peppurthehotone · 7 months
What happens when you get hit by a baseball.
Yesterday, I had the privilege to share my writer journey at an ASU Authorpreneur event. While recounting the story of getting a rejection from a London agent, I suddenly burst into tears. I quickly learned the emotion from that rejection was still living in me — eight years later. A few things. You guys know I’m basically ‘okay’ with being vulnerable. There were about 20 wonderful women in the…
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peppurthehotone · 11 months
How to let it all go.
Recently, a high school friend, Michelle Kohel, announced on Facebook that she was opening her own trucking and brokering company, Southport Trucking Services, LLC in Wisconsin. I was so incredibly encouraged to hear this news for her. What an endeavor! After working years in the field, she shared that she was taking a leap of faith and going out on her own. I love when entrepreneurs follow…
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peppurthehotone · 1 year
Let me help you help me!
Now that October is upon us, many of us are looking at these last few days of 2023 with a goal-oriented mindset. In my writer’s group, we have a “100 Days of Writing” challenge going on. We’re hitting these last 100 days hard with completion projects like finishing a manuscript, starting a manuscript, stock piling blog posts — all in the name of focusing on getting something done and feeling…
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peppurthehotone · 1 year
How to reclaim your power.
I bought a pair of shoes on September 5th. Here’s what happened next: Actually, let me start with how I bought the shoes in the first place. September 5th was a Tuesday; this shoe-buying event occurred around 2p that afternoon. From what I can remember, my day started late. I may have gotten distracted by something or was weirded out about something to the point where I couldn’t concentrate on…
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peppurthehotone · 1 year
Why gratitude matters.
I often mention that I didn’t grow up with sisters. There is something within me that seeks the safety of sisterly bonding and it usually manifests in how I collaborate creatively and within my friendships. If you have a sister, you may understand what I mean. This past week, my ‘sister’ Tanya arrived in Arizona. She didn’t come bearing gifts; she came with a whip ready to crack over our…
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peppurthehotone · 1 year
How to become a Shadowboxer.
Thank you for reading Pen and Peppur! Be sure to share if something resonates with you :) xoxo
Matt and I just completed a 14-day detox cleanse where we had to drink a special protein shake and also eliminated certain dietary meanies like dairy, caffeine, and alcohol, and gluten goblins like bread, pasta and cereal. I didn’t want to do the thing. I fought him on it. Until I didn’t. And it turned out to be an amazing thing that I am still doing. As outwardly adventurous as I may appear, I…
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peppurthehotone · 1 year
Be like me, but not.
Have any of you spent time thinking about the opportunities you’ve been given versus what your parents or grandparents were afforded? I’m super blessed to still have a grandma alive. Her name is Alberta (Grammy) and she is in her 90s. I’ve written about her before. Sometimes I sit with her and she tells me stories of how she had to yell at her kids (my three aunts and mom) to make sure they used…
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peppurthehotone · 1 year
Why being transparent matters.
I wrote this on February 22nd and F O R G O T about it! So, posting it now. Still relevant!Let me just say that I am super excited to be in this season of FINALLY launching my book, Harlem’s Last Dance. I don’t remember what I’ve already shared about it in past blog posts, but I want to start by saying this has been a nine year (ten year) journey. Sometimes, I really can’t believe it myself. When…
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peppurthehotone · 2 years
How to Find the Love of it All
It’s that time of year again! Hallmark Holiday time. There is a house in our Arizona neighborhood that really seems to be in love with holiday time. They show this love by being the king and queen of decorations. I mean, they go full out and and while it gives me joy to drive by their corner house and see their orange, glowing, spooky Halloween light projections on their garage and their 8-foot…
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peppurthehotone · 2 years
How to Act as If You Already Are
How to Act as If You Already Are
It’s the last Tuesday of 2022! I love Tuesday. I love how it looks when written, I love how it sounds and I enjoy how the number ‘two’ is embedded in the word, especially because we are in the year of the TWO’s! How exciting is that? What is your favorite day of the week and why? While you think about that, I’m going to offer you some very random things that low-key are inspirational messages…
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peppurthehotone · 2 years
How to have a Messy and Imperfect Thanksgiving
How to have a Messy and Imperfect Thanksgiving
Hello my friends! Happy Friendsgiving! I like using this term as ‘Thanksgiving’ is starting to sound a little icky given the knowledge we now have on how it all went down eons ago. At the risk of being hypocritical, I will say this. Even though I’m in my 50s, I still have such dreamy and yummy teenaged memories of our own Thanksgiving dinners over on Sheridan Road. I loved bringing out the table…
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peppurthehotone · 2 years
The Last of the Summer Whine.
The Last of the Summer Whine.
I join you from our dining room table, where to my right, I look out our large picture window where the afternoon October sun spills into the dining room. Gratitude. That is what I am feeling right now. As we know, emotions swing all over the place here are Pen and Peppur — just as they do with you, I imagine. I s’pose that makes it ever more important to highlight the fulfilling emotions as…
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peppurthehotone · 2 years
Writing About What I Can't Write About
Writing About What I Can’t Write About
I haven’t been able to write my blog lately. It is really eating me up. I put it on my To-Do list. I look at it listed there in bright pink ink written with my special Stabilo pen. I even got a new “Professional” Moleskin planner, spent something like $30 on it so I would use it and write my things to do and then subsequently do them. And with this task? I just haven’t. Today, while listening to…
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peppurthehotone · 2 years
Why Writing is Hard
Why Writing is Hard
Writing is hard. And you know why? Because writing isn’t just about putting pen to paper. It’s about a whole lot more. Like acting, writing is about the business of writing. It’s not just about getting to be creative and doing the thing you love. You must also do all the other things that come with it. I’m happy to announce my book Harlem’s Awakening has been republished with Spaceboy Books! But…
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peppurthehotone · 2 years
For All That is Instagram-Holy (I mean, announcing Her Words, His Wine!)
For All That is Instagram-Holy (I mean, announcing Her Words, His Wine!)
It’s June 24th, my brother’s birthday. In honor of this special day, Matthew and I are debuting “Her Words, His Wine” which is a YouTube channel about … you guessed it, words and mostly wine. Here is the blurb:Episode 1 : “Leaving Los Angeles” or FROM CHENGDU TO CHANDLER Story: Introducing Peppur and Matthew Soraci, a newly-married couple from LA moving to the suburbs of Arizona. As first-time…
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peppurthehotone · 3 years
How to not look (and feel) broke ass
How to not look (and feel) broke ass
So. We moved. I haven’t been able to write about it because honestly, my identity has been so wrapped up in LA, LA, LA or Prague, Prague, Prague or New York, New York … and now, I’m … Chandler, Arizona. What is sexy about Chandler, Arizona? I guess it’s going to have to be ME! (ha!) Here’s why I said this: Ghandi says, ‘Be the change you want to see.’ So, who am I not to listen to Ghandi? He…
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peppurthehotone · 3 years
Writing While Black
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