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Android Jetpack masterclass in Kotlin Kotlin, Room, Navigation, Data Binding, MVVM, Notifications, Permissions and a lot more
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Android Jetpack masterclass in Kotlin Kotlin, Room, Navigation, Data Binding, MVVM, Notifications, Permissions and a lot more
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Android Jetpack masterclass in Kotlin Kotlin, Room, Navigation, Data Binding, MVVM, Notifications, Permissions and a lot more
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Mastering Mobile App Design With Sketch 3 Learn how to design mobile apps with Sketch 3 for beginners
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Android Jetpack Architecture Components & MVVM Masterclass Android Jetpack, MVVM, Room, DataBinding, ViewModel, LiveData, Paging,Navigation, Dagger, Retrofit .. All In One Course!
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The Complete iOS 14 / iOS 13 Developer Course - and SwiftUI! Learn iOS 14 development with Swift 5 + Xcode 12. Build apps, games (Instagram, Foursquare etc) + also discover SwiftUI!
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Ionic 3 Apps for WooCommerce: Build an eCommerce Mobile App Build an eCommerce Mobile App from start to end using Ionic Framework 3 and WooCommerce using HTML, SCSS and TypeScript.
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iOS 12 & Swift 5 - App Design, UI/UX plus Development The three-in-one course that teaches app design, UI/UX and iOS development. Includes Sketch and Figma.
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A Beginner's Guide to Augmented Reality with Unity Learn to Create Mobile AR Applications with Wikitude, Integrating ARKit & ARCore for iOS and Android.
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Mastering ARKit for iOS Build 25+ Augmented Reality Apps - Updated for ARKit 2.0
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How to Make a Freaking Android App Make apps for Android M - Marshmallow, using Android Studio for Mac or Windows. You will also learn Java programming!
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iOS 11 and Xcode 9 - Complete Swift 4 & Objective-C Course A Complete iOS 11 and Xcode 9 Course with Swift 4 & Objective-C
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Kotlin Android Development Masterclass Learn Kotlin, Android Development, Android Studio & IntelliJ IDEA from Scratch. Build Android Apps in Kotlin.
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Develop Full iOS Instagram Clone App in Swift & Xcode Best Swift Course Ever | Build Complete Instagram Clone | All Features & Functionalities | Build Your iOS Social Network
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iOS 12: Learn to Code & Build Real iOS 12 Apps in Swift 4.2 Master iOS 12 development with Swift 4.2 building full-stack apps in this brand new course. Incl. Core ML 2 & ARKit 2!
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React Native Expo from Beginner to Pro :: Also with MeteorJS New to programming? Want to create awesome apps? This is the perfect course for you.
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iOS 10 and Xcode 8 - Complete Swift 3 & Objective-C Course A Complete iOS 10 and Xcode 8 Course with Swift 3 & Objective-C
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