exhagurated · 1 year
tw: none tag: @bludsoak location: coronation
a good time is not something orryn would describe himself as having. he wasn't even sure he knew what a good time or fun for that matter was. he knew for certain that it wasn't this. being in a room full of people when he'd much rather be in his own company with a book or wandering around the grounds. he knew if he disappeared once more he would detract attention from all the important events that had taken place by not being there and present as his sister would say. and the event truly wasn't about him, despite the scrutiny he faced from others, he would not give them something else to talk about. upon noticing sara he hastily approached, she brought him solace even if he struggled to express it properly. "i would ask you to dance but i doubt you'd like that very much."
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exhagurated · 1 year
it felt as though all eyes were on her, duty pulling her every each way to play the role of gracious host to the lords of all the kingdoms. finally she had found some peace in conversing with her eldest brother, though it was best that she didn’t express her anxieties in public. whispers traveled far in the red keep. instead she’s divulging a rather questionable joke, said earlier to her by a lord older than their grandsire, when the youngest baratheon stag joins the pair. alys smiles to him and reaches out a hand to pinch his shoulder. “had you been present, little brother, you would have received my invitation,” she answers orryn, “i did send one of my ladies after him. did i not, addam ?”
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            pride  fills  his  chest  as  he  sees  his  sister adorned  with  all  the  jewels  and  emblems  of  a  queen  .  it  was  always  meant  to  be  ,  baraqthones  after  all  were  bloodroyal  ,  with  the  history  of  stag  kings  and  the  kingdom  of  storm  (  though  nobody  seems  to  remember  -  but  the  stormborn  never  forget  ,  they  are  kings  and  queens  in  every  right  except  title  .  or  at  least  ,  they  should  be  )  .  addam  only  rolls  his  eyes  at  his  brother’s  approach  ,  hiding  his  smile  behind  a  sip  of  wine  . “  yes  ,  you  did  dear  sister  .  she  had  them  running  after  you  like  you  were  a  child  .  but  don’t  fret  orryn  ,  there  wasn’t  anything  discussed  that  your  little  brain  could’ve  understood  .  ”
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the pinch alys had so kindly bestowed upon orryn had made him slightly recoil as though he was a child being scolded for doing something he shouldn’t have. and while addam’s comment may have seemed harsh, orryn was sure the both of them were put on the planet to ensure he knew no peace and simply suffered their teasing. ”when the day comes that you do not treat me as though i am a child it will be my happiest.” his joking manner was evident as he looked between the two of them. he knew he had an image to uphold now — not for the sake of the baratheon name but more so for his sister and being present was certainly a must despite hating being there. “i doubt i missed much of importance . . . though your lady is quite terrifying, she was following me around as if she was a duckling following their mother.”
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exhagurated · 1 year
tw: alcohol tag: @bcrctheons @basilevs location: coronation
alys was the queen now. it was a strange thought that had entered orryn's mind. his sister now ruled and he felt as useless as usual. his frockling around the castle to avoid the festivities had came to an end and he'd returned to where most were congregating. he was most likely the most unsociable man he knew — choosing to drink the wine privoded and refuse to dance with those who had asked him. though he had perked up significantly upon seeing both of his siblings within close proximity to himself. upon his approach he had spoke, "if it isn't my two favourite people gathering without me."
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exhagurated · 1 year
tw: alcohol mention
orryn had always loved gardens. it was easy to escape events and simply spend time away with his thoughts, socialising wasn't his strong point and he knew that. along with knowing he needed alcohol to survive the event. he wasn't expecting to run into someone else seemingly escaping the coronation — that someone being the new king. orryn couldn't help but feel somewhat sad for the man. he'd lost his mother and was expected to act as though it was a happy moment for him. "oh . . . —" there was a pause, orryn wasn't sure what to say, congratulations, though that didn't feel quite right time to be celebrating. "i apologised for your loss, i do hope you're coping well."
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Where: Castle gardens Who: Anyone
Avoiding your guest at your own coronation wasn’t the kingly thing to do but Auron found himself unable to care. Placing a smile on his face had always been easy, he had done it many times during his princehood, but this time was different. He had lost one of the most important people in his life, his beloved mother. How could anyone fake a smile after something like that? This was why he had chosen to hide away in the gardens for a bit until he was ready. It was there on the bench by the pond that he used to spend time with his mother before his siblings were born, listening to her tales of her youth and the birth of his dragon brothers. One more moment alone with her was all that he wanted before he was forced to be the king. That was until he heard a voice address him, forcing him to be anyway. “Forgive me, I was somewhere else. What did you say?” Auron apologized, looking up at them.
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exhagurated · 1 year
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announcing  the  arrival  of  orryn  baratheon  ,  lord   of  storms  end  .  known  for  being  ambitious  ,  the  twenty  five  year  old  can  also  be  very  aloof  ,  but  that's  just  the  rumors  of  the  stormlands ,  they  whisper  that  he  reminds  them  of  a  hastily  written  letter  with  ink  splattered  across  the  page.
the youngest child of the baratheon family, one would think orryn was doted on, loved and cared for and while he couldn't argue his parents didn't love him — he couldn't argue they did either. they had two sons already, then a daughter and another son. he was more than overlooked though it suited his personality more than he liked to admit it.
a bookish boy. that is how he'd be described if he was wrote into history, a conflict avoider and seemingly in the shadow of the siblings he cares for so dearly. the books however, allow his imagination to run wild. he's in his own world more often than not. a maladaptive daydreamer who simply can't leave his own head — the child who was scolded the most for not paying attention despite knowing all the answers.
he's the pinnacle of all he hates. his insecurities make him a man who is fickle and hard to trust, worse than that he is hard to grow attached to and even worse to befriend. his ideas are that of a fun, happy time yet all of the ideas seem to go the opposite way. he's a lord, he shouldn't be so aloof and intimidating yet he cannot help it, he rarely smiles and when he does he finds it quite frightening.
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