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pls refrain from beating my son with (USE S ALL FORCES OF SELF CONTROL) a banana he is a fragile thing
          It’s too late, Lin. The banana king has issued judgment. 
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          Mako, and all of his eyebrow shenanigans, are hereby bananished from the kingdom.
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I like to think that Mako is the one who has to deal with all the april fools bs down at the station. He just chases down tweens trying to prank him and then comes back to the office and sits on a pie placed by his coworkers. #1 best cop.
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Frat AU where Bolin rushes Tahno’s frat and Mako comes along for the ride because he wouldn’t let his bro do this alone. Tahno has seniority at the best - and cockiest - frat on campus. He’s the guy who says “you wouldn’t call your country a cunt, so don’t call your fraternity a frat.” Bolin is excited to get in, Mako less so. Except Mako gets in and Bolin doesn’t. Tahno says Bolin isn’t good enough so Mako doesn’t join and calls the frat stupid anyway. They end up joining another house together and Tahno is furious.
Tahno and his frat drive by Mako and Bolin’s frat house (which is right next door) at 0.000001 mph blasting this song to prove that Tahno doesn’t care that Mako dissed his frat. Nope. Doesn’t give a fuck. The entire car is wearing sunglasses. Bolin is confused. Mako is flabbergasted. Tahno congratulates himself on a sick burn.
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u my bae mako.
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nah jk. i'm not getting anywhere near those eyebrows haha l8r loser
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hey bae lemme swaggie my way into your heart because yolo. ngl tho yo eyebrows on point
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"Swag what? Yo - Yomo? Yoho?"
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"Are you okay?”
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First Headcanon of 2015
Mako doesn't understand what a bae is and does not want to.
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          Richard Wellington, this evening’s host: fashionably frenetic, elegantly anxious, aflutter but not unkempt, doing just enough to lift a finger, and lifting a finger just high enough to direct the maids; fluffing large urns of glossy white begonias and dusting the mahogany and mauve chaise-lounges; readying love-seats and settees for several sophisticated derrieres; reflection-hunting, plucking and preening, balming his lips before a polished silver platter, summoning the best looking Blood Mary he can in every mirror he passes, and pausing once to correlate his findings with an ivory-detailed hand-glass in the boudoir; caressing subtly perfumed locks of twice-conditioned hair into black-and-blond poetry.
          Ten vases of twenty roses each, fifteen bottles of champagne, ice sculptures, candlelight.  The valets gather by the drive, pretty and attentive and uniform as cake-toppers. On a high shelf, in a small back room, a dozen framed pictures lie face down. The rightful owners of the manor, far away upon some distant strand, eyelids-deep in their innocent bliss.  No resemblance to our fine-feathered host.  No relation.
          But Richard is not nervous. He has promised himself a life amongst the stars, and the first of his glittering guests has arrived.  He will host galaxies in his lifetime.
well, friends, happy new year! i must admit that when i took pen in hand (or rather, laptop in lap) and embarked on reviving richard wellington, i had not the faintest inkling that i could possibly hit over 800 followers with such a small and relatively obscure character. over the past few months, i’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with some fantastic writers, making some fast friends, and reading countless lovely pieces of writing on the dash. i appreciate every single one of you for sticking with me and my misleading url and thank you all for giving me one more reason to smile! so without further ado, here are some of the guests of honor at richard’s all year (???) soiree ~ !
enveigle / perceptivum & verteufelts / everyonesthirdwheel / subjectivejustice / olympite / organdoom / lolli-paups & the-aceofaces / senijoou / sexuallytransmittedrabies & warpathpanther / cerberosis / turnaboutprosecutor / kristxph / ternpestuous / nxktuk / sanajait / rxvelation / dipendette & prosecutism / prosecutis / kenosiis / pisutoru / patrxntur / unbedingtheit / handsomeleague / restorance / eyesofwater / mirahebi / nihillmancer / jixnchi / valiiante / knxvish / corruptionofheart / daijitsu / calculatingmalefactor / txifu & astormydesire / destructiveglitch / fidxcia / naivne / sunnguard / excordis / culllorblind / capsulebulma / arsoned / asqveroso / immortalitis / featheredcohort / crowningevil
… & many more!
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scratch one worry off the list, but add about five more in its place. at this point, the fact that he and richard were together was com- mon knowledge ——— so it wasn’t anything to do with, say, public perception (or, more specifically, mako’s, which tahno wouldn’t  have paid much mind to as it was) that troub- led him.
no, it’s more about richard’s tendency to talk while he’s drunk — and what he tends to talk about.
❝  —— consider me already on my way.  ❞
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❝  … he didn’t manage to say anything to you  before his ‘unsightly' blackout, did he?  ❞
Animals hunt and are hunted. Rain clouds accumulate, empty themselves then disperse. The Avatar maintains balance between the elements. Children cry at their injuries then laugh with their recovery. Drunk Richard Wellington discusses his boyfriend's dick. These are the natural eventualities of life.
"I..." Sigh. This was a subject Mako really did not want to broach with Tahno of all people. How does one eloquently tell a former rival "your boyfriend reenacted all of your bedroom sounds no matter how hard I begged him to stop"?
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"I don't know, he was really intoxicated," he mumbled, trying to brush the subject off. "You might want to bring him some water. We tried giving him some here but he keeps mumbling about only drinking bottled water or whatever." Mako drank tap water all the time and he was fine!
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"So get back to work," Mako said as he lifted an earth bending disc and tossed it his brother's way.
Joints sore from one too many K.O.s out of the ring Mako forgoes his current pain to stay focused at the task at hand. He throws yet another disc at Bolin, trying to keep him on his toes. They were far from pro-bending veterans. Hell, they were still learning the ropes. But a swollen foot, a bruised stomach, a worn out morale was worth it for the opportunity for stability.
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"Now get focused, Bolin. What's the first thing a pro-bender has got to be?"
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     ❝Yeah, yeah— I know… You’re right.❞      Another light sigh escapes his lips and he moves      to slip his helmet onto his head. He knows his      brother is right. They wouldn’t be able to afford      anything if they didn’t work. Even then, probending      didn’t always supply them with enough money      either.      He feels the reassuring pat, followed by Mako’s      reply. Those hours would feel like years; he just      knew it. Still, he didn’t make a comment on it,      simply nodding instead.      ❝Yeah… You’re right…again.❞
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"Then, I don't know, get someone to teach you," he said with a shrug, closing the window. Mako hopped on the counter, idly listening to Korra. This sudden desire to cook was odd, but the reasoning - a further act of independence - made complete sense.
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"What's up with you? Why's this sending you off? It's just cooking, Korra."
Korra knew he hadn’t been serious, but the fact that she had burnt her brownies really ticked her off. Bending a gentle breeze, she kept it going until the room no longer smelt like a crematorium. Giving him a glare, she crossed her arms and turned to face him.
“I need to learn sometime, Mako! I’m not going to have Pema around to cook for me for the rest of my life. As much as I love living here, what am I going to do when I travel? When I’m in the spirit world? I’m not just going to drag her all over the place just to feed me.”
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Mako rolled his eyes, lips puckering into a pout against his will. "Alright, alright, I get it. So maybe I'm not out and about having wild parties." He picked up a piece of paper work as was his reflex now. Conversation was not simply conversation anymore but also an opportunity to review the perps, the facts, whatever hot case was on his desk. "What's wrong with that?"
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An awkward cough. "No, no, not at all. You're busy too; don't pin this all on me."
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"Brava, Mako. Brava. You are quite the party animal. Better watch this guy; never know what he’s gonna do.” Korra minicked a false joy, patting him on the shoulder with a quick glance, at what kind of work was on his desk.  "When was the last time you saw any of us without us coming here personally?" Her eyes squinted. "Unless you’re avoiding me.”
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"Speaking from experience, it's not going to help with anything; it's only going to get you into trouble." He folded his arms. This kid didn't look like he was from the streets, but trouble was trouble nevertheless.
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The furrow of Mako's brow unraveled slightly, taking note of the boy's change of expression. Shoulders slid down a bit from the upright and tight position. He sighed. "Maybe... just talking about it?"
"You always try to act so tough."
Random starter sentences!
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       “Is there something wrong with tryin’ to act tough? Maybe that’s all I       can do now—is act tough. Because if there’s anything else I can do,       I’d love to know. I… I really, really would…”
       There is now a softer expression upon his features—an exposure to       a side of him that he never wanted anyone to see; or know of.
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Happy New Years everyone! Hope you all having a wonderful day! ❤❤
I’ve recently passed a milestone, but instead of doing a follow forever or a giveaway, I decided I would promote a few of my favourite roleplay blogs! Everyone listed below are people I stalk and admire and simply love seeing on my dashboard everyday. Thank you for being amazing! As for the people who aren’t listed, know that I love you and that I appreciate you putting up with me and sticking around this long. Thank you for being wonderful.
Now, to the promotion. I tried to keep to keep everything alphabetical order to keep things organized.
Again, thank you for being beautiful little butterflies and i hope you guys have a wonderful year! ❤
altruistheart ✯ ahkmenrxh ✯ archxress ✯ awesomegaydar ✯ avveie ✯ aquamregis ✯ areyoutellingme ✯ allteasingnopleasing ✯ almightytreblexclef ✯ boomerrangman ✯ blainewarbleson ✯ benderiism ✯ bleedingfires ✯ bxndofbrothers ✯ bethetigxr ✯ clvrkent ✯ colxcheeseburger ✯ cryokinesi ✯ contamiinated ✯ caroldanvcrs ✯ chimichangx ✯ diirectorstark ✯ dearspidey ✯ daffydancer ✯ dxnosaurandthejew
edgeofspiderwoman ✯ enveigle ✯ enthusiasticatheart ✯ earhxrt ✯ everyonesthirdwheel ✯ feraliity ✯ ferrumheros ✯ foodfirearmsandfun  ✯ fireflycargox ✯ freakiism ✯ fightanyways ✯ finnisms ✯ figliodellamorte ✯ forensiics ✯ flamesofsaintjohn ✯ ghostofneckerchiefspast ✯ glxmmer ✯ guardianisms ✯ greenprotege ✯ gunsandscales ✯ huntality ✯ hugobosses ✯ honoriisms ✯ hiiroic ✯ honorablecourage
iknewhxm ✯ itsnoteasybeinggrimm ✯ inhxmancrystal ✯ ironherrerox ✯ igemellistark ✯ igniteist ✯ jesslynshepard ✯ jixnchi ✯ journaliism ✯ kingxfmischief ✯ killerisms ✯ kxngqi ✯ kahmunrxh ✯ larrydalxy ✯ learningtoignore ✯ littlgrxy ✯ lxncelot
mabelkind ✯ mxtchstick ✯ miraavx ✯ magnxto ✯ mercuriius ✯ myparkersenseistingling ✯ musicallyverbal ✯ moveslikeaspider ✯ morningxnoonxnight ✯ modifiied ✯ machiinaking ✯ masterxassassin ✯ mcdreamysmile ✯ nxtjustarmor ✯ ofshxeld ✯ ofhealings ✯ ofunknowns ✯ ofarachnids ✯ orneryred ✯ okeanio ✯ princeofspartax ✯ prettywiseavatar ✯ puckisms ✯ paintedloyalty ✯ phxraxh ✯ playeer 
quipsandwebpits ✯ rascalist ✯ runningalpha ✯ rocketismss ✯ starkiisms ✯ starlordiism ✯ spidervigilante ✯ susanxstorm ✯ sebxstixnsmythe ✯ stubbornelement ✯ stygianironxskullring ✯ survivaant ✯ sokkarang ✯ sacagxwea ✯ sacriifiice ✯ samerules ✯ shaggyheaded ✯ shxnieststar ✯ skysawake ✯ sxlinanoir ✯ sxpersizedmcshizzle ✯ scxttcalvin ✯ snovvacxrp ✯ smokeythebearhatesme ✯ traitxr ✯ thwipper ✯ twerkingtothebaxterbuilding ✯ themechxnic ✯ tofightstuff ✯ thetxrch ✯ thespyandthescientist 
ultimatereedrichards ✯ unnecessarystretching ✯ virtusferocia ✯ vitxum ✯ webheadedhero ✯ wandawitch ✯ whatsthesiitch ✯ wandamaxxmoff ✯ whiizkid ✯ wildcxt ✯ windybender ✯ withstoopid ✯ wxrthii ✯ xromanoff ✯ xstrange ✯ xanodite ✯ xoctavius ✯ xtoofargone ✯ xturbulentseasx 
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everyonesthirdwheel | tipsy new year's minis!
        "Oh no, what ever shall I do ~ ? A detective at a soiree with so much potential for debauchery!  Don’t be so stiff — have a drink, I insist. Everything here is tip top quality, as per my orders. Oh — ! And I do believe you may see a few familiar faces gathered about the hearth, as it were.”
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        “Speaking of which … ~ is it true that both of your exes dumped you for each other ~ ? Oh!  Ohoho! That’s simply tooooo much ~ !!”
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"I, uh... Chief told me I filed my reports on time. That was great." A slight grimace as the detective realized how weak his example was. Livin' la vida loca there, Mako. "I like my job; that's fun enough." The detective blinked as he looked to his desk then back at Korra.
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"What? It's... comfortable. Look, it's easier to work if I'm just here. I'm fine, Korra, really."
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“Really?” A cheeky smirk, and right on time. “When was the last time you had fun, then? Better yet!” Korra pointed to the desk in exasperation. “Why are you still sleeping under there? I’ve lost count telling you that you are more than welcome to stay at Tenzin’s.”
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