eyeson-thesky · 11 years
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eyeson-thesky · 11 years
Welcome to my new blog. I have decided to create this blog due to the fact that I am obsessed with UFOs and the concept of life outside the universe, and I have been ever since I was child (with thanks to my incredibly nerdy parents and family). Nothing excites me more than the notion of other intelligent species visiting earth. There is a lot of skepticism regarding UFOs, and it also brings up many philosophical questions. I truly believe that it is possible that other civilizations in the universe are so technologically advanced that they have created ways to visit other planets. I am not a science genius, and yes, if I had the capability to do a physics degree I certainly would not be studying Sociology right now, therefore I don’t know the scientific theories behind space and time travel, however from what I do know I believe it is possible that some beings may have worked it out. In regard to the skepticism, just think about this: 100 years ago, western civilization was only just harboring the concept of energy and electricity, and most people didn’t travel as far as their own cities. These days it is possible to travel almost anywhere you can imagine. We have technology which enables us to speak to like minded people all over the planet. Just imagine where we will be in another 100 years? or 1000 years?
However, we can’t rely on today’s technology forever, because it’s outdated. There are some people out there believe that the government are just sitting on renewable sources of energy, from extra terrestrial origin. Gary McKinnon, who has Aspergers syndrome hacked US Governmental files in 2001, and did so unnoticed for two years. The things he found were incredible. Firstly, however what he did was against the law, it was very easy for him to hack these computer systems as proper security was not in place. He first went in search for evidence of extra terrestrials (which according to him, he did find), and then went on to find that the US government had technology which was of extra terrestrial origin, technology that does not need fossil fuels to work. Gary made the argument that thousands of people, and in particular the elderly, were dying each year due to the rising cost of fuel prices, which makes it almost impossible to heat their own homes. This lead him on a humanitarian mission to disclose this information to the rest of society, which lead to his near-miss extradition out of the UK, and facing up to 80 years in prison in the US. My point here is that, not only do I find the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe mind-blowing, but if the government knows of this non-renewable energy source, why would they not put it to use? other than the obvious reasoning, such as ‘it may get into the hands of terrorists’, I think I pretty much know the reason why. Capitalism. That is all. I’m not going to go on a Marxist rant here, but that is the truth. The world economy relies on oil to survive. What state is your country’s economy in? Mine is in crisis. Things need to change!
So there you go, the reasons as to why I created this blog. Get abit of debate going, if you don’t agree with me, don’t just be rude. Tell me why. It’s all just for fun.
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