emma: i want to take my gf to the prom
the pta:
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hi caitlin and izzy are on crack and we love them for it
(((i bought a poster and my mom hates me for it)))
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Caitlin Kinnunen and Isabelle McCalla delivering The Prom Musical’s Broadway Cares post-show speech. (source)
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how could they call this bad love (when all i want is more)
chapter 4 is up! i wrote this chapter in 3 days and had a lot of emotions while doing so yay
read the latest chapter here or the whole work so far here
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the prom musical + mulaney bot tweets
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emma compilation of that moment. you know the one.
(you can hear my quiet sobbing in the first one). 
order: caitlin, gabi, brittany.
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unruly hearts week days 2/3: favorite lyric & favorite musical number
yeah i combined two days. cause i’m lazy? maybe. cause i procrastinated posting this? possibly. cause it was less work to do them both together? it’s conceivable. either way, it’s here, and i’m insecure about it. so enjoy.
here’s my post for yesterday and today. i’ve been working on this for like 4 days now and i know that it could be better but i don’t have enough time to rerecord the bits i don’t like and, you know... learn piano, and guitar, and drums. i figured out the background and all of the harmonies by ear and there’s only one of me so it’s not exactly like the cast recording but it’s the best i could do. the last half of it is acapella cause i don’t know how to play drums and it would take me way too long to figure out all the stuff going on in the background of that section. also i’m sick so like pls don’t judge. ok i’m done stalling have fun listening to the only thing i’ve been working on since sunday.
“So fears, all in the past Fading so fast. I won’t stay hidden anymore.” -favorite lyric (day 2)
Unruly Heart -favorite musical number (day 3)
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unruly hearts week day one!!
here's a bunch of headcanons about my bby grill emma nolan cause i love her almost as much as she loves alyssa
emma nolan loves socks!!! 
she wears calf socks all the time and loves getting socks with fun prints on them (whenever alyssa is looking for a quick gift for emma she buys her a funky pair of socks)
emma taught herself sign language online to fill up all the free time she has cause she has no friends
emma and alyssa have mastered the art of nonverbal communication
whether it’s texting, sign language, sneaky note passing, or just being able to tell what the other is saying by their eyes, even though no one else can see, they connect throughout the day in any way they can
emma breaks her glasses so. much.
emma keeps a journal
when she first started developing feelings for alyssa, she wrote about it in her diary journal and accidentally left it out 
her mom read it and that’s how her parents found out she was gay. they kicked her out of the house the next day
emma nolan hates football with a burning passion until she meets alyssa
she goes to every single james madison high school football game to see alyssa cheer and at first, she hates every second of it, but after watching a few games she starts to fall in love with it
she plays football in the backyard with her cousins (the few who are supportive of her) and alyssa comes over every time to be emma’s cheerleader
whenever emma gets really anxious she kinda just shuts down. she stops talking, she can’t focus on anything, and the only thing she can do is stare into space and try to focus on her breathing
when she’s getting closer to having an anxiety attack she just starts bouncing her leg up and down subconsciously 
if they’re in class and alyssa’s around she immediately asks to go to the nurse and emma asks to go to the bathroom, and if alyssa isn’t there to notice emma texts her 
they meet in the band closet and alyssa just hugs emma or holds her hand and rubs her back and whispers to her until she calms down (the scent of alyssa’s perfume is the most calming thing in the world to emma)
emma needs a lot of help refocusing during/after an anxiety attack so alyssa asks her questions or tells her to name certain things until she’s back on track
(if alyssa is getting anxious, emma turns off the lights and just lets alyssa squeeze her hand and puts on really low, calming music for her to focus on and desensitize until she feels better)
grandma nolan gets emma a cat after she moves in
his name is gizmo, he’s a rescue, and he’s just the best
(i have so many more but this list is already so long so i’ll stop here but in conclusion, i love emma nolan. thanks for coming to my ted talk)
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The Prom Appreciation Week – Unruly Hearts Week 
What is The Prom? I’m glad you asked! The Prom is a Broadway musical currently playing at the Longacre Theater in New York City, NY. It is about a teenage girl in Indiana named Emma that was denied going to her school prom with her (closeted) girlfriend. After the prom is cancelled, a quartet of selfish Broadway actors head to Edgewater, Indiana trying to help Emma reinstate her prom and smooth their egos with a nice publicity stunt after their careers turns upside-down. Changing the world one lesbian at a time is harder than they thought. You will cry. Then laugh. Suddenly, you are crying and laughing? That’s part of showbiz, baby. 
How can we celebrate? We can celebrate however you can! We can make artwork, gif sets, headcanons, fanfictions, poems, moodboards, anything that sparks inspiration in you. There are no rules. If you feel more comfortable combining some of the days, go for it! This is not limited through just Tumblr. You can also post content on Instagram, Twitter, etc. Please promote this if you can across other mediums if you can! 
When is it? February 18 through February 24! 
I haven’t listened The Prom! What do I do? The Original Broadway Cast Album is out now! Available to listen on Apple Music and Spotify. Also, watch these nuggets. 
Themes: Day One: Favorite Character Day Two: Favorite Line/Lyric Day Three: Favorite Scene/Musical Number Day Four: Alternate Universe Day Day Five: Favorite Relationship/Friendship Day Six: Ensemble Appreciation Day Day Seven: What does The Prom mean to you? 
Tag #unrulyheartsweek so we can find and send love to your work! 
 If you have any questions, feel free to contact me @babysappho (personal) or here!
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