exaustedshadowscale · 19 hours
In the never-ending quest to alleviate my migraines, I bought a special angled pillow that lets you sleep on your side while your arm just kind of hangs through a whole in the middle. I did this because I’m a left-sided sleeper, always have been.
Until my neck subluxated and now I can’t sleep on that side without compressing some vital nerves and blood arteries. I also can’t sleep on my back right now because the pressure compresses my occipital nerve. Basically sleeping has been a nightmare recently, but that’s not the point of this post.
The point was I brought this up in physical therapy to talk about how great this pillow is because I can now sleep on my right side without the stupid thing going numb or waking me up because it hurts. And my PT was like wow, great! How did you sleep on your left side for so long without it being an issue?
And I said, oh that’s easy. I just tuck that shoulder out of the way.
And she said, ...what?
And I said, yeah, I just tuck it out the way. Not like my right shoulder. That one doesn’t move as well. It just hurts, I think there’s something wrong with it.
And my physical therapist asked me to demonstrate what I mean when I say I ‘tuck my shoulder out of the way,’ and haha, you’re never going to believe this, turns out I’ve just been casually pulling my left shoulder out of the socket for, oh, let’s see, 30 years? And then napping on it like hmmnm yess comfy.
Anyway. I looked up from my demonstration and my physical therapist was making this face:
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it's wild to me that people see Ronald Reagan staffers supporting Kamala and instead of going "wow, this signifies that she too represents the interests of the bourgeoisie and neoliberal order as a whole, including some of the far right elements" they go "wow, Reaganites hate trump so much! poggers!! This signifies a positive trend for 'our democracy' that the 'left' party is supported by the most infamous bigots in the country's history"
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exaustedshadowscale · 12 days
Okay chat, how bad is it if I accidentally found a way to be infinite aspects of bahamut and tiamat in d&d? How many godhoods am I allowed to have?
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exaustedshadowscale · 15 days
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exaustedshadowscale · 15 days
ADHD at night: I could write a book. I could get my Master’s Degree. I could go to the club and come home with 12 new friends. I could get a job at that club and meet the mother of my children. I could cure every disease and use my wealth to bring world peace.
ADHD during the day: Fold laundry too hard :( Come back next week
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exaustedshadowscale · 15 days
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exaustedshadowscale · 17 days
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exaustedshadowscale · 17 days
please don't reblog this post a devilish temptress tricked me into making it and she placed a hex upon it so that every reblog removes a molecule from my body
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exaustedshadowscale · 17 days
The worst thing I ever did at a D&D table was when our DM ran out of place name ideas and told us the name of the port town we needed to go to was "Bar Harbor".
So I tricked him into roleplaying the slightly-too-helpful town guard into giving us directions to- Well you see, the party has been out in the wilderness for like a MONTH, we're all a mess, the dwarf's beard is out of control, so can you tell us- Where can we find the Bar Harbor Barber?
But we were not done. We each took turns, like a pack of velociraptors.
We also had Dryad in the party and a few of her branches got broken in a fight and now her whole canopy is unbalanced and it looks awful, but she really needs to see a specialist, is there a Bar Harbor Arbor Barber?
The Paladin also wanted to look in on a small church he'd heard of, that the city had a patron saint, who was boiled alive in a cauldron of ale, so where is the temple of the Bar Harbor Larger Martyr?
It was around this point that Chris started to tire of this nonsense.
The bard, naturally, wanted to go carousing, and he'd heard this town had some of the most attentive and welcoming Ladies of the Night on the continent, known by thier brightly colored stocking bands, so had he seen any of the Bar harbor Ardor Parlor Farber Garters?
Chris immediately escalated to threats of a Total Party Kill.
Unfortunately, I'd had time to prepare and-
"What do you want?"
"I just wanted to know if you'd seen my cousin."
"...Your cousin?"
"Yeah, I know it's a long shot, but he's got a pretty distinctive appearence and you might have seen him around town."
"Oh No-"
"Okay so he's Welsh and the whole family used to be in the wagon-making business but he got into clothes manufacture until there was an accident with a lamp black dye and now he's permanently stained a sooty color and that really turns heads, so now he's got a job drawing in crowds for the city funded swap meet- no, not the Drow that also works there, I mean like the inside of a fireplace- anyway, he got tired of people mixing the two of them up so he started wearing this fancy armor with a magical +1 charisma bonus-"
"Gallus I swear to God I *WILL* Summon the Tarraqsue-"
"-So have you seen my cousin, Arthur Carter, former Sartor but now he's the Darker Harker for the Charter Barter of Bar Harbor, the one with the Charmer Armor?"
Amazingly, we survived the Tarrasque.
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exaustedshadowscale · 17 days
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chillin on a Saturday night
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exaustedshadowscale · 17 days
youre nb but you call yourself a bitch (bitch is a FEMALE dog btw) why???
i am on the FLOOR
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exaustedshadowscale · 17 days
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exaustedshadowscale · 17 days
everyone in halo reactions when i come out to them
master chief: hm. glad you told me, soldier. knowing yourself is important when you’re fighting a complex enemy like the covenant.
cortana: interesting… yes, i see your brain chemistry is a bit… different. i’ll keep this in mind for the future. i can’t wait to explore this further with you!
sergeant johnson: heh, so you’re a girl? well, you won’t get any argument from me. long as you keep watching my back, i’ll watch yours.
dr halsey: you’re transsexual? how could you think of yourself at a time like this? we need to keep our attention on the only thing that matters: saving the human race. additionally, you should be aware that J.K. Rowling is a close personal friend of mine
grunt: huohahaha! send pictures of your gock and gballs to my grunt phone
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exaustedshadowscale · 23 days
- blonde
- bounty hunter
- transgender
- in a fighting game
- was a big deal when it was revealed she was a woman
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exaustedshadowscale · 26 days
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Happy birthday, Howard Zinn! (August 24, 1922)
An incisive gadfly against capitalism and thorn in the side of American militarism, historian and political scientist Howard Zinn was born to a Jewish family in Brooklyn. Growing up in the Great Depression, Zinn found himself drawn to the Communists who championed the rights of workers and minorities, and joined them at political rallies. During one such rally, the police arrived and brutalized those assembled, including Zinn. An earnest antifascist, Zinn enlisted in the Army Air Corps during World War II, but was shaken by his experiences and would come to oppose war in all forms. Educating himself and becoming a professor after the war, he taught for a time at Spelman College in Atlanta before being fired for supporting some of the students' radical activism. He then came to Boston University, where he would teach for 24 years. Zinn was a career activist, organizing with the SNCC during the Civil Rights movement, railing against the Vietnam War and war in general, annotated the copy of the Pentagon Papers read into the Congressional Record by Senator Mike Gravel, and campaigning for alternative perspectives in pedagogy. Zinn wrote A People's History of the United States, a seminal work which is still widely read and discussed to this day. Zinn continued his activism until his death in 2010, spending his last days in strident opposition to American foreign policy and the War on Terror.
"In a world already moving in certain directions, where wealth and power are already distributed in certain ways, neutrality means accepting the way things are now. It is a world of clashing interests – war against peace, nationalism against internationalism, equality against greed, and democracy against elitism – and it seems to me both impossible and undesirable to be neutral in those conflicts."
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