himself drop down to the floor, head coming to rest against the wall. Letting himself fall asleep would be beyond just stupid; it would be fatal in a place like this. Not to mention if he didn’t find some better medical supplies soon he was likely to bleed out. 
     One clip left, an empty shotgun, and no fucking clue where to go. He was doing a fantastic job at escaping the city.
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                  Commonality of human beings was a necessary & far too scarce trait in moments such as these; a pity as people were social animals, dependent on one another. The detective held no qualms that Leon & he were depending on each other, their wills to survive bringing them to a tense yet easy alliance immediately upon the discovery that neither was hostile. Yet the waves of indignance rolled off of Leon like waves in a river, comprised of his youth & those youthful ambitions for purpose. That sense of longing for optimistic appositeness was poignant & Connor felt it like a palpable thing, affixed in those bright eyes & in the way Leon looked at him. His mouth said one thing & his eyes betrayed him, as they did not so readily depict the politeness trained into the younger man in his childhood. There, his true self was made clear; Don’t underestimate me. Their eyes met, gazes locked in a single instance & something changed between them instantly. The detective was caught unawares as one corner of his lips drew upwards of it’s own accord, pleasure not so readily expressed manifested physically.
                  Leon was a scrappy thing, far stronger than perhaps even he knew, & while his determination did not dispel the desire to protect & serve there was a kind of relief, as the detective expected that same desire coursed through Leon with every heartbeat & by proxy extended to him. By no means did it make Connor feel safer, but it did help him to trust. A single nod was granted, communicative of his unspoken words of assurance, of thanks, the faint sound of an exhaled breath through the nose. He turned his attention forward once more & finally opened the door towards their new destination.
                  The room was seemingly barren of life, encompassed in blinding darkness which left the eyes momentarily without stimuli, the room barely perceivable. But as they ventured, Connor taking the lead, a flashlight was produced from a pocket, coming to life with a near inaudible click. It’s light pierced through the blackness like a beacon of hope but there was no such hope to be found here, only a bloodstained pathway littered with debris scattered to the old wooden floor. Without hesitation Connor traversed the short staircase into the large office, his steps nearly silent & movements fluid, but his eyes scanned the place with scrutiny held in his lightly knit brows, the gentle wrinkling of his worried forehead, as though it were not the fact that bodies had come to rest in this place, rather their placement concerned him.
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                  Good… They haven’t moved since last time I came through here…  Granted that had been over a day, the detective having been careful to compartmentalize the station & every room within it. His time spent trapped within these walls had not merely been implemented to serve the unfortunate populous which accompanied him, but to make a mental map of the RPD station. He knew what was where, what bodies had come to life & which lay dormant. He knew which doors were locked, which had been sealed by the lockdown, & where they would be safe in short intervals. It wasn’t much, but it was something. Until they could get that pathway to the parking lot open, this was their best shot.
                  Past the row of desks Leon led his charge, or rather his impromptu partner. It wasn’t as difficult to think of Leon as such as initially anticipated upon first viewing him, but the fogged lenses of exhaustion & dehydration had been cleaned somewhat, like expelling fog from a clouded mirror. He would have been lying if he said he didn’t see something of himself in the kid. At least he now had a face to put with the name. The banner made sense - Welcome Leon - as did the story Marvin briefly mentioned about a newcomer urged to stay away. Part of Connor wished Leon had done just that & never come, but a selfish, deeper piece of him was glad for the company. Company which presented opportunity.
                  The door to the hallway was unlocked & unobstructed, though the hall itself was less than vacuous. A single, shuffling corpse, & an ominous banging from somewhere to his left, around the other corner. Immediately the wheels in Connor’s head were turning, & while he barely seemed to, there was a pause, a moment of consideration. Neither creature had taken notice of them but soon enough one might. For a small, tense moment the detective almost wished he still had his knife, but Leon was in need & he could not be selfish. A shot would bring the attention of both monstrosities, & others were he unlucky. A solution came to mind, one bold & perhaps a little brazen.
                  Reason suggested another tactic but necessity & perhaps a hint of delirium from fatigue had his mind in an altered state, for without a word, only a gesture to guide Leon to the door bathed in light opposite their exit point, the detective switched off his flashlight, holstered his gun & began forward. But he did not move towards the door. Instead, he crept like a cat in pursuit of the zombified man, slow, methodical. Calculating. The creature was wholly unaware of him as he went, until he was behind it, hands raised & poised at the ready. A moment to ground himself, a second of opportunity as he struck. It was not the speed of Connor’s skills hands which may have brought about start, but the audible, sickening snap their produced as the cervical vertebra twisted & the spinal chord was violently disconnected from the rest of the body.
                  He faltered only an instance as the weight of the shambling corpse went completely limp & Connor braced himself, shifted into a wider stance as he carefully lowered the still gnashing creature to the floor. It’s jaws worked, teeth clacking as it tried uselessly to tear into the flesh of the man whom had just expertly disabled it, to no avail. It was eased to rest on the dirty tile & the detective took a shaking breath as he stood at full height, & expelled an equally trembling exhale.
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     All at once the cloak of safety lifted as they left the relative warmth and light of the foyer, the reality of what lay ahead once again gripping Leon tightly. Again the nightmare started itself, the darkness and stench of death seeming to seep into his very bones, heart beginning to race as his eyes struggled to adjust. Getting to the station had only been the tip of the ice berg, the first hurdle of many. But would he make it to the finish line? Was there even such a thing out there? So many people had already died, and so horrifically; why was he any different? 
     Once again the damp, bulky civilian clothes left Leon feeling inadequate and weak, a follower rather than a leader. He was, at least, armed, although ammunition was low and knifing those things felt a little too close for comfort. Regardless, he was in better shape than most, and he was confident in his own abilities. Provided he didn’t do something stupid like panic at the worst time, he would be fine. At least for a little while.
     Gaze traveled upward as Connor’s flashlight reflected the banner hanging overhead, and for one second Leon felt his legs lock into place. The visceral reaction was unexpected, an invisible blow that took his breath away and left him feeling cold and shaky all over. They had been waiting for him to arrive, had planned a welcome party, no matter how small. These men and women of the RPD had anticipated his arrival and made sure to greet him warmly, and where were they now? Were they the corpses lying on the floor? At the desk? Did they die terrified and screaming? Or begging for even one minute longer? The thought was almost too much to bear, his stomach churning once again, but somehow Leon managed to hold it together, to push it back for another time. He couldn’t falter now; his depended on his own strength.
     Without so much as a word, Leon started forward again, careful to avoid stepping too close to the bodies while at the same time attempting to get a decent look at them. What must it be like to turn into one of those creatures roaming the streets? Were they sentient at all? Did they know what had happened to them? So far Leon couldn’t imagine they knew, not when they seemed purely driven by hunger. They weren’t even animalistic and seemed to feel neither pain nor fear, only hunger. A horrifying way to die no matter how you looked at it. 
     In the dark the station felt somehow larger, impossibly vast and empty. The world itself dropped off several feet in every direction, but the cavernous hallway told Leon at least one thing: they weren’t alone. A single zombie, wandering blindly in search of its next meal--hardly a terrific threat, but a single mistake could be fatal. With a gun it would be easy to dispatch, but the shot would echo throughout the station, would draw attention like it had in the streets, and suddenly one zombie was five, was ten, and that was game over. No, they couldn’t fire unless it was desperate, and that’s where the knife came in--
     Before he could even react, Connor was moving away from him, and although Leon wanted to protest he found he couldn’t speak, his voice mysteriously absent. For several agonizing seconds he could do nothing but watch in silent alarm, his heart thundering in his ears. It was stupid, he knew, but he could hardly suppress the nearly overwhelming urge to push the man out of the way, to be the one to protect and fight instead, but before he could even begin to mobilize it was all over. The creature had been disabled, their pathway cleared. Definitely a good way to conserve ammunition, albeit a dangerous one.
     “Not bad.” His voice was soft, almost as though he hadn’t even meant to say anything, the words spilling out of him in relief. He had only just met Connor, but he felt drawn to him, the only light in the storm so to speak. Watching him die would be more than just a little traumatizing.
     “You okay?”
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                         ‘ still  think  i’m  just  a  pretty  face?  ’                                    fem!boss from saints row.                                          penned by CALI.                                          canon-divergent.  
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                                             “Leon — ever the survivor.”
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|| Closed Starter for @eversurviving​ || 
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“What the hell is all this?” Dante speaks aloud, to no one in particular and his voice echoes off the blood-spattered, clinical looking walls of the warehouse. He was called earlier by a local shopkeeper about a disturbance downtown, his neck of the woods, coming from this building. It looked abandoned from the outside, but the inside was anything but. 
It appeared to be some kind of lab, but whatever mad scientists had inhabited the joint had cleared out (or been cleared out) in a hurry. Most all the equipment was smashed, glass pieces decorated the tiled floor mixed with pools of blood, and what Dante could only describe as slime. 
More to that mystery, he the room didn’t particularly smell like demon, at least not anything he was used to. 
He was down on one knee looking at some papers that were also strewn across the floor when he heard a footstep crunch on some glass behind him. 
“Sneaking up on a stranger welding a big sword is a good way to get your head lopped off, pal.” 
     Arrive at the target location, assess the situation, neutralize the threat. Clean and simple orders, hardly anything unusual given the nature of his so-called profession. Unfortunately they didn’t have much to work with; their intelligence was lacking, sparse and highly questionable, but clearly worth the look. And, with a little bit of luck, he wouldn’t need to call for backup or organize any sort of evacuation.
     But when was he ever that lucky?
     Night approached, the setting sun casting long, eerie shadows along the warehouse walls, the high, grimy windows dull with disuse. Despite the abandoned aura the building so powerfully gave off, it was more than a little obvious that it had, quite recently, been in use. A sort of makeshift lab, hidden away from the public, a disaster waiting to happen--a disaster that did happen. Something had broken free and taken its revenge, and judging from the chaos left in its wake it was royally pissed off. 
     It wasn’t until he saw the figure in the distance that Leon finally brought his gun up, however. Not a scientist, that much was obvious, but that didn’t eliminate the man as a threat. In the dim light it was difficult to tell exactly what kind of a man Leon was dealing with, but he had to give the guy a little credit; he kept his cool, even if he was more than a little bit...eccentric.
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     “Sword, huh? So that’s what that is--and here I thought you were just happy to see me. What a disappointment.”
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