f-uuro-blog · 12 years
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handsomevagabond started following you
"Hi there stranger, who are you?"
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"I'm Fuuro if you didn't know already~"
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f-uuro-blog · 12 years
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"Woh guys, I've been gone all day. Oops, sorry. I didn't mean to leave without warning but there was just this awesome pilot's gathering that I had to go to. If you know what I mean! But anyway, I hope you all had a wonderful day~"
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f-uuro-blog · 12 years
Dudes, like I'll probably be at school when this asks but hey.
Do any of you guys like adventure time and want to role-play as someone from there?
'Cause a couple of people and I have set up a role-play group for it and we'd like some more characters.
It's called algebraic-adventurers! There are like a butt load of openings and stuff. So if your interested check it out~!
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f-uuro-blog · 12 years
"Hi there cutie," Returning the smile with her goofy grin and wink as usual, Fuuro pivoted her curvy figure so she was facing the petite girl. "The name's Fuuro or Skyla, whatever floats your boat~ Personally I don't care what you call me. As long as it isn't anything rude or mean!" The azure orbs flicked over Ruby, as the redhead girl leaned in to grab a closer look. She couldn't tell what kind of girl this person was - obviously powerful but as to what else, Fuuro didn't know.
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"So what are you doing here in this here neighborhood?"
f-uuro started following you
“Hello there.” She smiled at the redhead. “I’m Ruby.”
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f-uuro-blog · 12 years
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f-uuro-blog · 12 years
Reblog if you're bored and want random anons.
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f-uuro-blog · 12 years
[/Humming absentmindedly as she ambled her way on the path. In all painful honesty, Fuuro had no idea where she was but it didn't bother her too much. After all, this wasn't the first time she had gotten lost, she liked the adventure. After a couple of minutes of blase walking, Fuuro came to a halt in front of a strangely familiar person]
"Is that..Ree?" [/tilting her head to one side, the redhead's azure eyes gazed over the stranger as she moved in carefully. As she got closer it became clear that this was not the girl she had been hoping for. Yet she bore the exact same appearence of Ree, there was something that this girl didn't have. Coming to a stand still, Fuuro waved a gloved hand at the stranger as she had obviously become aware of her appearence]
"Helloooooo!" [/Yelling at the top of her voice before racing over to the girl, who was sitting in the board daylight. The light filtered so beautifully over the girl it was like she was the center of attention of this dimly forest.]
[/As the bouncy girl reached where the other female was sitting, she noticed the large amount of pokemon scattered around her feet. Perhaps they belong to her? No? Instead of gazing over the vast party of Pokemon, Fuuro turned her attention back to the girl.]
"I seem to be somewhat lost, could you perhaps tell me where I am. Gosh, I'm such a silly bum." [/Pocking her tongue out playfully, still wary of the Pokemon which Fuuro had now realised were bug types but they were not the sort from Unova. They belonged in the Kanto region, maybe near Viridian City?] "Wait a minute...what are you doing out here in a place like this?"
More followers!
{Looking up from the book Green was currently reading, she decided to slide a bookmark to the page she was at and settle it to one side, returning her gaze back to them }
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f-uuro-blog · 12 years
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aquahime started following you
"Wait is that you Co- No wait, I'm pretty sure Corn's a dude and obviously you are a chick. What's up with this anyway like I mean, I've come across a girl Dent and a girl Pod and now a girl Corn...I wonder what happened to the male ones?"
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"Oh well best not dwell on those thoughts, if you didn't know already I'm Fuuro but you must know like a male Fuuro or something. I dunno, and I'm guessing your name is Cornetta or something like that?"
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f-uuro-blog · 12 years
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baopuu started following you
"Pod? Wait your not Pod. He's male and your female? What." Fuuro threw her arms up in the air and let out a huff. "Why does this keep happening to me?" She muttered under her breath softly as she turned away, placing a hand on her forehead Fuuro averted the females eyes.
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"Bugger. I'm so rude."
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f-uuro-blog · 12 years
"And this is what I do every morning. Silly propeller."
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(via TEGAKI Blog - - いあこ’s Blog)
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f-uuro-blog · 12 years
Just pucker your lips and give him a big kissy.
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It's not too difficult.
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f-uuro replied to your post: ahhhh kiss morty already
I agree with Mr Anon. Go. Kiss. Morty.
B-but I don’t know what…I don’t think I can do that.
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f-uuro-blog · 12 years
"OH?" She bowed her head apologetically at Morty, the crimson blush on her cheeks began to deepen and she shook her head in one flustered motion. Fuuro couldn't believe how blunt she had been, it was so embarrassing. In all truth, she was just a hormone crazed girl, and couldn't help the perverted thoughts but it was more a little awkward. The redhead took a deep breath, lifted her head back up Fuuro gave Morty a thoughtful look.
"OhmygodI'msosorryMortyIdidn'tmeantobesorudeandbrashitjustsortofslippedout." The bouncy girl raised her hands and began to wave them frantically, as she took a few steps backward. Mentally, Fuuro was beating herself up for saying what she had said but she knew that Morty would understand. He was just that sort of person. "Again," She began softly after settling down her thoughts and stupidity, "I am sorry. I'm such a butt sometimes..." Trailing off, as her gazed drifted away from him. She dropped her once raised hands to beside her thighs and let out a frustrated sigh.
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“O-Oh, no, no, no. We haven’t done anything close to that at all. Eusine and I are…just friends. Don’t think too much of it, Miss Fuuro.” He gave a soft chuckle, seeing the redheaded girl’s face turn equally red. Morty found himself flustering a bit, but quickly cupped his cheeks to hide them.
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f-uuro-blog · 12 years
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"Eto...No, it's alright. I'm just ehhh curious as to why you have this? Are you and him you know?" [/raises eyebrows suspiciously] "Fucking? And he likes to give you saucy pictures...this could mean so much!" 
“O-Oh. I’m terribly sorry for the trouble, Miss Fuuro. I’ll…casually put it away.”
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f-uuro-blog · 12 years
"OH MY GOD SEMI-NAKED MEN!" [/runs away and hides] "Not cool guys. I can't deal with this sort of thing in the morning."
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f-uuro-blog · 12 years
championsteven started following you
shycila started following you
moechampion started following you
"Woh," The redhead took a few steps back, as her eyes began to glitter at the ever so familiar people who stood before. To Fuuro's utter surprise, she knew who they were. The once hoenn champion, the Unova champion (Who now appeared to be female - but that didn't really faze Fuuro all that much. After all that seemed to happen a lot) and Dent or Female dent. Giving them all a radiant grin, Fuuro pranced in closer tapping her large boots on the ground as she did.
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"Sooo, what are you all doing here? I mean you are all totally important and stuff, and I'm pretty sure that I'm highly insignificant," Winking at her fellow colleagues, before clasping her hands behind her back and watching the scenery around her. She didn't know now what to say, in the back of her mind she hopped that they were much more interesting than herself, and able to keep a conversation but still. Fuuro awaited there response.
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f-uuro-blog · 12 years
Woh, hold on a moment.
what is going on?
people calm your worrying buttcheeks down.
They said they were going to hold the event again some other weekend.
No biggy.
And the ponies - look, personally ponies are fine cool whatever but I do not think they had anything to do with the removal or postponing of the event - however I think people should respect and be considerate of others choices. I mean everyone had the right to be whoever they wanted...it's wasn't restricted to certain people from a certain anime. And anyway, if you didn't want to participate it in, you didn't have to. But how dare any of you bully the admins - they are doing their very best to hold things together. And they are wonderful people.
so, everybody calm down. Cool your jets and stuff.
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Also, it was a parody - meaning you were not actually role-playing as your preferred person or character. It was sort of like a dress up for your own character.
And like if you still wanted to role-play as a certain character why not set up an role-play for them?
but okay. I don't want to see anymore rants. pinky promise.
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f-uuro-blog · 12 years
Huh? Why are there so many odd looking people around?
Not a single person I know. I'm gonna just stay in the safety of my gym for the weekend.
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Have a nice weekend people I don't know.
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