eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
Ruka looked at the Kasugai crow and cocked her head at their words. So it is as she expected.
"I understand." Ruka's face remained serious. She didn't want to hurt the man's pride. "I had heard that the spider forest can be dangerous. You seem to have come out of it safely. I don't mind helping you. I'm not judging."
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eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
She returned her husband's hug. Surprised at his unexpected outburst of emotion. "Yes, it's me" She smiled and stroked his back. She took a deep breath and smelled the sake on her husband. Wistfulness hovered over her. Why was he drinking? She would ask him later.
"Shinjuro, my love... I can't breathe" She chuckled into his tight and overenthusiastic embrace.
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eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
*A man in the demon slayer uniform complete with a purple and black checkered robe with bells on it and a bunch of windchimes attached to a straw hat on his head.*
*it's clear he's lost but trying to hide it.*
Ruka was on her way to the market when she heard a wind chime. Turning to the sound she saw a man in a purple and black checkered robe and also recognized his demon slayer uniform. She thought nothing of it and continued on her way when she saw him again later. He clearly look a bit lost even if he tried to hide it.
"Good day, do you need any help?"
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eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
Ruka chuckled, the air on her fingers tickling her. It seemed impossible to contain his passion. She would probably never able to silence him, but she didn't want to anyway. She had always liked him that way. No, not liked but she loved that he was so passionate. And yes, a little louder than her, but she didn't mind that at all.
She perked up at her name and looked up at him as he got even closer and his tone became more serious. She had expected everything but not this. Was that really what he meant? Did he feel the same for her as she felt for him?
She lowered her gaze humbly only to look up again with a smile, her heart beating fast. "If your question is what I'm thinking of, then yes"
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eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
Pokemon Team Planner!
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Ruka' Pokemon Team
Tagged by @eyes-like-obsidian
Tagging: The dash ❤️
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eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
A soft laugh erupted from Ruka when she saw him so passionately eating the yokan and how the crumbs flew everywhere. Her laugh was a rarity and only he could get her to do it and she didn't mind that he saw that rare side of her.
She looked up at him with laughing eyes and brushed the crumbs off his cheek with her thumb and then caressed again his sharp jawline and smiled. "I'm glad you like it. I'd be happy to make you some yokan every day if you want. And before you disagree" She put her finger on his lips to shush him. "I don't mind. I like doing things like this for the people who are dearest to me"
She looked deep into his eyes and hoped he would understand. She didn't want to make the first step in whatever this was developing. She wanted to be sure that he was feeling the same as her.
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eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
Ruka followed the fox's gaze and saw the delivery harness.
"Oh I see, but how did that get there? Shall we have a look?"
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eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
She got up and heated up the miso soup for him and put in some chunks of sweet potato. Knowing that he liked them the most. Kyojuro had grown into a wonderful young man, she thought, smiling. She brought him the tablet when she was done.
"Enjoy your meal my dear."
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eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
Hello mother! I just recently finished my mission so I decided to come home early! How have you been mother?
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A soft smile reflected on her features. Glad that he was back safely.
"Hello Kyojuro, it is good to see you. You must be hungry, let me bring some of the miso soup for you"
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eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
Ruka remembered their first meeting and how she secretly had watched the blonde train. After that they kept secretly looking but never actually spoke to each other. Were they too coy? She didn't know. The first words and names were exchanged in the presence of their family when they both met while having one of their walks and only then did she find out his name. Shinjuro. A spitting image of the head of the Rengoku family and yet she could see the distinctive differences. She had been watching him closely ever since and they became friends. Even now she watched him again as he gave to the poor and in need what was meant for him. Her heart was filled from his kindness and she knew he wasn't just a friend but that she was truly in love with him.
This realization didn't shock her. She had already felt it, but finally she could name it.
As he distributed the last remaining food, she looked into the box while walking and saw that only the yokan was left. A quick sight around her and she realized that they were alone. She took one of the yakons and brought them to his lips. "Even if you think you are not deserving, I want you to treat yourself too, nobody is looking I promise." She looked up at him with slightly flushed cheeks and a soft smile.
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eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
"As you wish." She bowed her head slightly, linking her arm with him and gently resting her hand on his forearm before they both walked together into the village. Side by side, silently. No words were exchanged as she didn't felt the need for it right now, but it was not an uncomfortable silence. She always appreciated being able to be herself with Shinjuro and just enjoy the silence together without forcing herself into a conversation.
Other girls would have been disappointed or even saddened that he refused the homemade meal that she had prepared for him, but it spoke for him and his generosity. And while she'd added extra yokan, his favorite dessert, as a surprise, she was not ill-minded. She can treat him another time, she thought with a smile.
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eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
Late Valentines’ Special 🍶🎐
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Shinruka | 槇瑠
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eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
Ruka chuckled at his bashful reaction, covering politely her lips with her fingertips. "That's the least I could do. It should be celebrated, not many come out of it unscathed."
It was true, no one actually came back unscathed. She had heard some bad stories from the final selection and how many weren't even able to come back at all. She remembered the moment very well when she heard the message that Shinjuro was also on his way to the Mount Fujikasane. She was unable to eat anything for days. Her stomach knotted with worry and her heart in a bind at the thought that she might never see him again. None of that inner turmoil had carried through to the outside, except that she got a little thinner. But she was back on the road to health. She should never have doubted his strength.
"Shinjuro..." She took her mother's words to heart and tried not to be reserved. "Why don't you join me while we go for a walk. Maybe we can go to the river and enjoy the food there before it gets cold. I made enough for the both of us." She took the first steps and turned to him with a smile.
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eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
Ruka blinked in surprise when the fox responded to her name. "What a clever fox you are..." She ruffled the fur on their belly. "I wonder how you got here, or do you just want to be petted?"
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eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
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eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
She gently petted the fox's head. She had never seen these animals so trusting. But it pleased her and this time she fed the fox directly from her hand. She took a closer look at the red collar. "Hm... It seems like you have an owner." She read the name on the tag out loud. "So your name is Tsubaki? What a pretty name"
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eyes-like-ruby · 1 year
"Hello Rengoku-san" Ruka felt a pleasant tingling on her skin when she heard him say her first name. Maybe he didn't even knew that her last name was Sasaki, but she doubt it. Shinjuro was not a person who walked through the world with his eyes closed. No, his mesmerizing golden eyes that faded to red saw everything and maybe even more, despite his loud personality, which she enjoyed.
Maybe she should have addressed him by his first name so as not to seem so distant. Her mother always scolded her for how weak her expression was. She bowed slightly as she handed him a box wrapped in cloth. "I heard that you passed your final selection and wanted to bring you your favorite food to congratulate you." She gave him a smile.
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