evie-quinn · 1 year
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missevie: Outtakes from last night. I have to say blue really is my color in any shade.
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evie-quinn · 2 years
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missevie: my favorite part of halloween is testing out different make up looks 🕷️ here’s an outtake, i wouldn’t want to spoil the real treat!
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evie-quinn · 2 years
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missevie: Every hour is golden hour for me. You’re welcome.
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evie-quinn · 3 years
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missevie: The one where @chasedevil steals my phone and I post whatever I find on my camera roll.
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evie-quinn · 4 years
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missevie: If anyone wants some Vday treats let me know! I made way too many heart shaped cookies and I want to spread the love! <3
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evie-quinn · 4 years
Evie stared at herself in the mirror, trying to pick out any imperfections from her appearance. Her hair was perfectly curled with fresh blue streaks blending with the darker strands, her makeup impeccable as always. Her outfit didn’t have a single loose thread or wrinkle, her necklace was placed perfectly on her chest, and she was feeling confident. Yet still, she knew her mother was going to find something Evie had forgotten. Even if they would only be speaking through a screen, Regina Quinn had a knack for picking out the one minute detail Evie had forgotten to take care of before their call. 
Since moving to Auradon, Evie’s almost daily calls with her mother had turned into a weekly, and now bi-weekly occurrence. Part of Evie felt this immense guilt over not speaking to her mother as often as she should, but a bigger part of her knew it was the right decision. The more Evie thought about her upbringing, the more she began to resent her mother’s obsessive need for Evie to be perfect. Most days, Evie already thought of herself as perfect because she worked hard on herself, but it was a lot of work. Besides, all of that confidence didn’t matter when it came to her mother, who could send Evie’s self esteem into a downward spiral almost every single time they spoke. 
But today, Evie was ready. She looked perfect, felt perfect, and had good news to share. Nothing could go wrong because she simply wouldn’t allow it.
Once she was settled, she set up her laptop on her desk and called her mother for a video chat, wringing her hands in her lap as she waited. It wasn’t long before Regina’s face appeared on the screen and Evie flashed her most winning smile, “Hello! You look well.” They exchanged a few pleasantries, Evie confirmed that her grades were still straight A’s across the board, and then her mother asked if she had any luck seducing any royalty as of late.
Evie furrowed her brows at the shift in conversation. It was expected, but her mother usually waited a little longer before pressuring Evie about finding someone royal to marry. She briefly thought back to how angry her mother had been when the news of Rose and Ben’s engagement broke. Regina’s rage cut through Evie like a knife, “That was supposed to be you, Evie. All of that work I did to prepare you for the royal family and it was all for nothing! Nothing at all! What a complete waste.” Raising Evie had been a complete waste of Regina’s time, is what Evie had taken away from that. It didn’t happen often, but sometimes that conversation haunted Evie late at night.
Switching gears and ignoring Regina’s probing questions, Evie beamed as she brought up a new topic, “Oh, Mother, you won’t believe it! Eliza’s mother, you know, Aurora, she’s asked me to design her gown for next month’s ball! She could have picked anyone across the kingdoms, and she asked for me personally! Can you believe it?”
Regina hummed a noncommittal noise of approval and nodded, but seemed disinterested in what her daughter had to say. And that broke Evie’s heart more than she would ever admit. 
Evie tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and tried not to sigh, the silence suddenly shattering with her mother’s voice, “Evie!” Regina exaggerated the syllables of her daughter’s name and stared at her screen in what looked like shock mixed with horror. Evie blinked in surprise, unsure of what caused the outburst. She shrugged at the screen and asked what was the matter.
“Your ears, darling. Don’t tell me you walk around Auradon like that?” Evie stared at her mother in confusion and touched her ear, immediately realizing the one thing she had forgotten. 
Evie started to apologize but Regina cut her off before she had the chance, “Do you remember what I said when I let you get your ears pierced? Remember what you promise you would always do? What will they say about you if you walk around with open holes in your ears! It’s unsightly, my dear. I can’t have my daughter roaming around Auradon looking cheap. You must have something sparkly in them at all times!” Evie frowned as she spoke almost robotically, “Yes, Mother. I remember, I’m sorry. I always have earrings in when I have company or I leave the house, I promise.” She felt herself crumble as she looked down at her lap, picking at her nails and fighting the urge to bite them, only because she knew that would cause another uproar with Regina. 
She wasn’t sure how her mother’s mood shifted, but it somehow did. The rest of the call was filled with Regina talking about herself, the details of which Evie hardly retained. She felt so utterly defeated, angry at herself for letting such a silly little comment affect her so deeply. Evie knew it was because it was coming from the one person she so desperately wanted to impress, but since she had moved away, it seemed as though nothing was ever going to be good enough for her mother. 
She heard Regina clear her throat and Evie finally looked back up at her mother, who was motioning for her daughter to fix her posture and sit up straighter. That was when Evie knew this call was over. She made up some excuse about needing to finish some homework and ended the video call abruptly without letting her mother get another word in. 
Hours later, as Evie lay in bed to go to sleep, her mind was whirling. This wasn’t healthy, and she knew it, but she also didn’t know what was the right thing to do. She thought she was being a dutiful daughter by keeping in touch with her mother, but this wasn’t working for her right now. Maybe their bi-weekly calls would have to be extended into a monthly thing, or even longer. Whatever it took so she wouldn’t feel this overwhelming sense of dread and insecurity at the end of the day, she was willing to do.
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evie-quinn · 4 years
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missevie: I’m not bossy, I’m the Boss.
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evie-quinn · 4 years
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Evie Quinn Biography
g e o m e t r i c s
↬ Full name ↫
Evie Tiara Quinn
↬ Nickname ↫
Her friends refer to her as E sometimes idk if that counts as a real nickname
↬ Birthday ↫
May 1st
↬ Birthplace ↫
Isle of the Lost
↬ Zodiac ↫
↬ Height ↫
↬ Orientation ↫
↬ Social Class ↫
Middle upper class I’d say?
↬ Wealth ↫
She does well for herself selling garments and baked goods but of course has always envisioned herself living “happily ever after” in a castle so there’s a bit of a disconnect there.
a p p e a r a n c e
↬ Tattoos ↫
She doesn’t have any tattoos yet mostly because she can hear her mother’s teachings engraved in her mind about tattoos “tainting” a woman which Evie obviously knows isn’t true but she still hasn’t worked up the courage to get one.
↬ Piercing ↫
Just her earlobes!
↬ Outfits ↫
Evie’s main passion is fashion so you know she’s always looking her best, usually she wears things she’s made herself and in her signature color: blue
↬ Accessories ↫
She’s a big believer in accessorizing and has a huge collection of rings and necklaces etc.
p e r s o n a l i t y
↬ Normal mood ↫
She’s always very bubbly and energetic. She prides herself on trying to remain positive and spread light. 
↬ Temper ↫
Evie’s probably one of the most patient people you’ll ever meet. She’s never been one to have much of a temper but can get angry if provoked.
↬ Discipline ↫
Evie generally likes to follow the rules. Aside from getting into trouble with the Core gang, she’s rather responsible. The Mama Bear so to speak.
↬ Strengths ↫
Her kindness is her main strength. She’s also a hell of a cook and baker and can create any type of clothing.
↬ Weaknesses ↫
Her relationship with her mother. They were close throughout her childhood and even when she first moved to Auradon but as of late she’s become more reluctant to maintain a good relationship with her mom because the woman has a very strong influence over her.
↬ Drive/dreams ↫
She dreams to open her own fashion boutique in Auradon complete with her personal handmade designs for clothing and accessories. She also always wanted to be royalty but after the whole Kit fiasco that dream has been sort of dissolved. 
↬ Fears ↫
Losing the bond she has with Rose, Kai, and Chase, being sent back to the Isle, and inheriting her mother’s cruelty are probably the biggest ones.
↬ Likes ↫
Fashion, socializing, learning, baking, her friends.
↬ Dislikes ↫
Bad attitudes, real fur in fashion, Nolan (sorry Sloane and Ben), but mostly Kit.
↬ Soft spot ↫
Always the Core gang. 
↬ Depression ↫
Thinking of how she was robbed from having a better upbringing by being on the Isle, especially after seeing that some of the kids raised in Auradon are scum.
↬ Inspiration ↫
Evie’s always been a materialistic girl, so her thought process at this point is if she works hard she’ll be able to earn things for herself to show off, so that’s kind of what drives her to be successful.
↬ Role model ↫
As a kid, it was her own mother and also Ben’s mom because she was basically who Evie aspired to be (a fancy royal). Now? Her role models are probably Rose and Sloane because she admires them both so much in different ways.
↬ Mental disorder ↫
↬ Habits ↫
She fidgets with her fingers quite a bit. She used to bite them as a child until her mother made her wear nail polish constantly to try and break the habit. Now, Evie is rarely seen without painted fingernails.
r a t i n g s
(5 Stars means very high strength, 1 star means very low strength aka weak)
↬ Psychological strength ↫
I’d say 3 or 4. There are some cracks in her mental stability as she starts to unlearn the not so great things her mother taught her.
↬ Physical strength ↫
3, she can hold her own but is still just of average strength.
↬ Leadership ↫
I’d say 5. Evie can lead or be lead, and she enjoys both. When her Mama Bear instincts come out though, she is In Charge and no one will stop her from achieving her goal.
↬ Wisdom ↫
4, she is incredibly wise and is rather calculating in thinking through her decisions (aside from the Kit stuff)
↬ Intelligence ↫
5 for sure, street smarts from the Isle and then straight As in Auradon.
↬ Confidence ↫
I’m gonna say 5 because appearance wise she is fully confident and doesn’t have any struggles there, and she’s also pretty confident when it comes to decision making.
↬ Endurance ↫
Evie’s tough despite her pleasant outlook on life. She doesn’t handle change all that well but can fake it till she makes it.
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
↬ Father ↫
She never knew her father and as a child, Evie’s mother was always enough for her.
↬ Mother ↫
The Evil Queen who is still back on the Isle spent Evie’s childhood grooming her into “the perfect lady” which has left Evie equal parts thankful and resentful towards her mother.
↬ Siblings ↫
She has no siblings and grew up as the center of attention.
↬ Other relatives ↫
Oh Nolan, sweet great step nephew Nolan. They do not get along although Evie is truly trying for Sloane and Ben.
↬ Enemies ↫
Kit Charming
↬ Rivals ↫
Also Kit Charming I guess, maybe Cora to spice things up a lil
↬ Friends ↫
Rose, Sloane, Chase, Kai, Ben
↬ Best friend ↫
Rose, there’s just so much history there and they came out of it stronger.
↬ Love interest ↫
Chase even if she doesn’t know it yeeeet.
↬ Marital status ↫
She’s single for the moment.
↬ Children ↫
↬ Pets ↫
Now that she has her own place and gets kind of lonely, she’s been toying with the idea of adopting a cat.
p a s s - t i m e
↬ Hobbies ↫
Bake, sew, read.
↬ Talents ↫
She can take the ugliest piece of fabric and turn it into something beautiful. She’s also impeccable at cheering people up.
↬ Sports ↫
She loves a good Tourney match every now and then.
↬ Classes ↫
Evie always tries to take the most diverse course load she can because she absolutely loves learning in every subject and she’s damn good at it.
↬ Occupation ↫
She’s mainly a student but often does little fashion related sidejobs and sells some home baked goods to classmates.
h o m e   l i f e
↬ Location ↫
↬ House size ↫
Small in general but more than enough for her right now.
↬ House type ↫
I’d say more modern.
↬ Level of luxury ↫
Her place itself doesn’t look very luxurious at first glance but Evie’s spruced it up with decorations of course.
↬ Outdoor description ↫
Cozy and modern.
↬ Indoor description ↫
It’s basically a two bedroom with one of them acting as her studio but she’s kind of overflowed her fabrics and designs into other areas of her home because you never know when inspiration will strike.
↬ Bedroom description ↫
Lowkey princessy like her bed spread looks like it belongs in a castle and her vanity is by the window so she can see outside while getting ready.
L I F E    S T O R Y
↬ Age 0-12 ↫
Her mother began basically a type of home-finishing school in which Evie was trained in all the ways she was supposed to behave if she ever wanted to be noticed by royalty. I imagine her and Rose didn’t get along much during this time.
↬ Age 13-18 ↫
Spent most of her days with the Core gang getting into mischief and dreaming of a day she could visit Auradon and live amongst the heros she wanted to be around, little did she know she’d actually get the chance to live there.
↬ Age 19-30 (or 25) ↫
Living the dream in college tbh making new friends, keeping her old ones, and trying to find her own path in the world. Kind of unsure if her wants and goals are her own or if they’ve trickled down from things her mother instilled in her as a child which as she’s learned now, some of those lessons were problematic. 
↬ Darkest secret ↫
N/A for now...
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evie-quinn · 4 years
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missevie: I just might have to hire @seakingkai as my personal photographer, wouldn’t you agree?
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evie-quinn · 5 years
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missevie: Why do my glasses look better on @chasedevil????
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evie-quinn · 5 years
Yeah of course, I promise. Do you really think it could be? I just thought it was some hero kids being gross and trying to let me know that I’m one of their kinks.
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I mean, it could be something like that. But I think we’ve seen these hero kids act more rotten than we ever have at times so I guess all I‘m saying is be careful! And if that is someone’s creepy way of telling you their kink, I’m not sure I’d be flattered.
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evie-quinn · 5 years
Yes! I don’t know if the same one person put them up to it, but it’s disturbing, Evie. Should I be? I usually just tell them that if I had tentacles they’d be dead already for asking me that.
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Hm, I’m not sure. It could be harmless, or it could be something serious, as in someone trying to provoke you in order to get a negative reaction. You never know these days, especially when we already have these huge targets painted on our backs. It isn’t fair. Promise you’ll let me know the next time someone says something?
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evie-quinn · 5 years
I’ve been approached multiple times by people wanting to know if I have tentacles and then repeatedly winking at me. I don’t want to know any details of why they’re asking and winking, but I just want to know how to stop them from approaching me at all.
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Ew, Kai! What on earth!? Multiple people are saying this? That is like borderline sexual harassment! Are you doing anything about this?
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evie-quinn · 6 years
Everything is always easier said than done. You know what, Chase and I were planning a kickback and I think it’s exactly what we need. Just friends, no drama.
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No way, really? I didn’t know you two talked! That’s a great idea! Is there anything I can do to help? I could use the distraction.
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evie-quinn · 6 years
You’re forgiven then. But I probably wouldn’t yell at you. I’d have Rose do it and I’d nod my head in agreement then hug you when she makes you cry. As it normally goes.
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You do give the best hugs so I guess that’s a fair enough deal. I know the four of us haven’t had a hang out lately and we should of course do that but I think you and I should have one of our classic Chase-Evie days asap, what do you think?
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evie-quinn · 6 years
I don’t know… I’m trying to feel okay? If that makes sense. He always had a hard exterior, but then it started to feel like I was dating Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. When it was just the two of us, he was the absolute sweetest and would talk about us having a future. Then the moment Grant or any of the other douchey frat boys came around, he used those vulnerable moments to mock and humiliate me and I gave him too many chances. I could take being someone’s verbal punching bag so many times, you know?
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I do understand that, and had to deal with something similar to the acting one way alone and differently in front of others. It’s hard but you seem to be holding your head high. I know you’re tough, Sloane. This will pass. Now if I could just take my own advice, that would be great.
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evie-quinn · 6 years
I’d be willing to forgive but on the condition that this is the last Kit-Gate. I’m always gonna support you, E but I don’t think I can ever let that guy back around you after this latest bullshit. We left villains back in the Isle, yeah?
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It’s over for real this time, I promise. I also promise if it ever seems like I’m even thinking about heading back down that direction, you get to yell at me as much as you want until I get some sense knocked into me. 
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