existential6pm · 9 years
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existential6pm · 9 years
როგორ უნდა გაზომო სიყვარული, როცა ნაბიჯებით ითვლი ნაბიჯებით ითვლი და მუხლი გეკეცება, სანამ მიაღწევ. ამიტომაც არავინ იცის მისი სიგრძე
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existential6pm · 9 years
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existential6pm · 9 years
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“Does the giraffe know what he's for? Or care? Or even think about his place in things? A giraffe has a black tongue twenty-seven inches long and no vocal cords. A giraffe has nothing to say. He just goes on giraffing.”    ―    Robert Fulghum,  All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten    
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existential6pm · 9 years
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existential6pm · 9 years
ნადირობა ცხვარზე
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existential6pm · 9 years
When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.
Jiddu Knishnamurti - Freedom from the Known
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existential6pm · 9 years
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Meditation has nothing to do with movement. That means, the mind is perfectly still, he moves in no direction.
Krishnamurti, The light in you 
Meditation hat überhaupt nichts mit Bewegung zu tun. Das heißt, der Geist ist absolut still, er bewegt sich in gar keiner Richtung
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existential6pm · 9 years
“Closing your eyes isn’t going to change anything. Nothing’s going to disappear just because you can’t see what’s going on. In fact, things will even be worse the next time you open your eyes. That’s the kind of world we live in. Keep your eyes wide open. Only a coward closes his eyes. Closing your eyes and plugging up your ears won’t make time stand still.”
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existential6pm · 9 years
There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.
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existential6pm · 9 years
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I know why the caged bird sings
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existential6pm · 10 years
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"I want to fill my mouth with your name."
You, apple, are the object of my praise. I want to fill my mouth with your name. I want to eat you whole.
You are always fresh, like nothing and nobody. You have always just fallen from Paradise: dawn’s rosy cheek full and perfect!
Compared to you the fruits of the earth are so awkward: bunchy grapes, muted mangos, bony plums, and submerged figs. You are pure balm, fragrant bread, the cheese of all that flowers.
When we bite into your round innocence we too regress for a moment to the state of the newborn: there’s still some apple in us all.
I want total abundance, your family multiplied. I want a city, a republic, a Mississippi River of apples, and I want to see gathered on its banks the world’s entire population united and reunited in the simplest act we know: I want us to bite into an apple.
("Ode to the Apple" by Pablo Neruda)
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existential6pm · 11 years
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He was warding off the demons from her at nights.
Driving the blood out to the light
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existential6pm · 11 years
Not dilemma, But trilemma
i. Nothing exists ii. Even if existence exists, it cannot be known iii. Even if it could be known, it cannot be communicated.
Gorgias  (483—375 B.C.E.)
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existential6pm · 11 years
სისულელეა ყველაფერი! სისულელეა! სისულელეა ყველაფერი! სისულელეა! სისულელეა ყველაფერი! სისულელეა! სისულელეა ყველაფერი! სისულელეა! სისულელეა ყველაფერი! სისულელეა!
ალბერ კამიუ - თუთიყუში
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existential6pm · 11 years
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Sayaka Maruyama
Extremely valued art!
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existential6pm · 11 years
A Wild Cheep Chase
“There’re many things we don’t really know. It’s an illusion that we know anything at all. If a group of aliens were to stop me and ask, “Say, bud, how many miles and hour does the earth spin at the equator?” I’d be in a fix. Hell, I don’t even know why Wednesday follows Tuesday. I’d be an intergalactic joke.”
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