fabsailing-blog · 6 years
Fabrice beamed practically bounding out of the dining hall on to the main deck. As the tiny voice coming through the tannoy system announced they'd docked in Shanghai!
It had been so long since he'd been able to speak is mother tongue, honestly, he was just as comfortable in not more comfortable speaking Mandarin as he was French.
He'd been at sea so long he hungered to get his feet on dry land again. Shanghai was a beautiful city. and He really needed to visit The Jade Buddha temple. He needed to pay his respects and offer prayers
Feng-Liang, goodness he hadn't that name in a very long time. He was very excited about this. The thing dampening his spirit was the ovecast weather today.
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fabsailing-blog · 6 years
“Oh, Oui, oui” he beamed at Hanjae when he heard the word `sign` halfway through the lifeguard miming the act of writing. His English wasn’t as bad and the other thought.
He hummed absently to himself and he wrote in his tightly-packed and slightly tilted script.
The message read `Hanjae, May fortune find you and the light of joy fill out or years, All my best wishes. Fabrice Peng. With his signature lotus flower bracketing the writing and each end.
"There you go!" he chirped at Hanjae with a cheeky grin.
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Sun loungers and chlorine
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fabsailing-blog · 6 years
The short chats he managed to have with KJ, were always somewhat amusing. She was always pleasant to talk to. "Oh it a, 'igh school," he pressed his palm to his forehead How could he forget
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"Assistant, well I'm sure the children love you," he laughed warmly He listened intently to KJ talk he then squinted at her "Seojoon? familiar name, don't think I've ever seen 'is face,"
"Kids are a 'andful at any age," he smiled at KJ pushing his hair back as he sighed. His smile became a little sad. remember his family and extended family back in France.
He then chuckled a softness in his eyes "My cousin, bright boy. Gifted I think," he sighed leaning on the table. "Faun, only in 'irst grade,"
He shook his head. best not to dwell on who he missed. He wondered if his grandpa was okay, he'd been ill when they'd last docked in France. He remembered his Mother was at the port with dad and grandma on her walking frame.
Grandma has been holding a bunch of sweet pastries. His mother flowers and his dad of course with a huge bottle of expensive looking Lychee liquor.
He shook his head, "Ah, plans no, seems that tonight. I was told this morning I'd been put on first shift dinner service. Thursdays."
He rubbed his face all night dinner service Sunday. As well as Monday lunchtime and Wednesday breakfast wait staff,"
He groaned such an uptick in work was gonna mess up his rehearsal schedule. "Management, 'iad I was, too IDOL., for too many hours a week,"
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“Oui, very much so more important,” he gestured to himself that same smile on his face, “Ah, a job I could no do,” he flapped his hand trying to think of the English for what he wanted to say.
“I am, what you call, uh, a soft touch,” he smiled leaning back in his chair sweeping his hair back. “What type of school do you teach?”
“Proud, oui, that I am” he raised his hand as if to say `I’m guilty`. “uh, some wait staff, call me a braggart,” he gave a smirk and a shrug. “Ce qui sera sera,”
He took the small not book he carried in his pocket, scribbling down `Que sera sera`. Probably noting it down for a lunchtime performance he was scheduled for Monday
The entertainer chuckled to himself as the girl’s reaction to the revelation about the new ice cream flavours. “Oui, I tried the Blueberry, tasted like real blueberries. So creamy and rich, though, high, HIGH quality!” A passing waitress giggled at Fabrice’s flamboyance.
“Apparently, the caramel latte was salted caramel, salted with gourmet sea salt,” he rocked the chair on its rear legs. reading over the songs he’d noted for the performance.
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fabsailing-blog · 6 years
“Right away, Madame,” he a small bow he wanders away from the table. Too much free time, management thought. So he’d been put on dinner service, this Friday night. Hopefully, his clumsiness wouldn't cause trouble.
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fabsailing-blog · 6 years
"Oui, very much so more important," he gestured to himself that same smile on his face, "Ah, a job I could no do," he flapped his hand trying to think of the English for what he wanted to say.
"I am, what you call, uh, a soft touch," he smiled leaning back in his chair sweeping his hair back. "What type of school do you teach?"
"Proud, oui, that I am" he raised his hand as if to say `I'm guilty`. "uh, some wait staff, call me a braggart," he gave a smirk and a shrug. "Ce qui sera sera,"
He took the small not book he carried in his pocket, scribbling down `Que sera sera`. Probably noting it down for a lunchtime performance he was scheduled for Monday
The entertainer chuckled to himself as the girl's reaction to the revelation about the new ice cream flavours. "Oui, I tried the Blueberry, tasted like real blueberries. So creamy and rich, though, high, HIGH quality!" A passing waitress giggled at Fabrice's flamboyance.
"Apparently, the caramel latte was salted caramel, salted with gourmet sea salt," he rocked the chair on its rear legs. reading over the songs he'd noted for the performance.
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fabsailing-blog · 6 years
Fabrice cocked his head to the side blinking as he noticed, a sadness to the girl's smile. the twenty-four-year-old hadn't ever thought anything of it. most people hate cruise liner jobs, or So he heard. the tedium of cranking shows several days a week for some was too much,
"Ah, but a teacher, is a much more important job, no?" he asked, he laughed again "Grandma, treated my choice of career," he clicked his tongue. "Like I said.I was joining, a travelling circus."
"Aiya, the first time I ever, talked back to my grandma, what that day," He rubbed the back of his head. "still get a phantom sting, from that slap" he looked back at the girl. "`I told her `Yeah, and I am going to be the ringleader!`" he laughed again.
"She caught me as I may have flounced out the room,"
He then nodded eagerly, "Oui, Oui, two, Blueberry and the second one was caramel latte," he smiled before more a fan of dark coffee himself.
"Ah, the sous chef must have brought them just after you left," he shrugged.
Fabrice had been deep in thought, regarding tonight’s performance. He had a dress rehearsal in an hour. He turned raising a brow at the rather morbid conversation starter.
Thursdays, were an odd day for him he usually was relieved of his entertainer duties and whiled away his day, by the pool people watching in the dining hall or of course rehearsing for his next show in the Oceanic lounge, throughout the morning.
“Oui I’d say so,” he said leaning back in his chair, “What’d ‘ou think, ‘ou perhaps thought, ‘ou boarded the Titanic?” he chuckled to himself.
He nodded at the mention of the sundae bar. “Chef, made two new flavours for us, did ‘ou try them?” He’d partaken in testing the new blueberry flavour.
Anytime KJ spoke to the performer, her smiles became sad. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy talking to the other, she just saw her dreams being lived out by him while she was stuck teaching. She couldn’t say that it wasn’t her own fault, though, as she’d failed to audition as an entertainer on the ship throughout the duration of her time working for the cruiseline.
“I could say that to an extent we have.” She played along with the Titanic joke with a smirk. “We’re just slightly better than it was.” KJ placed her glasses onto her forehead like a headband as she sat up excitedly in response to the other’s comment. “I didn’t even KNOW there were new flavors!” She exclaimed. “When I went, it was all the usual ones.”
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fabsailing-blog · 6 years
It was uncanny how crowded the pool area became whenever he had a shift. However, he had to assume it mostly had to do with his work hours as they correlated to the hottest time of the day. It was a miracle that Hanjae wasn’t tanner from the sun, but he did a wonderful job applying sunscreen every hour or so—the man had a strict skincare routine that he refused to break just because his job involved the sun’s harmful rays.
Lifeguards were kind of like the mall cops of swimmers, their job was to either wait for someone to drown or break pool rules. Depending on the day, he would have swimming and CPR classes to assist, but he was put on pool duty again. Great.
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The consistent glances between him and the relaxed man across the pool was a distraction he really did not need. Was he delusional or were they staring right at him? He had to slide his sunglasses on to view the stranger better, but as soon as he recognized them, he felt a jolt of excitement. That wasn’t just ANY stranger, that was Fabrice Peng, an entertainer on the ship. Funny enough, he never intended on being a fan, but it didn’t take too much convincing either. Now he was the one who was staring. Without any hesitation, he stole a pen from a coworker and approached the man. And like any normal person, he blurted out: “Can you sign my swim shorts?”
Fabrice was now gazing up at the sky, tanning reflector board before he sighed softly a smile on his face. He then thought for a moment he'd forgotten to put tanning lotion on his face. He made an annoyed sound reaching for his tanning lotion.
He jumped being splashed by a playful teenager, he stood from his lounger, his face looking stern. The young girl look transfixed on him.
His face suddenly switched to a cheeky grin as he splashed the stunned girl, shocking her a little. Being an entertainer meant when he was by the pool, he didn't have to be professional.
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She let out a shriek, falling back into the water before bobbing up and laughing. `sign my swim shorts` he heard a twittering in his ear.
He turned his head with a warm smile, "Pardon moi, I don't think I heard you clearly, what was that?" he asked standing back up again.
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Sun loungers and chlorine
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fabsailing-blog · 6 years
It's a Wednesday, at 9pm. Fabrice flicked through the notes he'd made on his phone. Blackout has just opened for the night. He should go back to his room and shower as well as change his clothes before heading there. a couple hours couldn't possibly hurt.
He scratched his chin his dress shoes clicking gently on the decking. He raised a brow noticing the waiter he met the day before, sat alone at the bar. He poked his head around the door, Fabrice's eyes rolled back as he tried to remember his name
"Ah, Bong, Is it not?" he asked smiling at the waiter as he wandered over to the bar. The tender must have currently been checking stock in the storage room.
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Timeline: 4th April 2018, Wednesday Humpday! 9:00 p.m. Location: Bar, Oceanic Korea. Mood: Tipsy… A bit too friendly… Attire: Black shirt, black jeans, runners, and a cap.
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After a very exhausting day working, Bong decides to unwind not by hiding in his usual spot and smoking. This time, he opted to hang out at the ship’s bar, trying new beers before downing shots of tequila…
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fabsailing-blog · 6 years
Bong could hear the excitement in the musician’s tone. The other was genuinely happy talking about their performance and by the looks of it - an iPod in one hand - the man was preparing for his show. No surprise Fabrice knocked down the glasses, the man was occupied. Bong nodded as the other continued to share information about himself and he slightly felt bad when the other obviously stepped back from discussing the show when he shared he wasn’t a fan of the show…
“Oh, I’m not saying I’m not a fan of your show,” he didn’t know why he had to explain himself. He probably didn’t want to offend the musician especially when the other was excited talking about the number they were preparing. “Just that I haven’t see it. Or any of the show on the cruise for that matter,” he nodded. “Ah me? I’ve been working here for a month. A little over, I’d say…” His shoulders shrugged. “Is this your regular gig? Ya know, cruises? Or do you perform somewhere else? Like - are you trying to get a record deal or something?”
“Oh, right, I’m Bong,” he offered his hand, thick and rough from all the work and shook the artist’s firmly.
Fabrice safely tucked his the bright pink device in his pocket. Tomorrow's performance was indeed a case of short notice and little time to prepare. The usual entertainer was stuck with a, horrible flu that had left him >bed ridden
"Ah, this show was given to on short notice, eh, what can you do?" He shrugged grinning at the waiter, he was politer than some wait staff he'd had the misfortune of meeting. He scratched his neck.
"The comedian that works lunchtime on Thursdays has flu,," he had a grave expression. the comedian was of an advanced age. It'd be taking a toll on him.
"Oh, only a month, the first six months, are the 'ardest, no?" he kept a smile on his lips now, it had been a long time he'd been a fresh-faced newbie like this waiter.
His brows creased `regular gig?` "Oh, yes, it 'as been regular, since he stared 'ere. I used to play flute as music," he laughed to himself remember the small room of his uncle tea house, where he played the flute. "Ah, played the flute at my uncle's tea house,"
"Ah, my pleasure to meet 'ou Bong," he nodded. Shaking Bong’s hand back.
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fabsailing-blog · 6 years
Sun loungers and chlorine
High noon, smooth seas and a warm sun. in Fabrice's humble opinion the suitable weather to lounge on the Southern deck, by the Oceanic lagoon. The rather exotic name for the largest pool on the cruise liner.
He leans over the side of his lounger for a small white bottle. He popped the bright orange cap and squirted the creamy substance in a blob on one of is arms, slowly spreading the tanning lotion.
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Sliding his gun glasses up, he peered around before sliding his glasses back down again. observing the fine statues of the swimmers, particularly a certain blonde lifeguard. Well, you’d have to be visually impaired not to notice the prime specimen what was indeed the lifeguard Hanjae.
Hanjae amazingly was one of the few names he could actually associate with a face.
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fabsailing-blog · 6 years
💕 I’m fine with pre-established relationships😝
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fabsailing-blog · 6 years
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mesmerizing 🌟
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fabsailing-blog · 6 years
Fabrice had been deep in thought, regarding tonight's performance. He had a dress rehearsal in an hour. He turned raising a brow at the rather morbid conversation starter.
Thursdays, were an odd day for him he usually was relieved of his entertainer duties and whiled away his day, by the pool people watching in the dining hall or of course rehearsing for his next show in the Oceanic lounge, throughout the morning.
"Oui I'd say so," he said leaning back in his chair, "What'd ‘ou think, ‘ou perhaps thought, ‘ou boarded the Titanic?" he chuckled to himself.
He nodded at the mention of the sundae bar. "Chef, made two new flavours for us, did 'ou try them?" He’d partaken in testing the new blueberry flavour.
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“Well, we haven’t sunk yet, so that’s always a good thing.” The girl attempted to ease her way into conversation, though she quickly realized her sentence probably wasn’t the most soothing starter. “And they had a sundae bar at the buffet for lunch so I was able to grade some tests with a happy stomach. And we’re finally on our way to Jeju-do, so I think it’ll be a good field trip opportunity.”
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fabsailing-blog · 6 years
Fabrice awoke hwaring the tinny sound of the tanoy system said has he lounged by the pool, docking in Jeju again after. Oh it just have been, he pulled his phone out, "Wow really a whole year since I was last here?" he asked himself.
He streched his arms out above his head before walking away from his sun lounger beside the pool. He trotted down to the topr deck, to get a good view. it'd be good for him to get off the crusie liner and wander around Jeju again.
It must have been around 11am, so the late rising guests weren't awake yet, espcaily after the roaring sucess of last night's show, Fabrice would be understand if not everyone was bright-eyed and wide away right now
The man ruffld his, short russet hair, he'd got it dyed when they'd last docked, somewhere else in Korea, most probably Busan.
Alas he'd spaced out, not looking where he was going, Fabrice took a nose dive, getting his foot caught in an abandoned towel. He feel right on top of some poor passaganer.
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as conceited as it sounds, after travelling around the world to compete, docking in jeju doesn’t really excite him all that much. sure, he’s keen for a change of scenery, but the amount of time they’re docked here means that it doesn’t take long for him to grow bored of wandering around and seeing the sights. he knows it won’t be like this the whole cruise ( else he wouldn’t have let his parents persuade him to come ) but for now, at somewhere so close to the place he’d been trying to escape from, he just isn’t all that enthused. 
so he stays on the ship. he lounges out on the quiet top deck, most of the guests having gone ashore, headphones in and eyes closed. peace, calm… this is the life. 
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fabsailing-blog · 6 years
Fabrice rubbed the back of his head, He loved his job. who'd wilingly chose a job they hated? Had he really lived such a charmed existance, that it never occoursed to him tha people might not actually like the job, they do for a living?
Pushing those questions to the back of his head "Yes I do, In my third language primiarily," he laughed forgetting not everyone exactually grep up needing to know more than one language.
"'Owever, I have French peromace planned for tomorrow!" He hummed pleasntly, grabbing his ipod On the devices green is showed that the song `La mer" was hghlighted and halfway through
"'Ow long? almost four," he trailed off trying to find the right phrasing, heis English was quite good convosationaly, but it was obvious he wasn't fluent. "And a 'lf years," he finished.
He leant forward a little bit smiling, "And 'ow long 'ave you been working 'ere?" It sounded like he was bubbling with exitemeant. possibly from mentioning his performance. Whitch is why he pulled back frowing when the stanger, said he wasn't a fan.
"Oh alright then, sorry, what is 'our name again?" he asked genuinely since he'd either already forgotton or hadn't heard it yet.
Fabrice was suprised, he hadn’t ever met a Korean that spoke such good English, he’d grown up translating Chinese to French for the sake of family that came to visit so when they went on tous and wandered around town, they’d understood stuff,“
“I learnt English, in School, like everyone else did,” he said his `i` sounds, sounding like e’s and placing enphisis on strane scylables in the middle or at the end of words.
In Eourpe is was common for English to be a second language and of course and third if you grew up Sspeaking another at home and French outside the house
Fabrice stepped a couple steps back, picking up the topped chair, he ipod and earbuds stroon over the tabletop, thanful the vase of spring flowers still neatly placed in the middle
“Ah, No, No, I’m an entertainer! ‘ou must not be, working when I’m usually around,” he smiled brightly at Bong. “'ead liner, he said [roudly, friday nights, I am, Sometimes, Sundays. And last Chinese new year! Well I don’t know the English expression, ‘owever the people they love it!” He than laughed, he could come across as a braggard but he was just proud of his work.
“Oh, you actually like your job,” Bong muttered but not loud enough he hoped, for the other to hear. He thought, at least one of them did… “You sing,” he nodded his head, still calculating what he truly think of the man before him. One thing for sure tho - aside from the fact that Fabrice liked his job at the cruise ship - was that the other was very proud of his chosen career. Bong wished he could say the same thing about himself and his chosen path. No, no, he stopped himself for a moment, reminding himself that there was nothing wrong with working as maintenance on a cruise ship. It was hard work but it was an honest work… His immigrant parents took on worst jobs in the past until they started making money with their laundromat business…
“I took French in high school… I flunked coz I didn’t attend my classes,” he shared. He figured he didn’t know Fabrice well enough to hide things from the man. Besides, how would the entertainer know whether he was telling the truth of not?
He watched the other pick up the chair and while they continued with their conversation, he began cleaning up. “So, how long have you been working here? Yeah, I haven’t seen you around… Not really a big fan of the show, to be honest. On my days off, I just go somewhere quiet. Smoking. Drinking,” his shoulders shrugged.
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fabsailing-blog · 6 years
Fabrice was suprised, he hadn't ever met a Korean that spoke such good English, he'd grown up translating Chinese to French for the sake of family that came to visit so when they went on tous and wandered around town, they'd understood stuff,"
"I learnt English, in School, like everyone else did," he said his `i` sounds, sounding like e's and placing enphisis on strane scylables in the middle or at the end of words.
In Eourpe is was common for English to be a second language and of course and third if you grew up Sspeaking another at home and French outside the house
Fabrice stepped a couple steps back, picking up the topped chair, he ipod and earbuds stroon over the tabletop, thanful the vase of spring flowers still neatly placed in the middle
"Ah, No, No, I'm an entertainer! 'ou must not be, working when I'm usually around," he smiled brightly at Bong. "'ead liner, he said [roudly, friday nights, I am, Sometimes, Sundays. And last Chinese new year! Well I don't know the English expression, 'owever the people they love it!" He than laughed, he could come across as a braggard but he was just proud of his work.
Fabrice stopped apologising when a hand was waved in his face. `Sir` How formal he then looked around blinking. He didn’t have a name tag nor stage make up on.
He inwardly cursed himself, the waiter must have been newer or not on shift when he was usually around. Because usually, people knew who he was. `don’t speak` he heard the waiter say,“
He winces again, He started blathering in French, a common issue he had when he was stressed, often in cases like this.
He brushed himself off, Now this was embarrassing he had such a strong twang to how he spoke after speaking his Native. He hoped the poor waiter would be able to understand him.
Some English speaking students or guests had trouble with a thick French accent, “I’m sorry, y-yes I do speak English,” he smiled awkwardly making his dimple pop out
“Fabrice, Peng Fabrice, I work ‘ere,” he introduced with the same awkward smile.
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Originally posted by laygion
Boy, that was a relief, Bong thought to himself when the man responded in English. The man who introduced himself as ‘Fabrice’ could’ve been Korean but even then, he wasn’t very fluent in that language neither. His parents were to blame, he always said. He was born in Busan but was raised in Los Angeles. But that wasn’t an excuse. Their neighbors were Koreans and he even went to a Christian school in their district where most students in his class were Koreans. Anyway, can’t take back time now. The important thing that matter right this minute was that he didn’t have to resort to waving his hands to communicate. At least he knew how to say ‘thank you’ and ‘no snails, please!’ in French.
“Oh, good,” Bong exhaled. “You speak English. It’s all good, man, don’t be sorry. I’m just glad I don’t have to embarrass myself trying to communicate but yeah - Don’t pick up the glass and stand back, I don’t want you stepping on them,” he instructed before focusing on the other’s face again.
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“Oh, I see -” He nodded when he realized the other added he also worked for the cruise ship. “What are you? Like - I dunno… A waiter or something?” He couldn’t really guess since the man wasn’t wearing a uniform. “I’m Bong, by the way. Maintenance,” he finally introduced himself.
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fabsailing-blog · 6 years
Fabrice stopped apologising when a hand was waved in his face. `Sir` How formal he then looked around blinking. He didn't have a name tag nor stage make up on.
He inwardly cursed himself, the waiter must have been newer or not on shift when he was usually around. Because usually, people knew who he was. `don't speak` he heard the waiter say,"
He winces again, He started blathering in French, a common issue he had when he was stressed, often in cases like this.
He brushed himself off, Now this was embarrassing he had such a strong twang to how he spoke after speaking his Native. He hoped the poor waiter would be able to understand him.
Some English speaking students or guests had trouble with a thick French accent, "I'm sorry, y-yes I do speak English," he smiled awkwardly making his dimple pop out
"Fabrice, Peng Fabrice, I work 'ere," he introduced with the same awkward smile.
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Fabrice sat, languidly rocking his dining chair on its rear legs. fingers drumming on the tabletop. He had his earbuds in listening to the song; he was planning to sing tomorrow afternoon.
He then snapped his fingers how had he worked here for almost four and a half years and not sung this yet?
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He smiled to himself, quietly mumbling the words to himself. paying no attention to the young waitress carrying a tray of drinks for another table
Suddenly Fabrice was knocked into, sending him on a crash course with his table and the dining chair clattering to the floor. He winces hearing multiple crashes, as what sounded like glasses smash onto the floor.
“Oh Mon, désolé, désolé,” he said desperately trying to collect up the shards of glass that he had caused to get broken.He quickly looked to see a waiter
He picked himself up, still holding the broken glass in his hands, “désolé, Je ne voulais pas que cela arrive!” He insisted. He had defaulted back to French and hadn’t realised he was even speaking it.
Bong was quick to stop the man from picking up the pieces of glass off the floor. One firm hand around the other’s wrist and Bong was pulling the guest to the side. 
“Sir, just - Leave it. I’ll take care of it,” he assured the other who spoke in a language he’d heard before but didn’t understand. “I don’t speak -” Hand waved as he tried to recognize the accent and finally realized what it was. “French?” There were a few French-speaking passengers on the ship and sadly, Bong couldn’t communicate to them well. 
“Oh boy,” he muttered, seeing the man managed to pick up a few of the shards.
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“I’ll take those -” He pointed to the pieces the other was holding. He reached behind his back pocket and produced a pair of work gloves. “You don’t want to cut yourself - Do you speak English? I’m sorry… I can’t - I don’t speak your language…”
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