I’d just like to see him try 😂😂😂 I’m laughing so hard trying to imagine that.
But nah, he knows he lost Feyre forever. He’s probably sad and miserable somewhere. I hope he’s doing fine though. I hate him, but I also feel bad. He best be cleaning up his act...
I have this theory that the spinoff series might focus on the Winter Court, since Feyre and Rhys’s wedding will occur there. And if Maas put Frost in the title, then it has to mean something more than just a reference to the setting of the wedding.
I also think that the wedding won’t be completely romantic (because let’s be honest, a nice wedding scene is just too cheesy to include in a novella. A cute wedding scene would’ve been better as an extra scene in ACOWAR like she did the extras in Empire of Storms.)
Which is why I think Maas is gonna go all George RR Martin on us and create a wedding of havoc. Something bad is gonna happen during the wedding scene…I just know it.
P.S. (Let’s be honest tho, no one can do a wedding scene like George RR Martin) So we don’t have to be THAT worried.
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HA. No seriously...that would be awesome.
But I don’t think it will have anything to do with Rhysand and Feyre directly. But more so to whoever is going to be leading the spin off series as the main protagonists.
I have this theory that the spinoff series might focus on the Winter Court, since Feyre and Rhys’s wedding will occur there. And if Maas put Frost in the title, then it has to mean something more than just a reference to the setting of the wedding.
I also think that the wedding won’t be completely romantic (because let’s be honest, a nice wedding scene is just too cheesy to include in a novella. A cute wedding scene would’ve been better as an extra scene in ACOWAR like she did the extras in Empire of Storms.)
Which is why I think Maas is gonna go all George RR Martin on us and create a wedding of havoc. Something bad is gonna happen during the wedding scene…I just know it.
P.S. (Let’s be honest tho, no one can do a wedding scene like George RR Martin) So we don’t have to be THAT worried.
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I have this theory that the spinoff series might focus on the Winter Court, since Feyre and Rhys’s wedding will occur there. And if Maas put Frost in the title, then it has to mean something more than just a reference to the setting of the wedding.
I also think that the wedding won’t be completely romantic (because let’s be honest, a nice wedding scene is just too cheesy to include in a novella. A cute wedding scene would’ve been better as an extra scene in ACOWAR like she did the extras in Empire of Storms.)
Which is why I think Maas is gonna go all George RR Martin on us and create a wedding of havoc. Something bad is gonna happen during the wedding scene...I just know it.
P.S. (Let’s be honest tho, no one can do a wedding scene like George RR Martin) So we don’t have to be THAT worried.
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I feel like Cassian would be the best dirty talker in bed.
Could you just imagine Nesta scolding him?!
This is the kind of shit I think about at 2AM...sorry not sorry.
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Uhhh when did I say that she can ruin Azriel for the sake of Lucien? Never said that. Btw, I ship Elain with Azriel, all I was asking is for Maas to not ruin his character to make Azriel more appealing.
I didn’t enjoy the way she dealt with Chaol’s character in the ToG series to make room for Rowan. And even though I NEVER liked Tamlin (even in the first book), it was also obvious she tried extra hard to make him look worse in ACOWAR to make Rhys the night in shining armour. She’s not doing it for character development, she’s trying to sway people into another team without giving her readers a choice. And don’t tell me otherwise because it was SO obvious.
Don’t get me wrong, I like her books. But even I’m not going to let my obsession with her books blind me to the problematics of her writing.
When it comes to the whole Azriel-Elain-Lucien thing, I don’t want either character to be lowered below the other just to make the other more manly and heroic. Because both Az and Lucien deserve the world.
Idk what made you think I didn’t care if she ruined Az. I didn’t even remotely imply that.
Friendly reminder...
…that Lucien was once madly in love with a woman, and his father murdered her right in front of him while his brothers held him down and made him watch.
So even if Elain ends up with Azriel, Lucien still deserves THE WORLD. 
So please Sarah J Maas, treat him kindly and don’t ruin his character for the sake of a ship…
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Chaol talking about Yrene’s back dimples like they were created by the perfect indentation of God’s own two thumbs gives me life.
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Friendly reminder...
...that Lucien was once madly in love with a woman, and his father murdered her right in front of him while his brothers held him down and made him watch.
So even if Elain ends up with Azriel, Lucien still deserves THE WORLD. 
So please Sarah J Maas, treat him kindly and don’t ruin his character for the sake of a ship...
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Good lord, the feels, they might actually be killing me!
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Well it took a while… but here they are, them sweeties
RedBubble (though unfortunately can’t sell this piece)
This is for an art trade with @raconteurwitch btw
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Why are people hating on Chaol for being sad during of Tower of Dawn?
This kid whose entire life purpose was to fight on his legs, just got thrown into a wheelchair, perhaps for the rest of his life.
You can’t expect someone who has recently been disabled to just accept it quickly and get over it. Some need to be beaten down and allow themselves to cry in order to accept it in the end.
That shit takes time. So stop saying Chaol was a cry baby the entire time. You’re just trying to find reasons to hate him, and quite frankly, you’re being rude by indirectly insinuating that disabled people aren’t allowed to feel sad for themselves before realizing that nothing can make them anything less of a man/woman.
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no one is talking about it because her depiction of a non-white culture is a mess and only white/western people who have no idea what that;s like think it's praiseworthy chill tf out
I’m not white lmfao. And just because you’re not white doesn’t mean you’re a spokesperson for the all the people of color. I have many problems with SJM, so pardon me if I got excited because I didn’t have to read one of her extremely white washed Heterosexual books like her ACOTAR series and most of her ToG series. She does make it obvious like she’s trying to scream “LOOK AT ME IM BEING INCLUSIVE.” But still, I’m glad I didn’t have to read about Aelin and Rowan and Aedion and their constant self praising about saving the world and freeing all the slaves. You could’ve written your comment in a more mature way. Because it sounds like you need to chill, not me.
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They already had her chained up. So even after she gave them the information they wanted, AND gave them a way to save Dorian, they still beat and starved her and refused to give her water. So again, don’t give excuses. Aelin isn’t innocent, she’s also made aggravating and annoying mistakes, but people excuse her for it because she’s the purdy princess. 🙄
So lemme get this straight…
You all hate Chaol because he had a terrible past that included really bad experiences with magic causing him to be prejudice against the faes resulting in him to be a dick toward Aelin by saying mean things that hurt her feelings. (Not excusing his behavior, but I understand why he felt that way.)
But when Aelin literally chains up Manon under a boat JUST because she’s a witch and had no real reason to hate her…y'all try to find excuses.
Basically Chaol just said mean things that kind of cut deep, but Aelin LITERALLY GOT PHYSICAL WITH MANON and y'all think it’s okay. This fandom has a bunch of hypocrites with double standards I tell you.
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More sexy Japanese fanart that I’m totally in love with!
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Uhhhhh, I like Throne of Glass. But the entire series shouldn’t even be on a Young Adult series list much less a Children’s series list. LITERALLY HER PUBLISHERS SUCK! 
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What I don't understand is why Dorian didn't say it back?! Like it takes 2 seconds. And he wasn't angry with Chaol or anything...WHY DORIAN WHYYYY?!?!
Friendly reminder…
Yrene is the first person to say I Love You back to Chaol. Not even Dorian said it back…
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ToD question! I haven't read the whole Throne of glass series yet, still have empire of storm to read. Should I read ToD before empire of storm? Or is Chaols spinoff story building up for her seventh book next year??
Heyyy! I honestly don't think it matters which one you read first considering they both take place during the same time frame. So it depends on you. If you want a break from Aelin and co. then read ToD first. But I think ToD would be more emotional when there are Aelin and co references. So personally, I say read EoS first. It makes the plot twist in ToD more painfully amazing if you read EoS first lol. But it's honestly up to you!
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Okay but like...Chaol is the only white character in this book. This is so fucking amazingly important why is no one talking about it?!?!
It's about time Maas! Werk it!
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