emotionally broken by camila cabello and lauren jauregui
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2013 x 2016
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like if you save/use.
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never mind,im never finding one of those rare creatures
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real friends by camila cabello.
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some shitty icons of Camila Cabello.
please like if you save or use.
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like or c) rownmila
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Sit on my face Lauren, please.
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This is so deep…
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I’m tired of fake people, fake friends, fake love
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another one!!!!! she's on fire rn
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I saw on Tw that Camila said in this new interview that her new album is about her first love or some shit like that. What do you think about it?
The article says it is a “tribute to first love” She is later quoted as saying, “..., when she falls in love for the first time, and breaks out of her shell.”
Since THEY have tried to convince us, that her “falling in love with “ Ew is what broke her out of her shell, which in turn allowed her to “accept her true feelings for Canada”...That would mean, she is about to release a whole damn album about a guy she “broke up with” a few months ago. That’s total bullshit. She wouldn’t write a love song about that asshole con artist.
What they are going to try and convince us of, is that she has been “secretly” in love with Canada, “all these years”, and that now, she isn’t holding back. She wants the world to know, and she has written a whole ass album about it. Problem.....
She wrote and recorded ALL of these songs, while she was supposedly “madly in love” with the dickhead. So, for their upcoming narrative to hold true, we will have to believe, that the whole time she was “with” Ew, she was “secretly” pining for her true love...”Canada”. It’s all complete BULLSHIT!!!
THIS ALBUM IS GOING TO BE CAMREN AS FUCK, PERIOD. They can try and cover it with a narrative of her PR with him and every damn guy they’ve put her with. IT WON’T MATTER.
This is the album of her dreams. Neither the British Dickhead, nor the Gay Canadian fit that scenario. Only one person fits that scenario, and it’s the very beautiful, GREEN-EYED GODDESS, LAUREN JAUREGUI!!!!!!
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Man, and I thought Lauren struggled in some performances…
I made the mistake of watching more of Shawn’s live performances after the whole Señorita fiasco. He better latch onto Camila while he can because he won’t have a voice for long if he keeps on singing like that. It’s funny because, although we really shouldn’t compare a male voice to a female’s, Shawn makes the same mistakes as Lauren, only ten times worse.
His voice cracks a lot because he sings from the throat too much. He makes me want to hug my throat tight and promise to never sing like that. He’s out of pitch a lot. I mean, he did go out of pitch during a “Oh, la la” in a song one step lower than the original version. Easy, singable notes. Plus, Shawn goes out of breath a lot and tries to cover up by getting the crowd to sing. 
I say he’s ten time worse than Lauren because at least she stays on pitch most of the times and, you know, she’s actually dancing instead of just pretending to play the guitar. And Lauren is more creative with her runs and her growls aren’t as hurtful as his. She’s also a better performer.
There’s not much to say here. I used to think Shawn was a decent performer at least. But, well… I hope Roger takes Camila out of this frying pan.
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it was lauren request
Collab coming????
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Lauren having a heart attack in 3…2…1…
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i like blind items,,,,,,, i LOVE blind items
Check this blind item: 
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The tea is exceptionally good today
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Jealousy of Being Closeted
I was scrolling through my Pinterest account on Camren’s tag and I found the photo of the girls where Lauren holds the bus door for Camila to leave. Thing that Shonmila failed loudly.
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But what I found after that image was something that caught the eye, images of the girls, Camila and Lauren jealous of each other. I know there are videos of that on YouTube but I’m going to leave two of Lauren jealous here.
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They are not new and the last one even has a video but there is one of Camila jealous that caught my attention too much because I had never seen this one before.
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My first thought after to see this picture: WTF Camila? Why that face? 
And I wanted to stop here because this photo of Camila represents very well a couple in the closet. The fact that these couples cannot have a moment as normal as a selfie just like Lauren with a fan. Camila comes out in the frame in the image wearing sunglasses but we can see that she is not happy at all with the scene that Lauren has ahead. This other image had also seen her and it is a scene very similar to the first one but with Lauren jealous of the fan who was hugging Camila.
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(To be honest, I’m not really sure if this picture is real or not)
And Lauren’s reaction, of course, shouldn’t be so exaggerated if they weren’t a couple, but her expression proves otherwise. My point is, this is a consequence of being in the closet. Of having to remain in the shadows while the people you love are in the light, away from you enjoying the life surrounded by other people in front of the camera bulbs where your true love is forbidden to be unless it is not in the four walls from your house. A part of me will always admire these couples because it should not be easy to keep a relationship hidden that is not bad at all but cannot be public even if you want to and you know that there is nothing wrong with it either.
If these girls had only been friends, today we would not see any of this because one friend would not be jealous of the other just by surrounding herself with other people
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CC2 Era is Here
It is not just a coincidence that the CC2 era officially began after the VMAs. It is also not a coincidence that it is beginning right before Shawn is about to disappear for 4 months on the international legs of his world tour. 
But the thing that always gets me is the little tidbits that Camila drops especially when something big is going to happen.
The quote on her Instagram profile (that was taken down today) “She was free in her prison of passion” is more than just a thought provoking quote. Here are some interesting links I’ve finally figured out:
#1: The quote is a direct description of her life. She feels the most free when making music because it is her passion, but it is also her prison because she is bound by contracts and PR commitments.
#2: This quote was taken from Oscar Wilde’s only novel “A Picture of Dorian Gray”. It was considered to have immoral content because of its mockery of the times (1890s British society) and its themes of homoeroticism. Leave it to Camila to pick a quote from a book with this theme.
#3: Oscar Wilde was in a relationship with a man while still married to his wife. When people/the courts found out, he was put in prison and his life was ruined. This is not the same as Camila’s situation but there are parallels. She’s always doing PR relationships with men, but is in a hidden relationship with a woman (i.e. Lauren). And her management/label teams think that if her secret comes out her career will be ruined. 
#4: “Dorian” is in the title of the book she took this quote from. “Dorian” is also the name of the hurricane about to hit the eastern U.S. coast. Remember when Camila said a “storm” is coming on May 24th? Well she made that statement right before the official start of hurricane season in the U.S. which started on June 1st and will end on November 30th. (Note: Find U Again was released on May 30th, but was supposed to be released in early June. Mark Ronson wanted the date pushed up due to fan requests. Note 2: In her Instagram story a few days after May 24th, she posted a picture of open sky over water with a quote alluding to a storm coming…hurricanes can only form over open water. Note 3: Camila knows all about hurricanes since she grew up in hurricane territory i.e. Miami.) 
I wouldn’t put it past Camila to have looked up the names of hurricanes for 2019 earlier this year because it’s a preset list of names. Then made the link between the “storm” she wanted to allude to and this quote. 
And just the fact that Dorian is a hurricane, not just any thunderstorm, means it’s a big storm! And she hasn’t been wrong! 
Since Camila dropped this tidbit, I’m now expecting CC2 to be dropped before November 30th this year to conclude the “storm”.
It’s interesting that the quote I just talked about was taken down today because of this reason: Instead of giving us a tidbit/thought provoking quote about her real life, she’s about to divulge it all in the CC2 era starting with “what do I know about love?”.
Camila just dropped the “what do I know about love?” video earlier today to preview her album and as soon as I watched it, it gave me Lauren Jauregui vibes. 
Last year in September, Lauren dropped two magazine covers and photo shoots (i.e. Coup de Main and Nylon) with this same nature theme that Camila uses in her video. And the articles in those magazines are all about art, self awareness, feeling the emotions, etc. You can go check them out since the pictures are still up on her Instagram.
Putting that aside, the video is all about love and what Camila knows and doesn’t know about it. But she puts a huge emphasis on kissing (i.e. “when you’re in love, kissing is everything”).
And then later today, Ms. Lauren Jauregui decides to post 2 lovely pictures of her out in nature with the caption “kiss me like the sun”!!!
Could these two be anymore obvious?!?
First off, the indirect with the nature pics. Then the indirect about kissing. Then the kicker…”like the sun”! We all know Camren’s deal with the sun and the moon. So “kiss me like the sun” is basically saying “kiss ME Camila” because Camila is “the sun” to Lauren.
Anyways, this CC2 era is bound to be an ocean-full of insights into Camila’s mind, emotions, and private life that we don’t really get to see set to some amazing beats, melodies, and lyrics. Get ready people, the storm is making landfall!
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