exostudying · 4 years
The Study Buddies Project
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The Basics:
How does it work? 
You simply fill out this form, I get the information and pair you with a studyblr I thin you’d get along with based on what you’ve told me. Then, you get a message from me letting you know who your buddy is. 
Sometimes it’s hard to talk to people. This way, not only is your buddy expecting you but you also know they want to talk to you and become friends. I hope to build lasting relationships where fellow studyblrs can help, advise, support and encourage each other.
How are buddies assigned? What if I don’t get along with my buddy?
I look at hobbies, interests, likes and dislikes, field of study and age as well as the “What You Want” section and find compatible matches. If you guys don’t click though, you can always apply again to get a new buddy. 
Is this only for studyblrs?
No, this is aimed at studyblrs but even if you’re not one you can apply. Please note that there is an option for studyblrs to choose to only be paired with studyblrs. This is because I know some study blogs only follow other studyblogs, etc.
Sounds good! how do I join?
Easy! Just reblog this post and complete the form here and I’ll contact you once the pairing has been done.
*PLEASE NOTE: The pairing process will begin on Monday the 19th of February and will be ongoing from then on
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exostudying · 5 years
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exostudying · 5 years
I want a quiet life in the woodlands, paint on grassy hills, make homemade bread and pastries, make cozy quilts and blankets, take care of baby animals, have a garden of flowers and feel peaceful
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exostudying · 5 years
me: okay i’ve complained enough about this it’s time to put it to rest
me five minutes later: actually you know what-
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exostudying · 5 years
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Put yours in the tags.
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exostudying · 5 years
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me 💖
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exostudying · 5 years
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exostudying · 6 years
Knowing you have the next day off is more relieving than the actual day off
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exostudying · 6 years
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Emotions | Arabic
Emotions| Al `awatif = العواطف Feelings| Al masha`er = المشاعر
● N O U N S ● Fear| Al Khawf = الخوف Anger| Al Ghadhab = الغضب Love| Al Hubb = الحب Happiness| Assa`ada = السعادة Joy| Al Farah = الفرح Depression| Al Ikti’ab = الإكتئاب Sadness| Al Huzun = الحزن Calmness| Al Hudu’ = الهدوء Guilt| Athanb = الذنب Hurt| Al Alam = الألم Nervousness| Attawattur = التوتر Confusion| Al Irtibak / Al Hira = الإرتباك / الحيرة Amazement| Addah.sha = الدهشة Boredom| Al Malal = الملل Helplessness| Al `ajz = العجز Hopelessness| Al Ya’s = اليأس Exhaustion| Al Inhak = الإنهاك Tiredness| Atta`ab = التعب Sleep| Annawm = النوم Hate| Al Karahiya = الكراهية Loneliness| Al Wihda = الوحدة Regret| Annadam = الندم Jealousy| Al Ghira = الغيرة Achievement| Al Injaz = الإنجاز Frustration| Al Ihbaat = الإحباط Defeat| Al Hazima = الهزيمة
____________ To form a sentence using these nouns, you can simply say: Ash`ur or/ Ahiss b… [Enter emotion as noun] أشعر / أحس ب… = …I feel
_____ N O T E * It might not make much sense to say in English: “I feel Boredom” or “I feel Frustration” -and such-, but in Arabic this sentence construction makes more sense and is used alot.
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exostudying · 6 years
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See my Arabic vocabulary printables in action. 
Nouns: Singular and Plural forms - DOWNLOAD HERE! - A table to jot down nouns and adjectives in their singular and plural forms.
Misc. Vocabulary Definitions - DOWNLOAD HERE! - A table for new bits of vocab you come across on your journey into the language.
Verb Conjugation Table - DOWNLOAD HERE! - A table for practicing verb conjugations in the past, present and imperative forms.  - 3 versions available 
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exostudying · 6 years
The Aestics of Languages, from a girl w/ synesthesia
Norwegian: a clear babbling stream, snowy mountaintops, sea birds, reindeer, sledding down a hill
German: strong black coffe, cobblestone roads, cloudy skies, lustful gazes, red lipstick
Mandarin Chinese: walking down a city street, bustling crowds, stationary, the sound of opening a new book
Spanish: warm summer sun, laughter, bright smiles, dancing until you can’t anymore, gold earrings
Dutch: warm hugs, waffles with cream, good cheese, the smell of an old library
Hindi: marigold flowers, a sense of peace, brilliantly colored vegetables, flowing vibrant clothes
Icelandic: wind rolling over hills, crashing waves, tinkling bells, icicles
French: early morning sunrises, sleeping under a new duvet, strawberries, sharply drawn eyeliner
Italian: home cooked meals, singing alone in your room, boats
Swahili: music that you can’t help but dance to, winning at your favorite game, water dripping into a puddle, golden eyes, dark hair
Arabic: body art, mosaics, glitter, rainbows cast from sunlight through crystal
Japanese: delicate flowers, well made machinery, studying with friends, fireflies, the first snow of winter
Irish: flute music, wet grass, fairy whispers, a full moon, playing with children
Russian: alcohol, runner’s high, bronze statues, old buildings, heartfelt conversations
Feel free to add your own!!
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exostudying · 6 years
I have only two modes:
1. Oh, I want to stay in bed all day and pretend to be a depressed cinnamon roll, please
2. I want to clean the house, learn japanese, hawaiian, russian, arabic, sign language, linguistic, geographical stuff, read 5 books and practice watercolor
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exostudying · 6 years
Hii 😊 I want to learn Arabic language and I cannot find book. It would be a great help if u provide it or just tell me which book u use. Thanks
Hi, here’s a few Arabic Grammar textbooks, the ones with starts are one I’ve used and had a look at and would personally recommend the others I’ve heard good things about too, so take your pick. 
Basic Arabic: A Grammar and Workbook *
Modern Written Arabic: A Comprehensive Grammar *
Ultimate Arabic: Beginner-Intermediate + [Audio] *
Arabic Grammar in Context
Arabic: An Essential Grammar
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exostudying · 6 years
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Hace unos dias vi una serie de gifs de Marie Kondo explicando que a la hora de ordenar nuestra ropa debemos elegir la que nos produce felicidad, y para no sentirnos mal por la ropa que queremos botar, agradecer el tiempo que estuvo esa prenda estuvo con nosotros y dejarla ir..
Esto me llamo la atención y luego en Netflix descubri que habia una serie de ella, donde va a casas de personas y las ayuda a organizar. Me gusto su método y quise compartir algunos de sus consejos con ustedes. Quien sabe. Siempre se aprende algo 😉
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exostudying · 6 years
please take this compilation of this man’s tiktoks of his ferrets and ducks
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exostudying · 6 years
my attention span is so bad i cant watch something without being on my phone at the same time i always have to have 2 layers of activity when did this happen why is capitalism stealing my soul away the spectacle has me firmly in its grip
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exostudying · 6 years
the stereotype that women talk more than men is infinitely amusing to me because men are literally incapable of shutting the fuck up
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