exanimateisacomic · 2 months
The demon slowly woke up, he felt something soft and warm draped over his body and the feeling of being in a seated position. He opened his eyes and saw Luis standing by a desk, no longer in his green army jacket. He turned his head and locked eyes with the seated demon.
The demon let out a scream, his hand coming out from under whatever was draped over him and went up to cover his face. He noticed it was a large green cardigan.
Luis stepped closer and attempted to calm him down. “Woah hey! It’s okay bud you’re safe.” He stretched his hands out in an effort to show he’s not a threat. “If you understand me, please stop screaming.”
The demon screamed trailed off into a whimper and then to silence. A look of fear and understanding in his eyes.
Luis smiled with relief. “Okay…good. Are-are you able to speak?”
The demon attempted. But all that came out were “eh….ahh…wh… eh…”
“Don’t force it. If you can’t talk, that’s okay.”
The demon just clamed up in embarrassment.
Luis began to ease himself into the chair opposite. “I’m just gonna ask you some questions. Yes and no ones for obvious reasons, okay?”
The demon nodded.
“Good” Luis finally took his seat. He looked off into the dark corner of the room before looking back at the demon
“First question: do you have a name?”
The demon furrowed his brow in thought before looking distressed and shaking his head no.
Luis nodded. “Okay. Second question- and this might be kinda odd sounding: are you aware that your body- isn’t yours?”
The demon’s gaze fell from Luis to his own out stretched hand, watching it tremble. He looked back up and nodded.
“Do you know whose body you’re in?”
The demon shook his head no.
Luis nodded. “Okay. So-“ he held out his hand and counted “you’re aware you’re in a body that isn’t yours, but you don’t know whose body and you don’t know who you are.”
The demon paused, taking in what Luis said, and nodded.
Luis lowered his hand. “Okay, final question: are you a threat to me and my Family?” His kind look turned somber. Serious.
The demon stared at him, a bewildered expression growing on his face, as he shook his head no.
“Do you know I had to ask that question?”
The demon continued to stare at Luis, stirring his memories and seeing… something horrible.
The demon broke his glance and looked to his left, seeing a pad of paper and a pen. He pointed with his hand “mm- uh- uhh?”
Luis looked at the pad “can you write?”
The demon nodded as reached over and picked up the pad and pen. He brought his knees up to use his lap to write. He scribbled for a minute or two before showing the pad to Luis
Luis read the crude but legible writing.
‘Memory spotty. I did something bad, but I do not know what.’
Luis looked back into the corner “he says he knows he did something, but doesn’t remember what.”
A lamp clicked on, illuminating the tall female demon sitting in a leather armchair.
The demon jolted in his seat, letting out a short scream and dropping the pad.
“Are you sure you don’t remember?” She asked in a cold and calculated manner.
The demon feverishly nodded. Luis swore he could hear his heart pounding in his chest.
She rose from her seat and walked over to the demon “and what if I say I don’t believe you?” She stopped right in front of his chair
The demon looked visibly naucsious as she loomed directly over him, resting her hands on the cushion just above his head and lowered her face closer to his
“What if I think this” she gestures at the sweater that covered the demon’s slunk and cowering body “is an act and you just want to hurt me and my family? What would you say?”
The demon’s lip quivered “P-ppp-pl- plu-“
Luis got up and slowly approached her. “Elizabeth. I don’t think he’s capable of-“
“Puh- pl-ple- please…” the demon uttered
Luis looked shocked, Elizabeth only had a look of mild surprise.
“Ple-please b-buh-be-believe m-muh-me.” He uttered before breaking down and sobbing, covering his face with his hands.
Elizabeth eased back and away from the crying demon. “I do.” She said somberly. Luis could detect the faintest softness in her voice. She walked to the door and opened it.
“when he’s ready, I want him back at the club.”
Luis looked at her and nodded.
She left, closing the door in a huff. Luis turned to look back at the crying demon.
“Hey bud, hey.” He said, getting closer and comforting the demon. The demon lurched back at first before embracing him, hugging tightly.
“I-I- I a-ah-am s-sorry.” The demon muttered.
“I know, I know.” Luis said
Suddenly the demons stomach gurgled loudly and he grasped at his torso.
Luis patted his back. “look. There’s some food in the kitchen, I think you could do with something to eat. The guy whose body your in tends to skip meals at night.”
The demon nodded. “Th- tha-Thanks.” he paused “w-wh- what about the d-demon lady? W-w-would she b-be okay w-w-with me eating?”
Luis smirked. “It’ll be fine. I promise.”
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exanimateisacomic · 2 months
Levi: (nervously playing with his hands)
Eliza: (reaches into her pocket and hands him a fidget cube) here. I usually carry one for Reuben.
Levi: (fumbles with the cube, likes the clicking and sliding) o-oh. Th-thank you. :< )
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exanimateisacomic · 3 months
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Something scribbled bc I saw @bonkalore getting this guy drawn on @kiwi twitch stream
Luis here is probably rambling about how to build fertilizer bombs and how my little pony friendship is magic peaked at season 3.
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exanimateisacomic · 4 months
Cannon Heights for the Characters
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exanimateisacomic · 4 months
Luis and Eliza were relaxing in their bedroom when there was a soft knock at the door.
“Reuben? Is that you?” Eliza asked
“Uh, n-no it is not…” A voice said
Luis lept out of bed and beelined straight to the door, opening it quickly
The demon flinched back at the sudden opening and looked at Luis “so it-it happened again. I woke up in the bed again.” He said ashamedly
Luis checked the hallway and ushered him into their bedroom “come in, we can talk here.” He closed the door behind him
The demon looked around before seeing Eliza in bed. “oh, g-good evening mrs. Lynch.”
Eliza nodded “good evening.” She took off her readers and set her book down “how are you feeling?”
The demon rested his hands together “uh, I-i am okay.” He glanced away in a bashful manner. “A-are we gonna go to the club so I may clean it up?”
Eliza paused. “well, I’ve actually had a crew out there earlier today to do most of the cleanup. There isn’t much left to clean up”
“Oh, I see.” The demon said “s-sorry I was not around sooner.”
“It’s fine” she said “I’m sure I’ll have something else lined up for you to do, if you’re still inclined to do so.”
The demon looked at her “y-yes I am. Just tell me what you need done and I can do it.” He said, almost maniacally.
Luis rested a hand in his back to ease him down “hey. So.. you know, we’ve talked with Seth about seeing a doctor. And his office is open late. We could get you looked at!”
The demon looked at Luis “d-do you think that is a good idea?”
Luis nodded “yes, we’d get a better idea of how you work and who you are.”
The demon nodded.
“Doctor Soderbergh, you have a walk in appointment.”
The doctor set down the file he was reading and clicked on his intercom “who’s the patient?”
“A young man suffering from demonic possession and Mr. lynch.”
“Send them in” he said, releasing the button and set his files aside.
Luis entered first, followed by a young man in a hoodie hunching forward and keeping his head low.
“Hey doc, glad I caught you tonight. I brought that demon I told you about.” Luis said, patting his buddy’s back.
The demon looked up, his eyes cutting through his dark hood. “Hello d-doctor. I was told you could help me.”
Dr. Soderbergh got up and made his way over to the demon. He was an older man, a bit older than Luis looked but in much better health. His skin was a faded red and his horns had a more grey hue. He observed the lopsided horns as he began his check up.
“Okay then, what’s your name?” He asked taking a pen light and checking the demon’s pupil response.
“Um…that- that I do not know.” The demon responded, flinching as the light shines in his eyes “I just- uh- Luis? Could you explain it?”
Luis nodded “this body belongs to Seth Morris, and his inner demon took over not long after he arrived here.”
Soderbergh nodded as he finished inspecting the demons eyes “I thought inner demons were a lot more feral?” He clicked off his pen light “could you lower your hood please?”
Luis continued “well, that’s the puzzling thing. His inner demon is more feral, whoever this is isn’t that demon.”
Dr Soderbergh looked at Luis “what do you mean?”
Luis shrugged “I’m not sure how, my hypothesis is that, somehow, there’s another soul in this body that can override the inner demons control and posses the body himself.”
The doctor stared at him “that’s- unusual.” He turned back to look at the demon, now being able to see his whole face. “Huh. His face structure does match that of inner demonic possession but the eyes…”
The demon looked worried “my eyes?”
Dr Soderbergh continued “you have actual pupils and irises.” He went over to his shelf and picked out a book, flipping through and finding the page on demons. “Here, this is a typical inner demon possessing a damned soul”
The demon looked on at the illustration in the book, seeing a monstrous face with milky white eyes and a large monstrous snarl.
The demon ran his hand over his mouth “do-do I really look like that?”
The doctor paused “y-yes. You do. Here” he showed the demon over to a mirror on the wall.
The demon jolted upright at the sight of himself “oh! Oh…t-that is my face?” He asked as he raised his hand to inspect his face, feeling around his eyes and bare nostrils.
The doctor turned to Luis “has he not seen himself before?” Luis shrugged.
“He’s only been in control a few times…” he paused in thought “and seemingly when Seth falls unconscious.”
The doctor gave Luis a look, and luis returning a similar look “nocturnal Possesion?” They said in unison.
“That would account for his sparse appearances.” Luis said
The doctor shook his head “but not the apperance of another soul.”
The demon snapped out of its stare from the mirror “w-wait, what is Nocturnal Possession?”
The doctor looked to the demon “oh well, it’s a term us demons use to describe the phenomena when a demon autonomously takes control of the host’s body when the host is unconcious. In your case, Seth falls asleep and you take over.”
The demon nodded “ah, okay. I guess that makes sense.” He lowered his hand and rested them in his pockets. “B-but what about my control over this body?”
The doctor gave him a stern look. “Well, what is your environment like at home?”
Luis answered “quiet, calm, a bit isolated.”
“And the times when the inner demon was more feral?”
Luis made a connection “those times were in more strenuous, high stress situations.”
The demon perked up “s-so when I am at your home, I can be me? And-and not-“ he glanced back at the book in his hands “not this thing?”
Luis nodded “I guess. I’d want that notarized for the missus.” He said to the doctor “she’s gonna want an official statement instead of my word.”
“Of course.” The doctor said walking back to his desk. “Oh and I’ll give her Reuben’s prescription as well, he must be running out of his current batch”
The demon closed the book and sat down on a nearby seat.
Luis walked over to him and gave him a shoulder pay “hey, you okay?”
The demon looked up at him “uh, I-i am okay.” He looked at the book in his hands. “I just did not realize how m-monstrous the inner demon was.”
Luis rubbed his shoulder “well, you’re not him. And I’m sure we’ll find out who you are soon.”
The demon got up and put the book back on the shelf
The doctor stopped him, jumping from his seat. “hey wait!”
He rested a hand on his arm, stopping the demon from putting the book back. “I’m very meticulous with how my books are on that shelf.”
The demon stopped. “But- but this is where it was?”
The doctor paused and looked at where the demon was putting the book. “Wh- uh. Oh.” He let go of the demon. “You- you saw where I took the book?”
The demon nodded. “I notice a lot of things. Your office is quite neat and you keep a stern posture, yet when Luis came in your posture changed and you seemed to relax a bit, you have a slight slouch now.”
The doctor straightened up, clearing his throat “well me and Luis do go way back, a couple of hellraisers back in the day”
The demon nodded “I figured.” The demon blinked “why-why was I able to go in depth like that? I don’t-“
“That’s Seth.” Luis said “Seth was someone with sharp observation and deduction skills. W- Doctor, because of the unusual nature of this arrangement, would it be possible for this demon-“ he paused “I’m sorry, I’d call you by your name but-“
The demon nodded “it is fine, continue.”
Luis nodded “would it be possible that he could be getting information and behaviors from Seth?”
The doctor paused “well, we did do some experiments into possession studies… I do recall some talk about shared information between the demon and the host…but if that’s true, then your friend here is one of the few successful cases.” He went back to his desk and picked up his note.
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exanimateisacomic · 4 months
He jerked up in the bed. his body tingling uncomfortably, like his whole body fell asleep. His mind was hazy, thoughts racing through it
There was something he was suppose to do, glancing over to the bedside table he sees a walk-in-talkie.
Yes, that’s it. He needs to communicate with…someone on the walkie talkie.
He grabs it and clicks the talk button.
“H-hello? Hello?”
He releases it and waits. The radio chirps
“Hey bud, you remembered!” Squeaked a voice. He felt comforted by this voice.
He clicked the button to speak “y-yeah, I did.”
The voice chirped again “okay, I’m coming up to get you. Do you remember what you’re doing tonight?”
He thought for a second, getting his thoughts in order, and he remembered.
-click- “y-yes sir.”
“Right o. See you soon.” The voice said then the line went dead.
He got up and grabbed a pair of socks and put them on. He looked around for his shoes and found them near the door. It was a worn pair of slip on canvas shoes next to a pair of dress shoes.
‘Those must be Mr. Morris’’ he thought as he slipped on his shoes. He looked around and found his sweater, a large green cardigan, and he just slipped into it. As he buttoned up, he heard a knock at his door.
“Hey bud, you ready?” The voice said, muffled by the door.
He tapped his finger tips together anxiously as he walked up and opened the door, seeing Luis Lynch standing in the hallway.
“Y-yes sir.” The scared demon said, slouching forward.
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exanimateisacomic · 4 months
Levi: (dreaming) mmm pizza! And hot dogs!
Levi: (wakes up to a few slices of pizza and a hotdog near him) Woah! Pizza! (Starts eating a slice) and a hot dog?! (Smiles) (looks around his empty room) who- who did this?!
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exanimateisacomic · 5 months
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He’s a reader!
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exanimateisacomic · 5 months
“Winter” in the afterlife, a terrible snowstorm.
Luis: ooh! It’s chilly out there. Luckily we’re all nice and warm in here!
Eliza: (thinks for a moment) wait hon, did you remember to repair that drafty window in Levi’s room?
Luis: …OH SHIT!
They find Levi bundled up in several blankets and just sitting on his bed, teeth chattering and his nose running. Snow can be seen visibly flying into the room, despite the window being shut. They immediately take him to the kitchen to warm up by the stove and is served hot chocolate. Luis gets to work and starts repairing the window.
Eliza: hon, I know you’re reserved and keep to yourself, but you could’ve told us sooner!
Levi: I-I- I am s-s-sorry for n-not saying a-a-anything.
Eliza: don’t be sorry, you’re like family now. You shouldn’t feel anxious asking us for things, especially if it’s something like this! Did you want more coco?
Levi: (nods) p-p-please.
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exanimateisacomic · 5 months
Seth: (sees a box of doughnuts) (sighs) okay Levi, you can have some. Not all of them, but some.
That night.
Levi: (sees the box of doughnuts) (thinks back to Seth’s words) right, only some of the doughnuts. (Opens the box and starts snacking)
The next day
Seth: (opens box to see all but half a doughnut remaining.)
Luis: oh shit, did he-
Seth: I told him not all the doughnuts. He left this here so it would technically still have some doughnut in here. (Locks eyes with Luis) I gotta give him credit, he didn’t eat all of them.
Luis: (nods) (picks up and eats the last piece) I’d be more descriptive with your words then
Seth: of course.
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exanimateisacomic · 5 months
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Levi if he had to fly around and navigate the airport
(May or may not be based on actual events)
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exanimateisacomic · 5 months
Sometimes Levi wakes up and feels he’s wearing those toe socks.
he gets them off as soon as he can.
He can’t stand the feeling of them, the fabric between his toes.
He likes his regular socks and his crocs or slip on shoes.
He’s been tempted to take them and hide them from Seth. But he’d feel too guilty about that…
But if he asked Luis or Reuben to do it…
Seth is one of those guys who wears those socks with individual toes in them.
Everyone is appalled by this decision.
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exanimateisacomic · 5 months
Larry, Luis and Levi once played cards against humanity
They stopped after Larry won the first game.
Luis and Levi were shocked at Larry’s cards. He’s such a nice guy…but with those cards…
Even Larry was surprised at how far he went.
0 notes
exanimateisacomic · 5 months
Seth is one of those guys who wears those socks with individual toes in them.
Everyone is appalled by this decision.
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exanimateisacomic · 5 months
Luis walked up to the guest bedroom door, a tray of food in his hands.
He knocked with his bony knuckle “hey bud? Are you up?”
There was a shuffle, like someone stumbling out of the bed. Then a soft voice responded “y-yes, yes I am.”
Luis shifted the tray to his right arm and opens the door with his left hand. The door swung inwards and he peered in.
He saw their guest sitting upright in their bed, blanket pulled over their head like a hood. He could see his eyes peering out and staring at him.
“You doing okay?” Luis asked, setting the tray down on the nearby desk
The guest nodded “I-i think I am. M-mr. Morris at least dresses in what I like to wear.” He opened up his blanket and showed the loose and baggy clothes he was wearing. Luis could see a slight smile from him.
“Well that’s good.” He said.
Suddenly a thought crossed his mind.
“Hey…I got an idea.”
The guest looked up at Luis
Eliza and Reuben were eating their dinner when Luis started back down the stairs…but there were more foots steps than usual.
Luis entered the kitchen first “hey…I just had a spur of the moment thing…and I brought our guest down to join us.”
Reuben almost spat out his food and Eliza locked up in fear
“I thought we talked about this” she said
Luis raised up his hand in defense “look, if he was gonna try anything, he would’ve! It’s been two weeks. Just-let him sit down with us tonight.”
Reuben and Eliza exchanged looks. Eliza gave the final word “fine.”
Luis opened the kitchen door “okay bud, you can come in.”
He held open the door as the guest entered, feeling the eyes of the other Lynch family staring at him as he walked in with his tray of food.
“H-hi everyone…um…” he fidget with the tray a little bit “I-i will just sit right here, if-if that is okay.”
Luis came up behind him and patted his back “sure it is. Here” he helped him to his seat as Luis sat down next to him.
The guest just looked at their plate of food. Slowly he reached over for his flat ware and started eating.
They ate in silence for a bit.
Eliza broke the tension “so…have you picked out a name? Luis mentioned you didn’t want to be called Seth while you were awake.” Her tone was friendly.
The guest hastily finished their bite. “Um…I-I have not landed on one that I like.” He looked up at her, his green eyes catching in the overhead light. “But…I-i am open to suggestions.” He said with a small smile.
Eliza gazed at the demon. “Hmm…how about Nathan?”
The guest thought for a sec, fiddling with his fork. “Mmm..it is a nice name…but I do not think it is for me.” He paused, pressing his thumbs on the handle. “It is like I have a name already…but I can not recall it.”
Luis joined in “is it like hearing a song but unable to recall the title of it?”
The guest nodded. “It is a bit frustrating.”
“Well, how about a nickname then?” Eliza offered “I know Lu calls you bud or buddy, is that okay?”
The guest thought for a sec. He nodded “that is fine with me.” He gave a small smile as he used his fork to pick up another piece of food.
They finished their dinner and Luis led Bud back up to his room.
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exanimateisacomic · 5 months
Levi finds himself snacking/eating a bit.
Usually he does so to keep himself busy and makes him less of a nuisance to others.
Luis tends to find him either in the kitchen eating a small plate of cheeses and fruits or in the living room snacking on chips.
Levi, of course, clears all the snacks with Seth before he eats them. Nothing super sugary or more-ish.
Oddly enough, when Levi gets his own body the amount of snacking drops quite a bit.
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exanimateisacomic · 5 months
Master doc that contains different resources and support for many countries including Palestine, Congo, Haiti, Hawai’i, etc ((op is underneath the link))
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