evyana-snowfall · 11 months
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film series
why do you have to make things so fucking complicated?
you still don't get it, do you?
let's get lost.
can you teach it to me?
that look in your eyes is a pain in my ass. you know that, right?
i'm not going to lose you.
how many rounds do you got?
next time, i get to seduce the rich guy.
please don't make me go through you.
i need you to trust me.
you will never get what you want!
it's not a bad way to go.
it's such a nice car.
get in! they're coming!
i need to ask you for something incredible.
i'm smarter than you.
what are you doing here?
"difficult" should be a walk in the park for you.
i'm gonna miss being disreputable.
your line's not long enough!
the countdown is not helping.
we prefer to keep a low profile.
was there something more going on between you two?
you need to walk away.
did you jump?
it's good to see you, too.
well, then i misled you, or you made the wrong assumption.
let me just assure you, this won't hurt... enough.
now the world is at risk.
why won't you just die?
you'll have about five seconds.
they knew we were coming.
what are you going to do? spank me?
this is the CIA's mission.
kill everyone? that's your plan?
there's no reason to be sorry.
look at me. look at my life.
i find it best not to look.
i'll figure it out.
whatever you've heard, if it makes your skin crawl, it's probably true.
how did you get in the helicopter?
what's done is done when we say it's done.
a storm is coming.
my team had it under control.
we knew they were coming.
i couldn't face another life or death situation after that.
mission accomplished.
i think we lost enough agents for one night.
hope is not a strategy.
please don't make me laugh.
that's not who we are.
everything that happened... it taught me who i am.
so i'm jumping into an oven, essentially.
jesus, i thought you were dead.
we all have our secrets.
maybe we need to reconsider that.
you don't understand what you're involved in.
i'll figure it out.
you mind telling me why you broke me out?
this wasn't a rescue mission?
how good is your backup?
i'm exactly where i should be. and so are you.
this is a bad idea.
so what happens now?
you can fly a helicopter?
i've been ordered to take you back to washington.
may there be peace on earth.
i don't quite follow you.
how will the world finally end?
you must be new.
it's not like any mission is gonna be rougher than the last one, is it?
wait 'til you see the car.
i don't care in the least what people think or feel.
please tell me there's more to this plan.
i have arrived at the party.
the blood will be on your hands.
how close were we?
deep down we both knew that someday, somehow, something truly terrible was going to happen.
i can understand you're very upset.
you can thank them in person.
hey, how did you open your cell door?
waste not, want not.
why are you telling me this?
we have to evacuate these people!
there's no time!
you want to shake hands with the devil? that's fine with me. i just want to make sure you do it in hell.
could we get a cappuccino machine in here?
relax. it's much worse than you think.
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evyana-snowfall · 1 year
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evyana-snowfall · 1 year
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It really was not like Evyana to get lost. It rarely happened that her mind was so chaotic that she didn't pay enough attention to where she was going. The white-haired lady was so embarrassed by herself that she didn't even want to ask for directions. Rather, Evy just decided to walk around. Ultimately, she will recognize where she is... right? Evyana had no idea how long she had already been walking around. The sun wasn't as high up anymore, that's for sure. This also means that reaching her appointment on time was not possible anymore. Even her phone had died down. The thoughts made her frown. Knew that she should have charged it before leaving the apartment. Words hung in the air. Clearly directed to her as there wasn't anyone else. She needed a second to comprehend what had been asked of her. "oh..me?" Came her awkward answer. The woman was caught slightly off guard. God, frankly, it wasn't her day. Had there been something in her water that made her so... distracted? She glanced up, watching the young lad with a somewhat distrustful look. His looks made her careful of what would come out of her mouth. Well, that and just hearing on what grounds she had ended... Luck wasn't on her side. "Glad to know your gonna play nice..."  Evyana tried to keep her irritation in check for being in the territory of the mafia. Not that she couldn't protect herself. "I'm lost.. clearly." With a sigh, the young lady shifted her position. While at the same time getting rid of a white strand of lost hair, pushing it back behind her ear. The leather glove rough after slightly grazing her cheek. "Don't you need that looked at?" Was her dry answer. Her head softly hinted had his blood stained bandage. Her straightforward curiousity could not be kept, not even when she did put herself in danger.
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❝ now , just WHAT did the wind blow in ? ❞ a taunting muse , directed towards the stranger who dared to step upon the port mafia’s TERRITORY without permission. he’s aware of the gun in his waistband - specifically , how quickly it could be drawn - &. yet the teenager makes no move to reach for it. only one dark chestnut eye is visible on his face , for the other one is concealed behind a MAKESHIFT shield provided by soiled , crimson - stained bandages.
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CHOCOLATE CURLS DISHEVEL AS HIS HEAD TILTS TO THE SIDE , corners of his mouth quirking upwards into something grotesquely close to an INQUISITIVE smile. the boy doesn’t display anger , nor any intent to defend the mafia’s territory ; instead , a step forward is drawn , limp &. unbalanced due to the casted boot crawling up his left knee. ❝ say , i’m rather eager to hear your excuse for trespassing upon the port mafia’s territory. ❞ the executive’s curiosity isn’t enough to alter his DISINTERESTED monotone. ❝ i’ll play nice , so … whatdya’ say ? oh , do tell . ❞
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evyana-snowfall · 1 year
The words from an unfamiliar person caught her attention. Her body didn't move toward the man. Instead, it stayed still. Nothing in her posture showed that she heard him. Mismatched eyes did turn to the corner of her eyes, towards where the one had spoken up. Evyana thought a bit longer about his words. Answers tumbled around in her head on how to formulate them clearly. "I think it depends on the definition of that." Her tongue flicked over her lips, moistening them a bit. Only now did she move her head to the left of her. Taking a better look at the man. "War will last forever. While not at the same place, it stays, such is human nature." A humorless chuckle slipped between her lips. "Same with emotions and memories." The white-haired woman gave him a cheeky smile. " Don't tell me you're depressed. you don't look the type"Then again, appearances can be deceiving. One can never be sure.
“Nothing can last forever. “
Random dialogue starter call / @evyana-snowfall
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evyana-snowfall · 1 year
Being approached from behind was never the best way to gain the blond's attention, though the discontented scowl he throws this woman's way was wholly unintentional. It does, however, die quickly yet not without his bright eyes giving her a very obvious once over.
"You seem lost, my friend. Do you require assistance?" It was not in Roche's nature to offer such aid. Compulsion was a funny thing.
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Approaching random strangers when she was bored became a bad habit. Her curiosity about everyone and everything made her bored very quickly. Unknown things easily grabbed her attention. As such, it came as no surprise for her when she approached someone she had never seen before. His blond hair was longer than her own white strands. Bet a lot of women would be jealous of that. Keeping her hands from reaching out and touching his hair, seemed to be difficult. His words did pull her from just giving in. "Oh.. Well what shampoo are you using?" It was a legit question. " Your hair looks so soft." Is it as soft as it looks? What is it with this world about men with long and soft looking hair?
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evyana-snowfall · 1 year
What would she have done if he decided it within his mind that he had enough of her shenanigans? If he had decided that today would simply (if it was a must) that he would have none of her tomfoolery? Even this thought made him snicker inwardly to himself. As much as Sephiroth told himself that he wanted to be temperamental, he knows it would be much more complicated than that. Even if this woman decided that she wants nothing more than to tempt and test her fate by deciding to invade his person?
This instant of which by the following Sephiroth caught her hand but his temper wasn’t exactly set aflare and he looked at her as though he wanted to watch details flood in of what all of her reactions would have been. Perhaps because he had already mentally entertained the idea more than he would earlier anticipated. Notably, his own steely expression did not falter. And so she would simply persist in doing it again and again. He felt a mixture of things by which that did not allow him to focus on which emotive higher than those of which to be considered menial in comparison? “Oh? Really? You’re not really helping your case by proving what I’d only just aid otherwise. Simple. Then I’d have no choice than to stop you.” His eyes still having not left hers and softer chortle this time fell softer. But that was until he had heard another threat of hers. “….You now dare to tempt me further…?” He questioned, not much liking the scenarios that further played on in his head longer than they needed to.
It has been interesting thus far. The man his expressions were most of the time neutral. Being like that wasn't a regular occurrence. The young woman didn't know him, as such, didn't know how he learned to keep it as unmoving as he was doing. How dangerous it was for Evyana to be bored, bored enough to approach strangers and annoy them until they snapped. The victim, this time, had her complete attention. The white-haired woman couldn't remember having ever met someone with such control over his emotions. It was fascinating. These kinds of people always seem to be the ones that become the psychos, in her opinion. The appearance of the man was just as enjoyable. His hair was longer than her own while not white; it shone a beautiful silver color. Eyecatching... Is it as soft as it looks? Let's test that next time. Her smile turned into a soft smirk at what he was hinting at. Mismatched eyes glittering with mischief. Almost making it sound like a challenge she would love to accept. "That sounds like a dare to me." The remark was cheeky and unnecessary; still, the woman couldn't help herself. His chest almost seemed to vibrate with his chuckle. This time Evyana shook her head. " No, I will reach your limit soon enough, and I rather keep my head on my shoulders for a bit longer." As such, she took it upon herself to step back out of hand reach. "Don't worry; you will see me again. So don't miss me too much" And with a wink, she just walked away as if the woman had never spoken with him, a stranger. In such a way, the encounter never happened.
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evyana-snowfall · 1 year
The tanks were a part of ShinRa in a way. It was his company that started the experiments in making super SOLDIERs, which later focused on creating fiends. What they did with them was another subject– though most were used for experiments. Only the monsters that somehow escaped from their pods proved as a threat to anyone living near the facilities that harbored them.
It was also where most of his funding was getting funneled into. The pods required upkeep and certain degrees of mako exposure so that the victims inside weren’t totally brainwashed. These ‘RAVENS’ as they were called, had one ambition: to succeed in the mission given to them. They were superhuman but not complete fiends. There was still an ounce of humanity within their husks, and just how much was still being studied.
“Unnatural, perhaps. I see them as Super soldiers who could stand as equals to the Mako-infused military that ShinRa uses.” Hand met the railing as they progressed up another level where the tanks were stored. Clicks of their shoes echoed around as his strides led to the pod-like structures. While ShinRa’s looked like some alien concept, these were more cylinder in shape. He quite liked this design better.
Though Rufus was on the taller range, he still had to use his tip-toes to glance inside the tank via the porthole. Bubbles lazily lifted while the green liquid dowsed the person inside with a continuous soak of Mako. They weren’t monsters, though they looked the same as the men who sacrificed their lives to gain that super-human strength within ShinRa ranks.
“Are you sure you don’t want a peek?” He inquired, glancing down beside him. 
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Going to the mako tanks was never meant to happen.Since being a spy for avalanche; only once has evyana been in the room of those tanks. Onetime had been enough to make her so uneasy she never went again. Evyana evaded this place as best as she could. Somehow it just makes her unease. Couldn’t even explain why. So this was proof of how far the young woman would go to sate her curiosity. Never will she understand the fascination people had with those tanks. It was stubbornness that made Evyana follow the young man to the tanks. A soft sigh left between her lips. "Guess your right on that part." Those SOLDIERS were a pain in the ass, so she understands the concept of fighting "fire with fire". That doesn't mean she should agree with it. It had been one of her rules of working together. She had nothing to do with those Mako tanks. For the moment, there hadn't been problems; still, the young woman wasn't naive to believe it would stay that way.
"If your that interested in those things, I can tell the higher-ups that you wouldn't mind volunteering." With eyes narrowed and head craned back to look up, annoyance was evident on her face. " Are you laughing at my height?" There was no other reason for that question. " You can barely see that high up, then how do you expect me to reach that high?" Her question was full with sarcasm. "Besides, Didn't you need to be somewhere?" The woman wanted to know where his position in avalanche was.
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evyana-snowfall · 1 year
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ɪғ ᴛʜɪs ʟɪғᴇ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴇxɪsᴛs ɪɴ ᴍʏ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍs, ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴡᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ.
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evyana-snowfall · 1 year
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1170 x 2532
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evyana-snowfall · 1 year
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ɪᴛ ɪs ɪɴᴠɪsɪʙʟᴇ ʜᴀɴᴅs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛᴏʀᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ʙᴇɴᴛ ᴜs ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀsᴛ
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evyana-snowfall · 1 year
I want to talk to people.
Yes part of this site is about rping with one another, and making sure that our muses talk to one another and potentially grow closer (or try to rip one another apart, but some of us want that too). But I do not want to just have the rp and nothing else. To be able to talk to one another and talk theoretical about our muses, or talk about ships. 
Hell, being able to talk about anything at all helps. Some of us just like to talk to one another, while others of us genuinely feel like people don’t like us when there is general silence. We want to form relationships, and for some of us starting interactions is hard enough that trying to find the courage to talk to someone OOC separately is nearly impossible to find.
This is an open invitation to come and talk to us. Make people feel welcome. RPing is more fun with other people anyways.
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evyana-snowfall · 1 year
Sorry everyone for the inactive part.
Being MIA because of hogwarts legacy ❤️
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evyana-snowfall · 1 year
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ᴍʏ ᴘᴇᴀᴄᴇ ʜᴀs ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ᴅᴇᴘᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀsʜᴇs ɪɴ ᴍʏ ᴡᴀᴋᴇ
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evyana-snowfall · 1 year
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evyana-snowfall · 1 year
Rufus was Vice President of ShinRa and with that title came his own insecurities with others. ShinRa held plenty of people who knew of the company’s bloodstained hands. His father once laughed at the thought of having enemies when Rufus brought it up at the tender age of five, and here he was, giving them the red-carpet introduction to ShinRa and their doings.
If only his newfound tour guide knew of his plan to kill off his father, the entire reason to funnel the money into the organization. What came of it later he didn’t care. Sworn enemies of an alliance? He’ll cross that bridge when it happens. “I can’t imagine why coffee isn’t on the menu for you..” His voice faded as she continued her talk about guiding him throughout the facility.
She really didn’t give up.
“Hm, if I’m not an Aldric, what would you say a name fitting for me reigns?” Rufus wasn’t a popular name by any means; unfortunately for him, that name would be mocked later in his life. Aldric was his middle name and though he didn’t use it for such tactics like this– he never really found himself in a situation where someone DIDN’T know him. But that was within the ivory walls of which he lived.
Eyes searched once more through the levels of the headquarters. “I’m mostly interested in the mako tanks.” The clones. Eerie resemblance to people who have been soaked in mako enough to be brainwashed. There were rumors that monsters were bred this way if exposed long enough. SOLDIER was ShinRa’s mutated form of super-elites. Because of this development in AVALANCHE, he was keen on seeing the effects.
“If you would be so kind as to lead me to that section, Evyana.” There was no use trying to shake her. It would only be all the more suspicious to her.
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The mission the white-haired had just received from her higher-up could wait. The strange man had captured her curiosity like a moth to a flame. It was a trait that got her a lot, but at the same time put her more than she could count in dangerous or difficult situations. Still, that makes it just the more satisfying when finding her answers. She is too curious for her own good, that's for sure. The woman could only shrug. "Who knows..." Even she didn't know why coffee was kept away from her... She may need to take a look at that too. It surprised her how calm the man still was, even with her pushy attitude. His face and attitude stayed the same—even his body language. Eyebrows slightly crunched together into a frown. It wasn't something the woman liked seeing. The amusement she gets from getting on others' nerves is just so fun. The thoughts made her almost pout. He wasn't falling into the trap. "Don’t know.. " sighing softly in thought. "Names are just that, names." Hers wasn't even real. Only at the moment, she is just 'Evyana.' "They don't defy you. And still, somehow, names could not fit someone. yours included" Muscles suddenly tensed up. Those mako tanks... They gave her the creeps, hated every second when spending time close to those things. Yet, who was she to deny his request? A grimace appeared on her lips. "Why even interested in those?" as such, Evyana began to walk forward. The closer she came to those tanks, the more uneasy she became. Whoever decided this was a good idea is nuts. Felt how it gives her goosebumps. "They are unnatural." The tables are turned. Making her guide him to those tanks makes her act skittish. Her hate for it showing. "besides, there isn't  much to look at."
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evyana-snowfall · 1 year
Part of him wanted to up and leave, to find somewhere that he was comfortable and quiet to recover from the poisoning but another part of him, one he didn’t often entertain, wanted her to deal with the consequences of her actions and so he remained where he was, though he reached for the cloth as he really began to feel too warm.
Bitter was he though? Perhaps he was. He was tired, still adjusting to his loss of sight and he’d just been poisoned. She could laugh all she wanted but she knew nothing about him or what he’d been through. It was for that reason that he didn’t deign to reply to the observation. She’d just not caught on him a good day, was all.
The fact that he flinched away immediately and swatted at her hand when she waved in front of his face indicated without him needing to say anything that he could see something at least. With a small glare at her impatience (he could have answered without her flapping at him), he continued to hold the damp rag against his forehead to cool it.
“I can see out of one,” he replied, with a roll of both. “I’m still getting used to the change in depth perception and hadn’t been somewhere so crowded since I took the injury. Are all your observations about a person so rude or is there something about me that invites insult?”
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A soft sigh left the female's lips. The thought that she had to search again for her target would ruin the rest of her week. While it hadn't been much work, it kept her from other possible things. It was a setback that she didn't like. It meant she needed to change all her plans. God, did she hate that. It rarely happened; most of the time, she just winged everything. As such, it annoyed her way more than usual. Waving in front of his eyes was rude, but the woman still didn't care. Evyana didn't know the male miqote, so why would she care about his feelings? She had to bite her lower lip to keep the chuckles hidden in her throat after him smacking her hand away. 'clearly." Or else he wouldn't have seen her hand. His next word made her laugh out loud; she just couldn't help herself. "No, your not special for that, don't worry about it." The woman grinned, with teeth showing. "I never flower my remarks, if that's what you asked. I'm just very straightforward. I don't like people that twist their words. If you need something, say it; no need to soften your words to prevent hurting someone's feelings." Evy grabbed the rag from his head to put it back in the cold water. After making sure it wouldn't drip over the place, she gave it back to him. Surprisingly keeping herself from just going into his personal bubble again. "Or do you want me to be nice and full of lies?" Turning her body to face the male. "Speaking sweet words to put your guard down?" The cheeky smile grew with every word. Standing up again, she stretched her body, making her spine pop back into place. "Do you want something to eat or drink?" The small elezen herself was getting hungry anyway, could be nice enough to also give him something.
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evyana-snowfall · 1 year
Rufus was finding himself in a conundrum. Usually, secretaries of sorts are easily dismissed, their thoughts focused on only one thing at a time under a great deal of stress. To Rufus, he knew entirely too well what their job entitled them to; he witnessed it many times with his father and his own. He held no guilt being here, not even under the fact that he was betraying his own company. To him– it wasn’t the company he was demolishing; it was his father’s career where he would step up the mantle and make ShinRa more powerful than before. The foundation was set; he just had to enforce the walls and build upward; a better era.
It was evident that she would try to pry him open like an oyster protecting its gem of a pearl. Though his attention was focused directly on her, he found the shifting of her eyes an interesting concept. She appeared to be in tune with everything– making sure nothing slipped through her grasp. Who needed security when they had her here?
When her hand extended, he grasped it firmly for two shakes worth. “Aldric,” he said with a smile, using his hand to tug gently at the tip of his ivy hat. “Here on business, if you choose to believe me. You can ask your superiors here if you are inclined to try to dig any dirt on me.” The upper tiers of this organization knew who was funding them. Though it was kept tightly shut, they needed all the money they could get until their plan was ready to execute.
“If anything, I’m here to ensure the coffee is adequate enough for the employees.” Another crooked smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “I do hope you give them that perk. If not.. tsk tsk. What a horrible place to be.” A wink followed.
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The crowds around them did make Evyana just a trace more uncontrollable. The woman hated areas with too many people in one place. It was a reason why the woman stayed only a short time. Always making sure she had things to do away from here; Grabbing any mission that would keep her out as long as possible. Today was no exception; plans were made to leave immediately after her briefing. Until seeing him, that is. Pushing herself into his business, not polite at all. Not that Evy cared for that. The handshake was short but firm. "Frankly, You don't look like an Aldric." No hidden meaning behind her words. The shrug of her shoulders showed the woman didn't put much thought after her remarks. "Don't worry, I definitely will ask around." Her words were blunt without any malicious. If one thing people liked about her, it was her direct words. Never being one to backstab without a big reason. You will know what to get from her. A soft chuckle rolled over her tongue. Eyes twinkling with amusement. "huh... I wouldn't know. Somehow I'm not allowed to get near coffee here." A small small staying on her lips, while eyes a bit confused on her own words.  One incident, and suddenly, there seemed to be a rule to keep her away from caffeine...No idea why. She didn't remember much of that day... "Why don't I guide you to your destination?" The sentence was worded as a question, yet evidently sounded as if the blue-eyed man hadn't much choice. "Some would see you as an intruder. There are a few here that do not put questions before actions." A lie without even trying to hide the lie. No, Evyana made it clear she still didn't trust him. Her paranoia giving no choice but to push and push. Her skin was itching enough not to stop when reaching his boundaries. Most would break because of it, starting to act skittish and suspicious. The man showed no such symptoms. Irritating her just a tad.
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