exogcnesis-blog · 4 years
Lydia Martin
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@xkatarite || Stiles Stilinski
      Lydia hung a left off the PCH at the Beacon County exit sign. She'd spent over twenty hours in the car with infrequent stops for the bathroom or to sleep. It had been years since the redhead had last needed to spend any amount of time forcing herself to stay awake. She did not miss graduate school, nor the social politicking which had gone wi it. In all honesty, she missed Boston. Though her flight from Massachusetts had been entirely involuntary and guided by fear, she couldn't help but to feel... strangely thrilled when she finally crossed into Beacon Hills proper for the first time since she'd left at eighteen. It still seemed mostly the same. Bricked streets with old storefronts. The 50s style diner was still standing and busy with the mid-day lunch crowd. The video store was still open and operating. At a stoplight she unhooked her phone from its charging cable and put in the name and address of Stiles' bookstore before firing off a text that she was about seven minutes away. They had kept in contact during her time on the East Coast, but this would be the first timne they had seen one another in person in more than five years. If Lydia were given to nerves around people, this would be a situation which called for it. Rather instead she pulled into a spot just outside Stiles' little shop and parked. Bright green eyes inspecting the storefront and snorting at the name. She glanced sidelong at the passenger seat and the glass terrarium it contained -- "You keep watch, and try not to eat anyone. This shouldn't take more than a half an hour." -- her familiar, a black scaled, earless monitor roughly the size of a housecat, flicked his tongue at the glass. Too-intelligent gaze seeming to say we've got this. She slid gracelessly from the car and, upon locking the doors, let denim clad legs carry her into the bookstore.
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exogcnesis-blog · 4 years
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exogcnesis-blog · 4 years
Still in the process of constructing muse pages. I need to add a rules and about next. Catch me on dis/cord Bean#8680.
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