ezrapallis-blog · 8 years
@KadetKelly: I need a poptart
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ezrapallis-blog · 8 years
Nothing quite like getting up early and hearing the birds singing. If only they’d shut up for another few hours.
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ezrapallis-blog · 8 years
You are just so damn good at this, Sparrow.
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You deserve a raise, bud. I’ve never felt so lucky to be alive.
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ezrapallis-blog · 8 years
Taken aback by the offer, Ezra tilted his head. As a counselor he should do something. Discipline the girl or something. But he couldn’t. The campers were just kids so he tried his best to compose himself. “No thanks,” he laughed, trying to get himself back into his groove. “And while I should tell, I won’t. I used to do stuff like this all the time. I was just fortunate enough to never be caught.” He walked closer to the girl, trying to close the gap so they wouldn’t be yelling to converse. If someone else came out here, he’d be forced to take action against her.
“I’m the vocals counselor,” he said, not addressing her request right away. This wasn’t the first time he’d been asked to sing before. He’d sing under his breath at the restaurants he worked for and would be overheard by customers. Usually, they’d offer him tips and he’d oblige. He laughed before shrugging and saying, “Maybe. I’ve not sung for fun in front of people for a while. I might have something in my back pocket.”
He hummed a few opening bars and then started singing Rolling in the Deep. Risking his reputation as someone who didn’t jam to Adele in his free time, he closed his eyes as he sang, enjoying having an audience. Despite the fact that this audience was of one, a camper who he’d caught smoking weed, who he was going to let off the hook. When he finished singing he looked up at the girl. “I’ve always got that one in my back pocket,” he laughed.
High Times || Open
Hearing a humming from a distance, Kelsie stopped dancing to the song in her head and started moving to the tune coming from the unknown source. She wasn’t worried about who it was coming from, the thought that someone seeing her high would be an issue didn’t cross her mind. Her ballet was much looser than it ever was in a studio, which in the moment felt very artistic and rebellious, but to an observer would just look messy. As the song came closer, Kelsie turned around and saw the source. She smiled and stopped her dance. 
“Hey!” She said with a big smile. She bent over to pick up the Altoids box her stash was in, and held it out to him. “You want some? I don’t mind sharing.” Then she started to laugh, realizing who she was offering it to. “Oh shit, you work here don’t you? Ah, fuckery. Oh well. You can have some anyway, just don’t tell.” She didn’t believe she was in any danger of discipline. That was because the drugs made her chill, but also because she was very used to the liberal attitude of her dance friends back in Minneapolis.  
“You should keep singing.” Kelsie suggested, before Ezra had the chance to say anything. “I liked your humming before, is what what you do here? Sing?” She asked, hoping the answer would be yes. Marijuana made her appreciate more types of art than just dancing, and she didn’t want  any talent wasted. Her influenced brain was convinced that his humming was art, real art that needed to be appreciated. 
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ezrapallis-blog · 8 years
For the sake of his cabin mate, Ezra slipped on his shoes and walked out of the cabin, being careful to shut the door as quietly as possible. Heading out toward the woods, he smiled,happy to be able to clear his head. When he couldn’t sleep his mind raced with ridiculous ideas and thoughts. Normally he’d tell someone but lately he’d been waking Sparrow up nearly every night with some notion and one of them deserved a full night’s sleep.
He turned and made his way down a path, trying to get away from the camp a little ways. As he did, he started to hum under his breath, getting louder the further he got from camp. Normally, he wouldn’t sing but it’d been a long day and there was no one around, so what the hell. Singing made him feel good. It gave him an opportunity to make his mind completely blank, which would help him get to sleep.
There was rustling coming from his right. He continued his singing; if it was an animal it would be more disruptive to stop since he’d come this close to it. There was also a smell to the air. It reminded him of weed, but it had been a while since he’d bothered with it. Maybe it was a skunk. He walked a little slower and realized that what he’d heard wasn’t an animal, but a camper. He stopped his singing and looked on, watching the girl dancing. 
High Times || Open
Usually, cannabis was reserved for after a big performance or competition. Kelsie was never one to over indulge, after all. But being separated from her friends made her anxious enough to want to partake, and the close proximity to the woods led her to believe she could get away with it. Besides, she liked the mental image she had of herself smoking weed in a forest, it made her feel like she was a 1960s hippie, an aesthetic she had always liked. 
She brought her stash a little ways into the woods before lighting up. She had forgotten to bring a blanket to lay down on, but knew she wouldn’t mind the dirt in a few minutes. She looked up at the stars, noticing how many more of them there were than back home in Minneapolis, and breathed deeply. Being among the trees was therapeutic, in a way. She wasn’t sure if it was the weed kicking in, but she felt very connected to nature in that moment, like she could feel the breeze inhaling and exhaling with her. She smiled, then laughed under her breath. It was definitely the weed kicking in, she decided. 
Kelsie stood up and began to mark some of last year’s ballet choreography. Dancing while high was one of Kelsie’s favorite things, although she did enjoy it just a little less after an ill thought out decision to film herself doing it once. Now she knew she looked silly and over dramatic, but she tried not to let it bother her. After all, she wanted to dance for herself, so it shouldn’t matter if the piece looked like it belonged in a parody movie. 
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ezrapallis-blog · 8 years
You deserve a raise, Sparrow. I’ve never been more full of myself and I have only you to thank.
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They sure did, and I take it very seriously.
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ezrapallis-blog · 8 years
Both. Your siblings are gifts to this world.
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Because of the seven cookies or the fact that my younger siblings don’t understand how care packages work?
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ezrapallis-blog · 8 years
Well they did ask if you’d be willing to kiss your cabin mate’s ass and stroke his ego in your interview, didn’t they?
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That’s my job, isn’t it?
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ezrapallis-blog · 8 years
I’ve never loved someone’s family more than I do right now.
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My little brother and sister sent me a care package and it’s filled with a coloring book they already colored every page in and seven cookies. It’s almost just like being at home.
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ezrapallis-blog · 8 years
You flatter me.
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Everything you do is cute, pal.
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ezrapallis-blog · 8 years
Well, I’m adorable. So it is that cute.
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It’s not even that cute.
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ezrapallis-blog · 8 years
Well someone’s got to.
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You know you love my sassy assy.
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ezrapallis-blog · 8 years
You are DEFINITELY sassing me now.
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Me? Sass? Never.
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ezrapallis-blog · 8 years
I am! Vocals are my specialty. You don’t look like one of my campers. What do you study here?
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Probably sunburns make everyone a baby. But aaaanyway, are you a counselor here? 
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ezrapallis-blog · 8 years
Am I sensing sass, Sparrow?
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Right, my bad. I forgot for a second. Serious, that’s definitely the word I’d use for you, Eza Pallis.
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ezrapallis-blog · 8 years
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DOB: July 15, 1990 Gender: Male Hometown: Point Place, WI Area of Study: Vocals
“A fish can be a turtle if he fucking wants to be. Don’t spoil its dreams.”
Ezra has always loved music. Before he could even talk, he would babble along with songs on the radio and dance as best he could. By the time he was in grade school his parents sent him to every music class they could find. Ezra never tired of them, though. He even asked for more, despite spending a majority of his time outside of school in vocal lessons or piano lessons. Ezra advanced quickly and by the time he was in high school he was traveling all summer long to attend the best camps he could find to improve and immerse himself in music.
When Ezra graduated high school he went to community college while pursuing a music career. He was in and out of bands and auditioned for ever single music position he could find. As soon as he graduated with a degree in elementary education, Ezra moved to New York to pursue more professional work, but has ended up spending his days waiting tables and his nights performing with a little garage band. The job at Camp Somerset is a breath of fresh air and a testament that Ezra truly does have a strong musical talent.
Natalie Renwick || Vocal coach “Ezra is a talented musician who is skilled both vocally and instrumentally. I am confident that Ezra will excel in in any musical area, especially in a vocal position.”
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ezrapallis-blog · 8 years
@EzraPalace: about to go jump in the lake lol
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