eyedsilver-blog · 8 years
≺ ☀ ≻ BLAKE. @shadowbells
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her hands quickly slapped over her cheeks as they grew more and more red. was it really THAT obvious ?! no way ! she could swear she was much more cool and aloof about it. she didn’t know what she’d do if anyone found out about her crush, but if ruby’s MOTHER knows, there’s no telling who else knows.
“ r-really ? it’s that obvious ? ”
░▒▓ ✲ ▓▒░
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summer gives the faunus a knowing grin, silver eyes gleaming. ` oh, maybe not OBVIOUS to everyone, dear. but I was once your age, believe it or not ——  I know what it’s like to have a crush. ` a laugh follows, her own cheeks flushed pink. ` don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. ` a quick wink ; then, her expression fading to something more serious, even with the sympathetic smile : ` when do you plan on telling them ? `
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eyedsilver-blog · 8 years
qrow the crow, in full custom santa attire, begins to dance jollily around her while cawing out christmas tunes ( ewe )
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how cute !! summer resists the urge to scoop him up & press a BIG KISS to his feathery head, instead taking out her scroll to snap a few pictures. she manages, through incessant giggles : ` where in Remnant did you get a costume in that size ?? ` and then, firmly, ( despite her WIDE smile ) : ` well, it doesn’t matter how you’re dressed — those cookies are for Santa only, so get your BEAK away from them ! `
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eyedsilver-blog · 8 years
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some messy sketch of a good ship 
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eyedsilver-blog · 8 years
mOMMA ilu
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silver eyes meet her daughter’s matching ones, an eyebrow raising with SUSPICION even as she draws the younger in for a one-armed hug. ` I love you too, sweetheart. but —— are just you saying this because you WANT something ? I’ve already bought your Christmas gifts, so you’ll haveto wait till next December. `
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eyedsilver-blog · 8 years
≺ ☀ ≻ TAIYANG. @xiaolcng
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           taiyang always had a habit of staying up late whenever summer was on a mission. he couldn’t help but worry, even if it did disrupt his sleeping habits.
[ text ] i promise i will soon!!! [ text ] are you sure you’re being careful? did you pack enough ammo? [ text ] i miss you summer.
░▒▓ ✲ ▓▒░
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sadness weighs down the corners of her lips, but she manages a faint smile as she quickly sends a few assuring messages in return :
                TO TAI 💕                         [ TEXT ] i miss u too :’(                          [ TEXT ] but i’ll be home before u know it                         [ TEXT ] i’m always careful, dw. give the girls a good night kiss for me, if they’re not already sleeping                         [ TEXT ] <3 
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eyedsilver-blog · 8 years
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                       women and cats will do as they please
                                                                         promo credit: @tyriannical
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eyedsilver-blog · 8 years
≺ ☀ ≻ CARDIN.
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— [♝]
        “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” As if HER patience was wearing thin? Cardin was just asking her questions now to see if that would help the time pass more quickly.
         Indigo eyes kept lingering back towards the clock on the middle of the wall (why were they always analog?! those were the most difficult to read!), leaving the young student to wonder when this training session would be over. Five minutes would feel like thirty minutes.
         Cardin was sore, tired, and frustrated. He had already been training for long enough, already had gotten beat down by other students long enough, and this teacher was getting on his nerves. Yeah, she wasn’t as bitchy as Goodwitch, but still. She was annoying. “Look, can we just be finished already!?”
░▒▓ ✲ ▓▒░
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summer shakes her head, weak smile wavering ; a vague gesture is his motion to continue.  ` things will go a lot faster if you pay attention.  ` she points out, stepping forward with eagle eyes and palms planted ’gainst her hips. ` and the sooner you finish, the sooner you can leave. so —— if you really want to go, then get it done right. ` she knew the type of student Cardin was ( after all, she had been to school with other students like HIM : the ones that heard her soft voice & saw her small stature & SCOFFED ) . 
` you’re here to learn something, aren’t you ? ` she sighs, voice more gentle now. ` then listen, because these lessons might save your life someday. one of your biggest weaknesses is that you underestimate your opponent  — you throw yourself into battle because you ASSUME your opponent won’t be ready for it. it’s good to use your STRENGTH to your advantage, but sometimes you need a different strategy. do you understand ?? `
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eyedsilver-blog · 8 years
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                                   independent ruby rose from rooster teeth’s series RWBY                                              selective / mutuals-only / ten years experience                                                                  est. march 2nd, 2016
                                                              personals do not reblog ! 
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eyedsilver-blog · 8 years
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@lotusisms is such an awesome mun. Their portrayal of Ren is simply amazing and I love them!
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eyedsilver-blog · 8 years
five word prompts
[inspired by this]
“actually… i just miss you.”
“alright, i’ll leave you alone.”
“and slowly… i was forgotten.”
“and then everything just disappears.”
“and where do i go?”
“anyone could tell from here.”
“are you finishing that or…?”
“are you stupid or stupid?”
“anything, just call me, okay?”
“bitch better have my money.”
“bro… that’s so… not cool…”
“but did you do it?”
“call me now. it’s urgent.”
“can’t you listen to me?”
“cross that. don’t answer that.”
“don’t even think about it.”
“don’t you dare walk away.”
“do it. i dare you.”
“did you think i forgot?”
“eventually… you just move on.”
“even if you still do.”
“everything will fall into place.”
“fight me, you attractive stranger.”
“for once, i need you.”
“for once… i was right.”
“for once… i was wrong.”
“forget i even asked you.”
“forget it. you fucking suck.”
“fuck’s sake, what’s your problem?”
“fuck off. i mean it.”
“give and take. that’s life.”
“great. perfect. nice. fuck this.”
“have you lost your mind?”
“hello? it’s me. i was-”
“hey… that wasn’t so nice.”
“here’s a glass of whatever.”
“how about a hug, hm?”
“how about you make me?”
“i haven’t forgot you yet.”
“i can’t be around you.”
“i don’t need you, really.”
“i don’t need this now.”
“is this your first time?”
“it’s just a cut, really.”
“it wasn’t me, i swear!”
“i said i love you.”
“just don’t fuck it up.”
“just… come back alive, okay?”
“just make sure you’ve eaten.”
“kick his ass for me.”
“killed him? wait, what, literally?”
“life really sucks. feel better.”
“letting go hurts… a lot.”
“let me live, will you?”
“no, i don’t need you.”
“nothing can hurt me now.”
“nothing matters anymore to me.”
“okay it was me… so?”
“people lie all the time.”
“pipe the fuck down, asshole.”
“please, you can’t die now.”
“please don’t leave me alone.”
“quiet. they can hear us.”
“quick! give me your phone!”
“quicker, you freaking piece of-”
“quit it or i’ll bite.”
“quit staring! they’ll notice us!”
“really? do i look stupid?”
“real smooth, tripping over air.”
“rise and shine, sweet thing.”
“rise and fucking shine, motherfucker.”
“seriously? give me a break.”
“so… what are we now?”
“so… did you miss me?”
“so… can we go eat?”
“so… when’s the next flight?”
“so… how did everything go?”
“sometimes, i wish you died.”
“so what? you did it.”
“time passes slower without you.”
“then what do you suggest?”
“the fuck? who are you?”
“then you tell me why.”
“this is not working out.”
“this isn’t what i wanted.”
“this is all a fucking disaster.”
“when did it all happen?”
“who knew you’d be here?”
“why do i even bother?”
“why do i love you?”
“why didn’t you tell me?”
“you’re just… so, so stupid.”
“you can’t be here now.”
“you look like an accident.”
“you really need to go.”
“you know who to call.”
“zero fucks given. next please.”
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eyedsilver-blog · 8 years
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                                        WHY MY LITTLE FLOWER–                           I'M HERE TO WHISK YOU AWAY WITH ME.
                                                indie TYRIAN of RWBY.                                                      written by ADE.                                                        est. 10.30.16.
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eyedsilver-blog · 8 years
u should draw more rosebirb ... for science.
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it’s not v scientific to be cold raven 
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eyedsilver-blog · 8 years
≺ ☀ ≻ KALI.
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❛ Alright, well, just be sure to tell me when  you need more. ❜ There’s a momentary pause  before she spoke again, ❛ The simian, Sun I think  his name was. He just showed up with her and has  been staying with us since then. He likes the tea, he’s  also very kind. ❜
░▒▓ ✲ ▓▒░
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THE SIMIAN . . . ? the name is familiar, & she wracks her brain for a time when Ruby must  have mentioned him. ` oh yes ! I didn’t know he & Blake were so CLOSE ; but my daughter speaks very highly of him, so I have no doubt he makes a fine Huntsman. ` another slow sip of the tea, now cold where it sat in her cup. ` how charitable of you to let him stay here. ` the words are absent - minded, distracted — as most of her  small talk  has been. but the Huntress hopes her POLITE SMILE will mask her worries ; after all, Kali had been most charitable to open her doors to an armed human stranger with nothing but word as a gesture of peace. the last thing summer wished to do was OFFEND her gracious host. 
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eyedsilver-blog · 8 years
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aaaa the new ep was so good !!!!
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eyedsilver-blog · 8 years
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team moms!
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eyedsilver-blog · 8 years
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the moms of RWBY
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eyedsilver-blog · 8 years
mom what the heck
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the truth hurts, kiddo
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